Year 2002 Seminar and Annual Meeting Coming L:Uly 12 and 13 'Lir 'L ,Rll M.Rnbor Irc Tlinnrr Iiri.Lrl Er Cnirrg

Year 2002 Seminar and Annual Meeting Coming L:Uly 12 and 13 'Lir 'L ,Rll M.Rnbor Irc Tlinnrr Iiri.Lrl Er Cnirrg

- -r( - -.1 tt '' i,i;t '( fl, .z \1r'rLL \11: Il, x(]. I SI'nrr<; 20e"tl Year 2002 Seminar and Annual Meeting Coming l:uly 12 and 13 'lir 'l ,rll M.rnbor Irc tlinnrr Iiri.lrl er cnirrg. 6 lt\1., i: u l.r,r|,,.,.,1 clrrrn!es r,r tlre rLrlrcnr I.\',lrnvs (hrL TIti' r. r,,Lrr',,liicirrl n,rrrct.{'l llt. irn, ()l,l rtn I\rlttr, l7l5.c (llrr..t.r'rr.r.r nrLrq l.e nlrilcJ l(r the scarcllrn irnJ l-.r(t- llLr.rl nrcetrrrg trr,nr the.r'iltt.rrr t,, the .\rrt'rt Il, tli(,) 7l:'-l5ll. ic. rl.t nr,rrLeJ l.r lLrnc i5, JNJ, in t,r.lcr to l.c ()rr',,l tlrc .\niericrrrr (lrerrrr l)ruti Iii.lrrr cttnrtrg.hrrrrcr ti,nr,.l. \\( u((\l ,r li.trJ llr..rgcnrl.l. lltlr r' alvr rlrt.icr,r- I I,rr.c .\..,'er,rtr,,n. \'rrt l'rt.i.lcnt .,'rrnl. i-ht.((rfl.rn ncrll: r,, ID,nr ,,rrI Lnc lr,r htr'ittc:: itcnt' lhilt r()Lt wiih kr rllrr. j .-\rrhrrr(jcl,cl ,rnJ rr it.'. [)e1.. rre lro'frnq tlrr',rl ihrrirr l( r!5fnc. .'\n,rgetrJl irlrrl ir list ot l)r(Jl)()sc.i chrrrr!e: llir nrectin,l. I:-nr.rrl Jqchcl0llr rrr,l..r,nr; I-hc .rnnLul nlecring l\ JLrlr Ii. 9ri11 ttr thL hr'lrr*: rlill l.c rturi]c,l ro rhc nrcrrr- phrrnc i(,16) +tS'lS)1. (i'rrt,ret tlrr'nr \.\1. + Il\1., in thc ilrst'flrrrr nrc,.tin! rrt lcr:t lrl.h,,s l.cli're tlt. nrcerirrt. I' )r 511lr!llll Il(( rl\. r,,,'rr, Han\.t,'tr Intt \ Srrires. 5 \ TIr. r'c.r.lent iir,rl .r.rr rie c,,r]llartr rr ill l. ,r 'rt rl,t I .rr.l S,,n (lcntcr l)rire, (-ht:t<'rirclJ (l,rr ,.rr, r rlr. lrrrr.l . \\i lr.rr,,'r.r. t,,r l]r.r. 'r I rri t '.rrr', I;.rrnr. rr. ,,rrgin,rllv plann..l ,'rr i;riJ.rr ( llrc.tcrt, rn), \li\\,un. R!.cr\.rti(,n: .t l.,x hrnch --snrokcJ rLrrkcl blkc.l h.rnr nrrrrning. Strcr.rl llrcnrl'cr..1,, nrrrsl hc rcarrvc\l on Lrr lrclirrc l, ()r' f()r:r l,rct \ririch rrrthr.lcs: \'()Lrr all(,r(r -fhrus.Ln.flrrn t,r Jrrrrc visir (inrnt'' I:,rrnr on Rc'cr, Itrtrl ; llr,,nc I -Strtl--11(r-7S56. 1i'll r henr {)l l()lrl\inr\ (lctruce, tonlrtLrc", onu,,,r, ,. vlltl()lls ilI(' ll(rl l)caC:Silr\. '. 'n r,r'l' rl', .\rnerr,:'rr Lr..rrr lrr'.rli picLle., r,lirc . nrur,t.rr.l, crrrsrrl.); rrhirc Thc ..nrin,rr lith l). ))hillr1. 5p,'nen, I l,rr'c .-\ssociutrorr grirtrl. Thc u,'tr.tttr'k- Iirtnelr, rrh(lt lirtnch,,r ne hrtl.l (.\nr. r', rr t r. rrr. \.,1"|l( -rr hcrg rlill hc lii.l,r\,9 \.\r. i: irr r:rr., rrt thc rrrL ',,nrs l it h rr,, ,L, l.c.l. rrrt ,rr rrrl- ly, . r*, t. l ..Ll.'r . lr,.