Aberdeen, a Peal on the Bells at St Nicholas' Church ...310

Aberdeen, a Peal on the Bells at St Nicholas' Church ...310

INDEX ABERDEENSHIRE : ARGYLL (contd.): Aberdeen, a peal on the bells at St Nicholas' an ' ChoiDu n Dhuibh, South Knapdale 191 Church ..... 310 Dun Mhuilig, Craignish, Galleried Wall 194 Alford, perforated stone from, donated 312 Dun Muirgheidh, Mull, Galleried Wall 195 Benholm's Tower (the 'Wallace Tower'), Islay . , 308Gol, d . PI Brooc. LI . Xh Aberdee . n 249-261, Pis. XVI-XVII Kildonan, Campbeltown, Dun . :gi Tom a'Bhuraich, Medieval Coin-hoard 241-248 Mid Argyll: A Field Survey of the His- Aberlemno, Pictish Symbol Stone from toriPrehistorid can c Monument . s 1-125 Flemington . Far219-221m , PI. XIII Tirefuir, Lismore, Dun . 190 Acheson's Haven Morison'e se , s Haven Tobermory, irostonand n e shot from Achnasheen, Ross and Cromarty, Beaker donated . 312 from short cist near, donated . 311 Arthur's Seat, Edinburgh, stone lamp or Adams . ,31 . Mrs3 , donatio. y nb cup from, donated . 311 Agricultural implements, donation . 31 . s4 AYRSHIRE : — purchases ..... 315-316 Whitehill, Dailly, Early Christian Cross- Aitken, W. G., on A Bronze Age Cist Burial bases .... 225-226, V PIX . at Lochlands Farm, Rattra . y126-131 , PI.I Alford, Aberdeenshire, perforated stone from, donated . 312 Backies Broch, Sutherland . 186 Alisaig, Ross and Cromarty . , Broc18 . 6h decease, BairdF. G ,d ...2 32 . Alien, R., donation by . 312 Balfour, Col. Alistair, donation by . 312 Allt a' Choire Bhuidhe, Perthshire, stone Ballimenach, near Campbeltown, Argyll, battle axe from, donated . 311 Bronz Cise t e . Ag Buria .131-13l 3 An Caisteal, Mull, excavated 199-207, Pis. IX-X Bannerman2 32 decease, ,B. CaptR . d R . Angus . ,31 . Miss4 , . donatio y nb Barr, Mrs Agnes Rona M., elected . 319 ANGUS : . Baxter V.. 31 . E , 4r donatioD , . y nb Camperdown, Dundee, stone axe from, Bazille-Corbin, Rev. J. E., elected . 320 donated . 311 Begg, Miss E. J., donation by . 313 Flemington Farm, Aberlemno, Pictish Beggars' Badges, Scottish, discussed with Symbol Stone . 219-221, PI. XIII list . 291-299. Pis. LIII-LVI Forfar, decorated stone spindle whorl Bell, Rev Routledge. F . , electe31 . 9 d . 31 . 2from . , donate . d Benholm's Tower, Aberdeen Guthrie Aisle, Late Fifteenth Century 249-261, Pis. XVI-XVII Church Paintings . 31 . Bertram4 . donatio, D. , y nb 262-279, Pis. XVIII-XXX, XLVIII BERWICKSHIRE : Redhall, East Kinwhirrie, bronze axe Bowerhouse, Lauder, flints from, donated 311 from, donated . 311 Craigsford Mains, Earlston, flints from, 3 Apted32 R.. ,M ,researc . h. gran o t donated . 311 d Robertson—an . NormanW , n Lato , e Heriot's Dyke ..... 227-240 Fifteenth Century Church Paintings Stonefold, Greenlaw, stone spindle from Guthri Foulid ean s Easter whorl from, donated . 312 262-279, Pis. XVIII-XLIX Biggar, parce Thirteentf o l Fourteentd han h Arcus, 0 Jame32 s Goudie . ,. electe . d Century Sterlings found near . 309-310 Ardfernal, Knockmore, Jura, ston frome eax , . 31 . 4 Binnie . donatio, H. ,. y nb . 31 . 1 . donate . d . 31 . 9Birley . E.. ,R , electe . d Ardifuir, Kilmartin, Argyll, Dun . .3 32 190 . — . excavatio . n gran o t t ARGYLL : Bishop, Mr, donation by . 314 An Gaisteal, Mull, excavated 199-207, Pis. IX-X Blacketty Water, Renfrewshire, Settlements 162-163 Ardfernal, Knockmore, Jura, stone eax Blows Moss, South Ronaldsay, Flint Dagger from, donated . 