12 THE ST. PAUL GLOBE -SUNDAY JANUARY 22. 1899. on-p of tlic mnsr widely known tn?n In vaude- future,ls a comedy, brigihit, interesting and * $ X * * ® * ***********ville, has successfully piloted the organiza- novel with surti lively station that no time tion for a numibor of years. The Hat of high Is during its progress to wonder its class (U'ts left at U headed by "Kara," whoso feats su?cens or dissect the motives of Us char- of lminipulation are something surprisingly acters. Tdie mirror scene in. tihe second act TTOiuderrul. Oaron and llarbet, the leading in «. marvel of ingenuity and can only he y atrobats of the Vaudeville world, are also dfscribed by the use of such hackneyed words with this orgiunlzaition. Other members in- as "excruclating'ly funrvy'or "inttenaely amus- *;[ clude the Xarvrns, appear |:« wtoo will In their ing," though neither seem fully adequate to Three TJ^e Charming Irish comedy. "A Touch of Nat- fitly characterize cleverness the Theaters the of con- ure;" Kollns, Questions & *****************Pk>lk and the moat accam- ception. pHs'hed and versatile banjo players • • • public; before the Poy and dlaxk, the eooentrla c: The greatest oparatlo eveat of Uhe season Haverly's American and European praiseworthy comments on the per- edy duo, Ina sketch entitled "The Man Across will be the appearance at 2 ....OF INTEREST.... taw Metropolitan j Mirslrels, formance, the Way;" Bennett, alugers ** numbering forty of the most and did not hesitate to style Nester and and n^x't month of Miss Alice Nielsen aoid her a Are you thinking your It the best vaudeville show in that illustrators of popular songs; Ftord and Fran- opera company in Hairy B. Smith's comic of Does Piano need popular burnt -cork entertainers In the seen cis in operatic travesty entitled, opera, city this season. "The Tryst," "The Fortune Teller." Th« company W We employ none business, headed by the veteran man- and Charlotte Ray, a charming soubrette, is eaid to be the strongest operatic organiza- aPia " nr^^^.T^.^.o 5 exMnpletes the * O?Weniake but experts and j ager, Col. J. H. Haverly, commence an roster of thle company. tion since the palmy dayu of the Boston Ideals Da«*irt«r 1 "A Parlor Match." Evans and Hoey's ever- Bostonlaws, many * xt eas>'' and aPP jy Ufllfl£fO guarantee engagement OI«' and Uie and 'by critics is satisfac- f of four nights and Wed- ""PIRATES PEJVZANCE." green success, will at Grand at peer ot com- l\ClHin&rent paid * early be seen the considered the th^se famoua m O on pur- tion. Prices low and work nesday matiness at the Metropolitan an dut«. Mr. HoyIhas seem thda farce panies. Miss Nielsen is supported by Eugene if • comedy drawing Cowlos, Frank 4 chase desired. first-class. opera house tonight. The organization l.ot-nl to Put It Ou euiormous audiences every- Rush'weTth, Marguerite Sylva., thip Amateurs Thurs- where for 'tjhe last fifteen years or bo, and Ridhard Golden, Joseph Herbert, Joe Caw- * season is stronger than ever before he has hear praises sung every Do you need Piano 4 and their tour far has day and Friday. IIts in news- thorn and many other bright llghta of the so been the paper in tho land. operatic stage. warm years. Gilbert & Sullivan's • • • Our building is throughout, obviat- most successful in The list of tuneful opera, Robert Mjntell Is this soasoa under the % Q^AfOft-aV ing any - 0 burnt-cork artists includes the names "The Pirates of Penzance," will- management «f M. W. Hanlcy, director of risk of dama ee Pianos are not 2 Rice, be the Harrigaf Theater, 5V O piled in with miscellaneous goods, but of Billy the Nestor of Minstrelsy; produced at the Metropolitan opera * •New• York. Following the Josepih Hart Sp*<'Jalty com- re- 4 Frank Cushman, pany, at Grand, 4 ceive constant and care. comedian; T. Vale Thursday the will be recorded an event attention Rates very low. Z Wood, tenoie robusto; Charles E. Fore- house and Friday evenings, Wilson Birrett's powerful drama of Rome of considerable Interest and importance in man, 26 and 27, by a strong: cast of lo- inthe xitays pt New. "The Sign of the Cross," the initial 'presemtatiun in the West of Uie counter-tenor; Arthur Deming, Jan. comes to the Metropolitan for week, Byrne'a Gustave Vernon, Charles Whyte, cal amateurs, under the direction of one be- Brothers new pantomime comedy pro- ginning Monday, Jan. 30. Charlce Dalton, and duction. "Goinu to the Races." This famous Johnnie Blackford, the Gorman broth- Henry De Lorme, assisted by practically the company seen in team h;is ever Mr. W. city same this of comedians been famous as Every article in the store has last ycfcr.are still in the cast, and the originators of unique mechanical comedy stago nowcomeis fcro Wel] kTK,-^.,, Engiisih players device, and their latest creation is said to be W. a Colored selected J. Ticket. from the numerous comipanies that more pretentious In this & regard than all past presenting piece DYEJ3 have been the BRO. the on other efforts. Moans you o*n bave side ©En TfifS for the last two• •years.