Asphalt Proves Sustainability Reclaim Soil or Pavement Meet Regs: Asphalt SDS Start WOA Plans Here Examine the Cutter Drum Mix in Blast Furnace Bits Winter, Summer Make Mix 100% RAP MARCH 2015 contents DEPARTMENTS Editor’s Note 5 It’s Worth Your Time By Sandy Lender Safety Spotlight 6 Your Mix Requires an SDS By Sandy Lender 6 Around the Globe ARTICLes 10 24 Wrap 100% Recycle 14 Keep It Up 14 Do More than Brush Those Teeth into Winter Mix By John Ball By Bob Frank Producer Profile 32 Reclaim Surface, 18 Northeast Asphalt Takes the Big Win Subbase for Sustainability Sheldon G. Hayes Award for By Jeff Winke 2014 goes to Green Bay company From NAPA 36 Submersible Pump 24 Gets Agg-Washing Right Project Management From BJM Pumps 20 Plan Ahead: Where’s That Recycle Gonna Go? By AsphaltPro Staff 38 Plant Quality Primer That’s a Good Idea By Jarrett Welch 34 Hang a Bucket on It By John Ball 40 Mix in Slag By AsphaltPro Staff Product Gallery 64 Paving and Pavement 44 Terms and Abbreviations Maintenance Essentials You Should Know By AsphaltPro Staff By AsphaltPro Staff Here’s How It Works 46 Innovate from the Base 70 Wirtgen’s Vacuum Cutting System for Optimal Performance Resource Directory By Sandy Lender 73 58 Learn Something Digital Details New Every Day 74 Apps That Make You More Productive By AsphaltPro Staff 32 Asphalt Proves Sustainability 36 Reclaim Soil or Pavement Meet Regs: Asphalt SDS On the Cover Start WOA Plans Here When we discuss the sustainability of Examine the Cutter Drum Mix in Blast Furnace Bits asphalt pavements, one of the options Winter, Summer Make Mix 100% RAP is full-depth reclamation in place. MARCH 2015 See related story on page 32. Every thing you want for asphalt storage: Complete systems. Vertical tanks. Horizontal. Portable. High efficiency. Low emissions. Hot oil. Direct-fired. Electric. 5,000 – 40,000 gallons. Worldwide parts & service support. 800.545.4034. ceienterprises.com. CEI ENTERPRISES,INC. an Astec Industries Company 245 WOODWARD RD, SE • ALBUQUERQUE, NM 87102 USA • 800.545.4034 • FAX 505.243.1422 • ceienterprises.com editor's note March 2015 • Vol. 8 No. 6 It’s Worth Your Time Which of the state asphalt association meetings or national expos will you, per- sonally, attend this year? Do you have a ticket to travel to the legislative fly-in this fall? The transportation construction in- 602 W. Morrison, Box 6a dustry, and the asphalt industry in particu- Fayette, MO 65248 lar, needs its membership to show up. Now (573) 823-6297 I can hear some folks saying, “that’s why I www.theasphaltpro.com pay dues—so the association will do that GROUP PUBLISHER work for me.” Chris Harrison True. True to an extent. chris@ theasphaltpro.com There’s strength in numbers. If you’re the team owner who pays the pitcher’s sal- ary, expecting him to show up to the game, you probably have additional players PUBLISHER on the field. Otherwise, it’s just batting practice for the other team. In the game of Sally Shoemaker politics and funding, someone’s going to get the crumbs that fall from Congress’s [email protected] (573) 823-6297 table up there in the fancy box seats with the fancy concessions served on fancy platters. It’s worth our time to show up and make a play for the real funding that EDITOR Congress owes to the transportation industry. Sandy Lender I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, it is the responsibility of The Congress to [email protected] provide a surface transportation system in this nation. We merely need to go to Ar- (239) 272-8613 ticle 1 of the U.S. Constitution to find it. Start at the beginning of Section 8: ART DIRECTOR Kristin Branscom “The Congress shall have power to lay and collect BUSINESS MANagER taxes, duties, imposts and excises, to pay the debts Susan Campbell and provide for the common defense and general AsphaltPro is published 10 times per year: welfare of the United States; but all duties, imposts January, February, March, April/May, June/July, and excises shall be uniform throughout the United August, September, October, November and December by CHP Holdings, 602 W. Morrison, States.”