Forestry Suppliers Lesson Plan Weather Forestry Suppliers’ Meteorology F.I.E.L.D. Kit™ Fundamental Investigation of the Environment Leading to Discovery™ Study Kit Correlated to National Science Education Content Standards If you’re interested in weather monitoring for Fields of Study: classroom activities, consider the Forestry • Earth Science Suppliers’ Meteorology F.I.E.L.D. Kit. Use the • Mathematics kit for the exercises outlined in this Lesson Plan, as well as other related activities (see “Further Studies” section for a few ideas). National Science Education This F.I.E.L.D. Kit is available exclusively from Content Standards Correlation Forestry Suppliers and includes some of the Grades A B C D E F G items used in this lesson plan. All kit items K-4 3 3 3 3 may also be purchased individually. Call our 5-8 3 3 3 3 3 Sales Department at 1-800-647-5368 or visit 9-12 3 3 3 us on the web at www.forestry-suppliers.com. Meteorology Kit Contents Stock Number 36848 Required For This Lesson Plan Qty. Description K-4 5-8 9-12 Stock Number 1 Sling Psychrometer 3 3 3 89248 20°F to 120°F in 1° divisions, Red Liquid 1 Dwyer Hand-Held Wind Meter – English Model 3 3 3 89001 1 Silva Starter 1-2-3 Baseplate Compass, 3 3 3 37064 Azimuth (0-360°) 1 Max/Min Dial Thermometer 3 3 3 89126 1 Tru-Chek Direct-Reading Rain Gauge 3 3 3 89011 1 Snow Gauge – measures up to 30˝ in 1/2˝ graduations 3 3 3 88984 1 The National Audubon Society Weather Field Guide 3 3 3 61311 1 GLOBE Cloud Chart 33485 1 Dial Barometer – 940-1070 millibars, 700-803 millimeters 43314 Meteorology 1 Grades K-4 Background Procedure Further Studies One of the first questions many people ask is 1. Using the Atmosphere Chart and Audubon • Allow students to collect data for a longer “What is the weather going to be like today?” Weather Guide, discuss various meteoro- period of time and make accuracy compari- Sunny, cool days with just a little breeze tend logical concepts with your students such sons with local forecasts. to make us a little more agreeable. Although as high and low pressure areas, frontal sys- • Direct students to research the following too much wind or rain is just as unwelcome tems, cloud types, global atmospheric influ- weather or weather-related topics by using as too little, extreme weather conditions such ences, storm systems, etc. Also, have your the school or public library: tornado forma- as a thunderstorm or a tornado can frighten students watch local television meteorolo- tion, hurricane formation, cloud type, ocean us. These types of weather systems can gists and read the local newspaper weather warming, ozone depletion. cause a lot of damage to property and to sections. In teaching younger students, you • Involve the class in recording data to be people. Being aware of atmospheric condi- will need to watch newscasts and read the submitted to a local participating news sta- tions or “what the weather is going to be” local newspapers to collect data or use tion. is important to our daily lives. We certainly class time to do so. Rubric want to know what Saturday’s weather will be 2. Begin by introducing and demonstrating before we plan a family outing; but even more each of the weather instruments found in • Students should be able to identify common importantly, aircraft pilots and boat captains the F.I.E.L.D. Kit. Explain to your students weather monitoring instrumentation. must be keenly aware of approaching storm how each instrument plays an important • Students should know basic meteorological systems in taking precaution against physi- role in accurately measuring the major concepts. cal harm to passengers and damage to their parameters of weather phenomenon. The vessels. • Students should be able to demonstrate the Sling Psychrometer is used to measure use of one weather monitoring instrumenta- Understanding the factors, which influence humidity, the wind meter (anemometer) is tion. weather and weather patterns, are globally used to determine wind speed, the com- important. Scientists who study weather and pass is for determining wind direction, the Assessment attempt to make accurate predictions con- barometer measures barometric pressure, • Quiz students concerning various meteoro- cerning the weather are called meteorologists. the thermometer is for recording maximum logical concepts and the resulting impact on The information that meteorologists provide and minimum temperatures, the rain gauge their environment for us is used in so many important ways. is for measuring rainfall, and the snow • When given specific data, allow students Meteorologists monitor and measure weather gauge is for measuring snow fall. With to make predictions concerning what the conditions by using various instruments, such younger students, you will need to share weather might be within a specific area. as a barometer to measure barometric pres- age appropriate information with them con- • Have students