666 STGRTON AND BRANSBY. LINCOLNSHIRE. wheat~ bm-ley, turnips, and some land in pasture. The Thi~ Jllace N inclnded in the .Stow-by-Galnsford UnitOO Dill- area of the two townships is !2,033 acres; rateable. 'Value, · trict-School Board. furmed in :r876 • £3,II9; the population in x88r was 64:9, Sturton 596, and Board School (mixed), built in :r84o, at a cost of f),6oo, for Bransby 63. 1 · 210 children ; average .attendance, x2o; E. H. Garner, PosT OFFICE.- Robert· Gib~n, receiver. Letters through master; Miss A. Mundey, assistant mistress ' Lincoln, ,m,tt Saxelby, arrive Io a. m. o; depart 4 p.m. CARRIERS. Presswood & .Atkinson, to Gainsborough, every Saxelby is the nearest money otder office ; the telegraph tues. ; to Lincoln, Presswood & Atkinson, every fri..; office is at Stow Park · l Booth, mon. wed. & fri. ; Crane, mon . .& fri _ Sturton. Hands William, farmer Spencer James & Smithson Thomas & Nevile Rev. Canon Charles M. A. [rector Howell Robert, farmer & grazier Co. fanners of Stow & St1,1rton, vicar of Coates], Hunt William, beer retailer Spurr George, farmer The Rectvry , Jenkinson Arthur, farmer Stothard George, shoe maker - · Jollands John, farmer Stores James, farmer COM]f.:ERCIAL, Knipe John, farmer Sturton Farmers' Subscription Mill, Atkinson John, carrier & higgler Knowles William, farmer {Alfred Picksley, miller) • Baxter Thomas, farmer Lobley Edward, butchel' Warriner Jn.jun.tailor & wodlen draper Booth Geotge, farmer · Marshall John, blacksmith Watson Elmer, ·wheelwright Booth Robert, beer retailer & carriel' Middleton John & Son, boot & shoe Webster Jabez, brick & tile·maker Booth William, farmer makers & farmers W ebster William, farmer Brown Stephe:q, farmer Mitton William Moss Red Lion P.H Wheatcroft Elizabeth (Mrs.), dress ma Brumb:y Joseph, farmer M'mlk James, grocer & draper Woodhonse Thomas, agricultural ma- Clark John, wheelwright Oldfield Charles, farmer chine manufacturer Credland Joseph, farmet Picksley Alfred, miller (wind), Sub· Woodhouse William, agricultural :ma- Cawkwell Leachman,farmer scription mill chine manufacturer Davison Jas. agricultrl. machine manuf Presswood Thomas, carrier & higgler Deuton Edmund, farmer & grazier Pyecroft Joseph, farmer Bransby. Farnsworth John, bricklaye~ . , Reed Richard, blacksmith J"enkinson Arthur, farmer Foster Robert & William, fa.emers Sharpe Joseph, farmer · Spencer Franklin, farmer Gibson .Ann (Mrs .. ), .grooea" & draper Sha.rpe Thomas, tailor & woollen draper Spencer James, farmer Gelder Frederick tinman: & lamp dealer Spink Jn. farmer & grazier, Meteho~e Wright, John, shoe maker ' . GP~~A'.r. .STURTON (or STURTON 1.\'lAoNA) is .a scat- of Baumber, joint gross yearly value £215. including 25,0 tered, village and parish, in the Mid division oi the county, acres of glebE,!, in the-gift of the Lord Chancellor and held parts of LinP.sey, north division of Ga_rtree wapentake, Horn- since 1849 by the Rev. John.Fawssett M.A. of Jesus Colleg(\, castle union, petty sessional division and <;:ounty court dis- Cambridge, who is also rector of Waddingworth, anq resides trict, rural deanery of Horncastle, archdeaconry of Stow and at Eaumbel,". Sturton is supposed to have been a ,Roman diocese of Lincoln, situated at the foot of the Wolds. on station. Joseph Montague Livesey esq. C.E., F.S.A, who is hilly ground, and bounded on the east by the river Bain, 5~ lord ,of the manor, a.nd Miss Trafford Southwell are the miles south-east; from Wragby station on the Loutb, ~nd principal landowners. The soil is marl and white clay ; Lincoln railway, 6 north-west from ;Horncastle station, and subsoil, mostly white and blue clay: the chief crops are 16 east from Lincoln. The parish was enclosed about 1776. wheat, barley, oats and turnips. The parrsh contains ~,440 The church of AU Saints is an ancient building of stone, acres ;_rateable value, £r,578; the population in 1881 w~ consisting {)f ~rge 1 chancel, .nave and a low squa.re wooden 145- turret, )Vith five small pmnacles, each surmounted by a Parish Clerk John Wattam vane, and containing 1 bell; it formerly had a north ' · aisle and a tower, but these were taken down i).nd the mate- Letters by foot post through Horncastle. The nearest money rials used in building walls to enclose the church-yard: the order & telegraph office is at Wragby 3 bells were solc,l about 18ro. The register dates from the The children of this place attend the schools at Hemingby & year 1656. The livin~ is a vicarage, consolidated with that Baumber Laming William, farmer Waiter