AlumniGazetteWESTERn’S ALUMNI MaGAZINE SINCE 1939 SPRING 2012 AT THE PL ATE WITH BLUE JAYS PRESIDENT & CEO PAUL BEESTON Buying?Buying? Renewing?Renewing? Refinancing?Refinancing? AlumniGazette Buying?Buying?Buying?Buying? Renewing?Renewing?Renewing?Renewing? Refinancing?Refinancing?Refinancing?Refinancing? CONTENTS ‘EVERY DAY IS SATURDAY’ 10 Cover story: At the plate with Blue Jays president & CEO Paul Beeston, BA’67, LLD’94 A DIPLOMAT FINDS HER 14 CALLING Sheila Siwela, BA’79, Zambia’s ambassador to the United States THE RIVER RUNS DEEP 16 Valiya Hamza, PhD’73, discovers underground river in Brazil THE WILL TO WIN 18 Silken Laumann, BA’89, reflects on her bronze medal win at the ’92 Olympics NEVER SaY NEVER 20 Tim Hudak, BA’90, and his path to Queen's Park 22 ROCK STAR CommittedCommitted to to Saving Saving YouYou ThousandsThousands Richard Léveillé, PhD’01, and NASA’s Mars CommittedCommittedCommitted to toto Saving SavingSaving You YouYou Thousands ThousandsThousands mission ofof Dollars Dollars on on Your Your NextNext MortgageMortgage ofofof Dollars DollarsDollars on onon Your YourYour Next NextNext Mortgage MortgageMortgage THE CIRQUE LIFE Alumni of Western University can SAVE on a mortgage 26 Craig Cohon, BA’85, brings Cirque du Soleil AlumniAlumniAlumni of of ofWestern Western Western UniversityUniversity University can can SAVE SAVE on onon a aa mortgage mortgagemortgage to Russia withAlumni the of best Western available University rates in can Canada SAVE while on a enjoyingmortgage withwithwith the the the best best best available available available ratesrates rates in in Canada Canada whilewhile while enjoying enjoyingenjoying outstandingwith the best service. available Whether rates in purchasing Canada while your enjoying first 20 outstandingoutstandingoutstanding service. service. service. 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BASEBALL LIGHTNING ROUND LETTERs BEsT KEPT sECRET Call us for a pre-approval today and 05 29 Q&A WITH BLUE JAYs PREsIDENT & CEO CallCallCall us us us for for for a a pre-approvala pre-approval pre-approval todaytoday today and and What’s in a name? A medical master: Dr. PAUL BEEsTON, BA’67, LLD’94 askCall us us forfor oura pre-approval “Home Buyer today Guide”. and Leonard Rowntree, askaskask us us us for for for our our our “Home “Home “Home BuyerBuyer Buyer Guide”. Guide”. CAMPUs NEWs ask us for our “Home Buyer Guide”. 06 MD’1905, DSc’1916 SUMMER CaMP LESSONS IBM contributes $65 million Mortgage program recommended by InTERVIEW WITH JAY GIlbERT, HBA’08, MBA’11, MortgageMortgage program program recommended recommended by by CONsUMER GUIDE MortgageMortgage program program recommended recommended by by CAMPUs QUOTEs 34 AUTHOR OF ThE CABIN PATH: LEADERsHIP 08 Latest golf trends Dr. Henry Barnett, DSc’01, LEssONs LEARNED AT CAMP James Bartleman, BA’63, NEW RELEAsEs 36 DORIS INC., A BUSINESS AppROACH TO CaRING LLD’02 Scott Goodson, BA’85, FOR YOUR ELDERLY PARENTS - EXCERPT on movement marketing 28 MEMORIEs BY sHIRLEY ROBERTs, HBA’74 Canada’s most beautiful GAZETTEER 40 CaNNES ACCEPTS SHORT FILM by ALUMNUS campus Alumni notes & InTERVIEW WITH JOhn VIRTUE, BA’10 announcements National Group Mortgage Program is a company of registered Mortgage Agents licensed with TMG The Mortgage Group Ontario Inc. FSCO Registration No. 10315 NationalNational Group Group Mortgage Mortgage Program Program is isa companya company of ofregistered registered Mortgage Mortgage Agents Agents licensed licensed with with TMG TMG The The Mortgage Mortgage Group Group Ontario Ontario Inc. Inc. FS FSCOCO Registration Registration No. No. 10315 10315 NationalNational Group Group Mortgage Mortgage Program Program is isa companya company of of registered registered Mortgage Mortgage AgentsAgents licensed withwith TMG TMG The The Mortgage Mortgage Group Group Ontario Ontario Inc. Inc. FS FSCOCO Registration Registration No. No.10315 10315 www.nationalgroupmortgages.com/uwowww.nationalgroupmortgages.com/uwowww.nationalgroupmortgages.com/uwo 2 ALUMNIGAZETTE.CA www.nationalgroupmortgages.com/uwowww.nationalgroupmortgages.com/uwowww.nationalgroupmortgages.com/uwo SPRING 2012 EdITION 3 1 ALUMNIGAZETTE.CA AlumniGazette LETTERS EDITOR’S Spring 2012 (ISSN # 1189-6272) Editor: Marcia (Daniel) Steyaert, BA’96 (King’s) FRIENDSHIPS FORGED, that department from 1969 until 1976. I then For years, I have held the belief that it is up to MEMORIES MADE became assistant director of Summer School Africans to affect permanent positive change NoTEbook Executive Editor: Jason Winders, MES’10 (Re: Editor’s Notebook, Winter 2012) and Extension and then emigrated to the in their lives and it must start with the ousting Director, Alumni & Development Communications: I read your Editor’s Notebook column in the