U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Tijuana Slough National Wildlife Refuge Tijuana River National Estuarine Research Reserve Birdlist “The coming and going of the birds is more or less a mystery and a surprise. We go out in the morning, and no thrush or vireo is to be heard; we go out again, and every tree and grove is musical; yet again, and all is silent. Who saw them come? Who saw them depart?” - John Burroughs, “Wake Robbin” Introduction Bird List Key Tijuana Slough For nearly 40 years, the Tijuana Key to c - Common – species seen on NWR estuary and river valley have been a Habitats nearly every visit at the proper magnet for birds and bird watchers. season, usually in good numbers Tijuana River Today, the area continues to delight (>10 per day) NERR birders, wildlife photographers and u - Uncommon – species seen on nature lovers from around the world. most visits at the proper This bird list covers the estuary, river season, usually in small valley and the adjacent communities numbers (<10 per day). of Imperial Beach and Nestor to the o - Occasional – species not seen on north, Spooner’s Mesa to the south, most visits, even at the proper and the ocean visible from shore to season, but small numbers can the west. be expected nearly every year with repeated searching. The Tijuana River valley has r - Rare – species seen only experienced enormous changes in its sporadically, not annually; as habitats over the decades. Many few as one record. species of birds have appeared and * - Species breeds or probably disappeared with these changes. breeds regularly. Much of the data on birds in the (*) - Species breeds sporadically or Tijuana River valley reflects past bred formerly. conditions — more extensive The current breeding status of many agriculture, different crops, fewer species is uncertain, requiring trees, flooded swamps… ongoing surveys. Current conditions (1997) are so new that the status of many species is Seasons Sp - Spring, March through May unclear. Some species that once S - Summer, June through August occurred frequently are now rare or F - Fall, September through absent. Although this list encompasses October all species ever recorded here, their W - Winter, November through status by season is an estimate based February on their response to current conditions. – Philip Unitt, Department of Birds and Mammals, San Diego Natural History Museum Tijuana River National Estuarine Research Reserve, of which Tijuana Slough National Wildlife Refuge is a part, lies along the Pacific Flyway and is designated as a “Globally Important Bird Area” by the American Bird Conservancy. The Audubon Society’s 1997 Christmas bird count documented over 370 species of birds in the estuary and river valley. California least terns Ken Morris/USFWS Birds of Tijuana River NERR Common Name Sp S F W Common Name Sp S F W Green Heron* uuuu Black-crowned Night-Heron (*) uuuu Grebes Yellow-crowned Night-Heron rrrr Pied-billed Grebe* uuuu Horned Grebe o Ibis Eared Grebe u u u White-faced Ibis o r o o Western Grebe u c c Clark’s Grebe r r u u Stork Wood Stork r r Loons Red-throated Loon* r r u u Waterfowl Pacific Loon o o Greater White-fronted Goose r r Common Loon u u u Snow Goose r r Ross’ Goose r Fulmars, and Shearwaters Brant o o o Northern Fulmar r r r Canada Goose r r Sooty Shearwater rrrr Wood Duck r Short-tailed Shearwater r Green-winged Teal u u u Black-vented Shearwater o o Mallard* u u c c Northern Pintail c c c Tropicbirds Blue-winged Teal o r o Red-billed Tropicbird r Cinnamon Teal (*) c o c c Boobies and Gannets Northern Shoveler c c c Blue-footed Booby r Gadwall (*) u o u u Brown Booby r Eurasian Wigeon o o American Wigeon c c c Pelicans and Cormorants Canvasback r Brandt’s Cormorant uuuu Redhead o Double-crested Cormorant c u c c American White Pelican r r r Waterfowl, continued next page California Brown Pelican cccc Frigatebirds Magnificent Frigatebird r r Bitterns, Herons and Egrets American Bittern (*) r r r o Least Bittern* o o o r Great Blue Heron uuuu Great Egret (*) uuuu Snowy Egret (*) u u c u Little Blue Heron (*) oooo Tricolored Heron r r o o Reddish Egret r r o o Green heron Cattle Egret (*) rrrr © Phillip Roullard Common Name Sp S F W Common Name Sp S F W Waterfowl, continued Red-tailed Hawk* uuuu Ring-necked Duck r o Ferruginous Hawk o r Greater Scaup r r Rough-legged Hawk r r Lesser Scaup u c c Golden Eagle o o Oldsquaw r r r Black Scoter r Falcons Surf Scoter c u c c American Kestrel* uuuu White-winged Scoter r r Merlin o o Common Goldeneye r Peregrine Falcon oooo Bufflehead u u c Prairie Falcon o o Red-breasted Merganser u o u u Gallinaceous Birds Ruddy Duck (*) c u c c California Quail* uuuu Vultures Rails Turkey Vulture r u Black Rail - extirpated California Condor - extirpated Clapper Rail* uuuu Osprey, Kites, Eagles