ALUMNI REGISTRATION Volume 7 • Spring Issue • March 2008 The Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering is always interested in how our alumni are doing. We hope you will take time to complete the Alumni Update information below. Please include information on your recent professional and personal developments, along with a high-quality photo if available. Please email your information to [email protected] or mail submissions to Civil and Environmental Engineering, Louisiana State University, 3418 Patrick Taylor Hall, Baton Rouge, LA 70803-6405. Name: _______________________________________ Year of Graduation: _______________ Home Address: _________________________________________________________________ Home Telephone: _____________________________ Email: ___________________________ Company: ___________________________________ Title: ____________________________ Volume 7 • Spring Issue March 2008 Business Address: ______________________________________________________________ A Foundation Of Excellence Program Business Telephone: _________________________ Message from the Chair News: _____________________________________________________________________________ Welcome to another exciting issue of our as a volunteer, a sponsor, a participant or a newsletter. This is our first newsletter for spectator, the success of this conference 2008 and we anticipate it to be a very suc- will depend on the combined effort of the ___________________________________________________________________________________ cessful year for the department. As a Foun- ASCE LSU Student Chapter and all of you. dation of Excellence Program, we recog- ___________________________________________________________________________________ nize that growth and productivity earned us Also, last spring, four Dutch students spent this status but we must continue on the several days in our department cooperating ___________________________________________________________________________________ same course, always improving and main- with our students on a research project taining our focus on avenues for growth. related to the river model. Details about are highlighted in this newsletter and the addi- ___________________________________________________________________________________ It is my pleasure to welcome four new CEE tional information can be found through the Dr. George Z. Voyiadjis Hall of Distinction inductees: John “Jack” link provided in the article. We congratulate Boyd Professor, Chairman Donahue Jr. (1967 LSU CE graduate), J. these fine students on their work. and Bingham C. Stewart Tinsely Oden (1959 LSU CE graduate), Distinguished Professor Ronald “Ron” Rodi (1978 LSU CE gradu- In closing, I want to bring your attention to ate), and Recep Yilmaz (1981 LSU CE the Student and Faculty Highlights sec- Non-Profit Org graduate). The new inductees will be hon- tions. In each issue, we strive to recognize U.S. Postage ored at our annual Hall of Distinction ban- the accomplishments of our students and PAID quet, to be held this April. In honoring faculty on every level. Several of our stu- Civil and Environmental Engineering Permit No. 733 these individuals, we intend through them dents have received scholarships and Louisiana State University Baton Rouge, to recognize all those who contributed to awards and several of our faculty members 3418 Patrick Taylor Hall LA Engineering excellence. have awards and grants. We congratulate Baton Rouge, LA 70803-6405 all of them on their wonderful achieve- Also taking place in April will be the Deep ments and thank them for their contribution ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED South Conference, hosted by the LSU to our department’s Foundation of Excel- ASCE Chapter and LSU. This exciting lence status. Our department’s success is event will be held April 3-5 on and around due to the accomplished students and fac- the LSU campus. We encourage all of you ulty who have been and will always be a to get involved in this conference. Whether part of CEE. ISSUE HIGLIGHTS Deep South Conference 2 Student Highlights 3 VT Framed Resolution 3 River Model Research 4 Hall of Distinction 5 Faculty Highlights 9 Forever LSU Update 10 First AAM Conference 11 STUDENT NEWS FUNDING OPPORTUNITIES Volume 7 • Spring Issue • March 2008 Deep South 2008 Conference Update YES, count me in! I want to donate to the: o Fluid Mechanics Lab Project The LSU Chapter will be hosting the Deep South Regional Conference in Baton Rouge o Civil and Environmental Engineering Siess Endowment Fund Thursday, April 3, 2008 through Saturday, April 5, 2008. This three day conference is Here’s my contribution of: an annual event that brings together all of the ASCE student chapters from throughout the region to compete in various events including concrete canoe races, steel