www.e-rara.ch The documentary history of the State of New-York O'Callaghan, Edmund Bailey Albany, 1850 ETH-Bibliothek Zürich Shelf Mark: Rar 44302 Persistent Link: http://dx.doi.org/10.3931/e-rara-84363 IX. Papers relating to the palatines and to the first settlement of Newburgh, Orange County. www.e-rara.ch Die Plattform e-rara.ch macht die in Schweizer Bibliotheken vorhandenen Drucke online verfügbar. Das Spektrum reicht von Büchern über Karten bis zu illustrierten Materialien – von den Anfängen des Buchdrucks bis ins 20. Jahrhundert. e-rara.ch provides online access to rare books available in Swiss libraries. The holdings extend from books and maps to illustrated material – from the beginnings of printing to the 20th century. e-rara.ch met en ligne des reproductions numériques d’imprimés conservés dans les bibliothèques de Suisse. L’éventail va des livres aux documents iconographiques en passant par les cartes – des débuts de l’imprimerie jusqu’au 20e siècle. e-rara.ch mette a disposizione in rete le edizioni antiche conservate nelle biblioteche svizzere. La collezione comprende libri, carte geografiche e materiale illustrato che risalgono agli inizi della tipografia fino ad arrivare al XX secolo. Nutzungsbedingungen Dieses Digitalisat kann kostenfrei heruntergeladen werden. Die Lizenzierungsart und die Nutzungsbedingungen sind individuell zu jedem Dokument in den Titelinformationen angegeben. Für weitere Informationen siehe auch [Link] Terms of Use This digital copy can be downloaded free of charge. The type of licensing and the terms of use are indicated in the title information for each document individually. For further information please refer to the terms of use on [Link] Conditions d'utilisation Ce document numérique peut être téléchargé gratuitement. Son statut juridique et ses conditions d'utilisation sont précisés dans sa notice détaillée. Pour de plus amples informations, voir [Link] Condizioni di utilizzo Questo documento può essere scaricato gratuitamente. Il tipo di licenza e le condizioni di utilizzo sono indicate nella notizia bibliografica del singolo documento. Per ulteriori informazioni vedi anche [Link] PAPERS &ELATINQ TO THE P A L A T II E S ;T_ * •*- r 'm t i j-:.' -V * , t’; AN3> TO THE Jftrst Settlement of Netoburgl), ©range ©ountg. \ T& - fet*^ iU OT ZT/lmibM ilATOO/ 7\7.mM I7TA( a/ .IXUAHUTA/i HOT JIDOOO 30 H3&H0 ■xmi vravi 80TI. ( gIA lo ri! 0I ?'{ floigaBiiaX lo ttiroO aril 1A > - ■ Jnit &n *! , -aJJ » ^ Ta .i :iDz3 " raoM aaa >p shT ’ .ffiannbCj fli ' .-; x y r bakb euoiJBJnall has absiT 1o*,iuxno9 abxoJ axii.inoli JioqaE b LiboH siii is y^b gidi gaxbfiai noqU JsiY ginr/oliod *bioW adl ni tael IfiigAlo ri, 82 ad} 8 H 3 A S ! itel/, iu<>Y'wj (<i3ix ?M aliioff yiBfaiyaS’b? 4,i*noII El ad; qd an ol LinlingiZ eunaraasoD*•’9*1,1 inox <4 qvaaibado ai guivall . bns llaamid lo Iffiifad. ni ial«iniM l«Mfr>agtfy^ 'i& Jfoift ja3foo3[ fiwfeql lo noiliiaE adi baiabianoo bafiorpnaiT od ol gaivBiq Yrrr.rrnof) ni iBniiilBOfiwoJ sdrfl tnoil taftlftf 94149 atoorflaj 'iogq HOTavoit" clixniq *<is'L/i iuu% lu mavi ol, Ti tel4 iuo\ oi iaasaiqai ol aviai a^ i xb^ nod $ ; ^ nanp - ui *u<ob : JariT <naiblidp auo -xluaVP wia liLxnoW nil ' rnJ»M m.i \&1 Jar - ai[lil ladnimi ni ai &xoffi istfl Isriw Irrd) guirii vug Jnaeairfixs gnivnd Jon iasw .' jgoxnln arfi ni bxxu enoixggaaanxi9V ain vedJ -noD aldBiagixn eidl oj baanbai naad aynd writ J«dT .vnkmmili iiif.du?. oi (: vimilD yd lag yaxfl , * * HT Of <I9tA vr * . «- , fban ^om ius Jeol^ rfJ tmAvrtjrniMM^ *jy/7oJ ^ ft ni fhrm 'Isrf *vd fefjixmnoO ^sc/bH aft*\d uoLiib ai;galBilgigBM dsqianM -io eStUvecI a/ll moil abiuoiniisoT ifinavaa axx oi baanboiqavcrf varfi IndT giarfKraiu boa laiainiirTHKg aril lo laiaxnmfa boog x; ay;~? yodi Jki!j bnii bna b‘tniuu;z3 ovad aw v&d io aoiauifil ni balJJaa od Jdgkn olqooH Mods ted) b 'lolio ovaxf biuow ■>'// noqnaioflW ' .uiid diiw aJidw lo Jnaw Jaaig bna (bobdcdnl to q ;i (i-jiiu Jon' iniaJ lo 8ioaiX ognsf guixl aiadJ ogolnA ~Tii)io' Jiaq JBffJ asd) rMorf douat on gi ebadgl ygodt 'io oiarmiy oill indl b-uigo-i ni jnd olqoo‘1 baa tgaoiimiJ8noO liarll oi oldBooigB od ion (am li boniol od ol ?.i ll omr.