VOLUME LVI, NO. 1 7 DREXEL UNIVERSITY PHILADELPHIA, PA. Friday, November 7, 1980 Conference in Hershey D rexel’s future being planned by Audrey Radke faculty topics, space alloca­ support the increased need tor tion, and finance - were space. Finally, the bottom line Drexel held its fourth plann­ established to present their was the responsibility of the ing conference last week to ideas and make choices as to finance committee whose job develop and discuss available what would be in the best in­ it was to increase funds and options for enriching the terest of the students and the decrease expenses to finance University’s future. The university community. projected needs. meeting was attended by Each committee had their For three days, the commit­ trustees, administrators, facul­ own areas of discussion to ex­ tees debated, commentated, ty, and students in a three day plore. The student topics com­ and arbitrated. After many brainstorming session held in mittee focused on recruitment hours, all ideas were condens­ Hershey, PA. of new students as well as cur­ ed, refined, and incorporated The purpose of the con­ ricular and campus concerns. in a final report. The reports ference was to set a path for The faculty topics committee are as follows; Drexel to follow over the next was involved in expanding the The student topics commit­ five years in its continued pur­ research aspects of the univer­ tee suggested that the Univer­ suit of academic excellence sity, and the amelioration of sity consider freshmen to the and achievement. The main faculty benefits in order to Humanities and Social problem set before the com­ make the university more at­ Sciences program, and that the mittees was one of maintain­ tractive to qualified can­ establishment of a Pre-Med ing student enrollment precise­ didates. The space allocation and Pre-Law curriculum ly during a period when bir­ and support service committee would enhance available op- thrates are declining. Four had to determine when and fcontinued on page 3) committees - student topics. where buildings are needed to R e d C r o s s D r i v e a S u c c e s s Trustees and Administrators meet together in Hershey. by Elaine Cho Gov. of Cal. The Penn-Jersey Regional Blood Program of the American Red Cross began Reagan: Helped or soliciting for donors in the Grand Hall of Creese Student Center this Wednesday, harmed colleges ? November 5th. The Grand Hall had two bloodmobiles present which could ac­ the momentum was lost,’’reflects Kerr. “ He comodate up to a maximum of College Press Service 50 pints (units) each. would always attack the Once upon a time, in 1966, system. All of a sudden, The blood drive is a program when Clark Kerr was president whose main purpose is to sup­ everything stopped in its of the nine-campus University tracks,” ply Philadelphia hospitals with of California system, most blood. There are 138 hospitals To itemize his discontent, Americans believed in the Kerr proceeded to list a in the city alone that require at Vietnam War. number of actions Reagan least 1200 pints a day. These But in Berkeley, things were took which, he says, kept I he hospitals take blood supplied different. There were sit-ins, system from growing during only by the Red Cross, due to protests, demonstrations. Kerr Reagan’s two terms. The most the sanitary conditions under resisted any use of physical significant, of course, was photo by Evetyn Hess which the blood drive force against the students. Dr. Paul Dascher, Dean of the Business College operates. Reagan’s fiscal stinginess in Then along came an ex­ reducing the budget outlays to Surprisingly, some 270 actor running for governor, the system, Kerr insi.sts. Drexel students have shown up whose platform advocated us­ “ The real resources that go for this special program and Ph.D. in Business ing force to protect the schools to each student went down by altogether 247 units have been from the kids. about percent during the collected. Some willing 20 His name, of course, was Reagan years,” says Kerr. by Mawuna Gardesey and then move on to a volunteers were turned down Ronald Reagan, and he was His contention contradicts graduate program. When this due to health reasons. elected. Two weeks after the 1980 Reagan campaign Drexel University’s College becomes strong enough the Giving blood is not a com­ inauguration, Kerr, who as rhetoric. Last week, Mary of Business and Administra­ college then moves in to the plex procedure. First of all, a system president for 14 years English, a Reagan press aide in tion has received the approval doctoral