^, r. ()ll'. Erc l lrcrrr.r, Ilul.lcr Sr.rtc I-rrrk, Strt' lt rr lrr.rr.rriee.l r.rte ,rt SSi per S.+t) c\lf.rJi chLp5 1r1 .11" r,l 'Lru or |L'r;rr,, Bal.lcr St.rte I'rrrl l)rivc -,ti "Rr\' U'il.l- rrrglrt, plus 1l.i pcrccnt r.rr. (lhcek,in .rrLr,l; rut.l .lcsstrt (r:h,ricc ,,i nr,r lrrrgc (61(,) (See r trr, i..l Ir'.,'r.,tir'r,,".t trnr, L I'r. \qrl(. ,'r r r1l ( rl,l. r. rrrr , N,1() 6]rrt)j; 4rS-itjll. ' ',lr(., Ir.( Chester'ficl.l rue;r nr,rl. irnJ Iirl.lcr Strrte i' ll \.\1. l:rce hrcrrklrrst tronr (r to ltl $8.L)tr (plrrs circest 1l rrrtlurin,l) rrnJ ineluJes I'lrk nr.rp.) I Irr thc.rter scrrrs Sl .rntt rn- \.\l.i lree Lrcirl ,-rrll.; rr,,clt.rrsc firf l,'rrs- grarrritl rr r rrl slrlcs rax. clu.lcs Irrgc. l.rrilt-rn .crccrr, trrr ' I'\'' r ith ,ir-l 'rr,, .'..u.. .!\ll|rl|rrr)t tu"'l .'rr,l tir' llclsc in.liclte hrtrr ehr,icc ot nre,rl ol .r VCR ,ur .\ \'r(r(nn. I-rrnclt ,,n Fli- rc\\ .rnren ki,l. rrn.ler lS, or rr rhill or tha rcscn.lti(rn lirrnt rn tl)i. n(\!ltrtrr ilnJ 'rnJ J.l s ill hc rrr lilrrhlc .rt the ,-\lr.r Slrrltcr rrr li,Lrrrh!,r rLrrnr. \txv licc t\r rcnrit t,' thc s!'.rr'rrln lr\ JLrrrc 15. Theru tlr. j'rrl lr''r .1,.-. lr.rr \,,rrr \!rrrch (L)llirr\. *ill hc rro, er'!n il \()u ilrc Llnillrlc rr) 'rr,l 'l 'rrjcr.. )1)ur th,rice rttil ti'rr ply. It is leqLrcrtcJ thlt le ln rtccrrrJunce rrith thc hr-lirrr:, rrrrr ilttcr\l llrc nrcrfing. rrll hlurg:hJts ol oLrr:\urtrieln (lrcirnr:. lurchrt:c lihr e'pecrllh nr.rJ. ti,r .ler cl,1- ing urtLr 'h.L.,rnJ tJkr fhot,\ (,n(r rh,r:c I'clrtie: h.rve 'lrcJ thcir rlrnrcr t,'.rt'. Ihis rs l Iclrrrring.tnrin.rrt irnJ \\'( ltrcrl t() txk. phLrtL,s.h,'rr ttrr: cr,lor rrn.l errnlirntllrtirrn kr pi nrakc it '' liil l)lril t,r helf rr: e,,nrc tLr vrn inrpo|t,rrt Jeci.rLrrr.. \\'hcr I r r'rrcJ I'hrl .rrr.l .li..rr..c.l rhc lc( nr..':iln l\\ crmJuat lhe .rlIill,tr. hc .'r.l l.. rr',rrrr.'llr r.. , rr, . ' 1.l\\' 1.1.r. .,rr' irrre. Lr.lging rrrr.l crpcn.,.. Ilet,rrr.e he rs ] Jircct,'r' r'l tlre -,\nrcritrrr I-^c:tLtk I\ (l,trrtrrln.r, Lil \hirlt \e .rrr 11,s1111.1p., 11, lce i: cli.trgtJ. Ilrr,'rl r',,u .rll l,rnt t,, 1.. ,lr'.rrt ,'t tlte !,'lJcn \,f|(rftLrrrir\ rr. h.rrr' t,' .ttlerr.l .Lrch lr .cmin.rr Ilr,. llrrrnpt,,n Inn r\ SLrrtt. h.r" fltnn Lrt |lrrctr to rucer \!rrlr l)hil in rhc (rrrrrt\.rr!l Ir(iu thc lol.i.r li,r rrrr'nrl,tr. \..,r ,.iitr,r!'.r\1 .1, \1 (,,{\. li. rllLf,,i,, !,.\1tr.\1 ,. \\,,,.!, -;i d,r.rf.i:li, i', \,,,,1 r1 \1 ,r,flrr.,l rrh,' rr,'ulJ ljk, r,, r,rlL lrrh lrrnr rn.lj,.r.lLr- i r, (.