· CENSUS OF INDIA 2001 SERII::S - 24 MADHYA PRADESH PART-A& B HARDA DISTRICT VILLA:GE & TOWN DIRECTORY VILLAGE & TOWNWISE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT Ram Singh JOint Director Director of Census Operations, Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh (ii) ~ARAOFABDULHASAN- DIYA Handiya is an important historical place situated on the banks of river Narmada. It is 21 km. far from Harda, the district headquarters. Handiya was an important place during Mughal period. To mark the taking over the charges of Malwa , Hosangshah Gauri constructed forts in Hoshangabad and Handiya during 15th century. There is Makbaraof Abdul Hasan, a mit'Jister of Akba a~d who also was the writer of the humorous story 'Mulla doPyaja'. -Besides Makbara of Abdul Hasan, there are some ancient temples like Riddeshwar temple, Narmada Devi Mandir and Hanuman Mandir etc. , (iii) (iv) w o Ii'~ f-~---'~' ~"" -""§ " () ..,g' " ~?'~ <: Cl It '<; 1 ,- -. -.--~ -_'"'""': ,-- i~::X: OJ -3:>­ r 8.. 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Population, its distribution 22 (v) Pages (viii) Brief analysis of peA data based on inset tables 1 - 36 22-41 (ix) Brief analysis of Village Directory and Town Directory data based on 42-49 inset tables 37 - 47 (x) Brief analysis of the data on houses and household amenities, Houselisting 50-54 Operations~ Census of India 2001 based on inset tables 48 - 52 (xi) Major social and cultural events, natural and administrative developments 54 and significant activities during the decade (xii) Brief description of places of religious, historical or archaeological 54 importance in villages and places of tourist interest in the towns of the district (xiii) Major characteristics of the district, contribution of the district in the 55 form of any historical figure associated with the district (xiv) Scope of Village directory and Town directory - column heading wise 55-58 explanation and coverage of data Part - A : Village and Town Directory Section I - Village Directory (a) Note explaining the abbreviations used in Village Directory 61-64 (b) List of villages merged in towns and outgrowths at 2001 Census 65 (c) CD Block wise presentation of Village Directory Data (i) Map of Khirkiya CD Block showing Tahsil boundary 66 Alphabetical list of villages of Khirkiya CD Block along with location code 1991 and 2001 67-71 Presentation of Village Directory data of Khirkiya CD Block 72-103 (ii) CD Block Map of Harda showing Tahsil boundary 104 Alphabetical list of villages of Harda CD Block along with location code 1991 and 2001 105-109 Presentation of Village Directory data of Harda CD Block 110-141 (iii) CD Block Map of Timami showing Tahsil boundary 142 Alphabetical list of villages of Timami CD Block along with location code 1991 and 2001 143-147 Presentation of Village Directory data of Timarni CD Block 148-177 (d) Appendices to Village Directory Appendix-I Abstract of Educational, Medical and other Amenities in Villages - CD Block level 178-181 Appendix-IA Villages by number of Primary Schools 182 Appendix- IB Villages by Primary, Middle and Secondary Schools 182 Appendix-Ie Villages with different sources of drinking water facilities 183 available (vi) Pages Appendix-II Villages with 5,000 and above population which do not have 183 one or more amenities available Appendix-ITA Census Towns which do not have one or more amenities 184 Appendix-ill : r Land utilisation data in respect of Census Towns/non- 184 mllliicipal towns Appendix-N CD blockwise list of inhabited villages where no amenity 184-185 other than drinking water is available Appendix-V Summary showing number of villages not having Scheduled 185 Castes Population Appendix-VI Summary showing number of villages not having Scheduled 185 Tribes population Appendix-VilA : List of villages according to proportion of "the Scheduled 186-190 Castes to the total population by ranges Appendix- VIlB : List of villages according to the proportion of the Scheduled 191-195 Tribes to the total population by ranges Appendix-VITI : Statement showing number of girl schools in the villages 196 Section II - Town Directory (a) Note ~xplaining the abbreviations used in Town Directory Town Directory Statements (I to VII) 197-200 (b) Statement-I Status and Growth History 202-203 (c) Statement-II Physical aspects and location of Towns 202-203 (d) Statement-In Municipal Finance 204-205 (e) Statement-IV Civic and other amenities 204-205 (f) Statement-V Medical, Educational, Recreational and Cultural facilities 206-207 (g) Statement-VI Trade, Commerce, Industry and Banking 208-209 (h) Statement-VII Civic and other amenities in slums 208-211 (i) Appendix to Town Directory: Towns showing their outgrowth with Population 212 Part - B : Primary Census Abstr~ct (a) Brief note on Primary Census Abstract 215-217 (b) District Primary Census Abstract (General) 218-223 (c) Appendix to District Primary Census Abstract i.e. urban blockwise figures 224-227 of Total, SC and ST population Primary Census Abstract for Scheduled Castes 228-233 Primary Census Abstract for Scheduled Tribes 234-239 CD Block wise Village Primary Census Abstract 240-311 Urban Primary Census Abstract 312-323 (vii) Pages Annexure-I Number of villages under each Gram Panchayat (CD Blockwise) 324-341 Annexure-II Note on Fertility, Mortality and Migration, 1991 Census 342 Annexure-III Various measures of Fertility and mean age at marriage~ 1991 Census 343-345 Annexure-fV Percentage distribution of Migrants by place of birth! place of last residence, 2001 Census 346-348 Annexure-V Brief account of main religion in the districtltahsils as per 2001 Census 349 Annexure-VI Marital status of population as per 2001 Census 350 Annexure-VII Age~ Sex and Education in the district, 2001 Census 351 Annexure-VIII : Distribution of different mother tongues returned in 2001 Census 352 Annexure-IX Statement of Five Main SC and ST in the District, 1991 census 353 Annexure-X Hamletwise total population of villages, Census 2001 354-379 Annexure-XI Statement of Disability in the District, Census 2001 380 (viii) Foreword he District Census Handpook (DCHB)' published by Census Organisation since 1951 census, is one of T the important publications in the context of planning and development at grass-root level. The publication~ which is brought out for each district, contains several demographic and socio-economic characteristics village­ wise and town-wise of the district alongwith the status of availability of civic amenities, infrastructural facilities, etc. 2. The scope of the DCHB was initially confined to a few Census tables and Primary Census Abstract (PCA) of each village and town within the district. Thereafter, at successive censuses, its scope and coverage has been enlarged. The DCH~ published at the 1961 census provided a descriptive account of the district, administrative statistics, census tables and a village and town directory including peA. The 1971 census-DCHB series was in three parts: Part-A related to village and town directory, part-B to village and town PCA and Part­ e comprised analytical report, administrative statistics, district census tables and certain ana~ytical tables based on PCA and amenity data in respect of villages. The 1981 census DCHB was in two parts: Part-A contained village and town directory and Part-B the PCA ofvillage and town including the SCs and STs peA up to tahsil/ town levels. New features alongwith restructuring of the formats of village and town directory were added into it. In Village Directory, all amenities except electricity were brought together and if any amenity was not available in the referent village, the distance in board ranges from the nearest place having such an amenity, was given. fuformation on new items such as adult literacy centres, primary health sub-centres and community health workers in the village were provided so as to meet the requirements of some of the Revised Minimum Needs Progi-amme.
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