STAGSDEN PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of Meeting of the Parish Council held Monday 17 September 2018 in the Village Hall at 7:30pm PRESENT: Joanne Hodson, Jim Watson, Peter Brown, Mandy Jauncey, Peter Brown, Julie Betts (Clerk) APOLOGIES: Ashley Kenlock, Cllr Mark Smith ABSENT: Action/Power PUBLIC QUESTION TIME None wishing to speak. The Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 as amended by s100, LGA 1972 23/18 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies for absence were received from Ashley Kenlock LGA 1972, Sch 12 para 40 24/18 MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING The meeting acknowledged that the minutes of the meeting held on LGA 1972, Monday 16 July 2018 were a correct record. Sch 12, para 41 RESOLVED That the minutes of the meeting, held on 16 July 2018, were agreed and signed as a correct record. 25/18 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST As previously declared and as recorded in the minutes. Add Mandy Jauncey, RSPB JB Minutes Sept 18 1 Signed (Chairman) ……………… 26/18 REPORTS (a) Borough Councillor’s Report, sent by Cllr Mark Smith Borough Councillor Update – September 2018 Local Plan 2030 The Mayor’s Executive is to agree the direction of its revised Local Plan, determining sites for housing and employment growth, at its meeting on the 5th September. At the Executive’s meeting in May 2018 it was agreed that the proposed Colmworth Garden Village, adjacent to Sharnbrook and Souldrop, could not proceed due to opposition from the Santa Pod Raceway over the need for noise mitigation given the close proximity of the site to the proposed development. Colmworth was earmarked to underpin the Local Plan, contributing 2500 new homes to the year 2035 and up to 4500 thereafter. Colmworth’s absence means that consideration has been given to alternative options to meet the Borough’s housing need. This included the viability of the proposed Garden Villages at Thurleigh Airfield, Twinwoods and Wyboston as well as the proposed ‘Bedford Brickworks’ development covering land to the south of Bedford. It is thought that these sites each have issues making them unviable at present. It is, therefore, the intention of the Executive now to reduce the length of the Local Plan period from the year 2035 to 2030, thus reducing the housing need figure. The below table sets out the proposed allocations for specific areas, comparing the version of the Local Plan consulted on at the beginning of the 2018 on the left with the revised allocations on the right which will be subject to a new public consultation from 18th September – 30th October. Minutes Sept 18 2 Signed (Chairman) ……………… Putnoe Walk In Centre Consultation Halted The Bedfordshire Clinical Commissioning Group (BCCG), the body which organises NHS services locally, recently announced its intention to close the Putnoe Walk In Centre from Spring 2019. This was linked to plans to open a new Urgent Treatment Centre (UTC) on the Bedford Hospital site. The UTC will provide same-day appointments for minor illnesses over a 12 hour period, 7 days a week via referrals from A & E and the 111 phone service. The BCCG says the rationale of the UTC is to reduce pressure on the Hospital’s A & E function and allow clinicians to access diagnostic services (such as X-rays) if necessary. The BCCG undertook a consultation on these plans which was due to end on the 19th August. It was announced on the 10th August, however, that the consultation closed early following the receipt of over 1900 responses. The BCCG now says ‘it is clear that we need to reconsider our proposals on the future of urgent care in Bedfordshire’. The UTC is still on track to open from the 1st October. Flu Vaccine With autumn fast approaching, the Council and NHS are publicising the availability of free flu vaccinations for pregnant women and children aged between 2 – 9. Contact your GP for further details. Electoral Registration All households should recently have received electoral registration Minutes Sept 18 3 Signed (Chairman) ……………… forms in the post as part of the Council’s annual canvass. Residents are being asked by the Council to check that their details are correct and to respond to ensure that they are able to vote in the Borough elections in May 2019. 