THE ATLANTIC CITY SESSION AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, SIXTY-THIRD ANNUAL SESSION. ATLANTIC CITY. JUNE 4-7, 1912 CALL INDIANA * Thomas S, Arbuthnot, Pittsburgh, OFFICIAL Miles f. Porter, i-'t. Wayne. Fremont W, Frankhauser, Read' ! •. a. Tucker, Noblesvllle. Ing. .1. lillas Eastman, Indianapolis. William T. Hamilton, Philadel- Edwin Walker, Evansville. phia, Sixty-Third Annual Session of the American Medical Associa- George W. Guthrle, Wlikcs-nano. N. IIIWA ¡Théodore B. Appel, Lancaster, tion, Atlantic City, J., June 3-7, 1912 .iniiii il. Max White. Clarlnda. l.iivvnian, Johnstown. The annual session of tlie American Medical M. Howard l''ussell, riillndelplila sixty-third Luther B, Kllne, Catawlssa. Association will he held at Atlantic City, N. .1. ISTHMIAN CANAL ZONE Cul. W. C. Ancon. RHODE ISLAND The House of Delegates will convene, at 10 a. m., Monday, Gorgas, John Champlln, Westerly. .inn,- 3. In the House, the representation of the various con- KANSAS stituent associations for the years 11)10, 11)11 and 1012 is as O. r. Davis, Topeka. SOUTH CAROLINA follows: .iiiiin L. Dawson, Charleston. KENTUCKY E. A. nines, Seneca. Curran Pope, Louisville. Alabama . î! Montana. 1 A. 'I'. McCormack, Bowling Oreen, SOUTH DAKOTA Arizona . 1 Nebraska . 2 W. W. Richmond, Clinton. T. I!. Mt. Arkansas . 2 Nevada .*. 1 .1. \V. Ellis, Masunvllle. Smiley, Vcrnon. California . !t New Hampshire . l TENNESSEE ' Canal /une . 1 New . .1 Jersey LOUISIANA .Tere ti. Colorado . 2 New Mexico. 1 Crook. Jackson. Oscar Howling, Shrevepbrt. A. B. ('nuke, Connecticut . 2 New Vork.11 Nashville. 2 S. It. Miller, KiinxvUle. Delaware . I North enr,,iinn . MAHVI.AXIi District Of ('(ilinnlriii. 1 North llakolii . 1 G. Lane Tanoyhlll, Baltimore. TEXAS . 1 Ohio . 7 Florida A. C. Scott, Temóle, . 2 Oklahoma . 2 Georgia MASSACHUSETTS Vard il Hiiien, Houston. 1 Hawaii 1 Oregon V. II. Thompson, l-'itchlnu-g. joe Becton, Greenville. Idaho . 1 Pennsylvania . " |.'. c. Whctlc.v. N. Ablngton, - Illinois . !> Philippine Islands . 1 Hugh Cabot, Boston. UTAH Indiana . Island . 1 4 Rhode Horace n. Arnold, Boston, Sol G. Kalin, Salt Lake City., Iowa . !! South Carolina. 2 il. (¡. Stetson, Qreenfleld. li. Van Kansas . 2 South Dakota . l W. Allen, Springfield; VERMONT Kentucky . 4 Tennessee . a J. N. .Tenne. Burlington. Louisiana . 2 Texas . 5 MICHIGAN Maine . 1 Utah . 1 V. W. Bobbins, Detroit. It. 11. (iraní! VIRGINIA . 2 Vermont . 1 Smith, Rapids. Maryland E. T, Duiinr C. N. Miller, Richmond. Massachusetts .'.. i; Virginia . 3 Abrams, Bay. 2 Michigan 8 Washington MINNESOTA WASHINGTON . 2 West . 2 Minnesota Virginia 1). (!. W. Lililiey. Spokane. Minneapolis. 2 Wisconsin ¡i George Head, Mississippi K. «'. iiiigan, Eyota, .1. E. Else, Pullman. Missouri . O Wyoming . 1 MISSISSIPPI WEST VIltGINIA The fourteen scientific sections of the American Medical .7. \v. Young. Grenada. v. 1,. Wheeling, P, a. Hupp, Association, the Medical Department of the Army, the Medical . Haley, Charleston. of and the Public and MISSOURI Corps the Navy Health Marine-Hospital I-'. .1. Goodwin, St. Louis. WISCONSIN Service aro entitled to one delegate each. 11. M. l-'inikliuiiscr. St. Louis. Byron M. Capíes, WuukesUa. the The general meeting, which constitutes opening exercises NEBRASKA of scientific functions of the will be held the Association, A. 11. Mitchell, Lincoln. DELEGATES FROM TUE nt 10:80 a. June 4. The various sections will m., Tuesday, NEVADA SECTIONS meet June nt 2 and Tuesday, 4, p. m., subsequently, according .1. 