-*vodj oonadvx moil yaum lo aonivoi*! oril ni vyriil e’uogbnH uocjuonto’ d’ oj Uvm ad yadl JBril agoqoiq jldintirf aY/ aiolaiaiil eoiol8 Ib/bu lo noilanbo-nf aril ni vhatuaitiaq rnobgniyi eirflo) ilniaao ad yarn yaxli aiaiiv/ t>(ioY waVi yd oL oi baldenaad '*bM moY aitfl bnA : gmiibni lio/f) bn:n rionaill arli IgniagB laiJnoil £ 8B bnB jaA adl miikioO oi aesaiq lltulZ t *sM tuo^ li bncJ lo g-yiiL lo rodaiuid. liene 'J ariJ madi gnimcig gnilb/nns bn* gnidsaiE gnilxmY lol ion nA baluiiJiiE | Gc)I /!oibM lo bS aril jfioY. nr>Ys) baeasq *jw.8btaa«ivoiE ted) lo loniavoO alBi lorioialE IfoO yd abum bttBJ lo einuiD InsgBVBiiza IkiavaS' oiartj dlidw Juorfliy/ i?c[ vlul lo H56S arfi lo JioiiBinagoiqaH irro yd i*bM moy ol -byalio yldmud .eiafii-0 inBgBVBiix3 bias arfi lo eoainainq arfi yd b'aaoign3 ?i icrfw ind bunl on ai iiroy oi Inag-wqai yfiirnrrrfav/ ,iroY -v/aVI at gniog liarfi loayoiq <p; Ifur fa xteM irroY agm ni bnA qid8 iioqaxiBiTb«Bmlf lo ugW arfi ni ad flivr modi gniiioqanmT lo '{&n laaq/iarfO adi iadi t»bM bavaiBa ad uua yarii indi baft ion ob orr aditaaBlayoJ biul aril rfiiw 9og ol baiabto ad iruda iBifl •foqmq him rtamoW bnfl nal/. arfi rol b«ad abnuoq naT io irigid laharr \s 'fi ladlo yas yd larfJidi _ ' naibffdd adi v >i xfdanoiJ ORDER OF COUNCILL FOR NATURALIZING AND SENDING CERTAIN PALATINES TO NEW YORK. At the Court of Kensington y« 10‘h of May 1708 Present, The Queens Most Excell t Ma tt in Council!. Upon reading this day at the Boarda Report from the Lords Comm rs of Trade and Plantations dated the 28 th of Aprill last in the Words Following Viz1 May it please Your Maty Having in obedience to your Maty8 Commands Signified to us by the Rl Hon ble Mr-Secretary Boyle considered the Petition of Joshua Kockerthal the Evangelical Minister in behalf of himself and severall poor Lutherans come hither from the Lower Palitinat in Germany praying to be Transported to some of your Ma‘ys plantations in America ; We humbly take leave to represent to your Maj1? that they are in number forty one : Viz1 Ten Men, Ten Women and Twenty one Children, That they are very necessitous and in the utmost wTant not having at present any thing (but what they get by Charity :) to subsist themselves. That they have been reduced to this miserable Con¬ dition by the Ravages Committed by the French in the Lower Palitinat, where they lost all they had, That they have produced to us severall Testimonials from the Bayliffs or Principall Magistrates in the Villages where they dwelt, wdiich by the assistance of the Ministers of the Lutheran Church here we have Examined and find that they give a good character of the said Minister and the others wdth him. Whereupon We vrould have offer’d that those People might be settled in Jamaica or Antego there being large Tracts of Land not taken up or Inhabited, and great want of white People but in regard that the Climate of those Islands is so much hotter then that part of Ger¬ many from whence they came It is to be feared it may not be agreeable to their Constitutions, and therefore We humbly propose that they be sent to Settle upon Hudson’s River in the Province of New York, where they may be usefull to this Kingdom particularly in the production of naval Stores and as a frontier against the ffrench and their Indians : And this Your Ma‘y be enabled to do by granting them the Usuall Number of Acres of Land if your Maty Shall please to Confirm the Act passed at New' York the 2d of March I69§ Entituled An act for Vacating Breaking and annulling Severall Extravagant Grants of Land made by Coll Fletcher late Governor of that Province, as we humbly offer’d to your Maty by our Representation of the 29 th of July last without which there is no land but what is Engross’d by the patentees of the said Extravagant Grants. And in case Your Maty shall approve of their going to New-York, wre humbly represent to your Mab that the Cheapestwray of Transporting them will be in the Man of War and Transport Ship that shall be ordered to goe W'ith the Lord Lovelace, for we do not find that they can be carryed thither by any other way under Eight or Ten pounds pr head for the Men and Women and propor- tionably for the Children. 323 PAPERS RELATING TO THE PALATINES. And we do further humbly offer that they be suppleyed here with the Necessary Tools for agricul¬ ture to be sent with them, to Enable them to begin and make Settlements. As these People are in the utmost Necessity they will not be able to Subsist there till they can reap the fruit of their Labour (which will not be till after one years Time) unless assisted*by your Maty3 Bounty, or that the Province of New-York contribute towards their maintenance during that time, but as We are informed that Province is at present very poor and much in debt there will be no reason to expect any great supply from thence.
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