Federal Republic of Nigeria Official Gazette No. 26 i Lagos - 9th June, 1977 Vol, 64 ‘CONTENTS Appointment of Mr Justice Andr 0 Page Page ppointment o r justice ews Otutu Saat 31 Pinel : Obaseki asa Justice oftheSupreme Court,. 850 CaetanooderCourtofAppeal . amen Appointment ofMr Justice Frederick Okwudi Loss of Local Purchase Order . | 86 Anyaegbunam fot 2s President of the Loss ofPayable Order and Payment Vouchers 876 A ederal Revenue Court .. s -- 850 Loss of Vehicle Duty Payment Certificates .. 876 ppointment of Mr Justice Ebenezer Buba- Federal Government College, Kano—College sanya Craig as Chief Judge of the High Scholarships ~ vs . BY A Court of Ogun State ttChukwudif 851 Nigeria Medical Council—Fellowship _. ppointment of Mr Justice Chukwudifu Examinations—May 1977 Pass List 876-77 . Akunne Oputa as Chief Judge of the High - Vacancies ae .. - 877-81 A Court of Imo State *- Folerin Adulove 2 851 Customs and Excise—Disposal ofGoods 881-89 ppointmenta Judge ofof the HighSolomonCourtofOndoFolarin AdeloyeState ..as 852 Public Ltd., NoticesPremierNos.Packaging23-42—NigerLtd., AfricanMotors Appointment ofGilbert Abiodun Obayan asa Marketing Co.(Nigeria) Ltd., West African Judge of the High CourtofKwaraState .. 852 Cold Storage Co. (Nigeria) Ltd., Nigerian Appointment of Timothy Adepoju Oyeyipo Properties Co. Ltd., African Timber and St act as a Judge of the High Court of Kwara Plywood (Nigeria) Ltd., A.J. Sewards Ane s+ ots. se se os B53 Nigeria) Ltd., Bordpark Ltd, GB. Olli- ppointment of Owen Fiebai as a Judge of vants (Nigeria) Ltd., G. Gottschalck & Co. theHigh Court of PlateauState .. .. 853 (West Africa) Ltd., Greeniiam Plant- Hire Mukhtar (Nigeria) Ltd., Independence Finance Ltd., Appointmentas a Judgeof theof HighAlomaCourtMaryamaof Kano State 854 Kingsway Chemist (Nigeria) Ltd,, Finets Appointment of Uthman Mohammed as a Ltd., Pan Electric Ltd., Kingsway Stores Judge of the High Courtof Sokoto State .. 854 (Nigeria) Ltd., Marina Agencies Ltd,, Appointment ofIdrisu Legbo Kutigi as a Nigeradio Ltd., U.A.C. (Technical) Ltd., a dudgeof the HighCourtofNigerState wiz 355 and “Palmline “Agencies (Nigeria) Ltd.— ‘Appointment o m Kolapo Sule Gambari oe es _ to act as a Judgeofthe HighCourt of Borno 855 Appointment of Liquidators -* 889-93, tate .. oe tee as ae Appointment of Mu’Azu Alivu to acteens Inpex TO Lecat Notices nv SUPPLEMENT | State 0. aisi Courtuurtof 0 Appeal ealof of eacantKaduna. 56. LN, No. Short Title. Page Appointment of Bashir Sambo as a Judge of , — Decree No. 45—Nigerian Institute the Sharia Court ofAppeal of Kaduna State 856 of International Affairs (Amend- Appointment of Yunus Kanchi as an acting . ment) Decree 1977 veces A217 Judgeofthe Sharia Court of Appeal ofNiger — Decree No, _46—Constitution State.. sees o. «. 857 = (Amendment) Decree 1977 ., A221 Movements of Officers ws .- 857-73 — DecreeNo. 47—Customs and Excise Appointment of Notaries Public a -. 873 Management (Take-over.. and : Addition to the list ofNotaries Public -. 873 Disposal ofStockfish) Decree 1977 A223 Land required for the Service of the Federal 35 Walter Westborg Deportation Order Military Government a “ 873-74 1977 te te «- -. B25 Ministry of Defence—Notice of Requisition .. am . 36 The Nigeria Police (Amendment) B125 Corrupt Practices Decree... as Regulations 1977... 850 OFFICIAL GAZETTE » . No. 26, Vol. 64 Government Notice No. 700 THE CONSTITUTION OF THE FEDERATION As Mopirizp py THE CONSTITUTION (Basic Provisions) DEcree 1975 By His Excellency, Lieutenant-General OLuseGuN OxasaNnyjo, Head of the Federal Military Government, Commander- in-Chiefofthe Armed Forces, Federal Republic of Nigeria., LIEUTENANT-GENERAL OLUSEGUN OBASANJO, Headof the Federal Military Government, _ Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces _ Wueneas by section 111 (2) of the Constitution of the Federation as modified by the Constitution (Basic Provisions) Decree 1975 it is provided that the Judges of the Supreme Court of Nigeria shall be the Chief Justice of Nigeria and such numberof Justices of the Supreme Court (not being less than five) as may be prescribed by law : : . AND WHEREAS bysection 112 (1a) of the Constitution of the Federation as modified by the Constitution (Amendment) Decree 1972 and the Constitution (Basic Provision) Decree 1975,it is provided that the Justices of the Supreme Court shall be appointed by the Supreme Military Council, acting after consultation with the Advisory Judicial Committee : . Now,THEREFORE, THE SUPREME MiLiTarY COUNCIL,acting after consultation with the Advisory Judicial Committee, do hereby appoint ANDREws OtuTu OBaSEKI as a Justice of the Supreme Court with.effect from 1st January, 1977. - = Given under my hand and the Public Seal of the Federal Republic of Nigeria at Lagos, this 24th day of May, One thousand nine hundred and seventy-seven. Government