*3rr^aw^5»-• : "iypaip«*?•-• • -'^^s^m's^m^^^m't^ff'^afm^^i^^^^ vvrnMA^m*"'-' CONFER OYER GRAIN TIE-UPS ^ HANNA •Rovine* >***%.T » D "AND Et&SrT CENTRAL ALBERTA NEWSf"' t.\ VOLUME XXXXV — No. 19 THE HANNA HERALD ond EAST CENTRALALBERTA NEWS - THURSDAY, MARCH 73^1958 $3.00 per vear In Canada - 7«W ca^ FARMERS' UNION-CANDIDATES INQUEST MONDAY MEETING DRAWS LARGE CROWD; H CONTESTANTS OUTLINE POLICIES First In Series of Meetings Sees IN ACCIDENT DEATH Four Aspirants for Acadia Seat Rise to Challenge of Farm Problems CORONER'S JURY RETURNS OPEN D Approximately two hundred and fifty formers ond towns­ folk turned out Tuesday night of this week in the Memorial ARENA CLOSES FOR Youngstown Moll tor the first in a series of meetings sponsored by fhe FUA VERDICT AT INQUEST INTO DEATH SEASON MARCH 22 in which candidates in Acadia constituency might voice their Despite one of the mildest views on farm offairs, prior to the election March 31 With winters on record, a lengthy Landmark Lost veterans Jock Sutherland as chairman ond J. A. Cameron OF ACCIDENT VICTIM OF DEC. 24 season of skating and hockey FUA director, on the platform, the meeting soon warmed UD to Hearing Held In Hanna Monday has been enjoyed at the arena. In Blaze March 7 not only an interesting but highly entertaining evening for those .sportation tie-ups of western grain from prairie elevators Every night of the week ex­ rr amusement both serious and on the "light***- side. Mr. ana) Mra. Jim discussed recently by Hon. George Hees, Minister of Concerning Mishap Between Car cept Sundays the artificial ice has been in full use, wheth­ nsport, left, and Jack Horner, right, the Progressive Con- And Truck at Sheerness Turn Armstrong Lose Home Speaking in the order of their er the temperature was forty HERE MARCH 14 Hive candidate for Acadia, in the coming election. Mr. But Effects Saved "draw" Liberal Crawford fergus- above or forty below. But the on, CCF Kenn Tory, Social Credit conferred with Mr. Horner while in Calgary. The federal A coroner's jury Monday returned on open verdict at the inquest into the death of Marvin Quaschnick, age 22 of Han­ season is fast drawing to a One of the early landmarks of MJ». Bergman and Progressive |net minister told Mr. Horner that any shortage of grain close, and sports lovers will the Youngstown district, the home Conservative Jack Horner all gave I at elevator points, were to be brought to the minister's at­ na who died in a Calgary hospitol January 3. His death re­ of Jas. Armstrong was burned to be looking forward to spring their personal views and those of ,# ion immediately. sulted from injuries received in a car-truck collision on the and summer. The recreational the ground in a fire early last their parties on farm problems. bheerness turn, 13 miles east of Hanna Christmas Eve Friday morning. The building lo­ committee of the town coun­ While the candidates contained The inquest into circumstances cil announces that the arena cated a mile west of the village was the former home of Thos. G. themselves fairly well with the is­ surrounding the young man's EVANGELIST HERE Will close for the season af­ sues at stake, once in a while they death was conducted in the local ter the last hockey game on Davie, one of the district's pion­ IRTH-SOUTH HIGHWAY ASSOC. eers. did stray off the narrow path, but court house before Magistrate H. Saturday, March 22. In making this was overlooked by tbe aud­ Hardcastle. Coroner was Dr. Wm. the announcement the com* Most of the personal effects and ience tee the manner in which |LL CONTINUE TO PRESS FOR McC Wilson and members of the mittee asks all hockey clubs household belongings of Mr. and they cleverly "got in their punch­ jury were O. L. Hutton, R. E. with games still in hand tn Mrs. Armstrong were removed es." Good feeling ran throughout Thompson, W. Cross, C. Elm, Rich make arrangements far their from the building by neighbors. the entire meeting and it is a cre­ IIDGE CONSTRUCTION THIS YEAR ard Mohl and R. Finnerty. completion before fhe closing The Special Areas fire brigade dit to the candidates for the man­ At the time of the accident date. was called, and with the help of ner in which they presented their Delegation Turned Down at Meet there were three others in the many volunteers from Youngs­ "cases" and dealt with OK town kept the fire from spreading ions which followed. In December With Highways car with Quaschnick. They were to other buildings nearby. Cause the driver John Baes and his wife Oyen Kinsmen of the blaze is not exactly known. The