of Shepshed and nearby Loughborough. Loughborough. nearby and Shepshed of Loughborough. nearby and Shepshed of Loughborough. nearby and Shepshed of • Follow advice and local signs local and advice Follow • signs local and advice Follow • signs local and advice Follow • Enjoy the outdoors the Enjoy outdoors the Enjoy outdoors the Enjoy within eleven minutes and flooding much much flooding and minutes eleven within much flooding and minutes eleven within much flooding and minutes eleven within • Plan ahead and be prepared prepared be and ahead Plan • prepared be and ahead Plan • prepared be and ahead Plan • 20 February 1799, emptying the reservoir reservoir the emptying 1799, February 20 reservoir the emptying 1799, February 20 reservoir the emptying 1799, February 20 under effective control control effective under control effective under control effective under dam was an earthworks one. It failed on on failed It one. earthworks an was dam on failed It one. earthworks an was dam on failed It one. earthworks an was dam of your visit and take your litter home • Keep dogs dogs Keep • home litter your take and visit your of dogs Keep • home litter your take and visit your of dogs Keep • home litter your take and visit your of Charnwood Forest canal, the original original the canal, Forest Charnwood original the canal, Forest Charnwood original the canal, Forest Charnwood Protect the natural environment natural the Protect environment natural the Protect environment natural the Protect • Leave no trace trace no Leave • trace no Leave • trace no Leave • Constructed in 1796 in order to feed the the feed to order in 1796 in Constructed the feed to order in 1796 in Constructed the feed to order in 1796 in Constructed as you find them and follow marked paths marked follow and them find you as paths marked follow and them find you as paths marked follow and them find you as Blackbrook Reservoir Reservoir Blackbrook Reservoir Blackbrook Reservoir Blackbrook enjoying the outdoors • Leave gates and property property and gates Leave • outdoors the enjoying property and gates Leave • outdoors the enjoying property and gates Leave • outdoors the enjoying Respect other people other Respect people other Respect people other Respect • Consider other people people other Consider • people other Consider • people other Consider • follow some simple rules: simple some follow rules: simple some follow rules: simple some follow visit, your of out most the get To visit, your of out most the get To visit, your of out most the get To to the National Forest National the to Forest National the to Forest National the to visitor responsible a Be visitor responsible a Be visitor responsible a Be the White Lady ghost. Lady White the ghost. Lady White the ghost. Lady White the are reputed to be home to to home be to reputed are to home be to reputed are to home be to reputed are October 1538, and the ruins ruins the and 1538, October ruins the and 1538, October ruins the and 1538, October hospital. It was dissolved in in dissolved was It hospital. in dissolved was It hospital. in dissolved was It hospital. 16 nuns and had an attached attached an had and nuns 16 attached an had and nuns 16 attached an had and nuns 16 the nearest pub lunch. pub nearest the lunch. pub nearest the lunch. pub nearest the 14th Century, it was home to to home was it 14th Century, to home was it 14th Century, to home was it 14th Century, opened on the site where it stands today. stands it where site the on opened today. stands it where site the on opened today. stands it where site the on opened to you take towpath canal a let just or to you take towpath canal a let just or to you take towpath canal a let just or Roesia de Verdon. In the the In Verdon. de Roesia the In Verdon. de Roesia the In Verdon. de Roesia free and, in 1844, the new monastery was was monastery new the 1844, in and, free was monastery new the 1844, in and, free was monastery new the 1844, in and, free heritage area’s the about more Discover heritage area’s the about more Discover heritage area’s the about more Discover priory, founded c.1239 by by c.1239 founded priory, by c.1239 founded priory, by c.1239 founded priory, of Westminster) offered his services for for services his offered Westminster) of for services his offered Westminster) of for services his offered Westminster) of woodlands and nature-rich ancient forests. forests. ancient nature-rich and woodlands forests. ancient nature-rich and woodlands forests. ancient nature-rich and woodlands independent Augustinian Augustinian independent Augustinian independent Augustinian independent Augustus Pugin (designer of the New Palace Palace New the of (designer Pugin Augustus Palace New the of (designer Pugin Augustus Palace New the of (designer Pugin Augustus Follow gentle trails through vibrant young young vibrant through trails gentle Follow young vibrant through trails gentle Follow young vibrant through trails