KEY Winter Spring Summer Fall Habitat Elev. Winter Spring Summer Fall Habitat Elev. Bar graphs indicate relative abundance of a species in suitable habitat at a given time of year: Osprey* ● ● ● LR 2-9 Olive-sided Flycatcher* ● P 4-9 POW 2-9 Common or Abundant, present in large numbers. Bald Eagle* RLA 2-12 Western Wood-Pewee* Willow Flycatcher ● ● W 2-6 present in moderate numbers. Northern Harrier ● M 2-11 Fairly Common, ● P 4-8 Sharp-shinned Hawk* PA 2-9d Hammond's Flycatcher* Uncommon, present in small numbers. Dusky Flycatcher* PS 4-10 Cooper's Hawk* WPA 2-9d Rare, present in very small numbers; often highly localized. Pacific-slope Flycatcher* ● WO 2-5 Northern Goshawk* PA 4-10 Very rare, three or fewer occurrences per season; may not be present Black Phoebe* RWM 2-9 Red-shouldered Hawk AOW 2-9d FLYCATCHERS every year. Say's Phoebe ● ● M 2-5 Red-tailed Hawk* MA 2-11d ● Casual, record outside of usual season of occurence. Ash-throated Flycatcher* SWO 2-5u Golden Eagle* MAC 2-11 ▌▌▌or ▪ ▪ ▪ Variable, may be present in a given area one year, rare or absent the next. Western Kingbird M 2-4 HAWKS, EAGLES, FALCONS EAGLES, HAWKS, American Kestrel* MO 2-11d Loggerhead Shrike ● ● ● MO 2-9 Winter January through March Peregrine Falcon* AC 2-7 Cassin's Vireo* ● PO 2-6 Spring April through June Prairie Falcon* ● ● ● ● MAC 8-11 Hutton's Vireo* O 2-5 Summer July through September Virginia Rail* ● L 2-7 VIREOS Warbling Vireo* ● WPO 2-9 Fall October through December Killdeer* ● LMR 2-9 Steller's Jay* PO 2-9d Spotted Sandpiper* ● RL 2-11 Western Scrub-Jay* SO 2-4 Letter symbols denote the habitat(s) in which the species is most likely to occur: Wilson's Snipe ● LMR 2-9 Pinyon Jay PO 3-9 A Aerial California Gull ● ALR 4-11 Clark's Nutcracker* PM 6-12 C Cliffs, rocks, and talus slopes American Crow ● ● M 2-6 Band-tailed Pigeon* ▌▌▌▌▌▌ ▌▌▌▌▌▌OP 2-7 JAYS, RAVENS L Lakes, reservoirs, and marshes Common Raven* AMP 2-10d Mourning Dove* MO 2-6 M Meadows, clearings, and other open terrain Horned Lark* ● M 10-12d Flammulated Owl* PO 4-6 O Oaks, maples, and other hardwoods Tree Swallow* ● WAM 2-9 P Pines, firs, and other conifers Western Screech-Owl* OP 2-5 Violet-green Swallow* APWO 2-9 R Rivers and streams Great Horned Owl* MOPW 2-9 CLRM Northern Rough-winged Swallow* ● ● RA 2-4 S Shrubs Northern Pygmy-Owl* POW 2-6 Cliff Swallow* RCA 2 W Willows, alders, cottonwoods, and other riparian hardwoods PO 2-7 SWALLOWS OWLS Spotted Owl (California)* Barn Swallow* MRA 2-4u Great Gray Owl* MP 4-8u/d Mountain Chickadee* P 2-10 d (down) Winters primarily below heavy snow level (4,000' - 5,000') or wintering and migrant Long-eared Owl* ? ? ? ? ? MW 2-7 Chestnut-backed Chickadee* PO 2-5 (nonbreeding) birds occur below elevation range indicated. POW 2-6 Northern Saw-whet Owl* Oak Titmouse* OW 2-5 u (up) Up-mountain drift or southward migration carries some individuals to treeline Common Nighthawk*? A 2-7 Bushtit* SOW 2-6u/d during summer. Common Poorwill* ● ● ● MS 2-6 Red-breasted Nuthatch* P 2-8u/d ? Available data are inconclusive. Black Swift* ● ● ● AC 4-8 White-breasted Nuthatch* OP 2-10 * Breeds or has bred in park. Vaux's Swift* ● PA 2-7 