—Source, law.cornell.edu Box 6a, Fayette, MO 65248. Of course that same article also lists one of Congress’s duties to establish roads. Writers expressing views in AsphaltPro Magazine I’m not suggesting that we all show up at our representatives’ offices during the or on the AsphaltPro website are professionals legislative fly-in with signs that tell them to do their jobs. I am suggesting that it with sound, professional advice. Views expressed herein are not necessarily the same as the views is worth our time, collectively and individually, to get word to our representatives of AsphaltPro, thus producers/contractors are that we’re interested in seeing them follow through on fully federally funded long- still encouraged to use best practices when term highway transportation bills (plural) that keep their constituents and this implementing new advice. country working. I’m suggesting it’s worth your time to show up for these state and national meetings to participate fully in your business. I’ll see you there! SUBSCRIPTION POLICY: Individual subscriptions are available without charge in the United Sates, Stay Safe, Canada and Mexico to qualified individuals. IF ALL OUR One year subscription to non-qualifying Individuals: PLAYERS United States $90, Canada and Mexico $125.00. DOn’T SHow For the international digital edition, visit theasphaltpro.com/subscribe-2. Sandy Lender UP, IT’S JUST Single copies available $17 each. BATTING PRACTICE FOR THE other side. www.theasphaltpro.coM 5 safety spotlight Starting in June, every load of mix you send out needs to be accompanied by a Safety Data Sheet (SDS). Your Mix Requires an SDS BY SaNDY LENDER s reported previously in Asphalt- benefits from implementing an interna- components, asphalt mixes are required Pro, the goal of the Globally Har- tional system of communicating hazards. to have a safety data sheet (SDS) so that Amonized System (GHS) is to make While the International Agency for Re- each batch of mix meets the GHS require- it quick and easy for anyone anywhere search on Cancer (IARC) proved asphalt ments. The SDS must be ready and in in the world to recognize a danger that a fume is not a carcinogen, components place as of June 1. chemical may pose. The Department of associated with mixes can be deemed During the National Asphalt Pavement As- Safety and Health has listed a number of hazardous. Due to the presence of these sociation (NAPA) 60th annual meeting on 6 MARCH 2015 Untitled-1 2 7/7/14 2:04 PM safety spotlight Marco Island, Fla., in late January, Chris DID yoU TRAIN yoUR figure any safety message to print on the Willis of Oldcastle Materials spoke to an eMployees oN the Ghs by dec. tickets,” Ken Cardy of Libra said. He ex- audience about the implementation of 1, 2013? NEW EMPLoyees ALSO plained that, to this point customers typ- the SDS at Oldcastle. The information ically print loadout information on the she shared included the good news that Need to kNow. you caN priNt front of the ticket. “Printing on the back asphalt producers won’t have to rein- OUT AN OSHA QUICK CARD WITH would be more a function of the print- vent the wheel to meet the requirements. THE HAZARD COMMUNICATION er than the software,” he shared. “I have NAPA has created a “Base Asphalt Pave- STANDARD PICTOGRAMS AND seen pre-printed messages on the back of ment Mix Safety Data Sheet” that will be hazards at www.osha.GoV/ tickets.” available around the time this magazine publicatioNs. Printing the SDS label on the back of is distributed in Baltimore during World loadout tickets is the method Oldcastle of Asphalt. NAPA also has a training webi- tact with the product has clear and full found most expedient to be in compli- nar available that walks viewers through information about its potential hazards. ance. Now each and every load of asphalt the process of assembling the SDS. If you That doesn’t mean an asphalt producer pavement mix that leaves an Oldcastle have a specialty product, you’ll need to can put a safety label on the haul trucks in facility can meet regs and direct custom- modify the base SDS that NAPA has com- his in-house fleet and consider the mat- ers to a page on the company’s website piled, but the basic format is prepared for ter solved. Customers who purchase mix with additional information. Your com- you. Visit www.asphaltpavement.org. and haul it away in their own trucks or hot pany may think of an additional or differ- In the meantime, consider the system boxes won’t have the benefit of the SDS on ent way to get the SDS to accompany ini- Willis shared for complying with GHS their conveyances. That means you must tial deliveries of product, but it’s good to labeling. provide the label with the actual mix. know there’s a working model in action. Chemical or product suppliers are re- Controls and loadout systems manu- Not only is this model in action, with the quired to include a safety label on the ini- facturers such as B&S Light Industries sample SDS upcoming from NAPA and tial shipment of a product so that each and Libra Systems can help here. “Our the training webinar available, the model employee or worker who will have con- system allows an administrator to con- might be easy to replicate.
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