United States in 1977 where I’m now retired of oppressive and inadequate leaders. Monies WITH MaRCI A STEyaERT, BA’96 Diana Cunningham Gazette with a broad smile. from The California State University (Fullerton and supplies sent to African countries by the Publisher: Helen Connell, MBA’96 I was one of those ‘big-city kids’ who came campus). West is a Band-Aid approach at best and, Art Director: Terry Rice, BFA’98, MA’00 to King’s College on the same move-in day I hope you’ll send me the answer I’m in most instances, are never received by the Designer: Rob Potter as you in 1992, and I wore the exact same hoping for. Much of my heart and memory people who really need help. Instead, they are T-shirt. I felt as though I didn’t belong there remains with Western and my days there, and I diverted to greedy and corrupt politicians, Staff, Faculty & Volunteer Contributors: Steve Anderson, WHEN OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS Jess Bechard, Ashley Conyngham, Jennifer Davila, Susanna Eayrs, either, but I’ve made friends from King’s and remember those years fondly! military, police and armed thugs for their Keri Ferguson, Mathew Hoy, Jo Jennings, Douglas Keddy, Kathryn Western that I cherish today. In fact, I’m seeing MARTIN CARBONE, BA’64, MA’65 personal profit. I blame Ms. Smythe, a teacher at my elementary the editor took a secondment. And I am Kinahan, Keith Marnoch, Scott May, Paul Mayne, Sonia Preszcator, my former King’s roommate and a few other MIssION VIEJO, CALIFORNIA Continued success to Mr. Ayittey with hope school, for my obsession. constantly curious about people’s life stories, Jeff Renaud, David Scott, Gulnara Shafikova, Allison Stevenson, ‘new res’ friends this weekend. I came back the rest of the world will take serious note of In Grade 7, she gave me a stack of Glamour how they became who they are, what influences Adela Talbot, Heather Travis, Janis Wallace, Kathy Wallis, home and attended the University of Toronto Editor’s note: Keep wearing your T-shirts what he has to say on the matter. Jen Wilson, Angie Wiseman, Scott Woods and Mademoiselle magazines she was through them, their choices, their regrets, their ‘a ha for graduate school but I didn’t have nearly Martin. Western’s official name remains The TONI WAynE, BsW’76 reading. “I thought you’d enjoy these,” she said moments.’ And everywhere I look at Western, Photography/Art: Matt Barnes, Canadian Olympic Committee, the same warm, homey experience at U of T University of Western Ontario, and this will matter-of-factly. As a child, I was surrounded by I’m inspired and supported by the people Karmen Dowling, Jessica Eckert, Grace Image Photography, that I did at Western, and whenever the Varsity continue to appear on all diplomas and SMIBERT TOUCHED newspapers and books, but magazines were a around me – colleagues, students, faculty, staff Beth Hayhurst Photography, M.J. Idzerda, Lawrence Jackson Blues play Western at football or swimming or legal documents. However, we will be calling MANY LIVES (official White House photo), Anne-Marie Laprise, David new and welcome discovery. and our alumni. track and field and the teams are meeting up in ourselves “Western” or alternatively “Western (Re: Remembering, Winter 2012) Manning (cover), Alex Masters, Paul Mayne, Chris Omelon, In the months that followed, my best friend In this issue, you’ll meet alumni who’ve each Adela Talbot, BA’08, MA’11, Richard Sibbald, Heather Travis, Toronto, I flash the ‘W’ sign with my fingers to University” when the context requires in I was pleased to see the essay about Marie and I spent recesses hatching plans to jet off to taken a variety of paths to where they are Western Archives, Charlie Williamson, Nation Wong the visitors wearing purple. marketing and media relations materials and Smibert. Not only was I a recipient of her New York where we would live in a fabulous today. I think one of us may still have our Purple websites. Details, including FAQs, can be letters, she was also a distant cousin. We shared Advertising Inquiries: Denise Jones, 519-661-2111, ext. 85460; apartment and work in the fashion industry. He grew up loving baseball, but Paul [email protected] Spur shirt somewhere! found at communications.uwo.ca/brandnew/ a love of family history and with her help, my Keep in mind, this is the mid-1980s and Sex and Beeston, BA’67, LLD’94, never imagined he’d Thanks for the trip down memory lane. index.html initial forays into the field were made easier. Editorial Advisory Board: Robert Collins, BA’77, Helen Connell, the City was unheard of. Instead, the magazines’ run a major league team one day, let alone AMY HERsKOWITZ, BA’96 (KIng’s) Thanks for recognizing such a great character.
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