311 from ..... 304-305 Ardifuir, Kilmartin . 19. , 0Du . n Bonthron, Messrs, donation by . 314 Ballimenach, near Campbeltown, Berwick Broch, Orkney . 183 Bronze Ag . 131-13e Cis t. Buria3 l Bowerhouse, Lauder, flints from, donate . d 311 325 326 INDEX . Boyd31 . 4donatio, , MisS. s M y nb BUTESHIRE (contd.): Brack, G., donation by . 314 Little Dunagoil, Irosherde nAg s from, Brass, Mr, donation by . 313 donated . 311 Bremner, S., deceased ...2 32 . Millport and Millburn, Great Cumbrae, Broch Dunsd san , discussio classificad nan - Early Christian Monuments tion ..... 171-198 223-225, Pis. XIV-XV Bronze Age: Buttle, Leslie A., elected .... 319 Beaker from cist burial at Easter Delnies, Naimshire ..... 305-306 — from short cist near Achnasheen Ca an Duin, Farr, Sutherland . 188 donated . 311 Cadzow, D. J., donation by . 314 Cist Burials at Lochlands Farm, Rattray . 8-23 . ^ Argyl62-6Cairnsd . 3Mi l n i , Ballimenachd an , near Campbeltown 126—133 Caistcal Grugaig, Lochalsh, Dun . 189, PI. V Contents of cist from Masterton, Pit- CAITHNESS : . reavie31 . 1 , . donate . d . 18 . 3 Everle. y. Broch Cupmark d Cup-and-Rinan s g Marks Freswic . k Sand 18. 3 s Broc. h Argyld inlMi .... 29-36 . 18 . 0 . Keis . s Broc . h Dagger Grave from the Law of Mauld- Ness Broch ..... 184 slie, Carluke .... 3018 7. 4 Nybste . r. Broc . h Decorated Bronze Axes from Lhanbryd, Road Broch ..... 181 Morayshire, and Wester Golcantray, Skirza Broch . 183 Nairnshire . 306-307, PI. LVIII Wag of Forse, Dun . 188, PI. VII Excavation of circular enclosures at . 18. 4 . Weste . r Broc . h Dalnaglar, Perthshire . 134-158 . 18Whitegat. 4 . e Broc . h . 111-12 . 5 . Argyld FindMi l n si Calder River, Renfrewshire, medieval farm Flanged bronz froe eax m Redhall, East house ..... 163 Kinwhirrie, Angus, donate. 31 . d1 Campanology: Round Cairn d Bank-and-Ditcan s h A Peal on the Bells at St Nicholas' Grave . 11-1Min si . d8 Argyl . l . 31 . 0 . Aberdee . n Short Cists in Mid Argyll . 19-23 . Campbell31 . donatio, 4 R. G , y nb Standin . g Argyl 23-2d Stone . Mi 9ln si Campbel f Kilberryo l , Miss Marion- ex , Stone battle axe of Beaker type from 3 32 . cavatio . n gran o t Allt a' Choier Bhuidhe donated . 311 — and Sandeman, Miss Mary, Mid Bronze, objects of: Argyll: A Field Survey of the Historic Contents of cist from Masterton, Pit- and Prehistoric Monuments . 1-125 . 31reavie . 1 , . donate . d Campbell . , Mrs31 . 2, donatio . y nb Dagge Mauldf ro frow mLa - grave th t ea Camperdown, Dundee, stone axe from, slie, Carluke ...7 30 . donated . 311 Decorated Axes from Lhanbryd, Moray- Carnegie . 31 . 9electe, , MisN. sdV shire, and Wester Golcantray, Nairn- Carnliath, Golspie, Sutherland, Broch . 182 shire .... 306-307, PI. LVIII Carruth Claasen. S s Mr , , donation . 31y sb 3 Flanged axe from Redhall, East Kin- Castlandhill, Rosyth, flint rough-out from, whirrie, Angus . , donate31 . 1 d donated . • 311 Brown, Adam, deceased ...2 32 . Castle Chonil, see Dun Grugaig Brown, Mr, donation by . 314 Castles, in Mid Argyll .... 86-89 Brown, Mrs E., donation by . 313 Cat Craig, Renfrewshire, homestea . 16 . d 6 Bruce, Mrs, donation by . 311 Caves and Rock Shelters, in Mid Argyll . 6-7 2 Brydon32 , . Walter . , decease . d Celoria, F., donation by . 315 Buildings, post-Reformation, in Mid Argyll 95-9 8. Chalmers31 . 4 donatio, Mr , y nb Burgon, J., donation by . 