Pygmy Nuthatch* P 2-7 I Introduced SWIFTS White-throated Swift* AC 2-8 Brown Creeper* P 4-10u/d Winter Spring Summer Fall Habitat Elev. 2-3, Anna's Hummingbird* SM 2-8 Rock Wren* C Canada Goose* ● ● ● AL 2-7 8-12d Calliope Hummingbird* MSP 4-7u Canyon Wren* C 2-5 Mallard* LR 2-10 Rufous Hummingbird MS 2-12 Bewick's Wren* OS 2-6 Green-winged Teal* ● ● RL 2-9 ● ● WS 4-7 Belted Kingfisher* RL 2-9 WRENS House Wren* Harlequin Duck* R 4-9 Lewis's Woodpecker* ● ● OP 2-10 Pacific Wren* WOP 2-6 LR 4-10 WATERFOWL Bufflehead* Acorn Woodpecker* OP 2-5 Marsh Wren ML 2-5 Common Merganser* LR 2-7 Williamson's Sapsucker* P 6-9d American Dipper* RL 2-10d SM 3-8d P 4-8d Mountain Quail* Red-naped Sapsucker WP 2-7 Golden-crowned Kinglet* OS 2-4 Ruby-crowned Kinglet* PSOW 7-9d California Quail* Red-breasted Sapsucker* WP 2-8u Blue-gray Gnatcatcher* ● S 2-7 White-tailed Ptarmigan (I)* M 10-12 Nuttall's Woodpecker* O 2-4 Western Bluebird* OPM 2-10d Sooty Grouse* PSM 4-8u Downy Woodpecker* WO 2-4u GAMEBIRDS Mountain Bluebird* M 8-11d Wild Turkey (I)* OP 2-4 Hairy Woodpecker* PWO 2-10 P 5-10d WOODPECKERS Townsend's Solitaire* Pied-billed Grebe ● ● ● ● ● L 2-9 PW 4-7 White-headed Woodpecker* Swainson's Thrush ● ● W 2-5 ● L 4-10 Eared Grebe Black-backed Woodpecker* P 7-9 Hermit Thrush* PS 2-10d THRUSHES Great Blue Heron RLM 2-9d Northern Flicker (Red-shafted)* ▌▌▌▌▌▌ ▌▌▌▌POWM 2-10d American Robin* ▌▌▌ ▌▌▌▌▌▌MWPO 2-10d Turkey Vulture AM 2-6 Pileated Woodpecker* PO 4-7 Varied Thrush ▌▌▌▌▌▌ ● ● ▌▌▌▌▌▌OPW 2-5 Winter Spring Summer Fall Habitat Elev. Additional species recorded at least four times: Wrentit* S 2-7d Snow Goose Wilson's Phalarope Wood Duck* Red-necked Phalarope National Park Service California Thrasher SW 2-4 American Wigeon Red Phalarope U.S. Department of the Interior European Starling (I)* MO 2-4 Blue-w inged Teal* Ring-billed Gull American Pipit* CM 10-12 Cinnamon Teal Caspian Tern Cedar Waxwing POW 2-9d Northern Shoveler Rock Pigeon Yosemite National Park Orange-crowned Warbler* WOSP 2-10 Northern Pintail Barn Ow l California Canvasback Burrow ing Ow l OPW 3-8u Nashville Warbler* Ring-necked Duck* Black-chinned Hummingbird Yellow Warbler* WSO 2-9 Lesser Scaup Allen's Hummingbird Yellow-rumped Warbler (Audubon's)* POMW 2-10d Common Goldeneye Gray Flycatcher WARBLERS Black-throated Gray Warbler* OP 2-7u Hooded Merganser Black-billed Magpie Yosemite Bird Checklist Townsend's Warbler PW 2-10 Ruddy Duck* Northern Mockingbird Common Loon Sage Thrasher Hermit Warbler* P 4-7 Western Grebe Bohemian Waxw ing MacGillivray's Warbler* SW 2-8u Double-crested Cormorant Phainopepla Common Yellowthroat ● ● MWL 2-6 American White Pelican Black-and-w hite Warbler WARBLERS Wilson's Warbler* WM 4-10 Great Egret American Redstart Snow y Egret Yellow -breasted Chat Green-tailed Towhee* ● S 5-8u Sw ainson's Haw k Black-throated Sparrow * Spotted Towhee* SW 2-7 Rough-legged Haw k Rose-breasted Grosbeak Rufous-crowned Sparrow MS 2-3 Merlin Indigo Bunting California Towhee* OS 2-4 Sora Yellow -headed Blackbird Chipping Sparrow* PM 2-10 American Coot* Great-tailed Grackle Brewer's Sparrow ● ● ● M 2-10d Additional species recorded fewer than four times: