• 366 PR[STO~. SOMERSET. [KELLY'S register dates from 1764, but is imperfect. The living Willmington is a hamlet, 2 miles north from the church, is a rectory, net yearly value £315, including 47 acres and by a circuitous road. of glebe, with residence, in the gilt of William Vaughan- Sexton, Thomas Miles. Jenkins esq. and held since 1863 by the Rev. Thomas Henry Hollier M.A. of St. John's 'College, C.ambridge. Post Office.-Percy Long, sub-postmaster. Letters arrive The charities amount to about £14 1O'S. yearly. William from B3Ith at 7. 10 a.m. & 4·35 p.m.; dispatched at 7. 20 Vaughan-Jenkins esq. of Oombe Grove, Bath, who is lord p.m. Postal orders are issued !here, 'but not paid. of the manor, and Earl Temple are the principal land- The neareSlt money order & telegraph office is at Tims- owners. The soil is day and stone brash; subsoil, stone. bury, 3 miles distant. Postal address, near Dunkel'ton, The chief crops are wheat, oats -and barley, and about Bath half rthe land is in pasture. The area is I,85~ acres; Parochial School (mixed), erected in 1865, for 60 chil­ rateable value, £2,215; the population in 1901 was 172. dren; avemge attendanoe, 34; Miss Jane Anthony, mist :Freeth Lieut.-Col. James Plomer (late Colborne George, blacksmith Long Percy, grocer, Post office R.A.), Manor house Emery Robert, beer retailer Lye Martha. (Mrs.), farmr.Village frm Hollier Rev. Thos. Hy. M.A. Rectory Eill Henry, Church farm Pritchard Samuel, farmer,Wilmington COMMERCIAL. Keeling EIiza (Mrs.), farmer, Hill frm Salvidge Ohas. farmer, Priest Barrow Anthony Jane (Miss), assistant over- Keeling James, farmer, New farm Speed William, miller (water) & far- seer & clerk to parish meeting Long Jane (Mrs.), beer retailer mer, Mill farm PUBLOW is a parish, now including the village of National School (mixed), built in 1870, for 120 children; Pensford and a portion of 1ihe hamlet of WooIlard, 4! average attendance, 90; Alfred iRayes, master; Mrs. miles south-west frQm Keynsharn iStaltion on the main Hinds, mistress line, and adjoins Pensford station on th? Bristol ~nd PENSFORD (or St. Thomas-in-Pensford) is a village Radstock 'branoh of .the G:re-at Western rail'Yal'. 6~ mIles s~tuated in a valley, and was united in 1898 to -the parish louth-east from Br.1stol, m the Northern dIVISIon of the of PublOJW; it is on the road from Bristol bo Wells, with county, Clutton umon Keynsham hundred and petty ses- B station on the Nmth Somerset branch of the Great sional division, Templ~ Cloud oounty court distr~C't, rural Western railway, and is6 miles S'ourth from Bristol and deanery of Chew, .arc'hde~onry of £a.~h. and dIOcese. of 1251 from London. The river Chew runs through the Bath and Wells. The fIver Ohe~ dIVIdes the parIsh village, and divides it from the parish of Publow. Here fl'~m that of Comprton Dando,~nd I~ crossed ~by a s~one is '3 viaduC't of 116 arches on the North Somerset railway, brIdge. .The church -0.£. All 'Samts IS ll? ~nCIent edIfice 100 Jeet high, and ~p'anning a valley of considerable depth. of stone I~ the Perpe.ndlCular style, consIstmg of chancel, The -church of St. T'homalli a Becket, enrtirely il'ebuilt. nave of SIX bays, aisles! no:th porch and a lofty em· with tille exception 0If the tower, in 1868, is an edifice of battl~d .western tower WIth pm!1acles and gurgoyles, and stone in the Ea.rly Decorated style, consisting of quasi contalllmg 6 bells: t·he chancel IS separated from the nave chancel nave north and south porches and an embarttled by a screen of wrought brass: t~ere are memorial windo~s westerd towe; conta,ining a dock and 2 bells: the original to the Rev. Art~ur Bellamy, VIcar 1872-98, and Mary.hls edifice wal probably of the 14th century: the- building daughter and hIS mother; to the- Re;y-. O. W. De-vemsh, has no chancel arch !but a screen of stone and ironwork and to the Rev. J ames Bellamy, his brother: the pulpit divides the nave from -the part used as a chancel: the of carved oak was con.structed ~rom the d?ors of t}1e carved oak pulpit bears the date 16-17:. there are tal~lets old pews: the commumon plate mcIudes a SlIver .chalIce to -the Guy, Yeale -and Thompson familIes, and a curIOUS. dated 1584: the church was ['estored in 1860, Ibut m 1861 old stone font: the church has sitJtings fo,r 200 persons. a portion of. the :oof ~nd the top .of rt~e tower were de- The register dates from the. year 1651. The living is' a stroyed by hghtnmg: m 18 186 the mtenor of the chancel chapelry, annexed to the VICarage of P1lIbloIW, and