NBER WORKING PAPER SERIES A 'RECIPROCAL DUMPING' MODEL OF INTERNATIONAL TRADE James A. Brander Paul Krugman Working Paper No. 11914 NATIONALBUREAU OF ECONOMIC RESEARCH 1050 Massachusetts Avenue Cambridge, MA 02138 August1983 The research reported here is part of the NBER's research program in International Studies andprogramin Productivity (World Econonr). Anyopinions expressed are those of the authors and not those of the National Bureau of Economic Research. NBER Working Paper #1194 August 1983 A 'Reciprocal Dumping' Model of International Trade ABSTRACT This paper develops a model in which the rivalry of oligopolistic firms serves as an independent cause of international trade. The model shows how such rivalry naturally gives rise to "dumping" of output in foreign markets, and shows that such dumping can be "reciprocal" ——that is, there may be two—way trade in the same product. Reciprocal dumping is shown to be possible for fairly general specification of firmbehaviour. The welfare effects of this seemingly pointless trade are ambiguous. On one hand, resources are wasted in the cross—handling of goods; on the other hand, increased competition reduces monopoly distortions. Surprisingly, in the case of free entry and Cournot. behaviour reciprocal dumping is unanibiuously beneficial. James A. Brander Paul Krugman Department of Economics Sloan School of Management University of British Massachusetts Institute of Technology Columbia 50Memorial Drive Vancouver, British Columbia Cambridge, MA 02139 V6T 1Y2 Canada A 'Reciprocal Dumping' Model of International Trade James Brander and Paul Krugman The phenomenon of "dumping" in international trade can be explained by the standard theory of monopolistic price discrimination.' If a profit maximizing firm believes it faces a higher elasticity of demand abroad than at home, and it is able to discriminate between foreign and domestic markets, then it will charge a lower price abroad than at home. Such an explanation seems to rely on "accidental" differences in country demands. In this paper, however, we show how dumping arises for systematic reasons associated with oligopolistic behaviour. Brander (1981) develops a model in which the rivalry of oligopolistic firms serves as an independent cause of international trade and leads to two—way trade in identical products.2 In this paper we build on Brander (1981) to argue that the oligopolistic rivalry between firms naturally gives rise to "reciprocal dumping": each firm dumps into other firms' home markets. We generalize Brander (1981) in that reciprocal dumping is shown to be robust to fairly general specification of firms' behaviour and market demand. The crucial element is what Helpman (1982) refers to as a 'segmented markets' perception: each firmperceiveseach country as a separate market and makes distinct quantity decisions for each. Reciprocal dumping is rather striking in that there is pure waste in the form of unnecessary transport costs.3 Without free entry, welfare may improve as trade opens up and reciprocal dumping occurs, but it is also possible that welfare may decline. One wonders, therefore, if such a model might not provide a rationale for trade restirction. With free entry, the contrary seems to be true. We derive the fairly strong result that with —2— free entry both before and after trade, the opening of trade (and the resultant reciprocal dumping is definitely welfare improving for the Cournot case. The procompetitive effect of having more firms and a larger overall market dominates the loss due to transport costs in this second best imperfectly competitive world. Section 2 develops a simple model of Courriot duopoly and trade which shows how reciprocal dumping can occur, and presents the associated welfare analysis. Section 3 describes the free entry zero profit equilibrium and derives the result the trade is welfare—improving in this case. Section 4 contains concluding remarks. 2. The Basic Model Assume there are two identical countries, one "domestic" and one "foreign"; and that each country has one firm producing commodity Z. There are transport costs incurred in exporting goods from one country to the • other. The main idea is that each firm regards each country as a separate market and therefore chooses the profit—maximizing quantity for each country separately. Each firm has a Cournot perception: it assumes the other firm will hold output fixed in each country. The domestic firm produces output x for domestic consumption and output x* for foreign consumption. Marginal cost is a constant, c, and transport costs of the "iceberg" type imply that the marginal cost of export is c/g where 0 g 1. Similarly, the foreign firm produces output y for export to the domestic country and output y* for its own market, and faces a symmetric cost structure. Using p and p to denote domestic and foreign price, domestic and