10. l'lckard, Keno. to their programs, on Wednesday and Thursday, June 5 and il, PRACTICE OF MEDICINE NEW JERSEY. .T. A. and in sinne cases also on Friday morning, June 7. Capps, Chicago. E. L. n. Godfrey, Camden, The registration Department will be open from 8:30 a. m. C. 11. II. Fisher. Hound Brook, SURGERY until ó p. m., on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, Luther M. Hals,..v. Willtamstown. II. A. Royster, Iialelgh, N. C. June 4, 5 and (1, and from 0 to 10 a. m., on Friday, June 7. 3, NEW MEXICO OBSTETRICS AND GYNE- John B. Mubpiiv, President. \V. I!. Tlplon, E. Las Vegas. COLOGY Ai.icxAMircit K. CitAio, Secretary. NEW YORK II. G. Wctlici-111, Denver. A. T. Brlstow, Brooklyn, OPHTHALMOLOGY Edward to. Cornwall, Brooklyn. IIham Baltimore. THE Henry l,. Eisner, Syracuse, Woods, THE MEMBERS OF HOUSE OF DELEGATES .lame's w. Fleming. Brooklyn. Roster the the Wesley T. Mulligan. Rochester. LARYNGOLOGY, OTOLOGY ANT A Preliminary of Legislative Body of American Edgar A. Vaiiiicr Veer, Albany'. KHINOLOGY Medical Association Wendell c. riiiuiiis, New rork. W. S. Bryant, New York Hwiglit Murray. Syracuse. City. To in this issue a list of the members of the .lames p, Wariiassc, Brooklyn. DISEASES OF give complete L. II. Neiunan, Albany. CHILDREN House of Delegates for the session is impossible, as a number Julius I'llinan. HulTiiln. William Hollopetcr, riiiladclpliln of state societies are to hold their at which dele- yet meetings niiutii CAROLINA PHARMACOLOGY AND THERA will be elected. The is a list of the holdover gates following J, i tow,-il Way. Waynesvllle. PBDTI08 delegates and of the newly elected members who have been .1. v. Hlghsmith, Fayettevllle. Reld Hunt, Washington, D. C. to Tun JOURNAL in time to be included: reported NORTH DAKOTA PATHOLOGY AND PHYSIOLOG' STATE DELEGATES Victor II. Stlcliiicy, lllcklnson. E. R. Le Count, Chicago. ALAI'.AMA COLOBADO oint) STOMATOLOGY W. ii. Banders, Montgomery, Hubert Work, Pueblo. .1. 10. Tinker,mm, Cleveland. G. V. I. Brown, Milwaukee. Scale Mobile, Edward Denver. io. .1. March, Canton, Harris, JaCkSOn, J, II. J, I'liham. Columbus. NERVOUS AND MENTAL DIS AKKANSAS GEORGIA EASES OREGON G. A. Warren, llluck Kork. W. II. DftUghty, Jr., Augusta. W. A. Jones, Minneapolis. Kenneth A. J. MacKenzle, Port- CALIFORNIA ILLINOIS land. PREVENTIVE MEDICINE AN O. I). Handln, Oakland E. .7. Brown, Decatnr. PENNSYLVANIA PUBLIC HEALTH Granville MacGowan, Los Angeles.Hugh t. Patrick, ciik-ago. Thomas D. Davis, Pittsburgh. W. A. Evans, Chicago. Downloaded From: http://jama.jamanetwork.com/ by a Karolinska Institutet University Library User on 05/28/2015 REGISTRATION COMMITTEE ON BADGES Thomas d. The of — A Few Dunhip, Chairman. tl'21 Pacific Avenue. Importance Registering Early ( bin. K. .M. II. C. Tull. Instructions Given I'.arllett, Kudlich. J. The Registration Headquarters will l,e found in connection COMMITTEE ON SCIENTIFIC EXHIBIT with the Scientific Exhibit, tin- Postoffice ami Commercial \V. j. Ciirrington, Chairman, Ryftnhurst Apartments, Exhibit in the Exposition Building, Boardwalk and Kentucky Theodore Senscman, Samuel Stern, W. A. HicUniaii. .Avenue. COMMITTEE