VOL. XI. MASON; MICHIGAN. THUKSDAY, APRIL 29. 1886. NO. 17 Cash for all kinds of produce at Bee A Reed Cily littlo girl of 3 years wns say­ Tho Ladies' Library Association closed * Iitglmm County JJetnotrai Hive. ing her prayers not long since, when her a contract last evening with tho distinguish Tho "Crown .Tcwel" is tho best, the saf­ lillie brother, about't ycnrs old cnmo slyly od inipersonntor, Helen Potior, who will behind and pulled her hair. Without mov­ appear beforo a Mason audience nt the Puhllshod every Thursday est, and tho moat economical Gasoline Ford's Bazaar ing hor head sho paused and said : "Plcaso Rayner opnrn houso, Friday evening. May hy Stove made. For salo by Saynrs & I'helps, Lord, excuse tne a miiiulo while I kick 7, This announcement should bo sulTieient D. P. wniTMonE, Doo, Loomis o( Alaiodon, has a young Herby." to fill the houso. Wall Paper going like hot MABOU, MiomaAH. calf thatia in the latest Htyle, havitij!'bangs cakes. which draw tho attention of all who soo it, Tho largest stock of bird cages in the The Mason Creamery Company did their city at A. 0. DuBois', nnd cheaper ihnn first churning yesterday, and if tho butter Tho olieapost placo to by a pump iaalA, BRING IN YOUR BUTTER AND EGGS! they hays over been. * was not "gilt cdgo" it is usoleas to try to On. V.ar, tl.SO ; Six montha, 75 cenit; Thr.e 0, Duilois'; wood or iron, force or lift, * mako it ao, and juat at present thoro is so The Cti2liiitioii to Soop Som F:ioei li Ssstol. : moniha, 40 conla. While playing on tho sohool ground' Both tho ,Tnckson Patriot, and Citizen liltle difioronco bolweoii the price of country Inst Thursday, Sadie, little daughter of A. A Nice Present with Every Poiiuil of havo on hand a libel suit for ,$5,000 dam- and creninory butter that thero is qnilo a L. Vandercook, fell, striking her tomple Fliio Viit or Plug Tobacco. OurndvertlsiuK rales are 5100 per column poran ages, brought by Mrs, Boll, nn clocnlionist, upon tho sido-walk. Sho was able to go local doihand for it. There is also quite a nnm. Business notices flvo cents per line for each Mr. nnd Mra. J, E, Kilborn of Topinft. home alono, but soon after became uncon- demand for the buttermilk, it boing very TDV IIC^'"" CroocrloH, OlnvoH. Coraota, Insortlon. Eilllnrlal notices 10 cents. pleasant to drink, Il will probably bo I n I UO X'aiior UontiK, Nutloiia, otu. llusluess cards 91.00 per line per year. bee, have our thniika for a huge basket of aious, reniniiiiiig in that condition for some about two weeks boforo tho business will MarriaKe anil death notices Inserted froo. Ohitnnry the beautiful nnd fragrant trailing arbutua. lime. Sho was not seriously injured, how­ Town People, get our prices on Butler comments, resolutions, cards of thanks, etc., wlll here- Good monkey wrench given away with be at its fullest capacity. ufter hecharKeil for at tho rate of live cents per line. ever. , . and Eggs hotbre you buy. Correspondence contniuing local newa, Is »ollolle<l one ponnd tobacco nt A, L, Vandorcook'a,* Wo are pleased to state that J. T. Stoiitt, Tho Ladies' Library Association cordially from ail parts of tho county. , Quite n number of M'aaon peoplo uttond- invite tho publie to the reopening of tho Anonymous oommnnicatlonH net Insorlod under proprietor o( the Plioenix mills in thia city, If you aro in want of a Healing Furnace nny circumstance ed the opera 'Tjucia," by the Elnma Abbott has closed a contract with tho John T. library rooms, next Monday evoningj on that will do the work for small money, call at company, nt Lansing last Thursday oven Noyo. Co,, of BufTalo, who will put in tho which occasion tho following order of exer­ SAYKRS & PlIKLPS'. JOB PRINTING! ing. machinery for a full roller process mill, cises will bo preseiiled : Sfloil PntiitooH. with tho capacity of 75 barrels per day. Music. Solo by Mrs. Dr. Culver, Our material Is now and of the latest stylos and wo Best binding twine nt Mc per pound nt guarantee salisracllon, both In prices aud This will supply a much needed want in Introduction of the president of tho Literary Socie­ I have a full supply of choice Seed Po­ A, p. DnBois'. Both price and twine guar, ty, Mrs. N. A. Dnnnlni;. qnalily of work. this vicinity. tatoes. Plenty of any variety desired, nnteod. * Toido by Miss K J. I'ullor, "Olvlllmtlon of Ancient Groece,", cheap. Call at tho Tobacco Store. This paper can lie found ou lUo at Geo. P. Itojwol l tt Come and seo our now goods at Boo Co.'s Newspaper AdvertisiuK Bureau (10 Spruicf o St.) It is a common remark nmong tho "old Qiiartetto, liy Misses Sooly ami Siiiltb and l^lcssrs, lCw3p D. B. HARRI.NGTON. DuBois and Worilen. Mrs.ll.P.Henderson, organist. whore ndviirlisinB contracts can be made foi r It In inlinbitants" that thoy never witnessed Hive. » liVaiitucl. New York. more rapid growth in vogolalion than thia A son of Mr. Barton Case, who was rob­ Friends iiitereslod in the welfare of tho spring. - bed at Lansing, while on hia way to Califor- library aaaooiation can not afford to miss A second hand secretary. Apply to this ontortaiiiinoiit. Miss Puller ia a lady C. C. Hoi.EE or C. S. CuRRT. There is now littlo doubt bnt Lansing's nia, of his tickets, P.O. orders and nioney, is nttendiiig Iho university at Ann Arbor.- of rare inlolleelual worth and anvthing transit railway will provo a reality, the For a Fli'Kt-OliiHH Sliavo or Uair Cut, Tho other day lie took a leltor out ol tho coining from hor pen will be highly iiistruo- right ot way having been granted on Sagi­ Call on Ricks & Lyons, hasotnont Darrow pdico inclosing the tickets, which woro sign, tivo ns well as eiitorlaiiiing. Admiagion naw slroot.' block. Ladies'and Children's Hair Cutting od so no one else could use thom, and post- froo. Cake and ice cream will bo served. a speciality. Give thom a call. Mr. Ricka In another column you will find the ap­ office orders on SaiiFraiieisco, It was sign­ E.xercisos comineiico at 8 p. ni. is a workman of largo experienco and the li*or Salo Only iit Fnrd'H Itii7.nar mid Jow portionment of bonefita of the Ewor's and ed "Professional Pickpockets," Tliey Almost a Cciitcniiriaii. 'boas" on cutting hangs. dry Sti.ro. liewea' drain in Bunkorhill, Iiii'ham, and wished him a pleasant journey, and request lleiiriotta. od him next timo to havo his money in Mrs, Woods, doubtless the oldest person Now Grooory In Vinson II, P. Stewart, two miles south of thi cash,—Eoeninrj iVei«.9. in Ingham connly, died al the homo of her Curry & VaiilTorii will occupy the ,west city, hin tho fniiiidation laid, and iniilorinl I Iliibbard Dakin of Danavillo, relnrned son, M, M. WOOII'H of Ingham township, on store in the now block, with a full lino, of on the gioiind for a new rosideiice tho com Monday morning from Topeka, Kansas, Sunday last, but dO days loss lhan 100 yeara groreries, juat as soon aa it can bo got iu ing summer. WANTE of ago. Mrs. Woods was born near Now rcadinoaa for them. 13lf where ho was summoned by tho grand jury, Cash paid for butler and eggs nt Boo as a witnoas in a pension case, which it ia Loiidon, Connecticut, Juno 15, 1730. She tViiII Fniior. Hive. was married when about IS years of ago thought will provo to be a fraudulent claim. Fivo Timea the Largest Stock in the city, A person, whose real name ia Fred Brain­ and her hushanil died nhoiit 40 years ago, The Bnnkerliili Rchool .inapeotora met at UNDEailiLL's Furniture Store. AT THE BEE HIVElas t Saturday and elected G. W. Brewer ing, claims lo bo ono Chas. E, Brewer, who Her daughter, a lady now 81 yenrs of ago, chairman of tho board, lo visit tho schools was a nioinber ol Co A. lat Miehii;an cav­ whose home ia in .lackson, was with hor New York State full Cream Cheese nt for the coming year, alry, and supposed to havo boon killed in during the past four weeks of her illness. lGw2 BEECIIER Baos.' 10,000pounds of Butter the seoond battle of Bull Run. Mr. Dakin The funeral services were hold at.Dansville The Young People's Society of tho Pres­ Now Homo iiiifl Doiiiurttio Sowlii|;Miiohtnoa* is aatisfied tho olnim is a fraudulent one, as on Tuesday, when three goiierations wero byterian church will givo the firatico cream and 10,000 dozen Eggs ho wns n eompaiiion of Brewer and waspresent . I wish to close out my Sewing Machine social of 'he senson nl the church, Friday near him when killed. Business nnd will make Special Prices for evening, April 30lh. Everyone cordially for Cash. Cash paid fbr butter nnd eggs at Bee the next GO days. J, A, UN'PERIIILL. invited. It came out Monday that Jno. Fay, a pris Hiyo. * A Full Assortment of Embroideries and oner in the psnitontiary, made an attack on Yon can buy the very best No. 9 fence White Goods on hand, at Respectfully, Warden Hatch Saturday afternoon; He IlEFOUi: THE ALTER. wire nt A. O. DuBoia', nt $3,25. Also MAROOS GKEOOR'S, was fighting in the yard nnd hnd been sent galvanized nnd barb wire cheaper than Marriage of Mias StoUa Burr to Jamoa t>.
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