American Media Services P

American Media Services P

Stations in the U.S. Indiana American Media Services P. 0. BOx 20696 LLC CHARLESTON, SC 29413 DEVELOPERS & BROKERS OF RADIO PROPERTIES TEL (843) 972 -2200 WWW.AMERICANMEDIASERVICES.COM FAX (843) 881 -4436 WKZS(FM)- June 1, 1982: 103.1 mhz; 3 kw. 300 t. TL: N40 08 46 Decatur Licensee. Pathfinder Communications Corp. Group owner: Federated W87 27 15. Stereo. Box 67, Danville, IL 61834. Secondary address: Media Network: ABC. Rep: Christal. Format: News/talk. News staff: 2: Box 67, 820 Railroad St. 47932. Phone: (217)443-4004. Phone: (765) News: 21 hrs wkly. Target aud: 35 -64; Elkhart County residents. WADM(AM)- May 22, 1964: 1540 khz; 250 w -D. TL: N40 4914 W84 793 -4823. Fax: (765) 793 -4644. E -mail: [email protected]. Web Site: John Dille Ill, pres; Julie Lockhard, gen mgr; Tom Bugg, gen sls mgr; 55 12. Box 586 46733 -0586. Secondary address: Box 321, 118 S. Licensee: Benton- Weatherford Broadcasting Inc. Tom Forde. news dir. Main St.. Button 46714. Phone: (260) 724 -7161. Fax: (260) 824 -2805. of Indiana. (acq 7- 12 -85; $325,000; 6-3-85). Network: Jones Radio Licensee: Wells County Radio Corp. (acq 8- 25-94; $27,500; 9- 5 -94). Networks. Rep: Roslin. Borsari & Paxson. Format: Country. News Format: Adult contemp. Joe Shanley, gen mgr. WBYT(FM)-Co-owned with WTRC(AM). Apr 1, 1947: 100.7 mhz; 15 staff: one; News: 10 hrs wkly. Target aud: 25 -54. Larry Weatherford, kw. 910 ft. TL: N41 36 58 W86 11 38. Stereo. 237 Edison Rd., pres & opns dir; Rhea Benton-Weatherford, gen mgr & gen sls mgr; Mishawaka 46545. Phone: (574) 674.5951. Fax: (574) 258 -0930. Greg Green, stn mgr & news dir; Tara Duncan, mus dir: Pam Quick. WOHKFM- Nov 8, 1966: 105.1 mhz; 2 kw. 397 ft. TL: N40 49 14 E -mail: [email protected]. Web Site: Rep: Christal. pub airs dir; Len Watson. engrg dir. W84 55 12. (CP: 13.4 kw. ant 449 ft.). Stereo. 2915 Maples Rd., Fort Format: Country. Target aud: 25 -54. Spec prog: Relg 2 hrs wkly. Wayne 46816. Phone: (260) 447-5511. Fax: (260) 447 -7546. Web *Brad Williams, gen mgr; Barb Deniston, gen sls mgr; Clint Marsh, Site: Licensee: Jam Communications Inc. Group progmg dir. Crawfordsville owner: Federated Media. Format: Country. *Darlene Polland, gen mgr. 400 WCDO(FM) --- Aug 13, 1953: 106.3 mhz; 3.4 kw. 440 ft. TL: N40 03 WVPE(FM) - May 1972: 88.1 mhz; 10 kw. ft. TL: N41 36 20 W86 19 W86 55 57. Stereo. Box 603 47933. Secondary address: 1800 N. Delphi 12 46. (CP: 10.5 w, ant 554 ft. TL: N41 36 59 W86 11 43). Stereo. 175 W. 47933. Phone: (765) 362 -8200. Phone: (765) 364-1063. Fax: EACC, 2424 Caltomia Rd. 46514. Phone: (574) 262 -5660. Phone: (765) 364 -1550. E -mail: Web Site: (574) 674 -9873. Fax: (574) 262 -5700. E -mail: [email protected]. Web Licensee: C.V.L. Broadcasting Inc. Group WXXB(FM)- May 24. 