314 Chapels, Early Christian, in Mid Argyll . 63-75 Burland Broch, Shetland . .178, PL VII — Medieval, in Mid Argyll . 75-82 Burnbank Water, Renfrewshire, settlement 162 Christie, A., donation by . 311 Burnett, Mr, donation by . 314 Christie . 31 . ,5 D., . donatio y nb BUTESHIRE : Church Paintings, Late Fifteenth Century, Corriegills, Arran, Flint Dagger fro m. 304-30 5 from Guthri Foulid ean s Easter Giant's Grave, Arran, Neolithic pottery 262-279, Pls- XVIII-XLIX . 31 . from1 ,. donate . d Circular Enclosures, distributio n Easi n t Kames, Gold Brooch 308-309, 315, PI. LIX Perthshire ..... 144-146 INDEX 327 PAGE Cists, Bronze Age t a Lochland, s Farm, Curie, Mrs Cecil L., on Some Little Known Rattray, and Ballimenach, near Early Christian Monuments in the . 126-133Campbeltow . , PI . .I n West of Scotland 223-226, Pis. XIV-XV — Long, in Mid Argyll .... 62-63 Curwen, Dr E. C., donation by . 315 —Argyld ShortMi l n ...i , . 19-23 Clachtoll, Sutherland, Broch . 185, PI. V Dailly, Ayrshire, Early Christian Cross- 2 32 Clark . , Willia . decease, mC. d base t Whitehilsa . 225-226lV X L P , . Clarke31 . 9, Basil . , electe . d Dalnaglar, Perthshire, Circular Enclosures Clarke, John, resigned .... 322 excavated . 134-158, Pis. II-III Clarke, T., elected. 319 Dalrulzion, Perthshire, Circular Enclosures 144 Cliff Sound, Shetland, medieval pot from, Daltallachan, Stewartry of Kirkcudbright, . 31 . 5 . purchase . d Early Christian Cross-slab . 226, PI. XV Clothing, donations .... 312-313 Dark Ages: — purchases . 315 Crannogs, in Mid Argyll . 61-62 Belle Peath A s n n o l o , CloustonM. W . R , Early Christian Monument Wese th tn si Nicholas't aS t , . Aberdee31 . 0n of Scotland (Ayrshire, Buteshire, Clumlie Broch, Shetland . 178 Stewartr Kirkcudbrightf yo ) Coins: 223-226, Pis. XIV-XV George III, overstamped, donate . d 312 Early Christian Sites in Mid Argyll . 63—75 Medieval, Hoard from Rhoneston Argyld FindMi l n ...si . 111—125 acquired ..... 312 Heriot's Dyke, Berwickshire. 227-240 — Hoard from Tom a' Bhuraich (Tom Argyld HutMi l n si ... 98—100 Fuaraich . 241—24 ). discusse8 . d Long Cists and Small Cairns in Mid — Thirteenth- and Fourteenth-Century Argyll ..... 62-63 Sterlings found nea . r309-31 Bigga . 0r Pictish Symbol Stones from Flemington Miscellaneous . 31 . , 2donate . d Farm, Aberlemno, and Fairygreen, Coles pottere . th M., J n ,o y from Dalnaglar Collace . 219-222, PI. XIII Circular Enclosures . 153-154 Rock-cut Basins, in Mid Argyll . 102—105 3 32 — Excavatio . n.. gran o t t Stone spindle whorl, possibly Anglo- Saxon, from Stonefold, Greenlaw, Collace, Perthshire, Pictish Symbol Stone donated . 312 Stond frop an meCu Fairygreen Argyld WellsMi l ...n i , . 82-85 221-222, PI. XIII Davidson, Rev. James J.. , electe31 . 9 d Collin . , Messrs31 . 4, donatio y nb Davidson, Capt. T. S., elected . 319 Cook, G., donation by . 314 Devol Moor, Renfrewshire, Homestead . 165 . Cook31 . , 2Mrs . , donatio y nb Dickson . 31 . ,3 A., . donatio y nb Coplie Burn, Renfrewshire, Homestea . d 166 Dickson, W., donation by ... 314 Corb, Perthshire, Circular Enclosures . 144 Dixon, A. C. S., elected .... 319 Corriegills, Arran, Flint Dagge . r304-30 from 5 Dolley, R. H. M., on the Date of the Medie- Court Hills and Meeting Places, in Mid val Coin-hoard from Tom a' Bhuraich Argyll ....

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