Sport WEDNESDAY 25 NOVEMBER 2020 WithW India series looming, Aussie star Steve SmithSm relieved to find his hands I haveh found my hands which I am extremely excited about. It’s just gettingget that feel of the bat behind my toe the right way, the way my hands comecom up the bat. But it just hasn’t quite been right until two days ago. Australia batsman Steve Smith Sport |08 AFC CHAMPIONS LEAGUE: Beijing 3-1 Melbourne Victory, Tokyo 0-1 Shanghai Shenhua, Perth Glory 1-2 Ulsan Hyundai, Seoul 5-0 Chiangrai United FIFA Arab Cup 2021 in Qatar to see 22 teams in action PARTICIPATING TEAMS: THE PENINSULA – DOHA FIFA President Gianni Infantino during a visit to the under- Qatar will unite millions of football construction Lusail Stadium, the ASIAN FOOTBALL fans from across the Middle East and venue of the 2022 FIFA World CONFEDERATION NATIONS: Arab world when it hosts the FIFA Cup final, yesterday. Qatar, Bahrain, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Arab Cup 2021 next December. Lebanon, Oman, Palestine, Saudi During a visit to Lusail Stadium yesterday, FIFA President Gianni Arabia, Syria, United Arab Emirates Infantino confirmed that the national and Yemen. first teams from all 22 Arab nations NATIONS FROM THE have signed up to take part in the CONFEDERATION OF AFRICAN tournament, which will be held from FOOTBALL: Algeria, Comoros, 1-18 December 2021 in the majority Djibouti, Egypt, Libya, Mauritania, of FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 sta- Morocco, Somalia, Sudan and Tunisia. diums, with a total of 32 matches being held over 18 days. The tournament will be delivered Through football, this tournament will unite over by FIFA, Qatar Football Association, The tournament will give our the Supreme Committee for Delivery 450 million people from across the region, and we are confident the FIFA Arab Cup will help to national team the chance to & Legacy and the FIFA World Cup enhance their preparations ahead Qatar 2022 LLC. Seen as a vital oppor- build excitement across the region as we edge tunity to test operations and facilities ever nearer to hosting the first FIFA World Cup in of the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022, ahead of Qatar 2022, the tournament the Middle East and Arab world in 2022: by going up against some of the will take place in the same timeslot FIFA President Gianni Infantino best teams in the region: as the World Cup. The finals of both QFA President, the FIFA Arab Cup and FIFA World Cup will take place exactly one year Sheikh Hamad apart – each on December 18, Qatar bin Khalifa National Day, which is a public across the region, and we are con- one of the select teams that will expe- experience that awaits fans from bin Ahmed holiday. fident the FIFA Arab Cup will help to rience what Qatar has prepared to around the world when they flock to Al Thani Infantino, said: “We are delighted build excitement across the region as host the FIFA World Cup.” Qatar for the FIFA World Cup in 2022. that all 22 teams from across the Arab we edge ever nearer to hosting the "The tournament will give our We welcome our friends from the world have agreed to take part in the first FIFA World Cup in the Middle East national team the chance to enhance Middle East and the Arab world to join FIFA Arab Cup 2021, and we are and Arab world in 2022.” their preparations ahead of the FIFA us in what will be an important mile- looking forward to seeing the region’s QFA President, Sheikh Hamad bin World Cup Qatar 2022, by going up stone and a final test of our prepara- best teams battle it out to see which Khalifa bin Ahmed Al Thani, said: against some of the best teams in the tions, only one year away from us nation will become champion. “Qatar looks forward to welcoming region,” QFA President said. hosting the first FIFA World Cup in Through football, this tournament will 22 Arab national teams and their fans, “Fans from across the region will the region,” added the QFA unite over 450 million people from and giving them the opportunity to be be treated to the same world-class President. Champions League: United, Barca, Juventus through to last 16 stage PSG revive chances with Neymar penalty REUTERS – PARIS After a sluggish first half, the Cat- Manchester United’s Marcus Rashford scoring a goal. alans took the lead early in the second Paris St Germain revived their hopes half as US international Sergino Dest of reaching the Champions League completed a flowing move with a knockout phase when an early near-post finish, scoring his first goal Neymar (pictured) penalty earned a for the club since joining from Ajax fortunate 1-0 home win against RB Amsterdam. Leipzig in Group H yesterday. Danish forward Martin Braithwaite Neymar scored his first goal in the soon doubled their lead with his first competition in six games, but PSG goal in Europe's top