Black-chinned Sparrow S 2-5 Tundra Sw an Eastern Kingbird TOWHEES, SPARROWS TOWHEES, Vesper Sparrow ● ● M 2-10d Gadw all Northern Shrike Lark Sparrow M 2-4 Barrow 's Goldeneye Red-eyed Vireo Savannah Sparrow* ● M 2-10 Greater Sage-Grouse Yellow -billed Magpie Pacific Loon Bank Sw allow S 5-8d Fox Sparrow* Horned Grebe Gray Catbird Song Sparrow* WM 2-9 Clark's Grebe Chestnut-collared Longspur Lincoln's Sparrow* MW 4-10 Brow n Pelican Tennessee Warbler White-crowned Sparrow (Mountain)* MW 8-11 American Bittern Virginia's Warbler White-crowned Sparrow (Gambel's) MW 2-4 Green Heron Northern Parula Black-crow ned Night-Heron Magnolia Warbler Golden-crowned Sparrow SW 2-5 White-faced Ibis Yellow -rumped Warbler (Myrtle) SPARROWS, JUNCOS SPARROWS, Dark-eyed Junco (Oregon)* MOPW 2-10d White-tailed Kite Palm Warbler Dark-eyed Junco (Slate-colored) MOW 2-4 Ferruginous Haw k Blackpoll Warbler Western Tanager* PW 2-8 Yellow Rail Cerulean Warbler Black-headed Grosbeak* ● ● ● OWP 2-6 Sandhill Crane Ovenbird Black-necked Stilt Hooded Warbler Lazuli Bunting* WMS 2-7 American Avocet Painted Redstart Red-winged Blackbird* ● MLW 2-9 Solitary Sandpiper Clay-colored Sparrow Western Meadowlark* ● M 2-6u Greater Yellow legs Sage Sparrow Brewer's Blackbird* MWP 2-10u Willet Grasshopper Sparrow Least Sandpiper White-throated Sparrow Brown-headed Cowbird* ● MWPO 2-10 BLACKBIRDS Eurasian Collared-Dove (I) Harris' Sparrow Bullock's Oriole* WO 2-4 Greater Roadrunner Dark-eyed Junco (Gray-headed) This checklist includes the 265 species of birds presently Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch* CM 9-13 Short-eared Ow l Blue Grosbeak known to have occurred within the boundaries of Yosemite Pine Grosbeak* ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ PM 7-10 Broad-tailed Hummingbird Bobolink National Park and in El Portal. The bar graphs indicate Purple Finch* ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ OP 2-6 Vermilion Flycatcher Scott's Oriole Cassin's Finch* ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ PM 4-11 seasonal occurrence and abundance of birds. For more Compiled in 1977 by David Gaines; revised in 1983 by D. Gaines, 1990 by Kristine detailed information, consult Birds of Yosemite and the East House Finch MOPW 2-5 Fister, Marla LaCass, Jon Winter, and Len McKenzie, 1993 by K. Fister, and 2009- Red Crossbill* ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ P 4-11 2014 by Sarah Stock w ith assistance from Travis Espinoza (2009), Matt Brady Slope (Gaines 1992). Help improve this checklist by reporting FINCHES Pine Siskin* ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ MP 7-10d (2011), and Kim Hastings (2012). all unusual observations. Happy Birdwatching! MS 2-6u Report detailed observations of less common species to [email protected] or: Lesser Goldfinch* Sarah Stock, Wildlife Biologist Lawrence's Goldfinch* MW 2-4 Observers_____________________ Date_________ American Goldfinch ● WM 2-4 Resources Management and Science Yosemite National Park PO 2-9 Evening Grosbeak* ▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌ P.O.
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