level. donor should be older than had built a reputation as one Washington, argued the of the Commonwealth of Pen­ In this direction, Drexel seventeen and less than 65 of America’s foremost governor “ boosted the expen­ nsylvania and the blessings of started its preparation for the years old. Then, he/she must educators, was gone. A ditures for state colleges by the Board of Trustees to start doctoral program in the early sign a registration sheet, anJ^ stronger policy against the 164 percent, and to communi­ a doctoral program. The man seventies by keeping up the get tested for physical* students was set in motion. ty colleges by 323 percent. He who is the at the helm of af­ quality of the undergraduate qualifications. These include: “ He quickly used the police improved both the quality and fairs, Dr. Paul Dascher, Dean and graduate programs, and body temperature, blood to squash the students and access of education to students of the College has, like a cap­ by obtaining and keeping the pressure, a check for auy their supporters; he used them in California.” accreditations of the American disease or abnormal physical tain standing on deck of a ship loosely,” Kerr remembers, Dr. John Lawrence, a Assembly of Collegiate symptoms, and finally, a ready to set sail, been peering “ so that they would know who member of the California Schools of Business (AACSB) sampling of the blood type into the horizon, and he likes was in contrci. That’s why he Board of Regents now and for both programs. Emphasiz­ must be taken. The donor then what he sees. “ 1 feel really got rid of me, I didn’t want to during Reagan’s second term, ing the imp>ortance of this ac­ lies down for the withdrawal very good about it,” he said. use force.” says the governor “ was an creditation, Dascher said, of of blood with the help cf pro­ Admitting that a lot of ef­ Thirteen years later, Kerr is outstanding supporter of the the over 1300 schools that of­ fessional nurses. fort has gone into developing still bitter. He also accuses university system.” fer degrees in business, only The aftermath of giving the program and getting the Reagan of crippling the quali­ “ He realized then as he dcKs 200 are accredited by the blood may be the most plea­ necessary approval, Dascher ty of the state’s higher educa­ now that the country’s future AACSB at the undergraduate sant part. To replenish the said the doctoral program had tion system. For a state whose depends on our youth, so he level and of that 200, only blood supply quickly, a donor come by natural evolution, but reputation for collegiate did a lot to help them out,” about 100 are also accrdited at may help himself to some added that Drexel did not education had risen to new Lawrence says proudly. the graduate level. Drexel is goodies. Donors enjoyed want to be just another school heights, the new governor Kerr, however, explains the issuing PhD’s. He said the one of these. donuts, pretzels, ice cream, didn’t do much to bolster that In developing the program discrepancy in the Reagan natural cycle is to develop a and lots of drinks such as cof­ position, says Kerr. strong undergraduate program (continued on page 7) fee, tea, and Hawaiian Punch, “ Soon after he took office. (continued on pane 3) DREXFL TRIANGLE Page 2 November 7, 1980 A c c o u n t i n g R e t r e a t Beef & Beer P a r t y G r e a s e b a n d S o c i e t y Need to escape for a Tired of cooking Sunday Has school got you bugged? The fabulous Greaseband is weekend? Join Drexel-Asbury nights? This Sunday Lambda We’ll exterminate your wor­ coming - Wednesday, United Protestant Ministry for The Drexel Accounting Chi Alpha is holding a beef ries. ROACH, BLACK FLAG November 19 in the Grand a retreat to Camp Innabah, Society will host as a guest and beverage dinner. The cost party, Friday, Noveniber 7 at Hall, from 3 to 7 pm. Grab Spring City, PA. We will be speaker, Ed Rubinstein, Vice is $2.50 for a roast beef sand­ 9:30, 3329 Powelton Ave. Use your saddles and come rock leaving Friday, November President of the Stpectrurn. wich, french fries and all the the back door. All DU around the clock with us. 14th and will return early Sun­ Mr. Rubinstein will speak salad you can eat. See you students welcome. Come out day morning the 16th. Cost is about accounting for sports Sunday for a great meal at and GET FLAGGED. Door only $5.00, this includes your events and large rock concerts. prize. Beer. Punch. Organic 34th and Powelton. Road Rallye meals. This will be a time for The date is Tuesday, Munchies.
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