OFFICIAL PAPER Congratulations ! Of Student Body of the North Dakota Agricultural College THE SPECTRUM Graduating Seniors . VOLUME LII STATE COLLEGE STATION, NORTH DAKOTA, FRIDAY, MAY 28, 1937 NUMBER 34 207 Seniors To Receive All-College Day Distribution Of Pres. J. H. Shepperd Diplomas Next Tuesday Success; ATO's Bison To Begin Announces Resignation Exercises To Cover Three Win Sing Event Day Period; Many This Morning Noted Speakers Desired To Be College President Emeritus Sigma Chi Entry Wins First College Yearbook Names 10 And Associate Animal Husbandman; Has With The Spirit of The Land Annual Greek Group Outstanding Graduating Grant College as the theme, corn- Turtle Race Been President Since 1929 mencement exercises will be held Seniors for 207 students this year. Proceed- ings will start with Baccalaureate Climaxed by an All-College Dance Distribution of the 1937 Bison President J. H. Shepperd announced Tuesday that he was Services and an Alumni Ceremonial attended by about 150 couples, tra- was begun this morning at 8 o'clock, ready to retire his office whenever a suitable successor could at four o'clock Sunday afternoon ditional All-College Day festivities according to Katherine Kilbourne were held on Tuesday afternoon. be obtained. The announcement, which did not come as in Festival Hall. The combined editor. The distribution is being a ceremonies for Commencement and The event was sponsored by Blue made in the Registrar's office under complete surprise to students and faculty, was made to the Morrill Hall dedications will extend Key fraternity with the cooperation the direction of Maurice Benidt, Alumni association hoard. His statement follows: over a busy three day period from of other campus service organiza- business manager of the annual. "There have been continued and persistent rumors tions. Sunday to noon on Tuesday. Always one of the highlights of throughout the state since early in the year that a change is Winning the third annual Spring The specific integral groups mak- the yearbook, this year's edition has contemplated in the office of president. If there is to be a ing up this total of 207 graduates Sing sponsored by Alpha Phi Omega, selected ten seniors as most repre- change, it would not be personally unwelcome to me. My from the different departments are: was the Alpha Tau Omega chorus sentative of their class. Selection is service as president has been during some of the most under the direction of Bob Sanders, from the School of Agriculture, 31 made by a committee of faculty difficult years the institution and the state have had to face. and accompanied by James Moore. seniors; from Applied Arts and members. Named this year are It has been a constant struggle. Dur- They were awarded a travelling Sciences, 39; Education, 37; Pharm- Hugh Anstett, Elizabeth Dewey, ing this time, it has become neces- trophy. Rtnner-up was the Sig- acy, 10; Architecture, 4; Chemistry, Walter Ekeren, Lennea Frisk, Harry sary for me to lay aside almost en- 1.4; Civil Engineering, 6; Electrical ma Alpha Epsilon chorus which has Graves, Howard Hegbar, Katherine tirely my work in animal hubandry, years. Directing and accompanying Engineering, 12; Mechanical Engin- DR. W. C. HUNTER Kilbourne, Wilfred Rommel, Robert always my' principal interest. I would eering, 9; and from the Home Eco- this chorus were Gordon Brandes Saunders and Jane Schulz. be far from reluctant to resume that nomics Depaitinent, 37 will be grad- and Fred Martin, respectively. The Several new ideas have been tried work where I left off." uated. In addition there will be 8 Theta Chi entry was adjudged the out with effectiveness in this year's Dr. Shepperd has been president Master of Science diplomas awarded. best dressed and won a trophy don- Hunter Awarded Bison. One of the most striking since September 1, 1929, succeeding The following rostrum of speakers ated by Matt Siegel. features is a student directory list- Dr. J. L. Coulter, who resigned at Haggie the second, Sigma Chi's will divide the honors in the Com- ing names of students and pages that time to accept an important mencement and dedication activities; pride, walked off with the first an- Blue Key Prize on which their pictures appear. The governmental position in Washing- Harold Benjamin of the University nual inter-fraternity turtle race ton, D. C. Shepperd has been con- sponsored by Alpha Phi Gamma book is divided into six divisions of Minnesota; Dexter Kimball of with striking offset pictures such as nected with the college since 1893, is Seventh Recipient Of Blue with James Anderson jockeying the Cornell University, a famed teacher the type used frequently in Life mag- serving in the animal husbandry de- Key Doctor Of Service turtle to victory' over thirteen other of