25 CENTS 'Religion in the News' Priest in Boulder learned his trade at a radio station in Nome, Alaska a, Julie Asher work in the media. • Regi1ter Staff 'Religion in the News' When Paulist Father Terrence Ryan was asked to Fa ther Ryan has been hosting " Religion in the host a local radio show in Boulder called " Religion in the News" for two out of the four years he has been In News," he decided to give it a try because he was no Boulder. Before being assigned to Color,11do, he was in a s tranger to the workings or a radio station. bilingual parish in the sprawling city of Houston. " I first learned to treat the microphone as if you Every other week Father's 15-mlnutie interview-style were talking lo one person at a radio station in Nome. show airs al 9 :05 on KBOL 1490 AM and KBVL 94.7 FM, Al:11~·" explained Father Ryan. who works in campus Boulder's only classical station. Some people, he said, m1rustry at St. Thomas Aquinas' Parish. have been able lo pick up the show in the northern part of Jesuits' station the Denver metro area. During his formation as a Paulisl priest, he was sent " For me it has been a lot of Cun. l "ve met people I to Nome for a couple or months. There Father Ryan wouldn' t otherwise call, and I think it helps us in our found himself working as a station manager , disc jockey work, our parish work, because it h~1s a networking a nd news repor t.er al KNOM, a station run by the Jesuit effect ,'' Father Ryan said of the show which he tapes Fathers. with bis guest before the Sunday air time. While the " I thought when I first we nt up there I'd be working interviews are not done live, he comme1rited, "it has the with Eskimos but I found myself in the radio station,•· he feel of a very Ii ve show." recalled, a smile breaking across a young race that belies Interviewing his 4J years. " I was running the two turntables a nd doing Over the past two years subject matter for the the news. editing it as I took it orr the Associated Press program has varied from interviewing two local Jewish news wire. And because radio is the only way of com­ women about bow their families deal wi1th the Christmas municating there, sometimes the women would ca ll in season to talkJng to the director of a !Boulder halfway with a message for the ir husbands out on fishing boats to house for former inmates to discussin1g the local food . \ be read over the radio.·· bank and shelter for homeless people. _ Being a Paulist priest has given him an9ther insight mlo communkations for his order is well-known for its · Commitment to blackness and Catholicism BJ Patricia Hill,er Referring to the Cure d' Ars pastor. Father Martin Register Staff Lally, Newell said, " Our pastor is color blind ... he truly " When we gather togethe r there's such growth and sees us as the Lord does." spirituality that it makes me wonder why all blacks a re ln addition to Newell. four otJ11er Cure d'Ars not Catholics." said Charlotte Newell on her return from parishioners attended the conference along with rather " the National Office for Black Catholics (NOBC) Biennial Lally. Conference in New Orleans. She was elected an NOBC " It was a real shot in the arm... a renewal of my faith regional representative and also to a place on the Na• to see black Catholics from all parts or the country that tional Lay Black Caucus board of directors. are really involved," said Ginger Pe1rkins. who is a " The conference was a beautifuJ example of com­ liturgical dancer and choir member at Cure d'Ars. " It monality and sameness... of blackness and Catholicism," was dynamic and challenging ... and we e:,cperienced some she said. ''There were black bishops and priests and nuns beautiful liturgies." and lay people - so filled with love or God and commit­ Brimming with enthusiasm about lhEi conference was ment to blackness and Catholicism ." Mable Harris , a first-time participant " J'd say I was Praising the agenda of outstanding speakers, Newell overwhelmed," she said. " It changed m:v whole perspec­ said, " I'd like to bring some of them to Denver. .. not just tive about being black and Catholic. I w;asn't sure where for the blacks to hear, but for the white people to hear. I stood before I questioned it a lot.. but now I know it's !