John, farmer- 1 Wattam John, carpenter Scholey John Charles, farmer Wattam Charles, farmer \ Wattam William, shopkeeper Waiter Alfred, farmer ' Wattam George, farmer, Highgate ho Wilkinwn Starmer, farmer, Stouv farm SUDBROOKE is a small parish; in the Mid division of glebe, with residence, in the gift of Sir Richard Francis the county, parts of Lindsey, Lawress wapentake, union and Sutton bart. of Barton Court, Hungerford, and held sinre county court district of Lincoln, Lawress rural deanery 1874 by the Rev Roderick Bain Mackenzie l\LA. of Exeter No. r, archdeaconry of Stow and diocese of Lincoln, 5 miles College10xford. The Ellison Trust Fund _gives annually £20 :!lOrth-east-by-east from Lincoln, and 2 west from Lang- to the poor of the parish ; a legacy of £100 was left to the worth station. The church of St. Edward was rebuilt in rector for the poor by the late Mrs. Humphrey Sibthorp 186o as a memorial church to the late Richard Ellison in the year 1876. Coningsby Charles Sibthorp esq. J.P.,D.L. esq. of Sudbrooke Holme, who left £2,000 for the purpose, is lord of the manor and principal landowner. The .soil and is a building of stone in the Norman style, from de- is a heavy loam; subsoil, clay. The chief crops are wheat, signs by Mr. Dobson, architect, consisting of apsidal chancel, barley, oats and beans. The area is 1,000 ac:res ~ mteable nave. south porch and bell gable at the west end, containing value £r,164; the population in I8Sr was SS· I bell: some fragments of the early church of Late Norman Letters by drivin.g post through Lincoln. Scothern ~~ the or Transitional date have been carefully preserved, but the nearest money order office, & Langworth railway station present church, in its plan, elevation and detailE, is ,chiefly a , is the nearest telegraph office copy of tte Norman church at Steetley ~ there are memo- rial windows at the south of the chancel to Mrs. Ellison, The children of this parish attend the school at Scothern, for widow(){ the late ,Richard Ellison esq. The register dates the support of which funds were left by the late Richard from the year I579· The living is a rectory, tithe rent- Ellisron esq · , charge £56, net yearly value £180, including go acres of CARRIER 'ro LINCOLN.-William Allis, tuesday & friday l\Iackepzie Rev. Roderick Bain M. A. ~ Sibthorp Coningsby ·Charles M. A., l.P., I Pask Michael, farmer . Rectory j D.L.Sudbrook.e Holme l Scorer 'Yilliam, farmer .. Elvidge John, fanner . l . ' S URFLEET is a parish, with a station, :r mile north- 1register, including Cressey, dates from the year cr662. east from the village, on the Great Northern railway1 situate 1 The living is a vicarage, gross yearly value £ I3:Z, in the on the river Glen, in the Southern division of the county, .gift of Captain Conant, and held since I8SI by the Rev­ parts of Holland, Kirton wapentake, Spalding union and Edward Humffreys Parry B.A. of Pembroke College, county court district, rural deanery of North Holland No. 1, Cambridge. There are Free Methodist and Particular and archdeaconry and diocese of Lincoln, g6i miles from Baptist chapels here; there is also a Wesleyan chapel London,. and 4 .north from Spalding. The church of Stl. at Seas- End. The poor's land produces £104 yearly, Lawrence is. a srone structure, in the Decorated and Perpen- which is distributed annually ii1 ooals and money. By dicular style~ consisting of s~all chancel, clerestoried and the rivers Gl~n and. WellR?d, which unite in this parish, embattled mave of fonr bays, a1sles, south porch, and a tower a small trade 1s carrred on ni coaJs, stone and .gravel. The with spire, -"Containing 5 bells r the. tower has Slink con!ider- salt water of the W elland is kept from mixing with th& fre~~ll ably\ and the spire is much out -of the perpeudicula.I" ; the -waters of the Glan by stop gates; there are three bridges nav~ retains its 1100d loft, and has a &ewel stai~case .in a -actoss the Glen in this.parish. TheVenerable Lord Sa ye< and turret -at its sonth-east angle; ;>.in too 'll.orth swall of the Sela :M:.A. · of Bronghton Castle, .Banbury, is lord ()( the chancW, is tbe.CToli.Sed.legged .effigy of a. xnigbt. in am:mw, manor_ · fl'he prineipal -landowne~ a~~e the Vt~neTabla Loi'Q with .thlf feel. placed t.mder 8 eanQpy.in <the eaBt ~l,· and Sayo and Sele, Captain Conant, Me!ISTI!. V. I. _Alleii,. lsaat sai<i·jx.Yl..Jrepresent one d! 1ha Cress.YJ!}OfAJrw;sytHal.l?t lrhe .Mu~li~w. W. Atkinson, Renry EveTard, E. J~ Boothby,..JJ &. .
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