competition at were otherwise toothless throughout the age of 29, diving in from close as they leapfrogged Leipzig into range to turn in a flickedflicked headerheader from second place. debutantdebutant defenderdefender OscarOscar The French championsampions havehave sixsix MiMingueza.ngueza. pointspoints fromfrom fourfour games,games, threethree behind BraithwaiteBraithwaite groupgroup leadersleaders ManchesterManchester UnitedUnited and struck againagain iinn the aheadahead of third-placedthird-placed LeipzigLeipzig thanks 70th70th minuteminutte to theirtheir head-to-headheae d-to-head record.record. fromfroomm tthehe ppenaltyenaltyy PSGPSSG nextneext meetmeet ManchesterManchester UnitedUnited spotsspott whilewhile sub-subb- at OldOld TraffordTrafford withwith LeipzigLeipzigg visitingvisiting stitutestittuutte AntoineAnntooini e IstanbulIstaannbbul Basaksehir,Baasakksehir, whowhoo havehave threethree GriezmannGriee zmz m aann n popoints,innts, on DDec.ec. 2. aadaddedddeded a fofourthuurthh NeymarNeymara putput thethe hostshosts aheadaheeadd inin thethhe goalgooal inin addedadded 11th11th minute,minute, coollycoolly convertingconvertiing a penaltypenalty afterafter AngelAngel Di MMariaara iaa waswass broughtbrought down byby MarcelMarcel Sabitzer.Sabbitzzeer. ButBut thethe Brazilian'sBrazilian's bagbag of trickstrricckks was as emptyempty asas a spectatorlesssppece tatorlesss ParcPaarrcc des PrincesPrincees andand he andand KylianKyliiaan MbapMbappe,pe, whwhoo wawasas eeqequallyquuaalll y ddidisap-isaap- pointing,pointing, werewere replacedreplaacced inin addedaddd edd time.time.e In thethe 12th12th minute,minnutee, KeylorKKeeylor NavasNavvaas time,tit me, roundingrooundid nngg offofff a victoryviiccttory whichwhih ch GroupGGroup H outsidersoutssiders in Istanbul earlier tipped overover DayotDayyoot Upamecano'sUUppammece ananoo''s tooktotookk GroupGror up G leadersleeaaddeerss BarcaBaarrca onon to 1212 in November.Noveme ber. headerheader asas Leipzig,Leiippzigg, whowhhoo bbeateae t PSGPPSSG 2-122--1 pointspooinntss fromfroom fourffourr gamesgaammees andanndd ButBuut there was never any in the previouspreviioouus roundroounnd off matches,mata cchheess, clinchedclclinchheded ttheirheiirr pplacelaaccee chancechannce of anotheran upset as threatenedthreateneed inin a low-keylooww-kek y opening.opo enninngg. UnitedUnU itede ranran Basaksehir Meanwhile,Meannwwhhillee, inin Kyiv,KyK ivv, an inex-inex- raggedraaggede at OldOld Trafford. periencedpep rienceed BarcelonaBBaarcellono a sidesided FernandesFeernandes was the cat- missingmim ssing LionelLLiioonneel MessiMese si andand alystalysst withwiith a stunningstu long- manymany otherothheerr first-teamfiri sst-tteae m rangeraange openeropenner earlyearl in the first regularsregulars eventuallyevvenntuaally ini thethe lastlast 16.1166. half.haalff. cruisedcruised to a 4-04-00 winwinn Earlier,Earlieer, sstrikertrikeer OlivierOlliivviier HeH ddoubledouo bbled ttheheh lead bebefore passing awayaway toto DynamoDyynaammoo GiroudGiG roudd scoredscored a dramaticdramamata ic last-minutelast-t mmiinnuute upp a hat-trickhat--ttrick chancechance when he TODAY’S SCHEDULE KyivKyiv toto reachreacch thethe winnerwiinnn ere asas ChelseaChChellsea bookedboboooked theirtheirr placepllaace allowedallloowwed MarcusMaarcus RashfordRashford to convert GROUP STAGE knockoutknockou t in thethee llastast 166 withwiti h a 2-122--1 victoryvictorry overoovver thetht e penaltyppenaalty thattthat broughtbrought United'sUn third stagesstages for thethee StadeStS ade RennaisReR nnn ais at RoazhonRooazhhoonn ParkPaarrk goalggooal beforebeffoore half-time.hah lf-timi e. Rennes 1-2 Chelsea 17th17th consec-consec- yesterday.yeestererday. Basaksehir'sBasas kksehhir's DenizDeniz TurucTur netted utiveutive In GroupGrooupp E,E, SevillaSeeviv llla reachedreached thetthe a finefinne free-kickfree-kkiickc but,but, after a latel United Man United 4-1 Istanbul season.season. knockoutkknockkout stagesstages withwiithh twotwo gamesgammees toto wobble,wobbble, DanielDaanniel JamesJammes strstrucku in the Basaksehir sparesppare afteraftter a stoppage-timesttoppap geg -ttime goalgoala byby finalfinnal momentsmom meennts to sealseae l the points.po MunirMMunin r El HaddadiHaaddadid snatchedsnanatched a 2-12-2 1 winwin United'sUUnitedd'ss thirdthird winwinn from fourfo group FK Krasnodar 1-2 Sevilla att Krasnodar.Krasnoddaar. matchesmatches meansmmeans oneone point fromfr their B Dortmund 3-0 Club Brugge Elsewhere,Elsewhere, ManchesterMaannchc ester UnitedUUnnited lastllast twotwoo gamesgames againstagainst ParisPari Saint- avengedavenged theirtheir humblinghummbbling ChampionsChaammppionss GermainGermmaiin andannd RB LeipzigLeipzzig wouldwould secure Lazio 3-1 Zenit St Petersburg LeagueLeL ague defeat againstagainnsst IstanbulIstanbul BBasa-asa-
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