Notice No. 701 THE FEDERAL REVENUE COURT DECREE 1973 (1973 No. 13) ByHis Excellency Lieutenant-General OLUSEGUN OBASANJO, Head of the Federal Military Government, Commander- in-Chief of theArmed Forces, Federal Republic of Nigeria, LIEUTENANT-GENERAL OLUSEGUN OpasaNjo, : - Head of the Federal Military Government, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces — Wuurzas by section 1 (2) of the Federal Revenue Court Decree 1973 Revenue it is provided that the Federal Court shall consist of the President and such number of Judges (not beingless than 4) as the Head of the Federal Military Government may byorder prescribe : oe AND WHEREAS by section 2 (1) of the aforesaid Decree it is provided that the Presidentof the Federal Revenue Court and the other Judgesof that Court shall be appointed by the Supreme Military Council, acting after consultation with the Advisory Judicial Committee : Now, THEREFORE, THE SUPREME Miuirary Counct, acting aft ltati ith the Advisory Judicial Committee, do hereby appoint Mr Justice Frepericre Oxwepr ANYAEGBUNAM io act as President of the Federal Revenue Court with effect from 1st January, 1977, ‘GIVEN under my hand and the Public §eal of th i igeri~ 08 thi May, One thousand nine hundred and seventy-seven, Federal Republic of Nigeria at Lagos this 24th day of 9th June, 1977 OFFICIAL GAZETTE —_—© — 851 Government Notice No. 702 THE CONSTITUTION OF THE FORMER WESTERN NIGERIA AS MODIFIED BY THE ConsriruTion (Basic Provisions) Decree 1975 anp THe Starss (CREATION AND ‘TRANSITIONAL Provisions) Decree 1976 By His Excellency Lieutenant-General OLusecun Osasanyo, Head of the Federal Military Government, Commander- in-Chief of the Armed Forces,Federal Republic of Nigeria. LicuTENANT-GENERAL OLusecun OBASANJO, Head of the Federal Military Government, . Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces Wuereas bysection 48 (2) of the Constitution of the former Western Nigeria as modified by the Constitu~ tion (Basic Provisions) Decree 1975 and the States (Creation and Transitional Provisions) Decree 1976 it is provided that the Judgesof the High Court.of each of the States created out of the former Western Nigeria shall be the Chief Judge of the State and such number of other Judges (not being less. than six) as may be prescribed by law : . AND WHEREAS by section 49 (1) of the Constitution of the former Western Nigeria modified as aforesai it is provided that the Chief Judge of the State and the other Judges of the-High of the State shall be appointed by the Supreme Military Council, acting after consultation with the Advisory Judicial Committee : Now, THEREFORE, THE SUPREME Mutirary Councit, acting after consultation with the Advisory Judicial Committee, do hereby appoint Mr Justice Epgnezer Bapasanya Craic as Chief Judge of the High Court of Ogun State with effect from ist day of July, 1977. Given under my hand and the Public Seal of the Federal Republic of Nigeria at Lagos, this 24th day of May, One thousand niné hundred and seventy-seven. Government Notice No. 703 THE CONSTITUTION OF THE FORMER EASTERN NIGERIA AS MODIFIED BY THE CONSTITUTION (Basic Provisions) D&CRER 1975 AND THE Starrs (CREATION AND TRANSITIONAL Provisions) Decree 1976 By His Excellency Lieutengnt-General OLUSEGUN OBASANJO, Head of the Federal Military Government, Commander- in-Chiefofthe Armed Forces, Federal Republic ofNigeria. LinuTeNaNt-GeneRAL OLUSEGUN OBASANJO, Head of the Federal Military Government, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces Wuenregas bysection 50 (2) of Constitution of the former Eastern Nigeria as modified by the Constitution, (Basic Provisions) Decree 1975 and the States (Creation and Transitional Provisions) Decree 1976 it is providedthat the Judges of the High Court of each of the States created out of the former Eastern Nigeria shall be the Chief Judge of the State and such numberof other Judges (not being less than six) as may be prescribed by law : AND wuerzas bysection 51 (1) of the Constitution of the former Eastern Nigeria modified as aforesaid it is provided that the Chief Judge of the State and the other Judges ofthe High Court ofthe State shall be appointed by the Supreme Military Council, actingafter consultation with the AdvisoryJudicial Committee : Now, THEREFORE, THE SUPREME Mitirary CounciL, acting after consultation with the Advisory Judicial Committee, do hereby appoint Mr Justice Cuuxwupiru AKUNNE Oputaas Chief Judge ofthe High Court of Imo State with effect from ist day of September, 1976. - Given under my hand and the Public Seal of the Federal Republic of Nigeria at Lagos, this 24th day of May, One thousand nine hundred and seventy-seven. : : . 852 c OFFICIAL GAZETTE No. 26, Vol. 64 - Government Notice No. 704 NIGERIA * THE CONSTITUTION OF THE FORMER
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