Legendary Singing Group En Vogue “Rockets” into New Era of Johnnie L. Cochran, Sr. Passes Music & Life (See Page D1) (See page A-12) VOL. LXXVV, NO. 49 • $1.00 + CA. Sales Tax THURSDAY, DECEMBERSEPTEMBER 12 17,- 18, 2015 2013 VOL. LXXXV NO 16 $1.00 +CA. Sales Tax“For Over“For Eighty Over EightyYears TheYears Voice The ofVoice Our of Community Our Community Speaking Speaking for Itselffor Itself” THURSDAY, MAY 3, 2018 LARRY MCCORMACK/THE TENNESSEAN VIA AP James Shaw Jr., shows his hand that was injured when he disarmed a shooter inside a Waffle House on Sunday, April 22, 2018, in Nashville, Tenn. BYJENNIFER BIHM a neighborhood in Nash- Contributing Writer ville, Tennessee, killing four people. When he James Shaw Jr., the stopped to reload, Shaw man who brought the Jr., also 29, was able to GHDGO\ 1DVKYLOOH :DIÀH wrestle the gun away. Re- House shooting to an end LQNLQJÀHGWKHVFHQHDIWHU last week, has reportedly according to news reports raised over $200,000 to from Tennessee. support the victims’ fami- Several other patrons :/͕dŚĞDĞŵŽƌŝĂůĨŽƌWĞĂĐĞĂŶĚ:ƵƐƚŝĐĞƉĂƌƚŶĞƌĞĚǁŝƚŚĂƌƚŝƐƚ͕<ǁĂŵĞŬŽƚŽͲĂŵĨŽǁŚŽƐĞƐĐƵůƉƚƵƌĞŽŶƐůĂǀĞƌLJ lies. Shaw created a Go- were injured. Shaw him- ĐŽŶĨƌŽŶƚƐǀŝƐŝƚŽƌƐǁŚĞŶƚŚĞLJĨŝƌƐƚĞŶƚĞƌƚŚĞŵĞŵŽƌŝĂůĂŶĚƚŚĞϴϬϬŵŽŶƵŵĞŶƚƐƐƵƐƉĞŶĚĞĚĨƌŽŵƚŚĞĐĞŝůŝŶŐĞĂĐŚ FundMe Page Sunday, self, was grazed and sub- ƐƚĂŶĚĨŽƌĂĐŽƵŶƚLJǁŚĞƌĞƌĂĐŝĂůƚĞƌƌŽƌŽĐĐƵƌƌĞĚĂŶĚŝŶĐůƵĚĞƐƚŚĞsŝĐƚŝŵƐŬŝůůĞĚďLJůLJŶĐŚŝŶŐƐƐƐŽĐŝĂƚĞĚWƌĞƐƐ April 22, the same day of sequently burned while BY MALEENA LAWRENCE and Justice and the Legacy ancestors, reconcile hor- told the Associated Press the shooting. Shaw asked JUDEELQJ WKH ¿UHDUP Contributing Writer Museum: From Enslave- UL¿F DFWV DJDLQVW KXPDQLW\ "I’m a descendant of three people to please “take the Shaw has been humble ment to Mass Incarceration and properly heal a haunted lynching victims. I wanted time to donate” and the re- and reluctant to accept the Over the course of two in Montgomery, AL. past to rebuilding a new vi- to come and honor them sponse greatly surpassed hero status beginning to days, thousands of support- Individuals of all races sion for America. and those in my family that his original $15,000 goal. be bestowed upon him by ers participated in the grand traveled from different Toni Battle, a genera- couldn't be here." Early that Sunday many. opening ceremony of the parts of the country, near tional victim affected by Tears continued to drip morning, around 3:30 “I don’t want people to Equal Justice Initiative’s and far, to attend the two- VODYHU\ DQG ¿UVWWLPH YLVL- throughout the days as a.m., 29-year-old Travis think that I was the Termi- (EJI) unveiling of the Na- day truth telling celebra- tor, drove from San Fran- thought-leaders and visitors 5HLQNLQJRSHQHG¿UHDWD tional Memorial for Peace tion, pay homage to their cisco for opening day, she {See HERO A-8} {See LYNCHING A-9} :DIÀH+RXVHLQ$QWLRFK Kelli Jackson takes her father's store from a corner liquor store to a health-conscious mini market BY SHANNEN HILL Contributing Writer Hank Jackson opened his own business in 1997. At the time, Hank's Mini Market was a place to buy liquor and snacks, but 20 years later, he has given his daughter the reigns to PHOTOS BY KRISTINA DIXON make it her own. Cicely Tyson Honored with Hand & Footprint Cicely Tyson spoke about Kelli, 36, grew up in Ceremony. the importance of family. the mini market and has seen it become a com- BY SHAQUILLE WOODS hand and footprint ceremo- Tyson in 2005 for his movie munity safe-haven. As an Contributing Writer ny. Tyson was recognized “Diary of a Mad Black art student at the Univer- for her more than sixty-year Woman.” sity of Southern Califor- Cicely Tyson, an Emmy career within the entertain- “I remember being a nia, she was researching and Tony Award winner, ment industry. little boy watching her. It about different art spaces PHOTO CREDIT: RUDY ESPINOZA was honored by Turner Tyler Perry, renowned was such a profound mo- in the Crenshaw area and Kelli Jackson (middle), her parents, and Executive Classic Movies (TCM), on ¿OPPDNHU SDLG WULEXWH WR ment to see a woman with came across information Director of the LA Food Policy Council Clare Fox Friday, April 27, at the TCL the actress before the cer- grace, class and strength,” about food deserts, which (right) at the reopening of Hank's Mini Market. Chinese Theatre with a emony. Perry casted are areas where there are {See TYSON A-9} {See HANK’S A-8} Bill Cosby Found Guilty on All Charges in Sex Assault Trial, Remains Free on $1 Million Bail BY STACY M. BROWN Community pleads for neighbors to speak up in the death NNPA Newswire of Hannah Bell Contributor Convicted comedian Bill Cosby, will remain on house arrest until he’s sentenced this summer fol- lowing his conviction on POOL PHOTO A Norristown jury found comedian Bill Cosby on three counts of aggravated indecent sexual assault. Some legal experts said that