candidates were asked, to Minister; Call Rally In Hanna and Miss Helen Doering all of /deal with the program of tbe Hanna. They were going to Kind­ Pfon Ice Carnival Farmers' Union of Alberta, aad IA news release submitted this week to the Herald by the ersley, Sask. at the time, when te a man they expressed general Ih South Highway (No. 36) Association, points to the fact they struck a truck on the turn Youngsters of Oyen and sur­ Murder Suspect approval with tbe ideas aa out- driven by Walter Grosse of Sheer­ rounding area will be guests of the REV. i. D. CARLSON hned m the farmere* "blue book". •thist body will renew its efforts to have a bridge construct- Oyen Kinsmen Club et a gala ice •Ver the Red Deer River this year. In on interview with Hon' ness. For the information of its reu»" carnival on Friday, March 14. This ... Pastor of Calgary's Alliance ders aad tbe farming population ton Taylor, Minister of Highways, December 23 the conv Baes sustained very severe in­ wiH mark the first carnival to bei Given Remand I* wos given to understand by the Minister that no corv juries, and after being in a Cal­ Church, wbo conducts tbe "Back of Acadia in general, the Herald gary hosmtal since the accident, staged by the service club, which Home Hour" on CFCN Calgaiy, baa with tbe co-operation of tbe frtion would be undertaken in 1958 was organized and chartered only has recently returned to Hanna every Sunday night at 11.10 pjn four candidates, made arrange where he ia convalescing. Mrs. a few weeks ago. In Calgary Court will be at the Alliance Tabernacle ments te have their Taylor Is alleged to have Tne Oyen aponsors are leaving John Krukewkai Will programs [toe delegation that be would D Baes and Miss Doering have rec­ Hanna this coming Friday night printed verbatim — • overed considerably although be­ nothing undone to guarantee a Heree Preliminary J make any comment on the lo- great night lor tbe kiddies and ad- Haa ring In Colaon ^on or the construction date of BIRDS ARRIVE TO lieved to be still suffering tbe ef­ fn JUntJT aayli.t.ann.an.a>» „ HERALD tfMHfcy.wtert fect* of Jfei'ii j| j nba»4^ 'HJMHJT fraaWfr I a* ' tt.Wr T)w->*"• Sir dttSm la nn I atttg lm*m a— [JNIIiliiMMfc*# "MiillMMaii races. een completed, etc. Hon In rtilatatJaany d'-'oWm>atiJh~ services will continue until' Sun­ hockey and childnen's when 1 advised that the depart- that Spring is at laact "iutt a- day evening, Mareh 23. He is ass­ doer prize will also be given. trate R. V. tt's first commitment would be round tha corner". Tha aarly isted by Mr. Anthony Pearce of Proceeds from the event will go granted to March 13 (today) when tbe personalities in this campaign | completion of the road from arrivals appear to be starlings Calgary. A cordial welcome is ex­ towards a children's playground the preliminary hearing wiH be aa obey deal with tbe fanners' af­ |3 highway to No. 1 highway. (soma prefer to call them lost Red Cross Starts tended to all. project, planned for this summer. held. liar Address m fairs. pbers of the delegation were blackbirds). These have been Tlie charge was laid by the RC Bryre Stringam, MLA, Mr. in the district for the past MP following the fatal shooting aoris and Mr. D. Pound. week or so. Down at Chinook This Saturday January 31 of Krukowski's daught­ On Irrigation Curling Club spokesman for the commit- however, Bobby Blagen re­ Mrs. J. Litke WiH RATEPAYERS IN CRAIGMYLE URGE er-in-law Rose Krukowski and the! states: "we were very disap- ports seeing a mallard duck, death of her four month old son] Jos. Charlton Outlines Appreciates Help ited with results of our visit while up in Hie Netherby dis­ Be Campaign Manager; Stanley. The bodies were "found by' Work Dene In Area The succour, ef the Hanna men's the minister, because we trict north east of Hanna a Volunteers Required CONSTRUCTION OF AUDITORIUM; Stanley Krukowski, 32, in his farm South of Carolside Bonspiel concluded last week, wes unable lo get. any indication robin has been around the Local and district canvassing on home nine miles west of New i when the bridge might be farm of Peter Boyd. At a luncheon meeting on Feb. in no small way due to tmhjmrtitt behalf of the Canadian Red Cross Brigden. His wife had been shot ent support given by merchants tidjertaken. Mr. Taylor advised FORWARD RESOLUTION TO BOARD to death and his son died of un­ 24 the Hanna Lions Club had Jas. D 0| will commence Saturday, March and business men ia Hanna as did not feel his department 15.
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