Uniform changes New @&et und sweater authorized Navy black jacket, 55/45 polyester/wool with a stand-upknit collar, has been approved for optional wear by officers and chief petty officers with service and work- ing uniforms(summer khaki, summer white,A winter blue, winter working blue and working khaki).Additionally, the jacket is authorized for wear in lieu of the service dress blue coat whenthe service dress blue uniform is worn. The wooly-pulley sweater is an option with this combination. (The jacket is an option for Navy lchalti and black (blue)jackets, not a replace- ment.) The jacket will soon be available at Navy. Exchange Uniform Shops or can be ordered through the Uniform I I Support Center,Suite 200, 1545 Crossways Blvd. Che- sapealze, Va. 23320 (1-800-368-4088].The jacket is worn in the same manneras the Navy lzhalti and black (blue) jackets. Ablack V-neck style pullover sweater .has been approved to replace the blue crew neck (wooly-pulley). The V-neck style sweater is available in bothlight (acrylic] andheavy (wool)weaves and will be wornin the same manneras the blue wooly-pulley sweater.The blue wooly-pulleysweater is authorized for optional wear until Oct. 1, 1995. After this date, the bluewooly-pulley may not be worn .ashore. However, a ship’s commanding officer can authorize the blue wooly-pulleyfor shipboard wear. See NavAdmin 139/93 for details. I I I pssed over for promotion to commander and seniorchief and masterchief etty afficers in 61 overmanned ratings willbe eligible for the new 15-plus year tirement program recently approved by DoD. Those eligible for 15-plus year retirement on a purely voluntarybasis incluur;. Chief warrant officers (CW02/3/4) with17 to 20 years of service, at least thee years commissioned service and two years time-in-grade. Limited duty officer lieutenants with17 to 20 years of service, at least eight years commissioned service and two years time-in-grade. Once passed-over lieutenant commanders (with someexceptions, such 40 bctors and dentists, who are not eligible). Commanders who have twoyears time-in-grade (with some excemions). Estimated Early RetirementMon'l-'.y Pay Yrs.1 15 16Sew. 15 1917 18 20 E-9 909.15 1003.20 1076.70 1177.96 1255.32 1361.00 E-8 790.40 874.56 937.99 1027.04 1094.94 1 193.00 I W-4 1065.00 1166.40 1251.30 1374.94 1466.19 1609.00 W-3 913.90 1014.72 1089.31 1201.48 1281.06 1416.00 Reach ‘i i “ the - F4!! ,, , (, :, , 1 ~ , beach ’”. Joint forces deliver the goods Story by Pat Antenucci, photos by PH3 Gregory J. Smith o a novice, the entire unload cargo ships, onto an unim- a CinC in any theater could call for scenelooked likean proved beach, necessary in areas of with confidence.” erector set gone wild. the worldwhere port facilities are Antenucci works for Commander, Every wasship inadequate/I or nonexistent. Reserve Naval Force, New Orleans. equipped with numer- There is nothing like this.What Smith is assigned to Amphibious Con- ousT devices designed to turn,lift and you see here are complimentary struction Battalion 2, Little Creek,Vu. manipulate cargo. Pier and barge systems,“ said Vidal. constructions were betterthan “JLOTShas takencapa- “Lego” wizards mighthave fash- bilities designed for ioned, andingenious roads wereamphibious Navy created with grids to allow free assault and Armylogis- movement of heavy vehicle traffic support,tics tuned on sand. them up and organized Recently, more than 4,000 Navy, them as a joint capabil- Marine, Army and Coast Guard menity.” and women unloaded 1,371 wheeled Navycommanders and tracked vehicles, in addition to onscene said JLOTS 950 pieces of container cargo, from proved thatin a real- sealift shipsduring a month-long world situation, every- joint logistics over-the-shore thing needed tobuild (JLOTS) exercise conductedCamp sustainedoperational Lejeune, N.C. capability could come “We can use sealift anywhere in directly fromships. the world to get criticalassets “This power-projec- ashore,” said CDR DeanVidal, com- tion - containers, manding officer of Amphibious Con- barge ferries, boats on struction Battalion 2. “A theater the beach - deliver a commander-in-chief (CinC), suchas tremendousone-two CinCLant or CinCCent, could call punch,” said Vidal. for this capability and this jointforce “We have a well-coor- could deliver.” dinated capability that JLOTS 111, an extension of Opera- tion Ocean Venture ’93, tested the SW2 James Tinker pre- military’s abilityto establish and pares to weld partsof the sustaincombat operations, and elevated causeway. 