Cosby might get another trial. COURTESY PHOTO three counts of aggravated ments he’s allowed, and Hannah Bell, 15, was shot and killed in cold blood while out eating with her mother. indecent sexual assault. WKH\PXVWEHZLWKLQD¿YH Judge Steven T. O’Neill, county radius of Montgom- BY NIELE ANDERSON and 78th when a suspect pressed, “I used to practice ordered Cosby to get written ery County. Cosby has been Contributing Writer with a hoodie walked up with them, if somebody permission from adult pro- ¿WWHGZLWKDWUDFNLQJGHYLFH behind them and shot Bell. shoots, to get down, but I EDWLRQRI¿FLDOVLIKHZDQWV VR WKDW FRXUW RI¿FLDOV FDQ On Friday April 27, She died soon after she never thought somebody to leave his Philadelphia monitor him. Hannah Bell was waiting was taken to the hospital. would be so bold to just area home to visit his doctor “This was a man who in line to get a meal with A prayer vigil was held walk up and shoot ran- www.lasentinel.net or to meet with lawyers. had evaded this moment for her mother at Best Burgers on Sunday where Bell’s domly," Samantha said. Those are the only move- {See COSBY A-8} on the corner of Western mom Samatha Mays, ex- {See BELL A-8} A-2A-6 LASENTINEL.NETLOS ANGELES SENTINEL NEWSNEWS THURSDAY,JANUARYTHURSDAY, MAY 5,9, 20182014 The company met with South L.A. residents to discuss the great opportunities their offering to potential hosts. Airbnb representatives from L to R: (Top Row) Kevin Brunke, John Choi, Steve Ferguson, Airbnb Host, Peggy Sturdivant with John Choi, Pamela Bakewell Cynthia Chou, Saul Sanchez, Leslie Hope (Bottom Row) Natalie Cilem, Phuong Bui, Peggy and Cynthia Chou following her presentation. Photo By: Mesiyah McGinnis Sturdivant, Robin Cole, Shanthi Bolla, Julia Casillas. Photo By: Mesiyah McGinnis BY BRIAN W. CARTER own profiles for their prop- up a bonding because I way to go,” said Woodson. nity the last few years. It’s of South L.A. residents in- Contributing Writer erty, choose their price, get Christmas cards from “What’s different about no surprise that it’s a won- terested to hear what Airbnb availability and guidelines them.” Airbnb is it makes sure that derful partnership as both is offering the community. In a growingly divisive for guests. Guests will able “Just about 33% of ourthe money is actually stay- Airbnb and Taste of Soul Attendees participated in world, one company is try- to search for lodgings with hosts in Los Angeles have ing here in local communi- share the same mission— break off sessions as they ing to turn that tide into a a host whether it’s a room, told us that the income ties,” said Choi. unity. listened to Airbnb personnel more positive direction. entire home or a unique ac- they earn from home -shar “Ninety-Seven percent “It such an incredible share the benefits of becom - Airbnb is all about creating commodation. Both hosts ing has helped them avoid of the money that hostsevent [Taste of Soul], iting hosts. Everyone that a community where every- and guests confirm travelforeclosure or eviction and charge for booking staybrings people from all over,attended left with informa- one benefits from each oth- dates, expectations and that’s a really meaningful with that host—their able not just L.A., all over South- tion and the possibility of er— a sharing economy. pay through Airbnb. Alto- impact,” said Choi. to set their own prices, their ern California,” said Choi. becoming Airbnb hosts. The “bed and breakfast” gether, it makes for an ex- Actually, Airbnb has able to keep that money and “It’s part of Airbnb’s mis - “What we saw tonight company wants to bring perience were people learn observed that South Los what that really means is sion to really bring people is a tremendous amount of that concept to South Los new things about each and Angeles is becoming one that money stimulates the together, to create a place, interest,” said Choi. “I think Angeles. create a memorable experi- of the fastest growing -ar local economy, small busi- a world where everyone can people are excited—it’s a On Thursday, April 26, ence. eas in the city. It’s demo- nesses and overall, it’s a belong, anywhere and Taste signal that every day people Airbnb with partners, the “I’ve been with Airbnb graphics along with its rich win-win for Los Angeles.” of Soul is doing that.” really want to participate.” L.A. Sentinel and Taste of for two years now—I love culture, growing business Airbnb are proud part- He continued, “It’s a nat- “All I can tell anybody Soul, presented a commu- it,” said Peggy Sturdivant, opportunities and expo ners with Taste of Soul, ural fit for us to really part - that’s interested that has an nity reception at the Mu- an Airbnb Host Ambas- line access make the area which has given the com- ner with Taste of Soul, the extra room, needs some ex- seum of African American sador.
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