-t too. They have such powerful words it would be a loss if good to be black and Catholic... to let o,ur culture come the white people were not included." through... to praise the Lord in any way 'that is natural to 1. us." Been a delegate J A member of Cure d'Ars Church, Newell has been a Spiritual growth delegate to three NOBC conferences, representing, not Lucille Glenn said she experienced deep spiritual only her parish, but the wider black community of growth from the conference as well as 1~ew ideas. Denver. As a third-time delegate, she was ,especially happy She will soon begin meeting with other regional with the interesting workshops that shed new light on the t current Church. " There was a workShOJp on Canon Law representatives to plan for the NOBC regional conference .. that will be held in Oe.nver in the spring of 1985, drawing that was just great," she said. " You might think that delegates from seven states. subject would be duH. but the way it was presented it was " The Church here in the West is ver y progressive as wonderful... it really came alive." Car as black Catholics are concerned," Newell said. " I'm Lacy Jones was another first-time delgate who really proud of how advanced we are." particularly enjoyed the presentations ,of the speakers . She explained that " blacks in Denver feel that they " They were outstanding," she said ... " a llot of good things are really an integral part of the Cburc.h. Our priests at came out of that conference." Cure d'Ars have always encouraged us to fulJy The Cure d 'Ars delegation gave spedal praise to the participate as Church and to bring our black culture into portion of the conference ifl'Volving youths . The younger the Church. Black Catholics don't find that atti tude in generation met together separately wbille the adult con- many other parts of the country." Charlotte Newell Page 2 - The Denver Catholic Reglater, Wed., September 5 , 1984 Dominican Brother van Merrienboer gets post in Rome Father Damian l!yrnP IJ I' rru.ster genpral or thP Doman wan Order ha'I .,Moun<('(! the appmntmmt ,,r Hrolhc·r f-:dw.. rd van \frrrwnbon O f' 11( lb ' f•nlral I' S A P rovm('f• nf f)f1m1n1r:,n~ "" ,pt'f'tal a s:s,~t.,nt gt>m•r..,1 for JU"illl"e and J)f'a<'f" .;nd .,.,,1.,l.;nL for mm1,t() Uro tlw r f'AJl,O, ar<I " r,..,1(ff'nl or 1he l>f•n1.••r .,,-< hdm, ' '-"" for th•• pa,l , ,x ,,•ar ~ h,1· h<•1•n 1111 pn,m<,lf•r of JU t wl' ..md rwarr• for II••· f><11111n,1-..,n urlfr-r in '\11rlh Amnw;1 for IJw pJ 1 ,ix )'f'J~ 11<• , .. tht• f1~1 L>mn1nt<'.in Hr,,11)(,r IO be a pp<11n1H.1 an J \\l'<lJ nt jll'Of•r.il m ltll' 11\l'r 7511 v,•;,r h1,1on nl 111" Jxur111111 an, 111• will , ... 1dt ,JI rhl' l.><,mmwan <,,,n!'ralat,.. ol '-•nl.J ~.,lm1 .., 10 l<umt· 11,, n •,,,.,n,1111111u--. '4 111 trle'lu<lt• 1h(' df'Yl'lopmt•nt of Ult! l><,m1narn n~ c·11rn11111men1 to U11 pr111nty of JU'lt1r<• :ind ll•'Jf ,. Ill· WIii c·111.1r1,lin.ilf• , 0 lnll'mJllm\JI 'llUd} ol UH' r••l,,twm,hllJ 111 th1• l>om1nu-,111'> tu p.i,tor;1I rn1n1s trv to tlw m1hLirv .. nd n,c•11mnwnrl poh1·y lot tlw orf'ln <'<Irle nmnR worlO rw,1t 1• IJrollll'r 1-AwMrl will lol'"" 1p1'<'1al .,-i.,.,t,,n<'t' to lh•1M• IJomm1t·.,n, ,.,h., 11111,rk 1n pla1·1•, wh••r l' lh••1r I r,•edom and , .,fNy ,1r!' m d:1nl(t'r lie will rl'l,111• to mt1•rm111onal human 111(lll'< jtroup, ,.llld utt1••1 < hurl'll•" 1nvol\lf-d an JUi.l 1< t• ,tnd JH•♦H•t• l'nur lo b4.•111i,: IH omotl'r tor North Am1•r1t'a IJ1 oth(•1 wu, ., <on, ult,1111 f111 1wa\ 1' .in<I Ju,ur r• l'(lur .it1on for th1• iJtlOO;JI (',,lllOlh· 1-:ttu, at111n.1I ""!>'.>C'lilllOn I NCI'; ,\) Ill .1 - W.ud1111 J.: ton - . Team training for -i- D marriage preparation seminarians studying in Rome ~ Tht• Marnagt> P reparation Ofru,,,, will otrer two d,f. Denver archdiocesan sem1nar1an• 11tudy1ng at North Conception S eminary College 1n1s past May. M ichael . - f1•n •111 rnarn111w pn•puraUon t('am (•Oupl~ trainmg 1n Sep. Amencan College in Rome v1111 w,tn Archb11ho p Jame-s v Sc:hlut 11oht w no w ,11 leave tor Rome Sept. 28, has completed two years of 1neolog1cal sludy m Rome, and ·r tember Casey prior to their leaving tor Rome Cn111100ne• nos IP nt II e summer at Light or the W orld Parish in • On S4'pl 22.
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