On the Inside ! Weather Wanted - Fair DiaIribUtlOD Fair and dry today. In­ ••• Page 2 creasln« cloudjness and warm Sunda,. Hlxh to­ Old Settlers Said 'Ioway' day. 76 to 82; low, 45 to ••• Page 3 50. HI,h Friday. 74; low, lJttl. Hawks. City Hiqh Win at owan 42. ••• Page 4 Est. 1868 - AP Leased Wire. AP Wirephoto. UP Leased Wire - Five Cents Iowa City. Iowa, Saturday, October 14. 1950 - Vol. 85, No.9 -1 Fair Weather Today Lons 'Free on $25,000 BaI ; Promised Grid Fans Hawkeyes, Badgers Meet Today Charged with Sia • W · By Weatherman. Of S alter h.i:b::yC~z~:~:a~~;~~!~~~jmx as local skies were fair and Home Game eason . .. temperatures soared to 74 degrees. In First He promised more of the same to­ day with a high of 78 degrees. Leaves Jail 1n Des Moines the mercury * * * PROBABLE LT EUPS equaled an all-time mark as it Passes Seen reached a torrid 83 degrees. IOWA \VISCO SlN As Services Los Angeles residents swapped Dean Predicts Jerry Long (Co·Capt.) LE Gene Felker their topcoats lor bathing suits Hubert Johnston LT Dave Suminski As Main Threat and headed for the city's beaches For Victim End when hot blasts from the"Mohave Hawk Victory Austin Turner LC Bob Kennedy John Towner Dave Hansen B, CHUCK LEEDHAM desert drove thermometers to 104 L. Dale Faunce, new SUI dean To Iowa Win James Lons, 52, Princess cafe degrees. Qf studen ts, told abou t 2,000 per­ Lou Ginsberg HG George O'Brien Salely over the Black Friday son, at the pep raliy Friday nigjlt By HOBERT DUNCAN owner charged with the fatal Andy Buntz HT Ken Huxhold (Capt.) DaUy Iowan Sports Editor stabbing Thursday morning of hex, Iowa forecasters predicted he had a hunch the Hawkeyes the balmy days may continue Bob Hoff RE Tilden Meyers Princess waiter Andrew Davelis, would win this afternoon. The Iowa Hawkeyes celebrate was released Friday afternoon through Sunday with Increasing Glenn Drahn (Co-Capt. ) QB Bob Petruska Cloudiness and rain on Monday. Glenn Drahn, Hawkeye co­ their golden anniversary of Big (rom Johnson county jail on a captain, also had an intuition of Don Commack Ll I Roy Burks Ten football this afternoon when surety bond of $25,000. Cooler temperatures ",ere fore­ cast for Tuesday. victory and expressed the team's Jerry Faske lUI Bill Hutchinson they meet favored Wisconsin at Lons w&lked from the J&i1 gratitude for the spirit shown by the Iowa stadium in the first door at 3:50 p.lIt., while the last the studen t . Bill Reichardt F)3 Bob Radcliffe home game of the season. mourners leN DaveUs' fUDeral War at a Glance The cheerleaders and SUI band A crowd which is expected to mvlces, beld ill a funeral home led the crowd in yells and "On surpass 45,000 will be on hand to ~I'OIS the street, In full view Purl HUbOr - President Tru­ Iowa" as the rally progressed. see the renewal of a lootball ri­ tl the jail, mnn prefaces Wake [sland meet­ He,· b Schoener, former Hawkeye Announce Judging Plan valry dating back to 1894 . Since ImmediatelY after his rel'ease, Ing with MacArthur by warning end and now assistant freshman that tirst game, 27 games have Lons said he felt "fine" and would that .. sticks and stones" not football coach, t aid the coaching been played with Wisconsin lead­ go back to work at the Princess. enough to control aggressors. staff and players are impressed For Homecoming Floats ing in the series, 18-9. He was not ~een in the cafe Fri­ TOk,o-Allied troops trap J 2,- with the enthusiasm of students The judging procedure for the second annual SUI Home· Favorable football weather is day and his present whereabouts 000 Reds in Kumchon area of and [OWl! Citians and hope it forecast for today's game which was not known. North Korea, drive 20 miles north will keep its precent pace. coming parade was announced Friday by Dr. William oder, will probably develop into a battle Pleaded Innocent of captured Wonsan; ships and chamnan of the parade committee. between Iowa's proven running at­ Arraigned Tl]ursday afternoon planes continue blasting both Judges will make prelimin ary examinations of the floats tack and Wisconsin's passing on an "open" charge of murder, coasts. Duty Up on Eggs game. Lons pleaded "I)ot gullty" and was Tokyo - MacArthur leaves tor immediately after the floats have reported to th eir proper places Pa.. Defense bound over to the grand jury by mid-Pacific rendezvous with PreL­ next Friday night, Coder said . The actu al judging of the floats Judee C. J. Hutchinson. ident Truman; U. S. Aml>assador From Red China Iowa's success depends heavily Lons Is &teused of 'dally to Korea included In