gentle Follow Grace Dieu Priory Dieu Grace Priory Dieu Grace Priory Dieu Grace was an an was an was an was this country. Gothic Revivalist architect architect Revivalist Gothic country. this architect Revivalist Gothic country. this architect Revivalist Gothic country. this at orienteering or geocaching. geocaching. or orienteering at geocaching. or orienteering at geocaching. or orienteering at eager to re-introduce monastic life into into life monastic re-introduce to eager into life monastic re-introduce to eager into life monastic re-introduce to eager Off route highlights highlights route Off highlights route Off highlights route Off woods for a walk or a run, or try your hand hand your try or run, a or walk a for woods hand your try or run, a or walk a for woods hand your try or run, a or walk a for woods provided by Ambrose de Lisle, who was was who Lisle, de Ambrose by provided was who Lisle, de Ambrose by provided was who Lisle, de Ambrose by provided trainers or your dog and head out into the the into out head and dog your or trainers the into out head and dog your or trainers the into out head and dog your or trainers The abbey was founded in 1835 on land land on 1835 in founded was abbey The land on 1835 in founded was abbey The land on 1835 in founded was abbey The and abilities. Grab your walking boots, your your boots, walking your Grab abilities. and your boots, walking your Grab abilities. and your boots, walking your Grab abilities. and Mount St. Bernard Abbey Abbey Bernard St. Mount Abbey Bernard St. Mount Abbey Bernard St. Mount Swainmote for this area. this for Swainmote area. this for Swainmote area. this for Swainmote and plenty of places accessible for all ages ages all for accessible places of plenty and ages all for accessible places of plenty and ages all for accessible places of plenty and is thought to have been the the been have to thought is the been have to thought is the been have to thought is and trails to explore in the National Forest, Forest, National the in explore to trails and Forest, National the in explore to trails and Forest, National the in explore to trails and the forest. This rocky outcrop outcrop rocky This forest. the outcrop rocky This forest. the outcrop rocky This forest. the paths of miles of hundreds are There paths of miles of hundreds are There paths of miles of hundreds are There jury of swains, or freemen of of freemen or swains, of jury of freemen or swains, of jury of freemen or swains, of jury Forest Forest Forest Offenders were tried before a a before tried were Offenders a before tried were Offenders a before tried were Offenders regulation of the forest. forest. the of regulation forest. the of regulation forest. the of regulation the National National the National the National the judicial and administrative administrative and judicial administrative and judicial administrative and judicial forest court responsible for for responsible court forest for responsible court forest for responsible court forest even Swienmote) was a local local a was Swienmote) even local a was Swienmote) even A444 local a was Swienmote) even A444 A444 Walking in in Walking in Walking TO DERBY in TO DERBY Walking TO DERBY Swanimoot, Swannymote or or Swannymote Swanimoot, or Swannymote Swanimoot, or Swannymote Swanimoot, highlights highlights A38 highlights A38 A38 A Swainmote (also known as as known (also Swainmote A as known (also Swainmote A as known (also Swainmote A Walking Walking Walking Swannymote Rock Swannymote Rock Swannymote A515 Rock Swannymote A515 A515 JACKSON’S JACKSON’S JACKSON’S BANK BANK BANK TTIN M1 TTIN M1 TTIN M1 NO GHAM NO GHAM NO GHAM BURTON TO BURTON TO BURTON TO lives and the local economy. local the and lives UPON TRENT UPON TRENT 6BA DE12 Derbyshire, UPON TRENT A42 A42 A42 A444 A444 Swadlincote, Moira, Yard, Bath Glade, A444 NEEDWOOD Blackbrook beauty NEEDWOOD Blackbrook beauty NEEDWOOD people’s vitally, also, but landscape, the Blackbrook beauty FOREST FOREST Enterprise Company, Forest National FOREST trail starts here trail starts here only not transform can trees how shows trail starts here SWADLINCOTE A511 SWADLINCOTE A511 SWADLINCOTE A511 Charity No. 1166563 No. Charity Exploring Exploring Exploring regeneration bold This green. to black A512 Medium A512 Company Forest National The Medium A512 Medium A38 ASHBY DE LA A38 ASHBY DE LA A38 from landscape a turning – communities ASHBY DE LA N N 6.8 miles N 6.8 miles 6.8 miles A ZOUCH A ZOUCH its Aand landscape the into life breathing ZOUCH TIO A6 TIO A6 TIO A6 A515 NA A515 NA (11 km) A515 NA (11 km) (11 km) L F L F L F O O planted, been O have trees million nine later, the NationalR A42 COALVILLE the NationalR A42 COALVILLE the NationalR A42 COALVILLE E E E ST ST ST M1 M1 M1 W W century a of W quarter a than more Now, A A A Y BlackbrookY @NatForestCo BlackbrookY Blackbrook CHARNWOOD CHARNWOOD landscape.
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