4 Le* E02 Roxanne Ryder andE02 Michael Carroll check chains on a hydraulic jacking system elevating a causeway usedto move heavy gear from the seato the beach. Below: Army trucks carrying Marine supplies roll ashore during a joint logis- tics exercise heldat Camp Lejeune, N.C. NOVEMBER 1993 5 “There’s a special feel- ing among the citizens when sailors walk down the streets in uniform,” - Mark Murray A reservist’s tribute SaiZor recreates Lone Sailor Story by CAPT Chuck Stowe, photos by PH1 Nicholas Schafer ’ aval reservist Hull Techni- seen it before. I knew then I wanted Thestatue was unveiled during cian 3rd ClassDaniel to make onefor myself.” Armed Forces Dayceremonies on N Hamilton was so in awe of Encouraged by fellow reservists at the reserve center’s quarterdeck. the “Lone Sailor” bronze statue at NavalReserve Readiness Center “We definitelyhave the most the Navy Memorial in Washington, Denver, Hamilton set out to recreateunique and inspiring quarterdeck in D.C., that he decided to make his the Lone Sailor as a salute to the menthe Navy,” said CAPT RodFaino, own rendition outof wire. andwomen serving inthe Navy. commanding officer of the center. Hamilton”connected” with Armed witha gas weldingtorch, “All myenlisted personnel now Stanley Bleifeld’s statueduring a Hamilton devoted morethan 300 want their reenlistment and award visit to the Navy Memorial. “I was hours and spent nearly $500 to cre- photos taken in front of our ‘Lone on my two-week active-duty train- ate a 6-faot-3-inch, 35-pound rendi- Sailor.’ This is reala tribute not only ing in ing Norfolk,” Hamilton tion of the statue. to HT3 Hamilton’s work, but to the explained. “Over the weekend, some Hamilton said welding the real bond our reservistsfeel with the of my buddies and I went toD.C. We statue’s fine points wasn’t difficult. sailors an active duty.” visitedall the memorials . but “I didn’t worry about the details of “I have enormous pride knowing when I saw the Lone Sailor at the handsand feet,” adding thatthe that itis being appreciated,” Hamil- NavyMemorial, justI couldn’t toughest part wasthe face. “I wanted ton said. “The Lone Sailor symbol- believe it. I’d never heard about it or to stay with thatrugged look.” izes the strength and spirit of those who serve.” u Stoweis the CO andSchafer is a photographerassigned to NR OI Det. 31 0, Denver. Left: The Lone Sailor replica stands guard on the quarterdeckof the Denver reserve center. The entire project, including the adjoining seabag sculp- ture and stands, weighs128 pounds. Below: Hamilton examines the previous weld onhis version of the Lone Sailor.“I started welding some in 1979, but really got into it as a hobby in 1992.” America remembers her heroes A POWs story Story by David Kashimba t was April 24, 1967. On Williams wasimmediately jumped board USS Kitty Hawk (CV by about 50 North Vietnamese, wha 63) in Southeast63)in Asian took his pistol and watch. “It was waters, members of Attack 5:40 p.m.,/’ hesaid. “I had been shot Squadron (VA) 85 were down about 5 p.m. That was the last beingI briefed ontheir mission. time I hada watch until March Retired CAPT Lewis Irving Wil- 1973.” liams Jr., then a LTJG and an A-6 Williamswas stripped from his pilot with VA 85, was preparing for waistup and his shoes and socks his 62nd combat mission - a mis- wereremoved. He was blindfolded sion hewould rememberfor the rest and paraded from village to village. of his life. The hard-packed clay was embedded Williams’ A-6was No. 2 ina with sharp rocks andWilliams flight of four A-6s, representing the quickly lost the skinoff the bottoms lead elementin the strike group. of his feet. Williams and his bombardier navi- In one village, he was tied to posta gator, LTJG Michael Christian, had insidea chicken coop and given a their primary target in sight when CAPT Lewis Williams was commandingbowl of hot, dirty water. “I noticed they were hit. Both Williams and officer of NAS Alamedafrom June 1990 that they were passing me on from Christian were forced to eject and to July 1992. group to group,” said Williams. “One quicklybecame a target for the time I was marched up to a small North Vietnamese on the ground. “I could hear the whitewashed brick building which must-have been a bullets go by and see what appeared to be the ground country hospital. A crowd started gathering outside the rapidly approaching,’’ said Williams. “All I could think building with aspeaker riling them up like a barker at a of was that I was having abad dream.” circus. It wasn’t long before a group of North Vietnamese “When they finally came get to me, started searching the field where Williams was hiding, theentire side of thehill was missing him on thefirst two sweeps. ”At this pointI was covered with a few hundred angry feeling pretty good about myself. I thought thatif I could people,” he said. “They stay here untildark, I might have a chanceget to into the marched me down the hill to a woods.” big hole in theground andforced c.“,-..-.l-...4p.
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