Page Eight "" riday, March 23. 1973 March 23, 1973 Drama Class Prepares For INSIDE ... r SHOWBOAT Opening Night of 'Mikado MOVIE RATINGS Lecture Set by Dr. Wilcox ........ 2 The obiKtive of The ralings Is to infCl'm Wage Rate Hearing Slated ....... 3 "But how can a man cut off his of Nanki-Poo, and the reason why pertnls aboul the suitability of movie cortttnt fOt v iewing by their childr",. Earthquake Damage Studied .... 4 own head, U laments K~Ko, the the Mikado's son fled the court, IGI . ALL AGES AOMITTEO WACOM Fashion Show Held ... .. 5 Lord High Executioner of Titipu hastens things a bit. K<>-Ko and Gtnef"al AvdiencH I PGI · ALL AGES ADMITTED Sports ............... .. ...... ... 6 (played by Jack Lindsey). Pooh-Bah (Leroy Carson) and Naval Wtoapons Center Parental Guidance SU99t'Stecl China L"ke Lions Eyemobile To Visit ........ 7 "Even it he only succeeded half Pitti-Sing (Elaine Fisher) fake an ( R ) . RESTRICTED california Vol. XXVIII No. 12 Chamber Music Program Set ... 8 way, it would show his desire, It execution and draw up a phony Under 17 r!'quirt'S accompany. ftwe rocketeel answers Pish-Tush (Peter Ham­ death certificate, which they at­ Ing Parent or A;;;tull Guardian CS . CiMmn co,. mond). tempt to "pass off" on the Mikado. STO · Siandard Movie Screen POW Recalls That's roughly the theme of "The The plot is uncovered by Katisha Rf'gul.r starting lime - 7 10 pm Facts, Figures On Mikado," the Gilbert and Sullivan and tbe trio 01 schemers are MaliMt _ 1 P m . production now in rebearsal by tbe sentenced to be executed by tbe FRI . 13 Mar. Memories Of Theater '1:l drama class at Cerro Mikado. " THE COWBOYS"(CS 128Min.) Unification Aired Coso College. The musical comedy, All's well that ends well, John Wayne, Roscoe Lee Browne Tour at NWC which will open next Friday, however, as Nanki-Poo reappears ( Wester n) News of a gold strike Recalling fond memories of and K<>-Ko devises yet anotber prompts all Of JOhn Wayne's ranch China Lake, its people and ac­ At Public Hearing March 30, at tbe Burroughs High hands to leave their iobs before a big School Lecture Center, revolves scheme to keep anyone from losing cattle drive. Bartender Slim P ickens tivities, were a morale booster to THE LADIESDF'MIKADO'- Louise Gillespie (2nd from righl) fils A barrage of facts and figures, are opposed to such a move. around K<>-Ko's attempts at finding his head over the ma Iter. suggests that Wayne use schoolboys as two former Naval aviators during some contradictory of one another, Tuesday night's public hearing a kimono on Nancy Hayem, a member of "The Mikado" chorus wranglers . ( PG ) a "victim" to behead at tbe direct All of this delightful nonsense is their stay as prisoners of war at the filled the air during a public was a prelude to an election on the whil~ Jac~ui~ J~ssberger (background) and Lauretta Crow (right) orders of the Mikado. accompanied by the usual G & S SAT. 14 Mar. "Hanoi Hilton. " hearing held Tuesday night on the school unification plan for this Failing that, the hapless glorious music. According to Pat await their 'I"mgs. Mrs. Gillespie's creations will highlight the That's the word passed along Theater 27 production of the famous Gilbert and Sullivan musical - MATINEE­ question of unification of schools in area that will take place on executioner must perform tbe act Schwarzbach, director of the " ROYAL HUNT OF THE SUN " recently by Navy Capt. Howard E. comedy, slated to open on Friday, March 30, at the Burroughs High this northeast section of Kern Tuesday, May 1. Purpose of the upon himself, as he is a reprieved production, "Mikado is a family ( STO 111 Min.) Rutledge, a POW returnee who is School Lecture Cenler. -Daily Independent Photo County. hearing, as explained by Chairman condemned prisoner. show, definitely rated G." Robert Shaw, Christopher Plummer now recuperating at San Diego's The hearing, conducted by Earl Smith, was to provide the op­ (Gl Unfortunately, K<>-Ko "couldn't To emphasize this family rating, Balboa Naval Hospital after seven Smith, chairman of the Kern portunity for all information harm a fly," and he is about to -give the class also has scbeduled a Rutledge Recalls Fond - EVENING- years spent in North Vietnamese " KI OHAPPEO" ( CS 100 Min.) County Committee on School needed by those who will be casling up in despair when be discovers performance for Sunday, April 8, prison camps. M ichael Caine, Trevor Howard District Organization, drew an ballots on this question to be fairly that Nanki-Poo (Randy Carson) is at 2: 15 p.m., in hope that entire The fellow prisoner with whom Memories of China Lake ( Drama ) Sco ttish Highlanders battle audience of around 250 persons to and objectively presented. "His­ for freedom and