10208 THE LONDON GAZETTE, 24ra AUGUST 1978 amended, the effect of which will be to prohibit waiting the Environment for confirmation or to be confirmed as an by vehicles at any time in the length of Amber Street unopposed Order by the Canterbury City Council. The (south-west side) at Batley in the Kirklees Metropolitan effect of the Order, if confirmed without modification, will be District which extends from a point 15 yards north-west of ta divert that part of the public right of way known as Ings Road for 95 yards in a north-westerly direction. Footpath 30, Harbledowra, which commences at a point There will be the usual exemptions to the waiting restric- approximately 5 metres south of its junction with Footpath 9 tions for vehicles being used in connection with building (hereinafter referred to as " the commencement point) and operations or demolitions, for emergency services vehicles, runs in a southerly direction for a distance of approximately vehicles being used in pursuance of statutory powers or 285 metres to a point opposite the north-western corner of duties, or in connection with weddings or funerals. Vehicles St. Gabriel's Church, Blean (hereinafter referred to as " the will be allowed to wait to load and unload goods for up to terminal point") to a line running in a westerly direction 30 minutes and Disabled Persons vehicles will be allowed for a distance of approximately 5 metres from the com- to wait for up to 2 hours. mencement point thence in a generally southerly direction Full details of the proposal are in the draft Order along the estate roads, footways and footpaths to the which, together with a plan showing the extent of the terminal point. restricted road and a statement of reasons for proposing to make the Order, may be examined during normal office The purpose of the diversion is to enable development hours at the Reception Desk, Main Entrance, County Hall, to take place in accordance with the Planning Permission Wakefield, at the County Council's DoPET Office, Hudders- that has been granted. A copy of the Order and the map field Road, Mirfield and at the Kirklees Metropolitan contained in it has been deposited and may be inspected Borough Council's District Office, Town Hall, Market free of charge at the City Secretary's Department, 41 Old Place, Batley. Dover Road, Canterbury, CTl 3DH, during normal office If you wish to object to the proposed Order you should hours. send the grounds for your objection in writing to reach Any representation or objection in respect of the Order the undersigned by not later than 12 noon on 19th Septem- may be sent in writing to the City Secretary, Canterbury ber 1978 quoting reference PT/PH/5/K/102/78/9. City Council, 41 Old Dover Road, Canterbury, not later R. G. Brooke, Director of Administration. than 25th September 1978 and should state the grounds on County Hall, which it is made. Wakefield, WF1 2QW. (503) If no representations or objections are duly made, or if any so made are withdrawn, the Canterbury City Council may, instead of submitting the Order to the Secretary of State for the Environment for confirmation, themselves TOWN AND COUNTRY confirm the Order as an unopposed Order. PLANNING ACTS If the Order is submitted to the Secretary of State for confirmation, any representations or objections which have BERKSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL been duly made and not withdrawn will be sent to the TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING ACT 1971, SECTION 210 Secretary of State with the Order. Royal County of Berkshire (Footpath 2 Shinfield/ll Barley) Dated 18th August 1978. Diversion of Rights of Way Order 1978 M. Young, City Secretary. Notice is hereby given that on 16th August 1978 the 41 Old Dover Road, Berkshire County Council confirmed the above-named Order. Canterbury, CTl 3DH. (520) The effect of the Order as confirmed is to divert the public right of way shown as Footpaths 2 Shinfield and 11 Earley on the Draft Definitive Map running from point " A", the boundary of O.S. Parcel 0047 and 0061 (i.e. the ELLESMERE PORT AND NESTON BOROUGH section of footpath running parallel to the M4 motorway) COUNCIL to point " B", 60 yards west of the Cutbush Lane over- bridge, to a line commencing approximately 5 yards north TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING ACT 1971, SECTION 210 of the said! point "A", running parallel with the existing The Borough of Ellesmere Port and Neston (Public Footpath footpath for approximately 90 yards, then in a general east- No. 33, Willaston) (Diversion) Order, 1978 north-easterly direction for approximately 60 yards, and then in a general south-south-easterly direction to rejoin the Notice is hereby given that on 17th August 1978 the existing path at the said point " B ". Ellesmere Port and Nestoin Borough Council confirmed the A copy of the Order and the map contained in it has above-named Order. been deposited at the offices of the Wokingham District The effect of the Order as confirmed is to extinguish part Council, Shute End, Wokingham, and at the offices of the of the public footpath running from Smithy Lane to Change County Surveyor, 5th Floor, Kennet House, Kings Road, Lane as indicated by bold black dashes on the map referred Reading, and may be inspected free of charge during normal to below, and create an alternative highway in lieu which office hours, Monday to Friday. will follow the estate roads and footpaths as indicated by The Order became effective as from 16th August 1978, but black hatching on the said map and commencing at the if any person aggrieved by the Order desires to question point marked "A" and proceeding to the point marked the validity thereof or of any provision contained therein " B " thereon. on the ground that it is not within the powers of the Town and Country Planning Act 1971, or on the ground that any A copy of the confirmed Order and the map contained requirement of that Act or any regulation made thereunder in it has been deposited at my under-mentioned offices and has not been complied with in relation to the confirmation at the Town Hall, High Street, Neston, and may be of the Order, he may under section 244 of the Town and inspected free of charge at either place during normal office Country Planning Act 1971 within 6 weeks from the date of hours. this notice make application for the purpose to the High This Order becomes operative as from the date of con- Court. firmation but if any person aggrieved by the Order desires Dated 24th August 1978. to question the validity thereof or of any provision contained D. C. H. Williams, County Secretary. therein on the grounds that it is not within the powers Abbots House, of the Town and Country, Planning Act 1971, or on the Abbey Street, Reading, RGl SEE. (505) ground that any requirement of that Act or any regulation made thereunder has not been complied with in relation to the confirmation of the Order, he may under Schedule 6 CANTERBURY CITY COUNCIL paragraph 3 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1971, within 6 weeks from 25th August 1978, make application for TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING ACT 1971, SECTION 210 the purpose to the High Court. The City of Canterbury (Footpath 30, Harbledowri) (Public Path Diversion) Order, 1978 Dated 18th August 1978. Notice is hereby given that the above-named Order (herein- /. JB. Bickerton, Borough Solicitor. after referred to as "the Order") made on 18th August Whitby Hall, 1978, is about to be submitted to the Secretary of State for Ellesmere Port, South Wirral, L65 6QY. (513).
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