WEDNISDAT, AtJOUtt ^0.1i4t H m WaallMr IK(^I)»at»r Eontitts lirroUt I a l 0.-a. Weetka ^ M s IlM th M JMp, 1988 Mra. A Ib n t a Owpta • ( Mda tha la- tiTiiOsanr at Pension Fund partly^ atfMt, Mr. and Mra C New Hospital port y eg j we. Undar ip in d R a rai. tha rsfuada 9 , 4 i 6 5 AbontTown driekaoB o< Sooth BawthocM Playgtxtund ara Matad ait BLU8A8; oMeo os- atnat. sad Bngh r. Ward. Jr., m Tha hoapttal has svsilahia t e R ep ort ni8A8; paaffoa paid. M iM M La AlNW a a o o f tba p a ^ of thia araa who Its new sddUkm s loeslly attb- Made . Mob ewhaad Aagnsta. ■aaaau a tl Mmtehmltr d a f t r m u t O m .(jO )0ui A. Old Stor- Plans Ready aerlbad fund whlab now totals - '4 haTo baooma "M aoda of Notea t.T40JT> a a d V ff. bonda 1188.000. PRICE FOUR CTNTS AaaiaCMka. a A. Daltad brldgs V U la fS thia------------- Sob> 8S8S.000. phM a BMOJWO grant ’Total poaoton plai PRESCRHhn* (SIXTEEN PAGES) i n ■>»—». »■ ■* serlbars help tha museum a ^ Bids for the Addition to from tha fadaral govammant. Thara win ba a co^ama Mow Membership Set at I S l CALLED MANCHESTER, CONN„ THURSDAY, AUGUST 11, 1849 r y MM crafts canter In tha dual goal of Whathar or not building coats will •t Robartaon Paik this Prlday M With Eight Peraona R ^ fO L. L t n a , NO. 184 CHaniutaAtkia. c t tin raising adequate revaana for a^ Be Reedved Middle parmlt tha eonstruetloa of tha ad- 10:80 a. m. Prlaae win ba swMd- AND n m l A ir ititla a. Ban Dlago, aratkm a i^ malatananea of tha dltlaa wtUdn thasa funds Is tha ad for meat naumsi, moat arigb PoBo PoUejr adncatlonal aad craft program. hoapltars Impertaat Snsnclsl eeiving Ita BeneAta Next Month m L fusalast, prattlaat aeetumaa DELIVERED N| t m Visitors to tha village from this quaiUon of tha aaoBMot. Thosawiahlng to antar Mould sooaoo AE OiaffWimoi ■ Boa Crash daliiis IS II town aad other places have bean Town Traasurar C. Laroy Nor* Harriman Calls Reds Tha an oal eottng a ( Local Ko. Architect’s plans fo r' tha new Aa thsy tnvsetad othar huM- loava thatr nsmaa with tha day- > EXMBN8R r O « B r dlL.Thirtflo Woitara UIdoa* of greatly Interested In the way addlUon to Manchester Memorial nasa laat n M t. tha truataaa sp> ground dlraetois by 10:80 Friday rls today raportad that asMi on DVaATION PINE Steel Official Hits ha bald at tha American history and Ojo •"* prevsd tha Bnseutlvs oonmlttaa’s morning. _______ _____ hand In tho town panslea fUad aa genulty of our Yankee forefathers hospital should be complete and O e i* o Oroaai Saturday. AugUat available to preapaetlvo bidders action In employing Dr. Edward of Angttot 8 amounts ba BUB PHARMACY IS. R win ba aa an^y att^, has been brought to Mfq by the dis­ at tha and of this weak, and bids J. Plats as modloal saosthoEoln- at 10:00 ajn. Prlaaa wUl play of anUqulUes and hand Indus­ glst St tho hospital, sad also aa- U n . Irana L. DInglar aad 840.88; rseoivad from aaspleyoa 684 Caator Btrost will be formally received by tha f amily at M MIddto Tumpika. oontrlbuthm, $17,687.48; faitaraot Forming of Board Ruthless Opponents; ba swardad la tha dlffarant tries. provod the formal rostor of tho Wau F. (FCoaaor. Aftaey T8L 8-9814 middle of September. It was r«- m at Andovar Laka thU on U. a b o n ^ ISAdTAO; aad ----- * - - - jim r - TIekat ratuma ahoold ba ported to a special meeting of tha hostel’s modlesl stag Jla t tho town appropriation Jaly tO, 188.- mada at tha offlea of Local OS, A son was bom August B In Hospital Board of Trustees, held coittlag yoar. ’Thora was oaa addi­ wash. ± m Mala atraat, Thurtday ava- Hartford hospital to Mr. at Cheney Brothers main otfloa tion to tha consulting staff, that A s Harmful Policy alag at 7:S0. Oeorge Hanley of M Whitney last n l^ t of Or. Donald Morrison, who Is road. Informal dlacussloa at the plans now aosodstad with Dr. CXsrtsa Asks Fund Approval Ur. aad Kra. Warran Oolbani as they, are now shaped, with Paekhssi as aa obMatrMsa. aad Mr. aad Mrs. Stafaa Sdbak WiUlam J. Topping, seaman re­ soma attenUon to tha quastion of With seam minor rasT v atlena, Inland Steel President a t Rockvma ara spaadlas a few cruit, U. 8. Navy, son of Mr. and provision of adequaU parking fa­ tha truataaa nppravad tha poUdaa Nadon^s Polio Marshall Plan Ambaa- days la New York, aad are stop- Mra William Topping of 1# Wads­ cilities at the enlarged tnstltu- propoaad by tha Oonaaetteut Roe- Asserts Fact - Finding plar