1 ^F Trr^K ?Ran ^Icigiricf) Ymrwf ^ ?Rf$T^ Wir^ ^ ^ ?Tsit ^3^ ^?3HT 2. 3, 4

1 ^F Trr^K ?Ran ^Icigiricf) Ymrwf ^ ?Rf$T^ Wir^ ^ ^ ?Tsit ^3^ ^?3HT 2. 3, 4

f,i^tract from- Haiyana."GoYerninenf^Gazetter- 'dafed^tfie 26th August,' 2008] ?TSIT l^mFT 2Qi=a?IR^,.-2008- , *3-0^ 12/lBa-20d£i^6/31^8.— "^RisiRicd ^RirrfciT^ 5^TcTc^ ^fatcT^ 3R^ 1964 (1964 ^ H^\M 3TmfwT 20),^^ 4 (3) 5T7r 51^ ^ ^ gR^I^II TRcpR, MVId^'IfeWR ^arf^^cRT ?T^ 1Zil^-2G06:^o-/.i4"70.-f^^ 18-^pn^/20Q7, % 6f^^l"ll % -jlvriimci,^ ^^ 3T^[^^ 1 ^f trr^k ?ran ^IcigiRicf) YmrWf^ ■?Rf$T^ wir^ ^ ^ ?tsit ^3^ ^?3HT 2. 3, 4]^^ H^KR^ ^CR3 3fR 3Rr^ ^ ^?%ct ^ ^ cfj^ f | 3?5^ nnfhT cWT ttr^ g>SR ^frrgrflnp - -■ 3i<?iqt vlrt <41 ell vfT^ ciivtl tPI -IR ^0 1 8 itF UTtft't ?IT^ ^3^ ^0 - O^HId • ♦1XWI tIR Mt4l4d ^ i!^ ^ ^ ^Traif^ WcT 20/11 6 00 6-5 "41 ^PIcT ^ <$RVr4 (^) 15/23 10 08 #1 15/24 8 00 20/2 8 00 20/3 - 8 00 20/4- 8. 00 20/7 8 00 20/8 8 00 20/9 8 00 20/10 5 13 20/12 6 00 20/13 8 00 20/14 8 00 20/15/1 2 00 20/15/2 ■ 3 • 07 109 08 (13 TfW^, 5 TSTTcT, 8 *1?^) '\'^\ 3n?o-xfto-xr5^,-— PRn^ TWB.isff^, ?f%wr ^Xincq ^ 'rfusid^ f^WFT I 46444—C.S.—H.O.P., Chd. ,3l ^9 f Ox. «• v*v ■ kurukshetra university /■«v / KURUKSHErPA-—132 119 * / X- 'i . ■ }■ • (HARYANA) -/ •• lVT^ — . r • registrars °ated X'X/JlL^2 v' \ ^To ^• ••^ • • •«» mT ■■ °f -^rchaeolor,. jcr 6-C, " ~ ■' jHcii r -•; irli " o Subj cc tj t*'-"-'•■■3tion .3i:o.^o=ci nf t V^i=rt Indian Kia tor; Cn^ °- -or 19S7-e&. , --.rchaeology Si >- - to irater Ko i/PCVee/r;"-- a ■^.7. 1987 i-iccivd -xom-ro-r ^nc- Joint-t ■ Dir-,-r'^-^^■ ' o A- uated Government of 1,-.^,^ r ^ ' tor General, Vide vh.cG a-..: :.' on tne sub. cr. t cf tod invited "for - --'C-'-a-eon/cnMoretion10^7 cc nv-o.- -O-O.al^ ,o.-i. .nes ,o;en v ' oomr,ittee or the Central_or c .,av.on:.i ;r->--orv>ti n on o -• ''tanu- lire -cjosgIc-.-t,-^v,-gX O lsC.G ~ i'oronlxorr.iui .-t-'fi007 - ^ .-.A ronro.n,.1- ,•-•. of hrchacoio-:vf. J '1j Hi - con. n.-i t^ui wuro- c.-r .-irc h ,^,-1 o - -r.Ci^-nt Ir. o- , are eeing .erf to you -nGGoiOfi/'.i th tb n-f JJ,y-'.. J_i, __r , . __^,1 e . ./0|kl 03 foroerded to too holnt D.r c^or "a!" 0'^ Surveyof ledia, Je.eeeth, Lev: d., h.-i i^.7 " ' r^o-;-on^:-ji:::onG ^ "" ^'>^cn your i I Yo u. r,: r f- f ^ P^ODOsai in i ^ tripiic:-te. "■ - Jl-.-nc o O j_ Q 3 for i<Qni stre. r m,^'1 Ul^iNliimial^l.ir .r. Zi NriS.''"V0-R;gI0>1/FjCa.AV.g30--' PircR^'"n,^ ^987-88. "n ^ a-v (u fice/Institu^iions/lhiversity/ toi-t, -of-Aic3er!t--Jndian History, Pa^earch Jnst.itation Galturo-and Archaoology, EurukshGtra Ihfversity, liirukshefcra. 