People and things Opposing points of view amongst scientists gathered at the intergovernmental conference in Paris in December 1951 risked undermining the progress towards a European Laboratory. It was this Resolution, proposed by the Dutch delegation, which saved the day by offering something to all parties. On people Theoretician Julius Wess of Karls­ ruhe has been awarded a Leibnitz Prize and the prestigious Max Planck Medal of the German Phy­ UNESCO/NS/NUC/6 (Rev. 3) sical Society. This is partly in re­ cognition of work on supersymme- Paris, 19 December 1951. try carried out at CERN in collabo­ ration with Bruno Zumino. UNITED NATIONS EDUCATIONAL, SCIENTIFIC AND CULTURAL ORGANIZATION Another Leibnitz Prize recipient is Conference on the organization of studies relating to Albert Walenta of Siegen for his the establishment of a European Nuclear Research Laboratory landmark contributions to the de­ Baris, 17 - 21 December I95I velopment of particle detectors, especially the drift chamber. The Leibnitz prizes are awarded by the Draft Resolution proposed by the Netherlands Dologation Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft to stimulate and encourage frontier The Conference recommends : research. Setting up a Board of Representatives from the participating countries, with headquarters i-n Geneva, to supervise the programme embodied in items 1 to 5» Gerson Goldhaber of the University Acoepting the offer made by the United Kingdom representative to of California and the Lawrence use the Liverpool synchro-cyclotron for i|00 MeV protons as an instrument to be operated on a European basis. Berkeley Laboratory has been pre­ 3 - Accepting the offer made by the Danish representative to use the sented with an honorary doctorate Institute of Theoretical Fhysics in Copenhagen to assomble a by the University of Stockholm. study group for theoretical research on a European basis. It should provide theoretical guidance for experimental work, to be Goldhaber is currently visiting carried out with the machines. CERN, where he is collaborating h Establishing a planning group for an intermediate machine. in the UA 1 experiment at the pro­ 5 Establishing a planning group for a big machine. ton-antiproton Collider. 6 - Establishing a planning group for the organization of the European Laboratory for Nuclear Research. In this Laboratory, the machines should be installed and advanced studies should be carried out. American Physical Society Awards After being attributed the Enrico Fermi Award (together with the late Stanley Livingston) by the US Department of Energy, Ernest Cou­ gineering Research Council and the Italy; Volkswagen Foundation, rant of Brookhaven has been nom­ Social Science Research Council, Federal Republic of Germany. inated as the first recipient of the United Kingdom; LK-NES Founda­ new Robert R. Wilson Prize of the tion, Denmark (private industry); American Physical Society. The Netherlands Organization for the award comes in recognition of Advancement of Pure Research Courant's role in the invention of (Z.W.O.); Norwegian Research the strong focusing technique, and Council; République et Canton de for his work in beam dynamics. It Genève, Département de l'Instruc­ will be presented at the APS tion Publique; University of Milan, Spring Meeting. CERN Courier, March 1987 31 GSI DARMSTADT EXPERIMENTAL eine vom Bund und dem Land Hessen getragene HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS Grossforschungseinrichtung, die physikalische Forschung mit einem Schwerionenbeschleuniger betreibt, sucht fur die Planung, den Bau und Betrieb The Department of Physics at Indiana University invites eines supraleitenden Magnetspektrometers applications for a tenure-track faculty position in experi­ mental high-energy physics. The appointment is authorized at the assistant professor Diplom-lngenieur (FH) level, but the position may be upgraded to associate pro­ fessor for a person with outstanding accomplishments. Kz. 45.000 - 87.4 The high-energy physics group has an active program in Der Bewerber soil bei dertechnischen Koordination accelerator-based experiments at SLAC (SLC: MARK-II des Projektes mitwirken. Bevorzugt wird ein Ingé­ and polarized beams), Fermilab (DO and E672) and Brookhaven (search for glueballs and hybrid states). nieur der Fachrichtung Kryotechnik/Hochvakuum- To apply please send a complete vita, a description of technik, der neben soliden Kenntnissen und Erfah- research interests and accomplishments, a list of publi­ rung insbesondere die aktive Bereitschaft besitzt, cations and a minimum of three letters of reference to: sich in die zukunftsweisende Technik der Supralei- tung einzuarbeiten. Professor Alex Dzierba Chairperson, Die Bezahlung erfolgt nach dem Bundesangestell- Search and Screen Committee tentarifvertrag. Indiana University, Mannliche und weibliche Bewerber haben grund- Bloomington, satzlich gleiche Chancen. Schwerbehinderte erhal- IN 47405. ten bei gleicher Eignung den Vorzug. Applications should be received by April 15, 1987. Ihre Bewerbung mit den ublichen Unterlagen rich- Indiana University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative ten Sie bitte unter Angabe der Kennziffer an: Action Employer. Gesellschaft fur Schwerionenforschung MBH An error was made in last month's advertisement. Personalabteilung This position is not associated with the Indiana Uni­ Planckstrasse 1 - Postfach 110552 versity Cyclotron Facility. 