C M Y K C M Y KNxxx,2011-11-27,A,001,Bs-BK,E3Nxxx,2011-11-27,A,001,Bs-BK,E3 C M Y K C M Y K Nxxx,2011-11-27,A,001,Bs-BK,E3Nxxx,2011-11-27,A,001,Bs-BK,E3 Nxxx,2011-11-27,A,001,Bs-BK,E3 C M Y KC M Y K Nxxx,2011-11-27,A,001,Bs-BK,E3 Late Edition Late Edition Late EditionToday, periodic cloudsLate and Edition sun, Today, periodic clouds and sun, quite mild, high 63. Tonight, partly quite mild, high 63. Tonight, partly Today, periodic clouds and sun,Today, periodic clouds and sun, to mostly cloudy, mild, low 52. To- to mostly cloudy, mild, low 52. To- quite mild, high 63. Tonight, partlyquite mild, high 63. Tonight, partly morrow, cloudy, still mild, high 63. morrow, cloudy, still mild, high 63. to mostly cloudy, mild, low 52.Late To-to Editionmostly cloudy, mild, low 52. To-Late Edition morrow, cloudy, still mild,Details, high 63.SportsSunday, Page 12. Details, SportsSunday, Page 12. Today, periodicmorrow, clouds cloudy,and sun, still mild,Today, highperiodic 63. clouds and sun, C M Y K Nxxx,2011-11-27,A,001,Bs-BK,E3 Details, SportsSunday, Page 12. quite mild, highDetails, 63. Tonight, SportsSunday,partly quite Page mild, 12. high 63. Tonight, partly to mostly cloudy, mild, low 52. To- to mostly cloudy, mild, low 52. To- VOL. CLXI . No. 55,602 VOL.© 2011 The CLXI New York . Times No. 55,602 NEW YORK,© 2011 The SUNDAY, New York Times NOVEMBERNEW 27, YORK, 2011 SUNDAY, NOVEMBER$6 beyond the greater 27, 2011 New York metropolitan area. $6 beyond$5.00 the greater New York metropolitan area. $5.00 morrow, cloudy, still mild, high 63. morrow, cloudy, still mild, high 63. VOL. CLXI . No. 55,602 © 2011 The New York Times NEW YORK, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 2011 Late Edition$6 beyond the greater New York metropolitan area. Details, $5.00SportsSunday, Page 12. VOL. CLXI . No. 55,602 © 2011 The New York Times NEW YORK, SUNDAY, NOVEMBERToday, periodic clouds 27,and sun, 2011 $6 beyond the greater New York metropolitan area. Details,$5.00 SportsSunday, Page 12. quite mild, high 63. Tonight, partly to mostly cloudy, mild, low 52. To- morrow, cloudy, still mild, high 63. NEWS ANALYSIS NEWS ANALYSIS VOL. CLXI . No. 55,602 © 2011 The New York Times NEW YORK, SUNDAY, NOVEMBERDetails, SportsSunday, 27, 2011 Page 12. $6 beyond the greater New York metropolitan area. $5.00 VOL. CLXI . No. 55,602 © 2011 The New York Times NEW YORK, SUNDAY,NEWS ANALYSIS NOVEMBER 27, NEWS2011 ANALYSIS NATO$6 STRIKES beyond the greater KILLNew York metropolitan area.NATO STRIKES$5.00 KILL VOL. CLXI . No. 55,602 © 2011 The New York Times NEW YORK, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 2011 $6 beyond the greater New York metropolitan area. $5.00 NATO STRIKES KILL Post-Uprising,NEWS ANALYSIS Post-Uprising,NATO STRIKES KILL NEWS ANALYSIS Post-Uprising, NATOPAKISTANINEWS STRIKES ANALYSIS KILL FORCES, PAKISTANI FORCES, NATO STRIKES KILL A Post-Uprising,NewPAKISTANI Battle FORCES,PAKISTANIA New FORCES,BattleNATO STRIKES KILL Post-Uprising, PAKISTANIA New FORCES, BattlePost-Uprising, A New Battle A New BattlePost-Uprising,PAKISTANIRAISING FORCES, TENSIONS RAISING TENSIONS RAISING TENSIONS ArabA New WorldRAISING Battle Struggles TENSIONSArabRAISING World TENSIONS StrugglesPAKISTANI FORCES, Arab World Struggles Arab World StrugglesTo ShapeArab a NewWorld Order StrugglesARAISING New TENSIONS Battle To Shape a New Order AT LEAST 25 SOLDIERS DIE AT LEASTTo 25Shape SOLDIERS a New DIE Order To Shape a New OrderArab World Struggles RAISINGAT LEASTTENSIONS 25 SOLDIERS DIE By ANTHONY SHADID To ATShape LEAST a New25 SOLDIERS Order DIE Anger in Islamabad — To Shape a New Order AT LEAST 25 SOLDIERS DIE CAIRO — Through elections, By ANTHONY SHADID protests, government formations U.S. Offers Regrets ATArab LEAST World 25 SOLDIERS ByStruggles ANTHONY DIE SHADID and armed struggle, Arab coun- Anger in Islamabad — Anger in Islamabad — tries in an arc from Libya to the and VowsBy ANTHONY Inquiry SHADIDCAIRO — ThroughBy ANTHONY elections, SHADIDTo Shape aCAIRO New — Order Through elections, gulf were engaged this past week By ANTHONYAnger SHADID in Islamabad — more than ever in attempts not to protests, government formations U.S.protests,Anger Offers government in Regrets Islamabad formationsAT LEAST — 25 SOLDIERS DIE CAIRO — Through elections, CAIRO — Through elections,Anger in Islamabad — U.S. Offers Regrets simply overthrow leaders, but to By SALMAN MASOOD andCAIRO armed — Throughstruggle, elections, Arab coun- and armed struggle, Arab coun- decisively shape the orders that protests,and ERIC SCHMITT government formationsprotests,U.S. government Offers formations Regrets follow. protests,tries in an government arc from formationsLibya to the and VowsU.S. OffersInquiry Regrets andISLAMABAD, armed Pakistan struggle, — Pa- Arab coun- U.S.By ANTHONY Offerstries in Regrets SHADIDan arc from Libya to the and Vows Inquiry The center of that struggle was kistani officials said on Saturday andgulf armed wereand struggle,engaged armed Arab this struggle, pastcoun- week Arab coun- gulf were engaged