a H ighland youth , Capt. Rutledge shared recollec­ about to hang himself because he is families will take in the produc­ project at Balhoa Naval Hospital. the Burroughs High School Lecture tori cally , people are against in love with Yum-Yum (Lauretta tion. (Continued from Page 1 seeking his inheritance, is kidnapped tions of duty at China Lake was A long-time resident of China Center. something, if they don't know Crow), the bride-elect of the Otber performance dates are spent here as a Little League through the connivance of his wicked Capt. (then Cdr.) Allen Brady. The Lake-Ridgecrest area, Mrs. Taylor uncle - then saved by the Highland Present to provide a full range of about it," Smith observed. ____ executioner. Saturday, March 31, Saturday, baseball coach and being involved leader. (Gl latter had relieved Capt. (then in many other community ac­ was able to answer many of Capt. information on what has developed What followed the preliminary Ko-Ko devises a scheme April 7, and again on Friday and Rutledge's questions ahout current Cdr.) Rutledge at China Lake in into a controversial proposal were introductions and opening ex­ whereby Nanki-Poo (who is in Saturday, April 13 and 14, all at tbe tivities. A reunion with his many SUN ~ MON . 25· 26 Mar. March 1965, when Rutledge activities at the Naval Weapons "MELINDA " (SrD 110 Min.) representatives from the State planation about the hearing were reality the son of the Mikado) usual 8: 15 p.m. curtain time. friends in this area is high on his returned to sea as executive Qfficer list of "things to do" after leaving Center. Calvin Lockhart, Rosalind Cash Department of Education and statements for and against offers himself up as a victim in Tickets, priced at $1.SO for adults "Certainly, I'm sorry that Cdr. ( Suspense Drama) Calvin Lockhart of Fighter Squadron 191 aboard the office of the Kern County unification by representatives of and $1 for all others, can be ob­ the hospital, Capt. Rutledge added. stars as a smooth· talking d isc iockey exchange for the privilege of (now Capt.) Brady had the US.'> Bon Homme Richard. Superintendent of Schools, as well each of the four districts involved. marrying Yum-Yum for a period of tained at Tbe Gift Mart in The ex-POW 's interest in turned detective who, in trying to solve Approximately eight months misfortune of joining me in the murder of his girlfriend, nearly as administrators and trustees Speakers were Rod McClUng, and one month. Nanki-Poo accedes and Ridgecrest, the Station Pharmacy, later, Ca pt. Rutledge was shot returning to China Lake and prison," Capt. Rutledge said, but I becomes a victim himself. Rosalind from the four school districts being Richard Lewis, longtime members the plot thickens. or purchased from members of the Cash stars as lockhart' s former woman down over North Vietnam. renewing the acquaintances and must admit that seeing him and considered for unification. of the China Lake Elementary and cast. In addition, the ducats will be who becomes his chief ally and support. A visit by the Mikado (Bud friendships, which he said have talking ahout our mutual acquain­ His last stateside duty prior to The issue has brought out Indian Wells Valley School District Fast action w ith very rough language this ill-fated combat assignment Sewell) and Katisha (Jacquie on sale at the Lecture Center door meant so much to him, was aided tances was a great hoost to my and sexual encounters may offend sharply divided differences of hoards of trustees, respectively; was serving as a· technical Jessberger), who is tbe bride-elect on performance nights. and abetted to a certain degree by morale at the time." some. ( R J opinion between spokesmen for the John Cissne, principal of assistant with the Weapons the presence in San Diego of Mrs. Capt. Brady, like Capt. Rut­ rUES t weD 11 -18 Mar. Howard E. recuperaling al China Lake Elementary and the Burroughs High School, and Louis " THE HERO" (STD 96 Min .) Planning Group (Code 12) at the Taylor, who is in San Diego serving ledge, was among the first Amer­ Balboa Nava' Hospilal in San Diego afler seven years in a North Indian Wells Valley Union School Oshorn, a Rand School trustee. AAUW To Stage Chamber Richard Harris, Romy Schneider Naval Weapons Center (formerly as a special projects assistant to ican prisoners to be released by Vietnamese prison camp, chats with Mrs. Joan Taylor of China Lake Districts. who favor unification The China Lake district is an Cdr. F . Brayton Harris, the ( D rama ) Richard Harris, a likeable Naval Ordnance Test Station) North Vietnam. Capt. Brady is now but unstalble child man with quick about mulual friends and acquainlances.
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