Form 10-300 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR STATE: (July 1969) NATIONAL PARK SERVICE Kansas COUNTY: NATIONAL REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLACES Miami INVENTORY - NOMINATION FORM FOR NPS USE ONLY ENTRY NUMBER DATE ( i ype ail entries complete applicable sections) *7/i *3f 3-fl <OO&L i) *?$h<j/'7 / W^^^^^m^^^^^^^^Mmm^ff'mffi'^^^^A COMMON: ^ s. ~ ^^ "^1/ X^A \5--l / *? ^N. (yonnjBrownMCabin /^^ <4* ' /'/'^\ AND/OR HISTORIC: ° / O^ ([/"rr/l/rD > Samuel Adair Cabin f^i n '^ U ^ [in STREET AND NUMBER: l 1*^! IVvlTlrM- * /^7 John Brown Memorial Park \^ 'RPP'O - '' />?v CITY OR TOWN: Osawatomie \^y^^^^^^o/^ STA TE CODE COUNTY: ^ 1 M -^ CODE Kansas 6606U ~^9 Mi««u. 121 STATUS ACCESS.BLE CATEGORY OWNERSHIP (Check One) TO THE PUBLIC | | District £] Building £ Public Public Acquisition: BQ Occupied Yes: ,, .j SI Restricted n Site Q Structure CD Private CD ln Process D Unoccupied ^ i in - i CD Unrestricted Q Object D Bottl D Being Considerec | _| Preservation work in progress ' ' PRESENT USE (Check One or More as Appropriate) I | Agricultural | | Government | | Park ( I Transportation 1 1 Comments | | Commercial CD Industrial | | Private Residence [~]Other (Specify) CD Educational 1 1 Mi itary | | Religious CD Entertainment E Museum | | Scientific OWNER'S NAME: U) State of Kansas STREET AND NUMBER: s? State Capitol CO CO CITY OR TOWN: STA"rE: CODE Topeka Kansas 66612 3& pif COURTHOUSE, REGISTRY OF DEEDS, ETC: Register of Deeds t COUNTY: M4«~,4 STREET AND NUMBER: Miami County Courthouse I CITY OR TOWN: STA1re CODE Paola Kansas 66071 3& TITLE OF SURVEY: Historic American Buildings Surrey NUMBERTRYEN \\ -n O DATE OF SURVEY: j£] Federal CD State CD County | | Loca 73 DEPOSITORY FOR SURVEY RECORDS: Z TJ library of Congress C in STREET AND NUMBER: m 10 First St., S. E. O r-z CITY OR TOWN: STAT E: CODE 1 D Washington Di strict of Columbia ff " vM > ffv H ^ Su (Check One) JH Excellent Q Good Q Fair I I Deteriorated CONDITION D Ruins Unexp (Check One) (Check One) D Altered ] Unaltered jj£J Moved Q Original Site DESCRIBE THE PRESENT AND ORIGINAL (if known) PHYSICAL APPEARANCE The »John Brown Cabin» was bunt in 185U by Samuel Glenn, J who sold it for $200 to Rev. Samuel Adair, the brother-in-law of John Brown* - The log cabingfiginally stood about a mile west of Osa- watomie. InJLgL^lt was dismantled, .moved to the park location, and reassembled. In 1928 the state legislature appropriated funds to construct a pergola to shelter the cabin. The cabin consists of a large living room, a kitchen, and aJLoft. The interior of the cabin remains today much as it was~when John Brown was a frequent -visitor. Many pieces of original furniture are in the living room. rn rn n H PERIOD fCheck One or More as Appropriate) D Pre-Columbion | Q 16th Century Q 18th Century D 20th Century D 15th Century Q 17th Century S3 19th Century SPECIFIC DATE(S> (II Applicable and Known) AREAS OF SIGNIFICANCE (Check One or More as Appropriate) Abor iginal [ j Education Political I j Urban Planning, B C] Prehistoric I [ Engineering n Religion/Phi­ n Other ffipeciffc). x -;''"•. 4•'. ! • O / O Historic [~1 Industry losophy | | Agriculture [ | Invention a Science / ' "• - V ^!4> [ | Architecture {| Landscape a Sculpture D Art Architecture PCI Socia I/Human­ . 1 '^ nrr9~ [ | Commerce | | Literature itarian | | Communications Q Military a Theater | | Conservation n Music a Transportation TATEMENT OF SIGNIFICANCE John Brown came to Osawatomie in October, 185>5>* after five of his sons, who had come in the spring, had appealed z to him for help against harassment by Proslavery elements. o While in Kansas, he was involved in a number of incidents that kept feelings stirred up in the eastern Kansas counties in the so-called ^Bleeding Kansas*1 era. The battle" of Osa­ u watomie on August 30, 1856, was one such skirmish. ID Although he lired in Kansas for only about 20 months during his entire life, John Brown's activities have been a: closely associated with the state. The Samuel Adair Cabin, usually called the nJohn Brown Cabin, 11 was frequently visited by Brown and occa­ sionally served as his headquarters. LJLJ LLJ CO Blackmar, Prank W., Kansas, A Cyclopedia of State History (Chicago, Standard Publishing Co., 1912). ""' " Johnson, Alien, editor, Dictionary of American Biography, v. 3 (New York. Cbarles Scribner's Sons, 1929), ppi. 131-131U Kansas State Historical Society, "John Brown Museum" (Topeka, State Printer, n. d.). Wilson, Hill P., A Biographical History r of Eminent Men of the State of Kansas (Topeka, The""Ha3T lithographing Co ., 1901), pp. 5k$-5kl» LATITUDE AND LONGITUDE COORDINATES LATITUDE AND LONGITUDE COORDINATES DEFINING A RECTANGLE LOCATING THE PROPERTY C ) DEFINING THE CENTER POINT OF A PROPERTY , OF