• This production. In cast, scenic equip- Largest Music House in Sole Agents RSU IHfti a rtJsooViUl ||£©/ ment and in every 5 for Stelnway # from otiv plainlymarfced low uSm 1 other detail is said to be the Northwest. \u25a0" "My Friend Prom India," among the at- the most complete they (have (Tver given to j ond Knabe Pianos. ;;riccs of /O tractions to be seen ajt the Grand in the near tho public. - J S s?y TBS Means you can 21-23 W. Fifth Street, Paul, SLLvW Sftfli bare Ag»O/ t St. Minn. % aY£S from onr plainly discount iffcisi / brave hero, a fascinating inarked low prices of wfQ heroine, a C^%^%^%%^^'%%'%^%^%^^% V4^%^ more than generous allowance of vil- 'V%'*V^fc^ bookslTthe hour lainy, a fair display ICGn ISM* have* AAld/ of heroism and a ilaoonnt Iroaa our plainly JgJ|- pielty love story ingredients company, York. sale by ** L. are the New For the St. any one but a back-country resident, or, poa- marked low prices t»£ **8/** that Paul Book and Stationery company. sibly, a PTORJKS SHORT AKD LONG, SAD enter Into H. B. Marriott Wat- gullibleLondon stock buy«r or the ' yon son's utility of the divining rod in locating :"*lIHC TB6 Mtsana o»n b»T» AXD G\Y, BY POPULAR romance, "The Adventurers." Literary Notes. of gold silver, ve^n« adUeoant gAOi Now these and ilodorn Machinery of Chi I£?S» materials are far from nov- Since the appearance of that charming oago, describes an instrument in use' -in uar plainly mArSed ?al3 / AUTHORS el, and the combination is not original, den, in Swe- :..wprieMof ****/© love story, "The Lilao Sunbonuet," Mr. S. R. constructed by a professor in Upaala and out of them anyone can concoct Crockett has bean steadily winning fume and university, which has long bsen used success- a romance. There is nothing original favor. He is already a voluminous writer, fullyin locating magnetic• • ores. about mince pie, yet freshly made a and a new novel from his peu is always an \u2666 FICTION, BIOGRAPHY, by event of Roosevelt, HUMOR good cook it meets a far felt want, and Important in the world romance. It Gov. in his second article In is not difficult to assign reasons for his great the February Scribner's, says: so it its with such tales as "The Ad- is r ° "It waa Dr venturers." popularity. There a virility,a dash and whl first ffav *™*"idea <>f Bucky Mr. Wataon writes with vigor about his stories that carries the read- Xv^0 Xeill'aPn. versatility, for I "Dumb Foxslove," and a dash happened to hear "Belinda and "go" which recommend er along irresUtibly. He treats the love af- them diEcussin-? Aryan word roots together him to fairly large Some Others" "The Adventnr- a and intelligent fairs of his heroes and heroines in a most and then sliding off into a ml..if of thi —- public, and these qualities are not ab- suggestive and sympathetlo way that never novels of Balzac." Among the ajnuaing an- er»" "The Yankee Volunteer" sent from the present Its fail? to appeal. His characters are clearly eodotea told by the colonel is how the men romance. outlined, and his stories told, every gave one another nicknames, largely "lifttle Jwnrne-ys to the plot, briefly, is this: A young London them, are one ed conferr- Homes of for the story's sake. Mr. Crockett's In a spirit of derlsioa; for Instance a lawyer. Greatorex, has the fortune, army of fastidious of American Statesmen" "ALit- readers willbe glad to learn that a member of a well known Eastern good or bad, to rescue from assault an new novel, "Kit Kennedy," will be club was christened "Tough — — old issued as Ike." and his No, rovrs tle Puritan Rebel." gentleman, who gratefully a serial in Harper's Bazar during 1899. "Kit buckle, a decidedly rough cow-puncher wai 197 Ccuch 5 deep, leaves In known as "The tufts, velour or him a Welsh castle. In this castle is Kennedy" Is Mr. Crockett's best vein, and Dude."* * * leayy best oord- hidden a treasure, and Greatorex will rank among his most delightful essays jroy, full spring edge, fringed There are seven by holds stories Annie but half the clue to its whereabouts; In romantio fiction.• • * The Forum begins the new year with an illaround, worth fl&sf% Trumbull Slosson included under the excellent number.
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