$1.riri:,,,'rlrirrr:iin.\1r!1. ,.lrn,,i ri..r.Lr .r,r\lLrr,.",:,'r .,. ..rll. j(,i.-r,!,, . r . , . , , ,rlh FriJ.r'. r'r. r rrrr:. ,l:,,,1 \lL. t.,,j. i.,.rL,j..r rl,,,..|r,r.:,r \ | . \ , , r , r r \ , , i . i li]lr. Lvnne r. rcrl rrctive in l,,eirl clrrrrch Election of Directorc, 2002 lunJ eornnrrrrtil! r'rrrk inr',,]virtr.: t,'Lrtli ,tnJ LrlJcr r rti:cn.- A major changc in thc method of fiom their own grouFt a president, a nominrting and electing.lirectors w:rs ancl il sccrctary-trc'asurer Jllrr'\'c(l itt the ,rnnu,rl nrt-cring in to serr'e firr one year" Information on Nominees 2001. lt reads: The three-1ear terms of Arthur for Election as Director and "During each annuirl nrecting there- Oebel, vice presiclcnt, lnd Betsy Zichell, .rfrcr. thc rr.ting Prc.r.lent .lr,rll rpf,'int sccrctary-tfcasurcr, cxpire this ycar. Potcntial Sccrctary a N(nninating Commirtcc, consisting of Bcl5) I. n,,l .erkin!: r(e1.. ti,'rr. Arrltur i' rro lg55 1[p1r three nr.'nrltrs, wh,r have sccking reelection. N rrr r l l. l-t\l,t\. BL\\t\(,t,,\, \'T c()nscnted in writing to serve. Thcy shall L)irectors Wes Rogalski ancl Merlin \linLrr(. .e(retiln tirr .rll tlrc ,crri,r'r Frcscnt to the Presi,.lent hv April I ol Lrrpkes have onc ycar rcmaining. Frank h,rrrJ' ll Iiinninst('n, rr' rrcll ,r' ti'r rhc thc firlkrwing year, rhc namcs of no lcss Ticmeland DonJohnson havc twtr ycars fLr\\'n \clc!r l',',rr.l. ln\1)lve\ ln .r\ - thrrn rhree members in good sranding rcnralnlng [o serve. rftiga oi tl)rcc nrcctrlls trrch \\'(,(,k lL)r lltc rvho hirve agreetl in writing to allow lor tlirector, hua n()t to senre irs scc- Iir\t i(JLrt- \ cilr\. I-rcscntll rce,rf,lrll!].ccre, their lumes to be on the halkrt fcrr erec' retary-treasufer: trn, \clrlr(,r11 ..\.sLrci.ttiol ol Srtr,rr lrrrr- ti,rt't firr it thrce-ycar tcrm lrs directl.rr at tl.'r. nrcnrh.'r'), .rn ,.lc.reJ Lynne Howe, Lena, IL, #118, srncc i.{l,f0f thc upco111i119 AnnLr.rl Mceting. Said .rl tltr, ltvel. Kr.1.. 1,,',- July 1998 I.,*lli,,r) 't,rtc n'rmcs shall he mailcd ro thc editor of (ilenctrc, ult: I'l)f l.(r nr(jrtth .ltlll r)r)( (lream Arthur Gcbel, MO, #71, thc ne\rslerter by thc Sccretary nlceting l(ir III( l-\i,rr.I LrI Jrrt t ton. lrt,r- since 1992 pLrblication lirr on rhe nrail-in ballor 'Ltrcr itt elt,rt, ,,t nrentl.t.r''ltil,' li'r l,'c.rl which will be printe.l ancl mailcd with eirrl., litlr rn,l\rrrllt oi ltl,0tltr For director an.i would accept ofticc $ the Spring issuc of the Crerm newslcr- ,..r'll.

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