foreign profits can be —3— written,respectively = xp(Z)+x*p*(Z*)—c(x + x*Ig) — F (1) =yp(Z)+ y*p*(Z*) —c(y/g+y*) —F* (2) where asterisks generally denote variables associated withthe foreign country and F denotes fixed costs. A little inspection reveals that the profit—maximizing choice of x is independent of x and similarly foryand 4 y*: each country can be considered separately. By symmetry we need consider only the domestic country. Eachfirm maximizes profit with respect to own output, whichyields firstorder conditions (3) it = ypt+ p —c/g 0 (4) whereprimes or subscripts denote derivatives. These are tibestreplit functions in implicitform. Their solution is the trade equilibrium. Using the variable atodenote y/Z, the foreign share in the domestic market, and letting c= _p/Zpt,the elasticity of domestic demand, these implicitbest—reply functions can be rewritten: p=cc/(c+cy—l) (3') = p cc/g(6—a) (4') Equations(3') and (4') are two equations that can be solved for p and 0. Thesolutions are = p cc(l+g)/g(2c—l) (5) a = (c(g—l)+ l)/(l+g) (6) —4— These solutions are an equilibrium only if second order conditions are satisfied: = = xr"+ 2r'<0; +2t < 0 (7) lTyy We also impose the following conditions = xp"+ pt < 0; 11* =yp't+ p' < 0 (8) Conditions (8) mean that own marginal revenue declines when the other firm increases its output, which seems a very reasonable require- ment. They are equivalent to reaction functions (or best—reply functions) being downward sloping. They imply stability and, if they hold globally, uniqueness of the equilibrium. It is not inconceivable that (8) might be violated by possible demand structures, but such cases would have to be considered unusual. In any case, pathological examples of noncooperative models are well understood (see, for example, Seade (1980) and Friedman (1977)) and we have nothing new to say about such problems here. Accordingly we assume (7) and (8) are satisfied.5 Positive solutions to (5) and (6) imply that two—way trade arises in this context. A positive solution will arise if < l/(l—g) at the equilibrium since this implies that price exceeds the marginal cost of exports (p > c/g) and that 0 > 0. Subject to this condition, and given (7) and (8), a unique stable two—way trade equilibrium holds for arbirary demand. (Brander (1981) considered the case of linear demand only.) It can be easily shown6 that, atequilibrium, each firm has a smaller market share of its export market than of its domestic market. Therefore, perceived marginal rev- enue is higher in the export market. The effective marginal cost of delivering an exported unit is higher than for a unit of domestic sales, because of —5— transport costs, but this is consistent with the higher marginal revenue. Thus perceived marginal revenue can equal marginal cost in both markets at positive output levels. This is true for firms in both countries which gives rise to two—way trade. Moreover each firm has a smaller markup over cost in its export market than at home: the f.o.b. price for exports is below domestic price: reciprocal dumping. The case of constant elasticity demand,p =AZ isa useful special case which is illustrated in Figure 1. FIGURE 1 For profit—maximization by the domestic firm (condition (3')), p is decreas- ing in 0,whilecondition (4') for the foreign firm has price increasing in 0. Theintercepts on the price axis are, respectively, c/(E—l) and c/g so provided cc/(c—l) >c/g(or 6< l/l—g))the intersection nust be at a positive foreign market share. This condition has a natural economic interpretation, since c6/(6—l) is the price which would prevail if there were no trade, while c/g is the marginal cost of exports. That the condition says is that reciprocal dumping will occur if monopoly markups in its absence would exceed transport costs. Clearly the reciprocal dumping solution is not pareto efficient. Some monopoly distortion persists even after trade, and there are socially pointless transportation costs incurred in cross—hauling. What is less clear is whether, given a second best world of imperfect competition, free trade is superior to autarky. This is a question with an uncertain answer, because there are two effects. On one hand, allowing trade in this model leads to waste in transport, tending to reduce welfare. On the other —6— hand, international competition leads to lower prices, reducing the mono- poly distortion. If demand is assumed to arise from a utility function that can be approximated by the form U =u(Z)+ K where K represents consumption of a numeraire competitive good, then the welfare effects of trade can be measured by standard surplus measures. Figure 2 illustrates the point that there are conflicting effects on welfare. In the figure Z is the pre—trade output of the monopolized good, p is the pre—trade price, and c is marginal cost.
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