LESS THAN TEN ACRES ————————— ————————————————————————— ———————————————————————— f CORNER LATITUDE LONGITUDE LATITUDE LONGITUDE Degrees Minutes Seconds Degrees Minutes Seconds Degrees Minutes Seconds Degrees Minutes Seconds NW ° ° 0 . o • NE ° ° SE ° ° 38 29 $6 9k $7 3k SW o , . o , , APPROXIMATE ACREAGE OF NOMINATED PROPERTY: Le3S than OD.Q 8.CTQ ILIST ALL STATES AND COUNTIES FOR PROPERTIES OVERLAPPING STATE OR COUN-fY/fBOUN D AR-IES s\ \ i •" m STATE: " CODE COUNTY /f*^ A ' X CODE A.;. pfpr-Mucn ' \ m STATE: CODE COUNTY: /--/ 1 \ l-LiLI V L. U ' \ CODE /H • — *\ p Uo» 14 i9/U H STATE: i CODE COUNTY: [~^> J-— CODE \ ^ \ 1 N f\ ' 1 ^-^ i < - /^-^ / STATE: CODE COUNTY: - N^Ov Kt^JlN^ /^^/ CODE Xy^/v, ^-S\^y NAME AND TITLE: Richard D. Pankratz, Planner 0 ORGANIZATION DATE Kansas State Historical Society Aug. 21, 1970 STREET AND NUMBER: o 120 West 10th St. Z CITY OR TOWN: STATE CODE Topeka Kansas 66612 £& oo ••^::9:;::::::r;:C;&':A''"T':C'':::i":':'f:&::t:C:iffi £l':«:r::X":5x}v$\-:l-:-:p:-:::t;-I:^^tO;J#l^:*»^Tr^^^ As the designated State Liaison Officer for the Na­ I hereby certify that this property is included in the tional Historic Preservation Act of 1966 (Public Law 89-665), I hereby nominate this property for inclusion National Register. in the National Register and certify that it has been evaluated according to the criteria and procedures set forth by the National Park Service. The recommended Chief, Office of Archeology and Historic Preservation level of significance of this nomination is: National ® State ^ Local Q MAR 2 4 1971 Date Name V\^J(jL H" - Vwt^CC^v Nyi* H. Miller ATTEST: Title Executive Secretary, Kansas State Historical Society Keeper of "fhe Rational Register// "^ Bate October 12, 1970 FEB & 2 vn Form 10-300a (July 1969) Kansas NATIONAL REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLACES Miami INVENTORY - NOMINATION FORM FOR NPS USE ONLY ENTRY NUMBER (Continuation Sheet) (Number all entries) 6. Survey of Historic Sites and Structures in Kansas (state) 1957 Kansas State Historical Society 120 West 10th St. Topeka, Kansas 66612 Code: Federal Writers 1 Project of the Works Progress Administration (federal) 1939 Records destroyed. A guidebook, Kansas^ was published in 1939. NATIONAL loo REGISY hfi^f f' I ' / KANSAS CITY 5/ Ml t "J <•• ' f PAQLA 8 Ml »I2 u. s. o. s. f|» Map It Let. 36° 2f• 56" 91° 57 • 3U" \ NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval 1024-0018 (8-86) United States Department of the Interior National Park Service National Register of Historic Places Continuation Sheet Section number 7 Page 1 The National Register nomination for John Brown Cabin (c. 1854, c. 1912, c. 1928, c. 1995) in the John Brown Memorial Park in Osawatomie, Kansas is being amended to clarify the boundaries of the nominated property. Additional descriptive and contextual information is also being provided. The cabin, the stone pavilion that houses the cabin, and a small perimeter of land around the structure are listed on the National Register. The boundaries encompass one acre and stand on the SE % SW 1A SE % NE % S. 10- T. 18S- R. 22E. The UTM coordinates are 15/329200/4262840. The property stands on a rise and is part of a 22-acre parcel owned by the State of Kansas. With the exception of the cabin and the acre it stands on, the State leases the land to the City of Osawatomie under a 99-year lease that expires in 2064. The land is utilized as a public park. Built about a mile west of Osawatomie, the log cabin was dismantled and reassembled in its present location, John Brown Memorial Park, in 1912. A stone pavilion was constructed around the cabin in 1928. The property is operated as a historic site by the State of Kansas. In 1995 a fire damaged the cabin and the stone pavilion. Restoration work took several years. The site reopened on August 30, 1998, the anniversary date of the Battle of Osawatomie. The rustic 18 by 20 feet log cabin was described by Samuel Adair this way: A chimney built with sticks and mud-jambs and backwall and hearth of stone, two doors- half a floor that made ofpuncheons-that is, timber split and hewd. The house is chinked in the cracks, partly dabbled with mud on the outside. It has no windows, but in lieu of them the cracks between the logs in the gable end towards the east are left open for the light to shine through. (McFarland, p. 145) NPS Form 10-900-a OMB Approval 1024-0018 (8-86) United States Department of the Interior National Park Service National Register of Historic Places Continuation Sheet Section number 7 Page 2 Built in 1854, the cabin contains a living room, kitchen, and loft. These rooms were whitewashed during the Samuel Adair residency, although probably not until after the Civil War.
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