party. will take place when· the floats on the elficiency at the pass de­ WASHINGTON (tPI - The state lense against the aerial thrusts of ltabbln, DaveU. at about 2 a.m. " --- department disclosed Friday the : pass the reviewing stand. Quarterback Bob Petruska. The Thurada.y In .. scuffle on the President Truman has signed a Eight bands and possibly 50 Installment Buying I&wD of a hOUle, where Da.vells L~ughfon Tickets proclamation which will have the floats wlll take part in the parade. Hawkeyes' defense against IncU­ fiN for rdu,e a.fter beln, chas­ effect cf raising the duty on dried Thirty applications were In by ana passes leaked tor two touch­ ed In cars and on foot throu,h eggs imported from Communist 7 p.m. Friday and the number is Tightens on Cars, TV downs and nullified their top hea­ vy superiority on the ground. low& City by LOlli and three Go in Hour RUsh China by 10 cents a dozen. expectcd to approach last year's WASHINGTON M - The gov­ companions, offtciala said. The proclamati on. ending tariff total of 49. ernment Friday night tightened If Iowa can stoP Petruska, it Lons' surety bond (a promise All tickets for the Charles concessions formerly extended to Four high school bands will installment credit curbs for the has a ,ood chance of recisterln, to pay the amount of bail if Lons Laughton . lecture were ~one one Nationalist China and which later participate in the parade, Includ­ second lime since the Korean war Its second upset of the season. fails to appear in court), signed hour and 15 minutes after distri­ benefited Red China, is effective ing one from Eas t High, Waterloo; in a new anti-inflation move The Hawks disregarded a two by 12 Iowa City businessmen, was bution started at 7:30 a.m. Friday. starting Dec. 11. McKinley, Cedar Rapids; Tipton which will make it harder to buy touchdown underdog tag in the ,Prot. Earl Harper, chairman delivered at 3:10 p.m. Friday by r. The action was revealed amidst and West Branch. a utomobiles, television sets and season's opener against Southern of the committee on university his attorney, Frank Messer. a furore over arrival oC 1.5-mlllion similar items. California and went on to a 20-14 ledures, said tickets were .iVf;!n pounds of Communist cggs. Two drum and bugle cor ps will Signatures on the bond were A. The restl·ictions, effective Mon­ win. The Hawks had an emo­ out "as fast as ,we could punch The President's Dction consisted take part In the parade, one Irom day, reduce the payment period L. Towner, Tom A. Thomas, R. H. [.0. cards;., ·r . the VFW In Cedar Rapids and one tional sag against thc Hoosiers of cancelling tariff concessions ne­ for automobiles tor 21 months to last week , in !osing, 20-7. Lind, 1.. D. Bodeen, J. J. Swaner, ,At one time the Une of student'll gotiated with Nationalist China in Crom the Moose in lowa City. Frank E. Lee, George E. Leonard, 15 months but leave the down Today, Iowa goes Into the game 6:3' waiting for tickets metched along 1947. The state department said The SUI band and tbe Scottish payment unchanged at one-third Wendyll stoner, Cecil Hudson, G. Highlanders wiJI complete the list. in near perfect physical and men­ the ' entire len,th of the ,' Iowa this was done because Chiang of the purchase price. H. Swails. L. K. Norris and J. M. tal condition. Union main Jounre. Kai-Shek's government withdrew The positions of the floats will Down payments on TV sets, Swank. Faculty and student tickets Irom the Geneva general trade be determined by a drawing at radios and other home appliances Injuries suffered in the Indi­ The Princess calc, 118 S. Du­ were ·taken from the' same gen­ agreement three years ago. 9:30 a.m. Monday at the veterans were increased from 15 to 25 per­ ana game have mended satisfac­ buque street, closed all day Thurs­ eral supply ·. and both desks ran The present duty on powdered service. All organizations repre­ cent period cut from 18 to 15 torily. day, was reopened Friday under out at the same time. eggs is 17 cents a pound. When sented in the parade are welcome months. Only Jerry Nordman, a fullback the operation of A. L. Towner and the tariU changes take effect, the to attend, Coder said. .' For furniture, the down pay­ injured in a pre-season scrimmage, John Nash, appointed receivers at (Dally Iowan Pholo by Belly Kerr) U.S. Population Estimate new duty will be 27 cents a Five float entries ar e included ment will be 15 percent instead of won't be available for Coach Leo­ Lons' request by District Judge pound.
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