1989: 102.9 mhz; 2.2 kw. 420 ft. TL N40 34 57 Site: Licensee: Elkhart Community Schools Corp. owner: Key Broadcasting Inc. (acq 12-13-99: $400,000). Arter & W86 38 26. Stereo. Box 7093, Lafayette 47903. Secondary address: Network: PRI, NPR. Format: Jazz, news/talk. News staff: one; News: Hadden. Format: Hot adult contemp. News staff: 2; News: 48 hrs wkly. 711 N. Earl Ave., Lafayette 47904. Phone: (765) 448 -1566. Fax: (765) 13 hrs wkly. Target aud: 25-55. Spec prog: Blues 15 hrs, folk 9 hrs. Target aud: 25.49; middle & upper class, educated, socially aware. 448-1348. Web Site: www.b1029.con. Licensee: Stay Tuned Broadcasting Tm Eby, gen mgr; Ron Bryan, mktg mgr 8 prom mgr; Kim Macon. Tamara Ashley, mgr; Lee Burdorf, progmg dir; Beth *Chris Aldridge, CEO & pres; Stephen R. White, gen mgr: Bob Lee. Corp. Group owner: RadioWorks Inc. (acq 10-00; $1 million). Shaw adv dir; adv opns mgr; Sarah Bailey, sls VP; Jill Pursell, gen sls mgr; Jared Allen, Pittman. Format: CHR/Top 40. News staff: one. Target aud: 18-49. Graham, news dir; Bob Henning, news dir & chief of engrg. progmg dir & progmg mgr: Howdy Bell, news dir: Mike Rabey, chief of *Robert Rhea, pres; Ernie Caldemone, VP & gen mgr; Melissa engrg. Johnson, gen sls mgr. nati sls mgr & rgnl sls mgr; Liz Hahn, prom dir; WZOW(FM) -See Goshen Anthony Bannon. progmg mgr; Jules McGivem, pub affrs dir; Mike Rabey, chief of engrg. WCVL(AM)- Dec 12, 1964: 1550 khz; 250 w -U, DA -N. TL: N40 03 Ellettsville 54 W86 56 00. Box 603 47933-0603. Phone: (765) 362-8200. Fax: (765) 364 -1550. Licensee: C.V.L. Broadcasting Inc. Group owner: Key Earl Park WHCC(FM)- 1992: 105.1 mhz: 6 kw. 328 t. TL: N39 11 32 W86 41 Broadcasting Inc. 1986). Network: ABC Information & Entertainment. (acq 46. Box 7797, Bloomington 47407. Secondary address: 304 State Rd. Rgnl Reps. Format: Target loc community. Rep: Sports. aud: General; WIBN(FM)- Oct 15, 1983: 98.1 mhz; 25 kw. 328 ft. TL: N40 34 22 446, Bloomington 47401. Phone: (812) 336-8000. Phone: (812) Spec prog: Farm 5 hrs wkly. *Kevin Anfield. gen mgr; Jared Allen, W87 27 42. Stereo. Box 25, Oxford 47971. Phone: (765) 385 -2373. 335-1051. Fax: (812) 336-7000. Web Site: Licensee: progmg dir. Fax: (765) 385 -2374. E -mail: Web Site: Artistic Media Partners L.P. Group owner: Artistic Media Partners Inc. Licensee: Brothers Broadcasting Corp. (group (acq 7 -96; $675,000). Network: Jones Radio Networks. Russ Dodge owner; acq 8 -95; $100,000). Format: Oldies. John Balvich, pres & Haley, Bader & Potts. Format: Country. News staff: 2. Target aud: WIMC(FM) -Co -owned with WCVL(AM). June 1, 1974: 103.9 mhz; gen mgr; Dan McKay, progmg dir. 25 -54. Angotti, pres; Sandy Zehr, stn mgr & gen sls mgr, Rick 1.35 kw. 500 ft. TL: N40 08 05 W86 54 12. Stereo. Format: Adult Arf Evans, opns dir & progmg mgr; Jeff Gross, sls dir & adv mgr; Sheila contemp. Target aud: 25-49. Stephen -Bruce, mktg dir; Rick Evans, mus dir; Jeremy Gray, news dir; Edinburgh Bob Henning, chief of engrg. WVNDY(FM)- 1997: 91.3 mhz: 2.2 kw. 194 ft. TL: N40 0319 W86 55 57. Box 352 47933. Secondary address: 301 W. Wabash 47933. WYGB(FM)- Aug 24. 