here you can find it in an emergency EA-South West/€&£ Sidm outh Flood Plan E n v ir o n m e n t Ag e n c y NATIONAL LIBRARY & INFORMATION SERVICE SOUTH WEST REGION Manley House, Kestrel Way, Exeter EX2 7LQ I >=*orri i -*■"< / o ' - ^ blic Information Leaflet Supported by: THE ENVIRONMENT AGENCY SIDMOUTH TOWN COUNCIL EAST DEVON DISTRICT COUNCIL DEVON COUNTY COUNCIL DEVON AND CORNWALL CONSTABULARY InnHlinp 845 9881188 VIRONMENT AGENCY • « # • * - ’ * ▼ - * * BACKGROUND Why Sidmouth might flood Sidmouth is at risk of flooding from the River Sid. Flooding is likely to be caused by prolonged heavy rainfall on a saturated catchment, or intense rainfall over a short period as occasionally experienced during summer thunderstorm activity. Sidmouth is also at risk from the sea during a combination of high spring tides, low pressure and on-shore gales causing large wave action. The town ARE YOU ARE YOU PREPARED FOR A FLOOD? SIDMOUTH has a history of flooding and major river channel improvements and bank FLOOD PLAN defences were carried out following RESIDENTS INFORMATION the 1968 flood. Tidal defences consisting of sea walls and rock IMPORTANT: The following armour tide breaks protect the town against tidal flooding. The defences information is to advise will protect the town from most people living in flood risk floods, however, there remains a areas of the arrangements possibility that extremely severe that have been put in place conditions will overwhelm the defences and flood low-lying parts of to deal with a flood. It is the town. No defence can give unlikely that flooding will absolute protection, it can only reduce occur and you should not the risk of flooding. be alarmed. However it is The Local Authorities, the Environment important that you read this Agency and the Emergency Services have put together a joint plan to deal leaflet so that you are aware with the possibility of flooding in of what could happen, what Sidmouth. Plans are also in place for you can do to limit damage other locations across the South West. and what help will be available. F l n n r i i n p 0845 9881188 ENVIRONMENT AGENCY Front cover: Mill Street, Sidmouth, 22 October 1960 Why is a Flood Plan required ? There are approximately 250 properties at risk of flooding in Sidmouth. Flood defences reduce the likelihood of properties flooding but they do not completely stop it. For the rare occasions when an extreme storm overwhelms the top of a defence, it is important that properties previously protected, are given a flood warning and that arrangements are in place so that Emergency Services and Local Authorities can provide effective assistance. People living in areas protected by flood defences should be just as prepared, as those who are at risk of flooding on a more frequent basis. Householders also have an important part to play in the overall plan. By taking a few basic precautions and being prepared to act promptly on | Plan of Sidmoutli receiving a warning, residents can considerably reduce the damage □ Area at risk and stress which flooding can cause. What will the Flood Plan cover ? • The Environm ent Agency issues It is a joint plan, agreed by East Devon flood warnings District Council, Devon County • The Police take an overall co­ Emergency Planning, Police, Fire ordination role and advise on the Service, Sidmouth Town Council and need to evacuate the Environment Agency. Details of the • The Local Authority prepares rest plan can be viewed in the local library, centres in case evacuation is at Local Authority offices or at the necessary Environment Agency offices at • Highway Authorities post road Exminster. closure signs • Fire Service and Local Authorities In simple terms, the plan indicates: provide assistance to deal with flooding. To find out if your property is in an area at risk of flooding call - FLOODLINE 0845 988 1188 or check on the Environment Agency Website www.environment-agency.gov.uk/flood SUMMARY OF INFORMATION Flood Risk - Understand why areas of Direct Flood Warning Service Sidmouth might flood and check if your Flood warnings will be issued directly to property is in an area which might flood. properties at risk of flooding in Sidmouth using local radio and TV and various Be Prepared - Know what to do : other means such as loud hailer and a leaflet drop. BEFORE A FLOOD Other Local Flood Warning • Check insurance • Plan how to protect your property Information • Know how flood warnings will be issued All flood warnings are serious. They are broadcast on local TV and radio during news, weather and traffic reports. Keep DURING A FLOOD tuned to local radio for updates on the • Alert neighbours and assist the elderly or flooding situation. infirm In your area you should listen