HiCxHtstown Gazette. VOLUM E XC HIGHTSTOWN, MERCER COUNTY. NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1938 N U M B E R 17 BREAD PRICES DROP WESTMINSTER CHOIR Annqal State Hi-Y ONE CENT IN STATE Frank J. Mooney Princeton Woman EVENING CONCERTS P.-T. A. Committee Conference At Major baking companies throughout Died Suddenly Passed Century A new series of Friday evening sub­ Members Meet at the metropolitan area Monday an­ scription chamber music concerts are nounced a one-cent drop in the price announced by the Westminster Choir Camp Ockanickon At Asbury Park Mark on Monday College of Princeton. Sbe evening con­ Home of Dr. Hill of an 18-ounce loaf of bread. The price certs are scheduled by the Roth String Openiiig A<Mre*s by Secretary Atvan is now 10 cents. Employed as Superintendent of Loom Mr«. Catharine Conov«^ Allen Bom at Quartet which will present all the six­ Annual Reception for Teacher* at High Allen — Group Demonstration Will Fixers at Rug Mill—'Funeral Services Cranbury Neck One Hundred Year* School Wednesday Evening, Sept 2$ The decrease, which will affect New teen Quartets and Great Fugue by Feature the Meel^gs. Conducted Wednesday. Ago—Retain* AH Her Facultie*. Beethoven. —President Appoint* Committee Jersey firms as well as those of New Chairmen. The annual State Hi*-Y Training Con­ York, was ordered by representatives Final rites for Frank J. Mooney, who A full century of life upon this earth These concerts will take place in the ference, which Hightstown and Mercer of the baking companies after a con­ died suddenly Saturday in Fitkin Me- was completed Monday by Mrs. Cath­ Westminster Chapel on the campus of An enthusiastic a n d well attended County Y. M. C. A. high school will ference with William Fellowes Mor­ morial hospital, Neptune, were con­ erine A. Allen, of 116 Moore Street, the college on Friday evenings, N'ov- meeting was held by the committee attend, will be held this week end at gan, Jr., commissioner of markets. ducted Wednesday morning at ten Princeton, who was born at Cranbury ember 11, December 9, January 27, chairmen and executive committee of Camp Ockanickon. Morgan said he would confer with the o'clock with requiem high mass being Neck on September 12, 1838. February 17, March 17, and March 31. tile Pareiit-J'eacher Association Tues­ baking company representatives again celebrated at St. Anthony’s Church. Mrs. Allen, who lives with her daugh­ The members of the Roth String day evening. Ur. and Mrs. Harry S. Alvan Allen, local "Y" secretary, will Quartet are Feri Roth, first violin; Jeiio give the opening address and Warner in an attempt to lower the price to The Rev. William Quinn officiated. In­ ter, Mrs. Clarence L. Tilton, still re­ Hill entertained the workers at their nine cents. terment was in St. John’s cemetery, Al­ tains all her faculties and during the Antal, second violin; Ferenc Molnar, home. 231 Rogers Avenue. Plans for Hollister, of Brooklyn, will deliver the viola; Janos Scholz, violinceiio. two other principal addresses. lentown. past spring was often seen doing light the current year were outlined centered work in her flower garden. She ob­ about this year's objective, “Our Com­ Hi-Y group demonstrations of good Mr, Mooney, 50, was stricken in an Enrollment In Asbury Park restaurant where he had served her birthday with her relatives, munity Studies Its Schools." practice will be put on by the Hamil­ and close friends in quiet fashion. Passenger Trains ton Hi-Y presenting a panel discussion gone for his lunch after watching the The first meeting of the Parent- Public Schools American Legion parade. He was Her parents, Ann Maria Barclay and Teacher Association will be held on national legislation. Taking in a Samuel Conover, were descended from Will Be Withdrawn new member will be demonstrated by rushed to the hospital in an ambulance. Wednesday evening, September 28, at Oxygen was administered, but he failed families who settled in New Jersey early 8 o'clock, in the iiigh school. "This a Monmouth County Hi-Y club while Now Exceeds 900 in the 17th century. In 1854, when she September 24th installation of officers and a project to gain consciousness. He had been occasion will be the annual reception Decre&se in Number of High School suffering from a heart ailment for the was 16 years old, she moved to Trenton to new teachers and all parents whether in safety instruction, will be staged by and six years later, on May 3, 1860, Railway Mail Service Advise* Postmas­ Camden and Gloucester County Hi-Y Pupils While Grammar Grades Show past two years. members of the P.