this past week again in Cairo, in the landmark thattries NATO in aircraft an archad killedfrom at Libya to the and Vows Inquiry Anger in Islamabad — Tahrir Square, where a protest tries in antries arc from in an Libya arc fromto the LibyaCAIRO to theand — Vows Through Inquiryand elections, Vows Inquiry leastgulf 25 soldiers were in engagedstrikes against this pastmore week than ever in attempts not to more than ever in attempts not to movement was revived and doz- two military posts at the north- gulf were engaged this past week ens were killed in violence. Some simply overthrowgulf were engagedleaders, butthis to protests,past week government formations westernmore border than with ever Afghani- in attempts not to Bysimply SALMAN overthrow MASOOD leaders, butU.S. to OffersBy Regrets SALMAN MASOOD hailed it as a new revolution, or stan, and the country’s supreme more thanmore ever inthan attempts ever in not attempts to and armed not to struggle, Arab coun- the opening of a front in the old decisively shape the orders that decisivelyand ERIC SCHMITT shape the orders that and ERIC SCHMITT armysimply commander overthrow called them leaders,simply but overthrow to leaders,By SALMAN but to MASOODBy SALMAN MASOOD one. But it might be better unprovoked acts of aggression in follow. simply overthrow leaders,tries but in anto arc from LibyaBy SALMAN to the MASOODand Vows Inquiry termed the end of the beginning, decisively shape the ordersdecisively that shape the ordersand ERICthat SCHMITTandISLAMABAD, ERICfollow. SCHMITT Pakistan — Pa- a new flash point between the decisively shape the ordersgulf were that engaged thisand past ERIC week SCHMITT ISLAMABAD, Pakistan — Pa- as within the span of just a week, United States and Pakistan. The center of that struggle was The center of that struggle was events breaking out here and follow. follow. kistani officials said on Saturday The Pakistani government re- follow. ISLAMABAD, PakistanISLAMABAD, — Pa- Pakistan — Pa- kistani officials said on Saturday across the region seemed as sem- again in Cairo, in the landmarkmore than ever in attempts not to spondedThe by orderingcenter the of Central that struggleThe centerwas of that struggle was againISLAMABAD, in Cairo, in the Pakistan landmark — Pa- inal as any since that burst of op- kistanithat officials NATO said aircraft on Saturday had killed at that NATO aircraft had killed at BEBETO MATTHEWS/ASSOCIATED PRESS Intelligence Agency to vacate the Thekistani center officials of that strugglesaidsimply on wasSaturday overthrow leaders, but to By SALMAN MASOOD timism when the revolts erupted againTahrir in Square, Cairo, in wherethe landmark a protest Tahrirkistani Square, officials where said aon protest Saturday In 2006, Ronald S. Lauder, who is now worth $3.1 billion, paid $135 million for the Klimt painting “Adele Bloch-Bauer I.” droneagain operations in Cairo, it runs in from the landmark that leastNATO 25 aircraft soldiers had in killedstrikes at against least 25 soldiers in strikes against 11 months ago. againthat in Cairo, NATO in aircraftthe landmarkdecisively had killed shape at the orders that Shamsi Air Base, in western Pa- Tahrirmovement Square, was where revived a protest and doz- movement was revived and doz-and ERIC SCHMITT “In January, it was an uprising Tahrir Square, where a protest leasttwo 25 soldiers militarythat in strikes NATOposts against ataircraft the north- had killed at kistan, within 15 days. It also Tahrir Square, where a protest two military posts at the north- against the dictatorship, and now movementens were killedwasleast revived in violence. 25 andsoldiers doz- Some infollow. strikes against closed the two main NATO sup- two militaryens leastposts were 25at soldierskilledthe north- in inviolence. strikesISLAMABAD, Someagainst Pakistan — Pa- it is an uprising against what is movement was revived and doz- western border with Afghani- western border with Afghani- ply routes into Afghanistan, in- ens were movementkilled twoin violence. military was revivedSome posts and Theat doz-the center north- of that struggle was A Family’s Billions, Artfully Sheltered left of that dictatorship,” said hailed it as a new revolution, or western borderhailedtwo withmilitary it as Afghani-a new posts revolution, at the north-or cludingens werethe one killed at Torkham. in violence. Some stan, and the country’s supremekistani officials said on Saturday Sateh Noureddine, a columnist in hailed it asens a new were revolution, killed in orviolence. Some stan, and the country’s supreme NATO forces receive roughly 40 the opening ofwestern a front inborder the old againwithstan, inandAfghani- Cairo, the country’s in the landmark supreme the leftist Lebanese newspaper hailed it as a new revolution, or thewestern opening border of a front with in thatthe Afghani- oldNATO aircraft had killed at percent of their supplies through the opening of a front in the old army commander called them army commander called them Al Safir.
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