2* Sita/Region proposed for Excava- Balu, District Jind, Haryano. tiori/Exploratic^ togethorwith the neme of the dist,and the Stated sketch plan of the 3ite(in triplicate) showing therein the area tcbe ezcavatod during the season nnder consi deration, 3-. iSether the site is centrally th-protected. proteote^State protected or un-protected. Horizontal Excavation* - " 4. Nature of work and the extent of funds available exclusively Ihiversitr ^5000/- (recurring) for the vx)rk proposed novr, +5535000/- (non-rocurring) ; (i) for excavation H-a, G~I^. B0,000/- -do- + Ife.l,20,0i (Hon-recurring) (ii) for simltaneoas cf^sorvation ,i99f 5. Probable date"of conmmcGment fet January 1988 to Slot ISirch, j and duration of \7ork. ^ _ .. .. - - - I X " 4:- « nnd the The nature of Harappan f^rtifd IP u 6. Importanco of the site ana +oT'n"-nlan of "differar't purpose for ^^ch it is prop s d . ^ 7:robosed to be invesfc ig;,- lo undertake the uork. ■ pnasos p i 7. Collaboratdng agency, if any(dn Nil case of collaboration foreigi agoncv, it r/ill bo rasp^ nsiblBty of the agoncy proposing, it to get clearanca from the Mna- Qfies of Home, PKtemal Afxairs & Doptt. of Culture. — Dr. U.V. Singh and Dr. Sura.i 8. NaneCs) of the Direction(s) t. - Dr. S.Bv Singh,- S.F. S'. Joint Directors Dr. Arun Easrpani Nil. 9. hiy other inf ortnaticHi The r0port(3) on ttie'-escavpA 10. State of publication of Daulatpur(c oinpl et ed _ on ». previoas reportCs) and RiH Eame,-Ea QilaCco" 3i.5.7t^ are under proparoi ii Brief report on tho last During the last season the 'seeson^B work(thG present ■^roSosal HEy not be considerea 15 days only due ti sn \f the brief report is not finances. The retnarn^o.^' \ enclosed to this j Harai^pan fort respect of continuation Tvork. further in ^ i: i: responsibility of witirp^^the Tinr , ^vc4»«ujuri conuucTiea unaer ^ direction *Tr^ *;ib. M553te si::2!'?'il'J?f5S ^?'5 fter the coHpletiOT of the exploratior/excavetioi"■» '•.f">«d mrk S.'p. J fU^jAsir y, y ' ' Pl^'.ce: Kurukclietra Sigiatare D^j^ation of t datods Sir^ri'lS? director of the eiicploratacfi ^ S-Q- ^2=^ iiscavation workiK • \ __ , ^fcaaaac, Dcparfeant oi Aea^t 13. Egcotnmendatiops^ - j of the- Etanding-. CoS^ftTSe"""'®'''■'ke Kiistory Cuk-ure 5c Asehaeole^ - V'J . 7 ^ . sr Huae K' .'ilcii_ A' m ~y '. 'T V- sc I., i • r • \ ^• N r 19 ^ V- ? Zii® ■"*• Pla P-^ /Ze^ ^Ae4o^^v^5 °*-* ^«fc«batra ■^- \:^ c^_ ^^aotor of if ■ -"" "«i». ^. ■, >->-,.< Us ys' V ".. r«'*r>'"i"iv«-j-jvrj>ViV3'ST.-b'; ttt tSte *4^ o Dj-str^cfc j^^'} - ttnTKn tb, „f?'f' sliwng r—«»'i£:> «n-protaet^,P2"ot(!»Gt9^f'f„f ^P^^'^tcct^ ccriraliw ar^ ^""P^^tootf^d.ft" ■ ^or 0;^cC7£t3,on ^KV^3o"S;'™Snr^<r (^'^ciirr.-fn^)''■■'"«■'?) for sacultaneoua c®o0rvotii^'"^^®^^^Se)Jfo!>r0cia-ring) ' + ^-i.SOtOGf Probable date r>f "" _ ■ snd uuro.jov,(tomtiov' nfof B-orJ:,. iif ^".«ary-s, ■ I9a3 t, " • 6. 3E535rt.%no-> of tho '\ . - ' pm^ose'"■«««.,to for xhicht!,fo4 it ?q""''■»«««« m "isturo nf -^ " ' 7. L,„. , . .. ' ° Wr®jfsoe.oHJilSbSiS la? s?,. mi. «(«»«. "f MtSl™"' «»i5- Arar? Sf'dfcla ?> iaformita'crs frn. P^^blicatioa of \ \ ... 3^.5.71? on' • tho laafc rresmt 23^%- the last (3e<-on f h. sbe C'!yi3idorsd raa undorf;;vj; . 