2000: 102.9 mhz; 6 kw. 328 t. TL: N39 15 37 Phone:(765)361 -6240. Phone: (765) 361 -6038. Fax: (765) 361 -6437. W86 06 21. Edinburgh Radio, 825 Washington St., Columbus 47201. Elwood Licensee: Wabash College Radio Inc. Format: College eclectic. Phone: (812) 348 -1029. Fax: (812) 375 -2555. E -mail: korncountry Kevin Gore, gen mgr. Web Site: Licensee: Edinburgh WURK(FM)- July 1964: 101.7 mhz; 3 kw. 328 ft. TL: N40 16 33 W85 Radio. Format: Country. Target aud: 25-54; Bartholomew & Johnson 51 44. 800 E. 29th St., Muncie 47302. Secondary address: 9821 S. County folks. Keith Reising Jr., CEO & gen mgr; Mike King, stn mgr; 800 W., Daleville 47334. Phone: (765) 378 -2080. Phone: (765) Crothersville Dave Wineland, opns mgr; Dale Marks, gen sls mgr: Matt Joyce, prom 288 -4403. Fax: (765) 378 -2090. Fax: (765) 288-0429. Web Site: dir: Nathan Allen. progmg dir: Liz Thomas, news dir; Jim Burgan, chief Licensee: Indiana Sabrecom Inc. Group owner: of engrg. Backyard Broadcasting LLC (acq 12 -1 -02; grpsl). Network: ABC. 'WOJC(FM) -Not on air, target date: unknown: 89.9 mhz; 1 w horiz. Format: Oldies. News staff: one; News: 2 hrs wkly. Target aud: 25-54; 5 kw vert. Ant 285 ft. TL: N39 11 47 W85 48 31. CSN International. adult buying public. Spec prog: Gospel 4 hrs wkly. Dave Koffee. gen 4002N. 3300E., Twin Falls. ID 83301. Phone: (208) 734 -6633. Elkhart mgr; Steve Lindell, opns VP & opns dir; Elaine Merritt, sls VP; Sean Licensee: CSN International (group owner). Mattingly, chief of engrg. WAUS(FM)-See South Bend Crown Point Evansville WBYT(FM) -Listing follows WTRC(AM). WXRD(FM)- Nov 10, 1972: 103.9 mhz; 3 kw. 330 ft. IL: N41 19 24 WABX(FM)- 1997: 107.5 mhz; 2.35 kw. 518 ft. TL: N37 59 21 W87 W87 21 22. Stereo. 2755 Sager Rd., Valpraiso 46383. Phone: (219) WFRN -FM- June 10, 1963: 104.7 mhz; 50 kw. 488 ft. TL: N41 37 18 35 48. Box 3848 47736. Secondary address: 1162 Mt. Auburn Road 462 -6111. Fax: (219) 467 -4880. Web Site: W85 57 37. Stereo. Box 307 46517. Secondary address: 25802 47720. Phone: (812) 424 -8284. Web Site: Licensee: Licensee: Porter County Broadcasting Holding Corp. LLC. Group County Rd. 26 46515. Phone: (574) 875-5166. Fax: (574) 875-6662. South Central Communications Corp. (group owner) Format: Classic owner: Porter County Broadcasting Corp. (acq 2 -6- 2004; $4.9 million. E -mat: moore @wfm.con. Web Site: www.wtm.cem. Licensee: Progressive rock. Target aud: 25 -49; men. John P. Engelbrecht, CEO 6 COO; with WZVN(FM) Lowell). Network: ABC. Reddy, Begley & McCormick. Broadcasting System Inc. (group owner). Network: USA. Reddy, Craig Jacobus, pres; Jim Huelsing, gen mgr; LaDonne Craig, gen sls Format: Classic rock. News staff: one; News: 12 hrs wkly. Target aud: Begley & McCormick. Format: Contemp Christian. News staff: one, mgr; Paula Bone, mktg dir; Krista Collins, prom dir; Cindy Miller, 25-54; women.

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