A111D3 DflflLES NATL INST OF STANDARDS & TECH R.I.C. A1 11 03088625 United States. Natio/Building technology QC100 .U57 N0.457 C.I NBS-PUB-C 1976 building technology publications supplement 1: 1976 National Bureau of Standards Library, E-01 Admm. BIdg. CENTER for BUILDING TECHNOLOGY OCT 1 1981 Institute for Applied Technology 1S1039 National Bureau of Standards Department of Commerce /CO m57 57-1 " ' OF ' STANDARDS ' . his report presents the National Bureau of Standards' Introduction Center for Building Technology (CBT) publications for X* calendar 1976. It is first year the supplement to NBS Special Publication 457, Building Technology Publications 1965- )977 1975, and lists all CBT documents issued during the period 9^ C from January 1, 1976 to December 31, 1976. It includes titles and abstracts of each NBS publication and papers published in non-NBS media; key word and author indexes; and general information and instructions on how to order CBT publica- tions. This report provides the means of communicating the results of CBT research to its various technical audi- ences, as well as to the general public. Publications constitute a major end product of CBT's efforts and, in 1976, appeared in several NBS publication series (Building Science Series, Technical Notes, Special Publications, Handbooks and NBS Interagency Reports) as well as non-NBS published media such as the technical and trade publications. NBS publication abbreviations are: BSS - Building Science Series TN - Technical Note SP - Special Publication H - Handbook NBSIR - National Bureau of Standards Interagency Report This document is divided into three main sections. The first Titles and Abstracts, provides report titles, author(s), date of publication, selected key words, and abstracts of NBS tech- nical reports and papers published in outside sources. The Author Index cites each CBT author and gives the publication title and/or number of those documents listed in this supple- ment. The Key Word Index is a subject index, listing one-word summaries of the building research topics for each publica- tion and paper. By selecting a main word or subject, which is listed alphabetically, the user is able to locate reports of interest through the subject-related words found in the key word index. CBT is part of the Institute for Applied Technology, National Bureau of Standards. NBS undertakes basic and applied re- search in many disciplines other than building technology. Interested readers will find NBS research publications listed in NBS Special Publication 305, Publications of the National Bureau of Standards and its supplements, from which parts of this report have been taken. U.S. A- GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE : 1977 O—240-848 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402 Price $2.20 Stock No. 003-003-01802-3 Most current CBT publications (excluding NBS Interagency Obtaining Reports) are available from the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. Publications Microfiche and paper copies of most CBT publications may be ordered through the National Technical Information Service, U.S. Department of Commerce, Springfield, VA 22161. Two other sources are the Department of Commerce field offices and libraries designated to receive government publications. The current price list and availability of publications listed in this report are given in Appendix C. Department of Commerce Field Offices are maintained in the cities hsted in Appendix B. Their purpose is to provide ready access at the local level, to publications, statistical statements, and surveys. Each Field Office serves as an official sales agent of the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office. These offices make available for local pur- chase a wide range of Government publications. The refer- ence library maintained by each Field Office contains many Government and private publications, periodicals, directories, reports, and other reference materials. The libraries listed in Appendix A are designated depositories for Government publications and are now receiving selected publication series of the National Bureau of Standards for general reference use. While every Government publication cannot be sent to all depository libraries, certain designated Regional libraries are required to receive and retain one copy of all Government publications made available either in printed or microfiche form. To obtain information on which publications are available, please contact the depository library in your area. The Photoduplication Service, Library of Congress, \ Washington, D.C. 20540, makes photoduplicates of materia! in its collections for research use. National Bureau of Stand- ards publications are on file at the library, so that copies of any Bureau document that is out of print usually can be obtained. Full information concerning this service may be secured by writing to the Library of Congress at the address noted above. In making such inquiry, it is important to give an accurate and complete identification whenever possible (author, title, place of publication, name of series and number, if known) of the document desired. Contents TITLES AND ABSTRACTS 1 2 Building Science Series 6 Technical Notes 8 Special Publications 16 Handbooks 16 NBS Interagency Reports 22 Papers Published in Non-NBS Media, 1976 30 NBS Patents 1976 AUTHOR INDEX 31 KEY WORD INDEX 37 APPENDIX A. 59 List of Depository Libraries in the United States APPENDIX B. 73 List of Field Offices of the U.S. Department of Commerce APPENDIX C. 75 CBT Publication Order Numbers and Price List 111 Titles and The Center for Building Technology is part of the NBS Campus at Gaithersburg, Maryland. Its 6,500 (69,500 ft^) includes office space as well as Abstracts the Center's unique and specialized laboratories. 1 I i BUILDING SCIENCE SERIES Building Science Series reports disseminate technical informa- presented. This is generally a two-step process involving a ther- tion developed at the Center on building materials, components, mal analysis followed by a stress analysis. This study systems, and whole structures. The series presents research emphasizes the latter, wherein the determination of moment-cur- vature-time results, test methods, and performance criteria related to the relationships for the beam cross section incorporates the temperature-dependent strength degradation in steel and structural and environmental functions and the durability and the concrete as well as thermal and creep strains. The sensitivity of safety characteristics of building elements and systems. the predictions to various phases of analytical modeling is in- BSS69. NBSLD, the computer program for heating and cooling vestigated to establish the parameters most important for the loads in buildings, T. Kusuda, Nat. Bur. Stand. (U.S.). Bldg. prediction of beam behavior and to indicate where additional Sci. Ser. 69. 398 pages (July 1976) SD Catalog No. data should be gathered. A comparison of predicted behavior C13.29/2:69. with that observed in fire tests shows excellent agreement when realistic reinforcement temperature histories are used. Key words: ASHRAE task group on energy requirements; conduction transfer functions; heating and cooling load; Na- BSS80. Safety during construction of concrete buildings — A status tional Bureau of Standards heating and cooling load com- report, H. S. Lew, Nat. Bur. Stand. (U.S.). Bldg. Sci. Ser. 80, puter program. 56 pages (Jan. 1976) SD Catalog No. CI 3.29/2:80. A comprehensive computer program called NBSLD, the Na- Key words: building; codes; concrete; construction; fal- tional Bureau of Standards Load Determination program, has sework; formwork; loads; reshoring; safety; shoring; stan- been developed at NBS to reflect the time change of the many dards. building parameters which are pertinent to accurate estimation of energy usage for heating and cooling. Current status of heating The current state-of-the-art of safety in concrete building con- struction is reviewed and summarized. material and cooling load techniques is reviewed. Of general interest are The presented unique features of NBSLD which are not available in existing considers only the technical aspects of the construction safety. computer programs. A summary of various subroutines of Safety of the individual in using equipment and in following con- NBSLD is given along with the detailed procedures for them. struction procedures is not included in this study. These subroutines constitute the recommended subroutine al- The report presents comparative accident frequencies in gorithms of the Task ASHRAE Group on "Energy Require- concrete construction. Based on reported construction failures, ments. Complete listing Fortran of NBSLD and data preparation the relative vulnerability of various categories of concrete con- forms are given for those who wish to use the program. The struction is estimated. The report examines causes of construc- NBSLD computation is on the basis of the detailed solution of tion failures and reviews major regulatory standards at the simultaneous heat balance equations at all the interior surfaces federal, state, city and industry level affecting safety in concrete a of room or space. Transient heat conduction through exterior construction. walls and the interior structures is handled by using conduction transfer functions. The use of heat balance equations, although The factors which affect safety in concrete construction are examined relative
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