to: • Move people, pets and valuables to safety • BBC Radio Devon - • Have spare warm clothing, a torch, a 103.4/96/95.8/94.8 FM battery powered radio and waterproofs • Gemini Radio - 96.4 / 97 FM to hand • Orchard FM - 96.5/97.1/102.6 FM • Keep up to date with flood warnings on local radio You can also keep informed by checking • Put flood boards in place or contact the ITV teletext on page 154; Ceefax 419. local council who may be able to help Live Flood Warning Pages on the you locate a supply of sandbags • Switch off gas and electricity supplies if Internet flooding is imminent www.environment-agency.gov.uk/flood • Do not enter deep or fast flowing water Flood Warning Information Line - think safety I For recorded information about current • Take police advice on the need to evacuate. flood warnings in your area ring FLOODLINE on 0845 988 1188 and follow the recorded instructions. If you AFTER A FLOOD have a touch tone phone, you can • Do not eat food which has been in obtain information for your area more contact with floodwater quickly if you key in the Quick Dial code • Check gas, electricity and water supplies when asked to do so. and equipment for safety before use The Quick Dial code for the River Sid is • Contact your insurers 042144 and for the South Devon Coast • Ventilate your property 04222. Listen out for severe flood • Beware rogue repairmen. warnings for the River Sid and the South Devon Coast at Sidmouth. FlnnHlinp 0845 9881188 ENVIRONMENT AGENCY -3/03-500-C-BHBK SW Printed on 100% recycled paper THE FLOOD WARNING SERVICE FOR SIDMOUTH THE FLOOD WARNING SERVICE FOR SIDMOUTH The flood warning service is run by the therefore a public warning will not be Environment Agency. It warns of the risk necessary. of flooding from the flood banks and Possibility off ffalse w arnings walls overtopping. It cannot warn for Flood warning is not an exact science. In surface w ater flooding due to localised deciding when to issue flood warnings blocked drains. Warnings are based on the Environment Agency has to balance upstream river levels on the Sid, the need for giving the public sufficient monitored at Sidbury. Tidal flood time to protect their property, against predictions for Sidmouth are based on the need to reduce the possibility of astronomical tide heights taken from POL issuing false alarms. Public warnings will and Admiralty tide tables, and forecasts only be issued as a result of very severe of surges and wave heights predicted by weather conditions and indications that the Met Office. The Devonport tide the flood banks will overtop. gauge is monitored via telemetry in the Environment Agency's Flood Warning Other causes of flooding in Offices in Exeter and Exminster to assist Sidmouth predictions on the South Devon coast. • Heavy rain could also cause drains and gullies to be overwhelmed, i.e. Warnings to the public at risk surface water flooding A Flood warning will be issued to It is not possible to provide warnings properties at risk of flooding using a for local flooding from surface water. variety of methods, such as loud hailers and a leaflet drop, when there is a LOCAL RADIO STATIONS who will strong likelihood that the flood broadcast flood warnings and defences will overtop. The Environment updated flood information. Agency will aim to issue the public • BBC Radio Devon - warning at least two hours prior to the 103.4/96/95.8/94.8 FM expected onset of flooding. At Sidmouth, • Gemini Radio - 96.4 / 97 FM the amount of advance warning of • Orchard FM - 96.5/97.1/102.6 FM flooding is likely to be: Flood warnings on TV - I TV Teletext • Tide- could be four to six hours. page 154, Ceefax page 419 • River Sid - could be as little as one Flood warnings on the Internet: hour. www.environment-agency.gov.uk/flood Warnings will also be broadcast by local FLOOD WARNING INFORMATION radio and TV, although the effectiveness LINE FLOODLINE 0845 988 1188 of these will depend on the time of day Call this number and select the recorded of the flood. information service, for all current flood Warnings to Emergency Services warnings in force. When prompted - use and Local Authorities the Quick Dial code 042144 for the The Environment Agency will alert Local Rivers Otter and Sid and listen out for a Authorities and the Emergency Services severe flood warning for the River Sid. when there is a possibility of the You can hear warnings for the South defences overtopping. This notification Devon Coast by using the Quick Dial will be in advance of a public warning code 04222. Listen out for a severe flood being issued and will enable these warning on the South Devon Coast at services to make preparations for dealing Sidmouth.
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