correlate instruments with sure, a wind meter (anemometer) used to cerning the instrumentation; even younger what each measures. determine wind speed, a thermometer used students should be able to understand the These lesson plans are provided for the benefit of to measure temperature, a psychrometer basic concepts by which these instruments science educators and can be freely downloaded used to measure humidity and gauges to work. from our web site at www.forestry-suppliers.com. measure snow or rainfall. Weather news is 3. Once the students have been shown how If you have an idea or other suggestions for future important to farmers, scientists, airport staff lesson plans, we’d like to hear from you! Send an e- each instrument works, let them practice mail to [email protected]. and the rest of the human population. It may using each instrument before you begin the be sunny outside, but it is probably raining data collection activities. Content Standards Covered somewhere! When you complete this activity, 4. When you feel the students are ready, A Science as inquiry you will be more experienced in measuring give each student a weather data-collect- • Abilities necessary to do scientific and predicting weather. ing chart to be used each day for three to inquiry four weeks, or collect this data as a class. • Understanding about scientific inquiry During this data collecting time, have your D Earth and Space Science students also observe the weather fore- • Objects in the sky casting being done on the local level. See • Changes in earth and sky if your students can determine if recorded E Science and Technology data corresponds with the weather that • Understandings about science and occurs in the future. technology 5. Once students become comfortable with G History and Nature of Science this concept, they should be able to fore- • Science as a human endeavor cast the weather with a limited form of Additional Materials accuracy. The following items are required to complete all the activities in this lesson plan. Supplied by Teacher/Student(s) • Data Collection Sheet Meteorology 2 Grades 5-8 Background Procedure Rubric One of the first questions many people ask is 1. Using the Atmosphere Chart and Audubon • Students should be familiar with meteoro- “What is the weather going to be like today?” Weather Guide, discuss various meteoro- logical terms. Sunny, cool days with just a little breeze tend logical concepts with your students such • Students should be able to predict weather to make us a little more agreeable. Although as high and low pressure areas, frontal conditions when given data. too much wind or rain is just as unwelcome systems, cloud types, global atmospheric • Students should be able to show proficiency as too little, extreme weather conditions such influences, storm systems, etc. Also, have when using weather instruments. as a thunderstorm or a tornado can frighten your students watch local television meteo- us. These types of weather systems can rologists and read the local newspaper Assessment cause a lot of damage to property and to weather sections. • Quiz students concerning the instrumenta- people. Being aware of atmospheric condi- 2. Begin by introducing and demonstrating tion used by meteorologists and what each tions or “what the weather is going to be” each of the weather instruments found in measures. is important to our daily lives. We certainly the F.I.E.L.D. Kit. Explain to your students • Have students compare and calculate the want to know what Saturday’s weather will be how each instrument plays an important accuracy of their predictions. before we plan a family outing; but even more role in accurately measuring the major • Have students name the common weather importantly, aircraft pilots and boat captains parameters of weather phenomenon. The must be keenly aware of approaching storm patterns and systems. Sling Psychrometer is used to measure These lesson plans are provided for the benefit of systems in taking precaution against physi- humidity, the wind meter (anemometer) is science educators and can be freely downloaded cal harm to passengers and damage to their used to determine wind speed, the com- from our web site at www.forestry-suppliers.com. vessels. pass is for determining wind direction, the If you have an idea or other suggestions for future Understanding the factors, which influence barometer measures barometric pressure, lesson plans, we’d like to hear from you! Send an e- mail to [email protected]. weather and weather patterns, are globally the thermometer is for recording maximum important. Weather has a great impact on and minimum temperatures, the rain gauge Content Standards Covered agriculture as well as business endeavors. is for measuring rainfall, and the snow A Science as inquiry Crops must have the needed amount of light gauge is for measuring snow fall.
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