33 not ^0 d!3yo onl^v nootlt <'f^orm)jr} fi'-anc--- mi ^ of work. <"/ - ' r.:^ t'U. g^j, \ v.. c ■-*^\ SotR :7T / Ho. 17/24-87-Purag^ From nio CommlsBloner,£t.Secretary tp Govt., Haryena Education Deparbn^t. To The Joint Director Goieral Archaeological Survey of India, Goyt. of In^a, Janpath, New Delhi. ''v- Dated Chandigarh, the Subjecti- , ~ Standing Cornmltt^i of the Central Advisory Board of Archaeology Co-ordination of ^ploratlon/Excavatlcn Programme for the season 1987-88 proposals* invtted-res. .V. •sir, ^ ^ J . ■ ' J I am directed to invite your kind attention to your letter No, l/ze/BV/EE,' dated 3i7»i9Sl on the subject noted above ani to forwarded,the proposal received from Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra in' the prescribed proforma for excavation work at Balu (Jlnd) for your kind consideration & approval. Yours faithfully, i- ' Administrative bfflcer.:■ /for, CommissibherHaryana, &Chandi^^lV^ Secretary to Go L'l V' I / aidst,N0. 17/24-87-PurV Dated^ y/i ^ A copy is fo^arded to the Registrar,Kurukshetra Univerflity,JCurukshetra for information with reference to his la^ No.Accounts/^1/65/2223, dated 20.10.87, Administratice Officer, Commissioner & Secretary .tOj L ^ ,rj DEPAKTMSNT of india^^ history culture ahd archaeology KORUKSHETiiA IfJIYERPCTY KURUrCSHHTHA U.P.C, No.AIH/ . ihted: 25.3.1988 To The Demuty-IJforamissionai*; Jind(Haryana). /I Subject: /fcheeolo^^icel Ey.cavation at BalaCDjstt. Jind). -Dear Sir, ' I wish to bring-to your kind notice that this Departmoij has been undertaking archaeological excavations at Belu (Distt Jind)'for the last several years. The work is likely to continue for another 2-3 years. In this conndction I wish to inform that a part of I ancient mound at Bald (about one acre) has been recently cut dOY^ to the level of the surrounding fields to convert '7/ into agricultural land with the result that some useful / _ evidence pertaining to..th8 .Eroto-historic period has beSfl destroyed. The eiibire' mound has been further damagsd by ii rr pdi-est Ibpartment; by digging small pita for tree plaiitati I shall, therefore, feel grateful if necessary instructions to ihe . ■ . ..i Forest Department to ensur^tM is not the least disturb completes its archaeologio^Q , ® ^artarj I Thanking you, / at hi Shdst:Ho. ATtV Copy or the aboi information and nacessarfi^^. 1. fiub- Div isi onal fc;Vj, 2. .iiirector/"W 4-^ of AjcfA*i ^ Archaeology,Secl'% ^ t /'Superintending Vi ■ I'ldiajChandigp.J*^ Mj t -a?' 4"^ Vj ' /. O d -2? 'n smmr.-w* ?ftisT5w 1?ivrR, rftm^rr.^F^hi?'» ?)qT JMiyTtl ^ I T3T^ wr% :-i7/2't-07-5Tr/ ( 7 — ■ftsTJT ;- ■gTtfhl TBTFT W it* 5f1- ^ 7^ STfvT gT?" I JTStCT, arot fcfftcT i^i- ff S75t? .I^TTq^-TTfR- ^ 517fi~H i-TRnhr WTvierrfr ^ftT W CfOnrEf 1^TFI ^ qsrf ?r 5PI ■Kir^nfiierr cftt! ^ jnfrq tittt «fT tjTTfrrf^ 3Tbr^ ^ 5T tjst 1 M R* HJj ?qw "fiFCX ^ 31^^ HITfCl^rf iTgpf* tTT 11«I9I ilfT TJf.KCTffiT ^ g;fim •ferr § ■fii neT*' t y ' «TT Ttii-flti t^t^*snrr jnfr^ Tcrft % <55 J-TT»r ?isfr ^sfr "fi>iir ^ tet t I 3ffr: ag^T t "ft 3"fef?3.

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