at tha HoUl VaaderbUl. worth street. Is having his basic tlon. occupied a cowfderable pliU Aasoetatlon to govam the sador to Europe TeDa Park aveaue. training at the Naval Training portion of last night’s meeting. employmaat sad ragtstartag of Group la Step To­ Cases Mount Mundt Sees Letter Center, Great Lakes. IH. Raymond Ooalaa, cbalrmaa o f the nursas. Senate Group That Bnica Xnaa WUkta of Walker HALE’S ward Wage-Fhdnjf by Soviet Forces Mint atraat. a graduate of the 1048 class Government) Sociali- Above 11$000 Invitation to Bribe of Maachastar High school; and Be Met With Equal Thomas R. Stavenson of Porter 1 ■ation la Next Move atraat. who was graduated In June, Determination; Arma w ill antar Sufflald Academy In FOOD SA LE More Than 3,000 New Senator Mtdtes Charge Saves Brother Saptambcr. Now Yorit, Aug. 11 — (fl*) Aid Can Keep Peace Given By ^ lUnesses This Month After Missive Sent Tha usual mid-week prayer sarv- — Inland Stool company And Freedom in Reach ice will bo held this evening at 7 :S0 UNITED METHODIST fffuaidant, Clarenea B. Ran* Boost Total; Running Hunt by Oehler Is at tha Covenant-Congregational CHURCH OF BOLTON daB. said today tl)at Proai- Ahead o f 1948 Figure Read at Hearing Today Washington, Aug. 11—(/P) church. The book of Phlllpplans daat Truman’a eraation of arlU ba studied. — W. Averell HArrimmn, Mar­ On The Church Lawn tho Stool Fact-Flndint board By Tho Asaodatod Froas WuhinfftoB. Auff. 11—</P) shall plan ambusador to Ilav. Chester T. Austin adll ba FRIDAY, AUG. 12 X' was aa "induitrial rovolo- M on than S/KM now pohe edaaa — Senmtor Mundt (R-SD) western Europe, said today In charge of the midweek prayer Starting At 4 P. M. rion” which would load to o f aa rldOfe Mt a bfMga abetaaaat tva mOn tbla month hava booatad tha na- TMa ^ « were tropyad liwMe the MaHag baa heatedly charged today that that the U .S. faces a "deter­ service this evening at 7:80 at at govemmont wage northaf __ Iad„ bwatlag lat* i the Church of tha Naaarene. Baked Beane, Cake, Pies, ttoa’a total for thla yaar ovar 11,- Tha othar paaaengoro w an hnriad ant aad oaeapad. Hia driver, Wayae Craa- a letter written by a War mined, ruthless and peraia- a fa q l^ Maertag gear or a Mawoet. Brings the Most Unusual Values and th4 ' \ 000. ■■naaUa aaM be laat oontraL aad blam Assets administration em­ tent" opponant in Russia, atid Mr. and Mrs. Charles McCarthy Doughnuts, Breed, Etc. •Hm attack on tha pcaaldaat’a naar. M T of : aethm wea tha firat mada by aa An Aonoclatad aurvay (N X A a) ploye to James V. Hunt, in 4 urged full approval of the ad­ and daughter Judith of North through Aug. 8 mowed that tha August, 1947, was a "blatant Elm street and Mias Jessie Reyn­ True numbar o f oaaaa tn 1848 was run ministration's $1,460,000,000 olds of Pearl street ara spending MBiSS pcaeantatlow o f nvitation for bribery or foreign arms program. Most Unusual Styling In 6 Years! &Mlr Mwa b Id y l tha board. Ran- »iii. roughly 4,000 ahaad of that _ their vacation la Canada. Their l i r tha aaina data la 1848. H oover W arns connivance of some kind.' "Thue fcrcM must ba mat with daU la froaftkloago. Uprising Reported equal determlnaUon and para*- trip will Include a tour of the Speedee-Bilt Laat yaar, with a■ total af 8T,- Latter Con teats Bead U u t w M tha CIO vcrancc," he told tha gsaata Gaape region and Prince Edward tha essis pspoftadf Mundt. a member of the Senate lalaad. werttara uaiin argiw Invaatlgatlona suboomlt- Foreign Relations aad Arfftod Contest board for ohd highant on raeord fW poMo Nation Racing Prises For Beauty iDBhSoaoa. Tha wore! yaar -' In Ghina Area tee. spoke out after a committee Servlcee committees. "Wa aoB- tovaatigator bad read tha con­ not relax with early aucoassM." Prises For Construction 1818 whM m on thaa 80,000 waro oouatad. tents of a letter which be said Harriman aaid that ha has baaa Prises For AbiUty To Fly in -llie new Golden Annfveiwiy To Socialism 'gravely concerned over the J I T OUT BONK BLENDED who opoka far hla own was written by Clarence W. flguraa. Nationalist Ginaral Oehler to HunL threet to frewlom and peaea” Sponsored By _ wna tha hay-' Judged aoWy by that to poaed by Russia, and NEW f i r the aattre induatry, not the polio fftnaUon ilMta Revoh Affects ew s Tidbits Another letter told of Oehler A s s e r ts U.
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