engineering; Carl Tauesch, for- azine heading division pages. partment. merly of Harvard, now with the entrants. Winners of the other two While in this department Dr. Award In the classes division, seniors are United States Department of Agri- preliminary events to gain the fin- Shepperd gained national recogni- arranged according to schools in culture; Mervin G. Neale, one time als were Gone With The Wind, tion from his research activities. As recognition of the outstanding which they are enrolled. Under- His President of the University of Idaho, ATO entry, and Wally Warfield, Phi desire now is to be transferred work in his chosen field, Dr. W. C. classmen pictures are informal. The back at present on the faculty of the Uni- Omega Pi favorite. to this department expressing Hunter, head of the history' depart- administration division has been "his versity of Minnesota; John H. Worst, In another feature of the day the wish to continue in the service of ment. was awarded the doctor of considerably enlarged and The Bison President Emeritus of NDAC; and Senior Satellites eked out a 16-15 the college as president emeritus service degree by Blue Key fratern- Life Section features a winter scenic Governor Langer. decision over the Faculty Phantoms and associate animal husbandryman, ity at a banquet held in Ceres Hall section in addition to candid camera PRES. J. H. SHEPPERD softball team, despite the Chemistry a field to which he has devoted At 10:00 A. M. on Tuesday morn- last evening. Francis Ladwig, pre- shots. his ing a procession of robed graduates department's monopoly on the latter life". sident of Blue Key, presented the The cover of the book is padded will form at Ceres Hall and file team. Other events were a band According to the Fargo Forum, the award. and is in tones of green, as are the slowly into Old Main to hear the concert by the Gold Star Band resignation cannot be considered by Dr. Hunter has been very active division pages. The end sheets fea- final Commencement Address and under the direction of Dr. Putnam AC High School the state board of administration any in student and faculty activities ture an airplane view of the cam- be presented with the diplomas that and free all-college lunch in the earlier than June 10, as a full board since he has been on this campus. He pus. The book is about a 300 page will definitely qualify them for their evening. meeting is not likely until that attended Princeton University where edition. To Graduate 15 respective fields of specialization. time. Prominently mentioned for he received his A. B. degree. Har- several weeks as Dr. Shepperd's suc- vard University for his M. A., and Olive Arves, Verdine Rice cessor is E. M. Gillig, connected with back to Princeton for his Ph. D. On Burgum Given Alpha Are Valedictorian, the college as state seed commis- this campus. Dr. Hunter has been Sororities To Cow In Corridor Salutatorian sioner. Other men who have been active in the college YMCA work, Phi Omega Award mentioned as possibilities are Dr. J. being at present financial treasurer Gives AC Release Accept Quota Graduation exercises will be held T. E. Dinwoodie, head of the AAA of the state YM-YWCA Conference. next week for 15 graduates of the conservation setup in the state and From UND Gibes He is faculty advisor and treasurer For distinguished service to Alpha NDAC high school, with Class Night Dr. E. J. Taintor of the Park River for Blue Key and Sigma Chi fratern- Feeling the benefits derived from Phi Omega, Joey Burgum Wednes- NDAC students since time im- scheduled for Tuesday, June 1 and Agricultural school. ity of which he is a member. Other the sorority' quota system, used on day noon was presented a special memorial have had "to take it Commencement the following night. fraternities with which he is affiliat- the campus last year for the first award by the national office. Pre- smiling" when University students time, warranted a continuance of sentation was made by' senior facul- Exercises will be in the LCT and ed besides Sigma Chi are Phi Kappa have been arranged by LaVerne talked about the Cow College at Phi and Pi Gamma Mu, being secre- the plan, Pan Hellenic this week ty advisor J. R. Dice at a meeting Fargo. But now the worm is turned Gilbertson, advisor. tary of the latter for a number of made public the quota to be allotted of the group in Ceres Hall. Burgum Bison Brevities and local students wil have a come- years. sororities on this campus, for next was vice-president of the group this Class Night exercises will include back when this institution is termed year. year, was in charge of the Spring an address by Olive Arves, class Directors To Be This is the seventh year the doctor Cow College.
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