has was thoroughly res-tored and re-decorated at the expense an llItt3lcbed lectureship founded by the Ireland family, of rthe Rev. Arthur Bellamy, vicar: there are sittings for ()If ,the v,alue of about £25 2S. Bd. yearly. There are 500 persons. The register dates from the year 1569. Wesley13n Mooh'Odisrt and Independent clhapels. In a The living is a vicarage, with Pensford annexed, joint net barton here are the Temains of an old village -or market yearly value £226, in the gift of the Bishop of Bath and CTOSS. built into the wall of a house. Fairs were formerly Wells, and held since 1898' 'by t'he Rev. Henry Howard held on the 6th ()If May and 8tb of November in each Tripp M.A. of Trinity Oollege, Dublin. The charities year, but are now extinct. The principal landowners are include 3 sum of £500 le-ft, by William Adams esq. of the trustees of the late J'Ohn Windmill Lansdowne Dau­ Whitley, in 18IS. to trustees the interest to apprentice beny esq. and the truSJtees of the "Church Lands Oharity." poor boys of Publow parish as tilers, plasterers, carpenters The soil is- rich; sUlbsoil, red sandstone and limestone. and cordwainers; there is also a bequest of £50 left by The chief crops are principally pa~ture. Mr. Vowles, of Bristol, -the interest of which is distdbuted Parisih Clerk, Jobn Primrose. to ~he poor a~ Ohr~Sibmas. rl'he par,ish ha.s a Ohurch Post, M. O. & T. 0., T. M. 0., S. B., Express Delivery, Gmld and a RmgersClu!b. T.he o~d ,stone .round-house, Parcel POSit & Annuity & Insurance Office.~issFrances formerly used as .a lo~~k:up, IS still standmg near the Fisher, suJb-postmistres,s. Letter arrive from Bristol at post office. FranClS WIl.lwm Leybourne-Popham esq..of 7 a.m. i& I & 5.35 p.m.; disprutched a-t 10.30 a.m. &. ~unstrete, Marksbury, ·~s ,I'Ord. of the n:anor and prm- 6.15 & 8.20 p.m.; sundays, 'Open from 8,45 to 10 a.m. clpalla~dow?er. The so~l1S' good; subsoil, red sandstone only; dispatched at 9.45 p.m and whIte has. Th~ chleff crops are wheat, barley and Lett.er Box at tthe railway station cleared at 10 a.m. & 5 roots.. The acreage 1S 1,3Il ; rartelllble value, £ 228 9; the &8.35 p.m population in 1891 was 492. .A. ISchool Board -of 5 members was formed February 16, WooIlard is a hamlet partly :in this parish and partly 1887, for the united parishes of Stanton Drew & Pens- in bhat of Oompton Dando. ford; George Batten, ~ensford,clerk & atten.dance officer P . h Cl k d S tWill' C bt.. Board SC'hool, erected lD18g8, for 170 chIldren, at a. ans er an ex on, mill 0 lu. cost of about £2,000; average attendance, 53; Miss Letters arrive from Bristol. The neareSlt money order & Ann Thomas, mistres,s telegraph office is wt Pensford, half a mile distant Railway Station, Henry Oray, station master PUBLOW. King Thomas, laundry, Woollard ant overseer & clerk to the Parish Swaine John M.I.M.E Long Jas.Arth.frmr. Parsonage farm Oouncil Tripp Rev. Henry Howard M.A.(vicar) Smart George, baker Oray Henry, station master COMMl<1RCIAL. Swaine John M.I.M.E. consulting en· Lyons Edwin, farmer & cattle dealer Baker John, shopkeeper, WollaI'd gineer, The Vicarage Nipper Wm.Railway hotel & cattle dlt Batten Joseph, grocer & draper Thompson Edward, farmer Powell Thomas, coal mer. Hill side Blanning Henry, baker Winter .Anna Maria (Mrs.), farmer, PoweIl WiIIiam, beer retailer Ooles Charles, shopkeeper, Woollard Pinns farm . Primrose John Richd. Lukins, grocer Davis Henry, farmer, Leigh farm Wookey Wm. farmer, Whitley court Sampson Thomas James, carpenter & Duckett Wm. beer retailer, Woollard wheelwright Evans Arthur, George & Dragon P.R PENSFORD. Saunders Rebecca (Miss), dress maker Flower Farnham, farmer Dobbs George Henry Shearn John, beer retailer Flower Henry, butcher I'hiIips Mrs. Hill house Smart George, sen. boot & shoe ma Flower Richmond, farmer Sherborne Mrs Thompson Edward, baker Hanney Albert, relieving & vaccination CQ;\IMERCIAL. Yeater Arthur, saddler & harness ma officer, No. 2 district, Glutton union Batten George, clerk & attendance Watkins Thomas, Rising Sun P.H King Oeli'l. (Mrs.), shopkeeper ofllcer to the scbool board & assist- Wookey Jonab, farmer PUCKINGTON is p, village and parish, on the river of the Great Western railway r:md 7 south-west from De and on -the r-o'ld arom Langport -to Chard, 3 miles Langport, in the Sout/hem division of the county, hun­ north-east from Ilminster srtation on the Ohard branch dred of AbJick and Bulstone, IlminSiter petty sesllional.
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