2,963,402 United States Patent Office Patented Dec. 6, 1960 2 an improved explosion hazard-free medicament whose 2,963,402 active ingredient is of a highly explosive nature and present in relatively high concentrations, and is released SUSTAINED RELEASE MEDICAMENT when administered over extended periods of time. Edward Nalin, 520 E. 83rd St., New York, N.Y., Eugene 5 Still another object of the present invention is to pro J. Yoss, Forest Hills, Milton Sacks and Ira Sacks, East vide an improved timed release medicament whose active Meadow, and Max Smedresman, Long Island City, ingredient is of a highly explosive nature, which medic N.Y.; said Yoss, M. Sacks, I. Sacks, and Smedresman ament may be produced with a minimum explosive assignors to Nysco Laboratories, Inc., Long Island hazard. City, N.Y., a corporation of New York O A further object of the present invention is to provide No Drawing. Filed Jan. 18, 1955, Ser, No. 482,651 an improved method for producing timed disintegration capsules having an active ingredient of a highly explosive 4 Claims. (Cl. 167-82) nature. It is a feature of the present invention to provide a The present invention relates generally to an improved 15 medicament comprising a pellet of innocuous material form of medicament for oral administration and an im: carrying in an intimately admixed state a normally ex proved method for preparing the same. It relates more plosive, physiologically active substance and a desensi particularly to an improved medicament of the timed tizing vehicle, said active ingredient-carrying pellet being disintegration type for oral administration. covered by a coating disintegratable in the body fluids. There are many organic disorders which require for 20 The normally explosive physiologically active ingredient their treatment nitrate compounds which are normally may partially or wholly impregnate the pellet or may highly explosive. For example, in the treatment of form a coating thereon impregnating the pellet to a greater cardiac conditions, it is common practice to orally ad or lesser depth to form a firm bond thereto. It has been minister, nitroglycerin, mannitol hexanitrate, pentaery found that pellets of this type may be produced with a thritol tetranitrate, or similar compounds. These sub 25 high concentration of normally explosive active ingre stances are physiologically characterized by their vaso dients without explosion danger or hazard and that the dilator action thereby causing persistent relaxation of the end, product is perfectly safe in this respect. Pellets smooth muscle and the smaller blood vessels, a fall in having disintegratable coatings of various thicknesses blood pressure and a reduction in hypertension. How are admixed and carried in gelatin capsules so that the ever, their physiological effects are normally experienced 30 active ingredients are released over a prolonged period: for a period only of approximately two hours after oral of time. - administration, and the dose must thus be regularly re The pellets, per se, are produced in the conventional peated. The active ingredients are usually admixed with finanner and are of generally spherical shape and prefera. an inert carrier, and formed into tablets having a rela ably of a size between 8 and 40 mesh per inch. The tively low percentage of the active ingredient. 35 pellets should be formed of an innocuous, disintegratable Since medicinal substances of the above type require excipient such as milk sugar, cane sugar, dicalcium phos regular and continuous administration because of their phate, mannitol, sorbitol, or any other suitable excipient, limited time of effectiveness, it is highly desirable to pro organic or inorganic. The normally explosive active in duce the medicament in a form wherein the active in gredient may be mannitol hexanitrate, erythritol tetra gredients are released over an extended period, so as 40 nitrate, pentaerythritol tetranitrate nitroglycerine, inositol to obviate the necessity for the continuous repeated ad hexanitrate, or other explosive physiologically active in ministration thereof. Such medicament, if in the form of gredient. The desensitizing vehicle may be a pharma the so-called timed disintegration capsules, would provide ceutical glaze such as shellac, a natural wax. Such as great advantages and convenience. The timed disintegra beeswax or carnauba wax, a synthetic wax or cellulose tion capsule generally consists of a gelatin capsule carry 45 acetate phthalate, or other suitable cellulose derivative, ing a plurality of small pellets containing the active in or any other innocuous desensitizing material which is gredients, the pellets being covered with coatings which compatible with the active ingredients. disintegrate in the body fluids. The pellet coatings are In