bridge o $10,000 o $5,000 o $2,000 o $1,000 o $500 o $250 o $___________ construction, and surveying. There are also smaller competitions such as concrete Fris- bee, a “Mystery” event, as well as social events and an awards banquet on Saturday Payment: o Check enclosed — Please make check payable to: night. LSU Foundation/Civil & Environmental Engineering o Credit card (Circle one): Visa MasterCard Discover AmEx The conference is being made possible by support from the local professional engineer- ing community, including Baton Rouge ASCE Branch, as well as several firms. Eleven Account number: __/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/ other ASCE student chapters from Louisiana, Arkansas, Mississippi, and Tennessee will Expires: __/__/ - __/__/ - __/__/ join LSU for this awesome event in the Capital City. Name as it appears on card: ________________________ The Concrete Canoe Competition will take place on Friday, April 4 beginning at 7am. The canoes will be launched from Baton Rouge Beach on Stanford Ave. and the Signature: _______________________ courses will be throughout the beautiful LSU Lakes. There are multiple races that each Note: If your/your spouse’s employer has a Corporate Gift Matching Program, you may be able to double or even quad- school team competes in, including sprints and endurance races. The canoes will also ruple your gift! Please contact the employer’s human resource office for more information. Your gift is tax deductible to be judged for aesthetics and there will be a “swamp test” which determines how much it the fullest extent allowed by law. takes to sink the canoe. o I enclose a matching gift form for my company Also taking place on Friday at the Baton Rouge Beach will be the Concrete Frisbee Please send this completed form to: Competition and the Mystery Event. The Concrete Frisbee is an event for which each Civil and Environmental Engineering, school constructs a “Frisbee” made of concrete and tests the “Frisbee” in accuracy, dis- Louisiana State University, tance, and how well it stays together. The Mystery Event is just that, a mystery! The 3418 Patrick Taylor Hall, rules will be released the day of the event, during which each school will be provided Baton Rouge, LA 70803-6405 with the materials and directions to complete the event and we will test how well they Please fill out the information on the back of this form also. can improvise! The Steel Bridge Competition will take place on Saturday, April 5 at the LSU Recrea- tional Center, beginning at 8 am. The bridges will be judged for aesthetics, deflections First American Academy of Mechanics Conference under applied loads, and how quickly the team can erect it. A course, which is provided to the team in advance, will be mapped out on the gym floor. The school then races to June 17-20, 2008 New Orleans, Louisiana erect the bridge efficiently but in as little time as possible, all the while sticking to the course which includes various boundaries in which they cannot step. On June 17-20, 2008 the First American Academy of Mechanics Conference will take place in New Orleans, Louisiana. Following this inaugural conference, this event will be hosted in the USA every four years to coincide with the ICTAM Also taking place on Saturday will be the Surveying Competition which will begin at conference. This meeting will help the mechanics communities with applications in solids, fluids, bio, etc. to interact and the LSU Recreational Center and circle around Lakeshore Drive and back to the starting set new challenging concepts and refinements in the existing areas of Mechanics. point, testing each teams ability to perform tasks such as taping distances, leveling, and traversing using modern surveying equipment. This conference will be on all topics addressing mechanics of fluids, solids, biomechanics, macro-, micro- and nano- mechanics, etc. This addresses both Characterization and Assessment of Systems and will cover a broad spectrum of Students working on this year’s concrete canoe for The conference will wrap up with a banquet on Saturday night, to be held at the Cotillion topics in solid and structural mechanics, materials, and fluid mechanics. Prestigious plenary lecturers include Gang Bao LSU. Ballroom. At this time, the winners of each competition will be announced along with the (Georgia Institute of Technology), Tayfun Tezduyar (Rice University), Ted Belytschko (Northwestern University), Jan overall winner of the conference. Achenbach (Northwestern University), Sia Nemat-Nasser (University of California, San Diego) and John Willis (University of Cambridge). Keynote presentations will be given by Ken Chong (National Science Foundation), Alan Freed Our Chapter has been, and will continue to be, very busy
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