ON REm.s-ritATioN One must register in order to obtain the official badge and The will he lor admission to enter- II. T. Harvey, Chairman. Morris mid Atlantic Avenues. program. badge necessary II. L. A. B. Shiner, II. C. James, R. Hew. tainments. Members are urged to register as soon as they can Harley, name their hotels. COMMITTEE ON INFORMATION The Registration Department will be open from 8:30 a. m. M. S. Ireland, Chairman, 23 S. California. Avenue. to ñ:30 p. m., on Monday, Tuesday; Wednesday and Thursday, Byron Davis, Samuel E. Weincr, F. C. Burt. June 3. -1. ¡5 ami (¡. and from u to lu a. m. on Friday; June 7. Attention is palled to the following directions: COMMITTEE ON ALUMNI ENTERTAINMENT 1. Each m register will lirst till out tbe W. ('. Wescott, Chairman. Delaware and Paeilic Avenues. physician desiring Woolbert. registration card. One should write very plainly, or print, as E. J. Porteons, Roy the cards are lo the to use ns for given plinter "copy" putting COMMITTEE ON I'OSTOFITCH AMI TELEPHONES the names in the Bulletin. daily E. C. Chew. 60S 1'acilic Avenue. member who has his dins in full will Chairman, 2. Each paid annual A. E. Ewcns, I. I). Taggart. present bis pocket card (which was sent him from the ( hi- COMMERCIAL EXnilIIT cago office-) and his lillcl-out registration card at a window COMMITTEE ON marked "Registration by Pocket Card." Edward Guion, 34 S. North Carolina Avenue. 3. The members who have their dues. registration of paid committee on LADIES,' Entertainment but- ie7tO have to bring tin ir portel curtís must he de- failed Mrs. \V. Blair Stewart, Chairman. layed, while Ihe records are euusulled. He sure to bring your "pocket, card." I. Members who ha re nol paid their dues will present regis- tration card and make payment at a window marked "( a-li." ATLANTIC CITY 5. Each for membersliip will bis registra- applicant present A Article From the Committee on on tion card at Ihe window marked "New Members." with a cer- Descriptive Arrangements this of Resorts lilicalc of membership in his state society. Prospective inem- Queen bers, however, will save delay and annoyance by sending in When a city maintains for thirty-iive years the acknowledged their applications before the session. All such applications position of being queen of the seaside resorts of the world, und should he mailed to (he American Medical Association, 535 when that admission is grudgingly bestowed to-day even by Dearborn Avenue, Chicagp, so as to arrive not later than her most ambitious sister cities, the conclusion is Inevitable May 20*. that such supremacy must he established on rock-ribbed li. un will receive a a .». Each member registration Innige, copy reasons and not on empty prétentions designed to attract of the Official Program containing the full details of the scien- patronage and create temporary prosperity, tific proceedings, Invitations to the social functions, aild such CHARACTER ATLANTIC other announcements as may be of interest. UNKJll" OF CITY Atlantic City possesses the distinction of being the most original seaside resort on the face of the globe. .Much of it LOCAL COMMITTEE ON ARRANGEMENTS she lias created herself, but much more of it came as an endow- Walt Ponder Connwny, Chairman. 1723 Paeilie Avenue.
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