applying the desensitizing vehicle-carried active of various thickness so that their disintegration-and the ingredient to the ?pellets, the active ingredient and the release of the active ingredients extends over any de 50 desensitizing vehicle are admixed in a volatile liquid sired period. Such timed disintegration capsules are dis in which they are miscible and preferably soluble, such closed in Australian Patent No. 109,438 issued in 1938. as acetone, chloroform, ether or the like. A measured However, by reason of the highly explosive nature of quantity of the pellets, which may be of uniform or vary the physiologically active nitrated organic compounds, it ing sizes, are deposited in a suitable mixer. The solution has been heretofore impossible to produce a medicament 55 or mixture of the active ingredient and desensitizing ve containing such substance in a form in which the active hicle in the volatile liquid is then added to the mixer to ingredient is released over a relatively long period of effect a uniform distribution of the active ingredients time. and vehicle onto the pellets. Upon evaporation of the It is thus a principal object of the present invention liquid, the active ingredients distributed in the vehicle to provide an improved medicament. 60 forms a coating on the pellets, partially impregnating the Another object of the present invention is to provide pellets and firmly bonded thereto. The concentration an improved medicament whose physiologically active of the active ingredient depends on the dosage require ingredient is of a highly explosive nature. ments and it has been found that as high as an 11% Still another object of the present invention is to pro concentration or higher of mannitol hexanitrate based vide an improved form of medicament in which the ac 65 on the total weight of the medicament, is completely safe tive ingredients are released over extended periods of in its explosive properties. The relative proportions of time. the vehicle and the active ingredient may vary, a ratio A further object of the present invention is to provide of about 1 part vehicle to 3 parts active ingredient having an improved medicament whose active ingredient is of been found satisfactory and safe. a highly explosive nature, and is released when adminis 70 Disintegratable coatings are then applied to the active tered over extended periods of time. pellets. These coatings may be formed of a pharma Another object of the present invention is to provide ceutical glaze, such as shellac or natural or synthetic 2,968,402 , - - - 3 4. wax or cellulose acetate phthalate each of which are explosive ingredient or may be supplied on separate enteric in nature. The thickness of the coatings of the pellets. Furthermore, the coated pellets may be further pellets varies in a predetermined manner so that the coat coated with a layer of sugar, either colored or uncolored. ings disintegrate in the body fluids, in the stomach or We claim: intestines as desired over a predetermined prolonged 1. An improved medicament for oral administration period. The pellets are then packaged in gelatin cap comprising a pellet of innocuous material, a layer of a sules in the desired dosage and time range, a portion normally explosive, physiologically active ingredient in of the pellets being free of the disintegratable coatings timately admixed with and carried by a pharmaceutical so as to free the active ingredients almost immediately. glaze Superimposed upon said pellet, said active ingre As a specific example of the present invention, substan 10 dient being selected from the class consisting of mannitol tially spherical pellets of approximately 1 millimeter in hexanitrate, erythritol tetranitrate, pentaerythritol tetra diameter are formed of 80% cane sugar and 20% corn nitrate, nitroglycerine, and inositol hexanitrate and said starch in the conventional manner. pharmaceutical glaze being selected from the class con 178 pounds of the pellets are placed in a conventional sisting of shellac, natural wax, synthetic wax and cellulose type ribbon mixer to which is added an acetonic solution 5 acetate phthalate, said layer-carrying pellet being covered of shellac and mannitol hexanitrate. This latter solu with a phermaceutical glaze. tion comprises approximately 64 pounds shellac, 22% 2. An improved medicament for oral administration pounds mannitol hexanitrate, 4 quarts ethanol and 9 comprising a plurality of pellets formed of an innocuous quarts acetone. Following the complete and uniform material, a layer of normally explosive physiologically coating of the pellets they are then placed in a dryer to 20 active ingredient intimately admixed with and carried by completely evaporate the solvents. a pharmaceutical glaze
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