and Hawks Virginia Rail u u u Osprey oooo Sora u u u White-tailed Kite* uuuu Common Gallinule* uuuu Mississippi Kite r American Coot* c u c c Bald Eagle r Plovers Northern Harrier* uuuu Black-bellied Plover c u c c Sharp-shinned Hawk u u Pacific Golden-Plover r r Cooper’s Hawk* uuuu American Golden Plover r r Red-shouldered Hawk o o u u Snowy Plover* u u c c Broad-winged Hawk r r Wilson’s Plover r Swainson’s Hawk r r Semipalmated Plover c r c u Zone-tailed Hawk r Killdeer* cccc Mountain Plover o o Oystercatchers Black Oystercatcher r r r Stilts and Avocets Black-necked Stilt* cccc American Avocet* c u c c Shorebirds Greater Yellowlegs u c u Lesser Yellowlegs o u o Solitary Sandpiper r o Light-footed Willet cccc clapper rail © Shari Erickson Shorebirds, continued next page Common Name Sp S F W Common Name Sp S F W Shorebirds, continued Herring Gull o r o u Spotted Sandpiper u r u u Thayer’s Gull r o Whimbrel u o c u Yellow-footed Gull r r Long-billed Curlew u o c u Western Gull cccc Marbled Godwit cccc Glaucous-winged Gull r o Ruddy Turnstone u r u u Glaucous Gull r Black Turnstone o o o Black-legged Kittiwake r Surfbird o r Sabine’s Gull r Red Knot u c u Gull-billed Tern o o Sanderling c u c c Caspian Tern c c c u Semipalmated Sandpiper r Royal Tern uuuu Western Sandpiper c o c c Elegant Tern c c c Least Sandpiper c r c c Common Tern u r c r Baird’s Sandpiper r o Forster’s Tern cccc Pectoral Sandpiper o California Least Tern* u u u Sharp-tailed Sandpiper r Black Tern r o Dunlin u c c Stilt Sandpiper r Skimmers Buff-breasted Sandpiper r Black Skimmer uuuu Ruff r r Seabirds Short-billed Dowitcher c u c c Common Murre r r r Long-billed Dowitcher c c c Marbled Murrelet r Snipe Xantus’ Murrelet r Common Snipe o u u Craveri’s Murrelet r Ancient Murrelet r r Phalaropes Cassin’s Auklet r Wilson’s Phalarope u c Rhinoceros Auklet r Northern Phalarope c c Red Phalarope o o o Jaegers Pomarine Jaeger r Parasitic Jaeger r r r Gulls and Terns Laughing Gull rrrr Franklin’s Gull r r r Bonaparte’s Gull c o r c Heermann’s Gull u c c c Belcher’s Gull r Mew Gull r u Ring-billed Gull c u c c Northern phalarope California Gull c o c c © Shari Erickson Common Name Sp S F W Common Name Sp S F W Doves Costa’s Hummingbird* u u c u Band-tailed Pigeon r r Calliope Hummingbird r r Domestic Pigeon* cccc Rufous Hummingbird c c r White-winged Dove r o r Allen’s Hummingbird u u Mourning Dove* cccc Common Ground-Dove (*) o Kingfishers Ruddy Ground Dove r Belted Kingfisher u u u Cuckoos Woodpeckers Yellow-billed Cuckoo (*) r r Lewis’ Woodpecker r Greater Roadrunner* oooo Acorn Woodpecker r Red-naped Sapsucker o o Owls Red-breasted Sapsucker o o Barn Owl uuuu Ladder-backed Woodpecker r Great Horned Owl uuuu Nuttall’s Woodpecker* uuuu Burrowing Owl* uuuu Downy Woodpecker* uuuu Long-eared Owl (*) rrrr Hairy Woodpecker r Short-eared Owl r r o Northern Flicker u u u Goatsuckers Flycatchers Lesser Nighthawk (*) r r o r Olive-sided Flycatcher o o Common Nighthawk r Greater Pewee r Poorwill r r Western Wood-Pewee u u Willow Flycatcher (*) u r u Swifts Least Flycatcher r Black Swift r Hammond’s Flycatcher u u Vaux’s Swift u u r Dusky Flycatcher r White-throated Swift o o o Gray Flycatcher o r Hummingbirds Western Flycatcher c c r Black Phoebe* cccc Broad-billed Hummingbird r r Eastern Phoebe r r Black-chinned Hummingbird* c c c Say’s Phoebe u r c c Anna’s Hummingbird* cccc Flycatchers, continued next page © Shari Erickson Common Name Sp S F W Common Name Sp S F W Flycatchers, continued Kinglets, Bluebirds and Thrushes Vermilion Flycatcher r o r Golden-crowned Kinglet r r Ash-throated Flycatcher u u r Ruby-crowned Kinglet c c c Tropical Kingbird o r Blue-gray Gnatcatcher u u Cassin’s Kingbird* u u c r Black-tailed Gnatcatcher Thick-billed Kingbird r California Gnatcatcher* uuuu Western Kingbird c u c Western Bluebird r Eastern Kingbird r Mountain Bluebird r r Scissor-tailed Flycatcher r r Townsend’s Solitaire r r Swainson’s Thrush u u Larks Hermit Thrush u u u Horned Lark* uuuu Wood Thrush r Swallows American Robin o o Varied Thrush r r Purple Martin r r Tree Swallow c c u Mockingbirds and Thrashers Violet-green Swallow c o Gray Catbird r Northern Rough-winged Swallow c u c r Northern Mockingbird* cccc Bank Swallow r o Sage Thrasher r o o Cliff Swallow* c c u Bendire’s Thrasher r r r Barn Swallow c o c r California Thrasher* uuuu Jays, Magpies and Crows Le Conte’s Thrasher Scrub-Jay* uuuu Wagtails and Pipits American Crow* uuuu Red-throated Pipit o Common Raven uuuu Sprague’s Pipit r Verdin American Pipit c c o o Verdin r r Bushtits Bushtit* cccc Nuthatches Red-breasted Nuthatch r White-breasted Nuthatch r Creepers Brown Creeper r r Wrens California Bewick’s Wren* cccc gnatcatcher House Wren* u u c c Ken Morris/USFWS Winter Wren r r Marsh Wren*
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