-T. A. or not are in­ she was married to Charles Allen, of ter Clarence S. Grover of Proposed vited to enjoy a social evening. clubs respectively. Increased Registration. He was born at Glen Falls, N. Y., the Change — Mail and Exprese Via Hamilton Square. , Miss Ruth Hunt as chairman of the Reports of the National Hi-Y Con­ son of the late John and Mary Mc­ The son of Isaac Allen and Elizabeth Trucks. The enrollment for the public schools Carthy Mooney, and had been a resi­ music committee will plan for a variety gress held last June at Berea, Ky., will this week as announced Tuesday by Van Marter, he came from a family dent here for the past 27 years» He which settled in Ipswich, Mass., in 1832. The rumbling sound of passenrer of musical numbers and there will be be given by Stuart Chant and Thomas Dr. Harry Hill, supervising principal, is was employed as superintendent of the trains and the shrill whistle of .the ap-1 no long speeches. The primary object y Braddock, of Burlington County; Ens- 908 as compareck to 897 last year, a One of his ancestors took part in the loom fixers in the Hightstown rug mill. Boston Tea Party. preaching locomotive, except that of an | of the meeting will be the greeting of ley White, of Red Bank, and Robert gain of 11. He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Flor­ occasional freight train, will no longer j teachers and parents and the belter Hall and Dick Booz, of Mercer Coun­ The primary school has 315 pupils For over 50 years, Mr. and Mrs. Al­ ence Nolan Mooney; a son, Frank, and len lived in Trenton, moving to Prince­ be heard in Hightstown, if the rumored ' understanding of the local P.-T. A. pro­ ty. as compared to 318 in June; grammar a daughter, Eileen, all of Hightstown; plans of the Pennsylvania Railroad i gram. Recreation periods for swimming, school, 312, a gain of 33 over last year; ton shortly after the turn of the cen­ f»ur brothers, John, Daniel, Eugene and tury, They celebrated their 60th wed­ Company become effective on Saturday, Mrs. Aivan Allen, the new president boating, tennis and softball have been the high school, 281, a loss of 19 when James Mooney, all of Yonkers, N. Y,; September 24. of the P.-T. A., announces the follow­ .scheduled, together with discussion compared to the 300 in school last ding anniversary in 1920. Mr. Allen three sisters, Miss Jane Mooney, Mrs. died here in 19^ at the age of 86. According to information received ing committee chairmen: Hospitality, groups and fireside forums. The wor­ June. Theresa Foster, of Yonkers, and Mrs. from the Railway Mail Service by Mrs, Edwin T. Gordon; mertibership, ship sessions will be conducted by the The high school loss is due largely In addition to her daughter, Mrs. Al­ Florence Hannon, of Los Angeles, Calif. len has two granddaughters, Miss Cath­ Postmaster Clarence S. Grover, the Mrs. Ernest Bennett; music, Miss Trenton H1.-Y. to the enrollment of only 60 in the He was a member of Freehold Council, erine B. Tilton, of Princeton, and Mrs. passenger trains will be withdrawn from Ruth Hunt; program. Miss Isabel Per- Group Leadert freshman class. The grammar school Knights of Columbus. service on the Camden-Amboy division rine; publicity, Mrs. G. F. Eldridge; Local Y, M. C, A. group leaders are Robert A. Totty, of Petersburg, Va. in June graduated 44 boys and girls. She also has two great-grandsons, Rob­ vetween Bordentown and Jamesburg. ways and means, Mrs. W. H. Thomp­ meeting tonight at 8 o’clock in the This was a small group as compared son; welfare, Mrs. Stenson Rogers. Lakeview Apartments for a social arid to previous years. In 1937 the gram­ WCTU Convention ert A. Totty, Jr., and David Barclay The cancelling of the service means planning session. Several guests will Totty, of Petersburg. that mail and express will be handled mar school graduates numbered 75. • Today at Princeton She is a member of the First Pres­ in and out of Hightstown by trucks. At Four Star Bouts also be present. Announcement of all In June the graduating class was coference plans ad group raeetigs will byterian Church of Trenton. Many of present a passenger train is operated At Trenton Arena composed of 53 graduates; in 1937 there The annual convention of the Wo­ Mrs. Allen's memories center around from Trenton to New York via Borden- be made by the “Y” secretary and Le- were 37 diplomas awarded. men’s Christian Temperance Union of events of the 19th century in that city, town, FUghtstown, Jamesburg a n d Roy Pullen, senior group leader. Mercer County will be held Thursday Four star bouts on one card—no won­ Dr. Hill states that additional regis­ some of them dating back to the days South Amboy.
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