6100 Darmstadt - 11 ISTITUTO NAZIONALE Dl FISICA NUCLEARE FACILITY OPERATIONS MANAGER (INFN) The Department of Physics at the University of Illinois at Urbana- Five post-doctoral fellowships Champaign has an immediate opening for a Facility Operations Manager in its Nuclear Physics Laboratory. The successful appli­ in theoretical nuclear cant will be responsible for managing the day-to-day operation of our 100 MeV, 10 uA, 100% duty factor electron accelerator, its associated experimental facilities, and its technical support and particle physics services. These services include an electronics shop, a machine For one year, starting November 1987, for non Italian citizens. The suc­ shop, and drafting facilities. cessful applicants can pursue their research at any of the following Lab­ Our present accelerator is a 9-pass microtron. A proposal for the oratories and Sections of INFN : construction of a new accelerator at Illinois (450 MeV, 100 uA, • National Laboratories of Frascati (Rome) 100% duty factor) is pending before the NSF. The Manager will • National Laboratories of Legnaro (Padua) have a major role in the development, construction, and opera­ • National Southern Laboratory (Catania) tion of this new facility. • INFN Section of Turin • INFN Section of Genoa We seek an individual with technical expertise and aptitude, • INFN Section of Milan good judgment, and good management skills. Two (2) years of • INFN Section of Pavia experience in management at a large-scale accelerator or similar • INFN Section of Padua highly technical facility is highly desirable. Minimum qualifica­ • INFN Section of Trieste tions include an undergraduate degree in engineering or physical • INFN Section of Bologna science. This is a full-time position on the UIUC academic pro­ • INFN Section of Florence fessional staff. Salary will be competitive, depending on training • INFN Section of Pisa • INFN Section of Rome and experience. The starting date is Spring of 1987. For full • INFN Section of Naples consideration, applications should be received by April 1, 1987. • INFN Section of Bari Interviews may take place prior to the applications deadline ; no • INFN Section of Catania final decision, however, will be made until after that date. • INFN Section of Sanità (Rome) For technical information, contact Prof. Robert A. Eisenstein, The annual gross salary will be 24.000.000 italian lire, corresponding to Nuclear Physics Laboratory, University of Illinois at Urbana- 1.600.000 net italian lire each month, plus travel expenses from home Champaign, 23 Stadium Drive, Champaign, Illinois 61820. Tele­ institution to Laboratory or INFN Section and return. phone # 217/333-3190. The application deadline is March 31, 1987. Applicants should submit a curriculum vitae, including a list of publica­ To apply, please send resumes and the names of three refer­ tions and three letters of reference. ences to: Mr. Raymond F. Borelli (NFOM). Send applications and requests for further information to : Department of Physics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Prof. Nicola CABIBBO, 1110 West Green Street, President National Institute Urbana, Illinois 61801. of Nuclear Physics (INFN) Telephone #217/ 333-0570. Casella Postale, 56 The University of Illinois is an Affirmative Action / Equal Oppor­ 00044 FRASCATI (Roma) ITALY. tunity Employer. 32 CERN Courier, March 1987 T. D. Lee - 'Happiness is when old friends come from far away'. (Photo M. Jacob) Bernard Frois of the Centre d'Etudes Nucléaires de Saclay and Ingo Sick of Basle have been named recipients of the 1987 Tom W. Bonner Prize Tor their elegant studies of nuclei using high energy electron scattering. In particular, their precision measurements of nuclear charge and current densi­ ties have offered novel perspec­ tives on ground states and valence orbitals. Their studies of few-nu- cleon systems have demonstrated the need for subnucleon degrees of freedom in a complete descrip­ tion of the nucleus. This body of work has provided firm bench­ marks against which to test our understanding of the nuclear many- body problem. ' R. Baxter of the Australian National University has been named reci­ pient of the 1987
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