27/18 UPDATES ON CURRENT ISSUES (a) Police/Crime Report The Crime report for August 2018 is attached at Appendix A. (b) Speedwatch No update. (c) Neighbourhood Planning Bedford Borough Council Local Plan 2030 – Plan for submission consultation opens 18 September – 30 October 2018. Representations already made are still valid. RESOLVED That the Neighbourhood Plan group should apply for a Neighbourhood Plan grant of £1650.00. (d) Village Hall AGM on 18 September 2018 New dishwash had arrived and was installed, Thanks to Cllr Smith for his support Sheila Thompson would be retiring from her role as secretary. Committee are looking for a replacement and thank Sheila for service. Oil issue continues Minutes Sept 18 4 Signed (Chairman) ……………… (e) Allotments Peter Brown declared an interest. Successful barbeque Rotivator broken There will be a working party for Apple picking followed by a meal. There will also be the opportunity to press apples for juice or cider on 21 October 2018 (f) Christmas A Christmas Lunch will be held on Thursday 20 December 2018 in the Village Hall. Esther and Joanne to organise and report back to next meeting. RESOLVED That £400 be allocated to the Christmas Lunch. (g) Broadband New cabinet installed, BT had worked in the village last week. Anyone with fibre will not get significant speeds. (h) Standing Orders The National Association of Local Councils (NALC) had published an updated version of the model standing orders, incorporating the following minor amendments (outlined in the amendment briefing circulated): 1. Amendment to Standing Order 17 "Accounts and Accounting Statements" to refer to section 2 (rather than Section 1) of the Annual Governance and Accountability Return; 2. Amendments to Standing Order 15 "Proper Officer" and Standing Order 21 "Responsibilities under Data protection Legislation" to identify the option to appoint a Data Protection Officer, rather than the specific requirement to make such an appointment following the Government decision to exempt Local Council's from the definition of "public authorities" for the purposes of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR); Minutes Sept 18 5 Signed (Chairman) ……………… 3. Amendment to Standing Order 18 "Financial Controls and Procurement" to clarify the wording of the Standing Order and to make reference to the use of an existing list of approved suppliers (framework agreement) as an alternative to the requirement to advertise a contract opportunity on the Contracts Finder website. Clerk Stagsden Parish Council adopted the model standing orders at its meeting on July 2018, with suitable minor amendments to suit the circumstances and needs of the Parish Council, and it is recommended that these minor amendments are now incorporated. An updated version, incorporating these amendments, is attached at Appendix C. Model standing orders that are in bold type contain statutory requirements and it is recommended that these are adopted without amendment. Other model standing orders not in bold are designed to help Parish Councils operate effectively but do not contain statutory requirements so they have generally been adopted as drafted, with suitable minor amendments to suit the circumstances and needs of the Parish Council. RESOLVED To approve and adopt the updated Model Standing Orders. (Proposed by: Joanne Hodson Seconded by: Mandy Jauncey, All in favour) (i) St Leonards Close/Development at land read of 23 and 25 High Street, Stagsden. Mandy reported the following issues with the development at St Leonards Close: Footpath/fence – The alignment of the fence to the rear of plots 1a- e has been recently moved and a non-material amendment application (18/02216/NMA) has been submitted seeking approval of changes to the fences and footpaths/paving within the development. Officers are currently considering whether the changes shown on the attached plan (18/02216/NMA V01) are non- material and a decision is due by the 28th September 2018. Non- material amendment applications are not subject to public consultation but the decision will be made available once determined. In the event of the application being approved Officers and the developer will discuss a timetable for the works to be completed. Minutes Sept 18 6 Signed (Chairman) ……………… Air source heating units – The air source heat pumps originally installed at first floor level have been moved to ground level at the request of Officers and the potential approval of the units is currently being considered under condition 15 (Energy Measures) of the appeal decision (attached). Applications to discharge planning conditions are not subject to public consultation but we have sought the views of the Council’s Environmental Health Officer concerning the noise output of the units. A decision on whether to discharge the energy condition is due by the 26th October 2018. The measures to be agreed as part of the condition need to be agreed and implemented prior to occupation and a decision on whether there has been a breach will be taken at that time. The developer is submitting an amendment to a previously approved energy statement, which incorrectly stated 95% gas the heating source. Landscaping - In terms of the proposed landscaping scheme, condition 5 of the appeal decision requires the landscaping scheme to be carried out in first planting and seeding season following the completion of the development. As the development is not yet complete there has not been a breach of this condition and the Council is unable to require the landscaping works to be carried out prior to that date. 28/18 PLANNING (a) Report of Planning Applications No updates.
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