l t HSRALD MONDAY JULY 4 1910 9 <c JIEWA r i wv IFIGHTERS AWAIT GONG FOR CHAMPIONSHIP BATTLE I rf ijI 1 r WORLD WILL FIGHT TO REGAIN RING TITLE CHAMPION HEAVYWEIGHT OF THE REOROS OF TilE MEN JEFFRIES RECORD 1 JOHNSONS RECORD JBD9 Rounds 1893 Rouds May 6L Klondyke 5 July 2 K 0 Dan Long Bin Franofeto 2 1S37 1 L tJ Jim Jeffries Born in Ohio Feb 25L Joe ChoyiuM Gaheston 3 April 9K 0 T Van Bwkfrk San V John Lee GalTesten 10 Francisco j 2 Timfcysix Years Ago K Chancy Brooks Gaheet n 3 May 1JK 0 Henry Biker San Fftn 1 w Tack McCormtck Gahe ttft 7 cisco u 9 W Jack McCormick Galveitira 7 July 16D Gus Ruhlin Sap Frasdwo 29 K Horace Miles GalrcMon 3 Nor SJD Joe CboynsKI Fraacissx 20 K Gcorso Lawlcr Galrwton 19 hat f BECAME BOXER BY ACCIDENI Jut 2JP Klondike GahoU 35- Feb 2SV Joe Goddard toe Angeles 4 I 19M March 22W Peter JaeJaon San Fran Jan Frank CWlds Chleaeo 6 ciscA 3 1TD w rr c t r K Dan Murphy WnUriMKT 10 April nik ii an tu 3 Grlffcn HeavyTrelehl K Ed Johncon G U ston 4 May 6W Tom Sbarfcer San laO 3 hank Nero 4 Aug Bob New York 10 afem March 7 Joe Kennedy Oakland 5W Annslrbnir Said He Could Dent Any In March 15K Joe Keaatdy San Fran 1339 HU Conqueror cisoo t 4 June 9K 0 Bob Fltzalmmflns Coney Town But Found 15- W Bob White Island 11 I 17 Johnsona Career Began When Ho W Jim Scanlan Nov 3W Tom Sbarkcy Coney Jriand 25 I May 16K Jack Jeftrite Los Angeles 5 Knocked Out Joe Oho sld K Klondyie Mcmphb 13 1003 April Jack Flnnegan Detroit 1 D Dilly Stift Den Tk 18 CrK 0 May Jim Corbett Coney 31- Mn June 20D Hank Griffin Los Aasslt 29 1K 0 Wand D Hank Grifln Los Anert s H 9W 1 James J Jeffrlas was born in Carroll W Pete Everett Victor Oete 3 Sept IT TV Rank GrifHn Los Angeles 4 Oct ChfHs Los AnBtlcs 12 Sept 0 Joe Kennalr Oakland 2 on April 15 IKS is now in his 21V Frank 2tK Ohio and Oct 31 W George Gardner Ban Fran- ¬ Sor 15W Gus Kuhlln san Fran 5 thirtysixth year Ho Is a fullblood cisco 20 JflfcL 1 American His fathers ancestors were Dec 5W F Fred IliMsen Los Angeles S July SK O Bob PlUslnurtons San born In Epgland while his mothers an-¬ ISM Francisco 8 Feb 5W Dan H Martin Los Angelw 3 Dec 10Ii Jack Munroe Butte 4 e tecedents were Holland Dutch 26 Feb 2TV Sam MeVey Le Anff 19CJ Naturally gifted with great strength Boston 10 April 16W Sander FKEWOB Aug 14K O Jim Corbett San Fran- ¬ and vitality Jeffries when his parents May ilK Joe BHtlar Philadelphia 3 cisco w 19 Angeles engaged July 31X D Saady Ferewwa PW 4- I had settled near Los in delpliia 6 1001 I Anj Munroe tho occupation of boilermaker Outdoor Oct 27 W Sam McVey Los AneaJes 20 2K 0 Jade San Fran elsa 2 ranch life agreed with him and when still Dee 11 W Sandy Ferffaton CaJma Cal 20 Exhibition Jet tailed to step Monroe under ago he developed a wonderful in four rounds physique to becoming an iron ¬ JOeL Prior Feb 16X D Blank BUI Philadelphia 6 worker Jeffries attended a business col- ¬ April 22K Sam McVcy San Fra ci co 20 i lege and got a good education He June ZW Frank CUMi Ckteaso 6 Los Angelo 2 weighed 900 pounds when he was seven- ¬ Oct 1SK Den Ed Mwrtta bpns but he was anxious to Continue the 30 onesided mill when the interference oc- ¬ V teen years old and did not know his own strength March 2SL Martin nut San Fran- curred cisco 20 5000 In his pocket ¬ April Philadelphia With Inside John Chance Started Career 25K Jim Jefionh i son proceeded to throw Fitzpatrick down Mar 3W Black IUU Fh 4 li1 4 Jaftrlos began his fighting career by ac Mat 9K Walter Joksw PtthddpMa 3 and then sailed for the Pacific Coast clfltnt H was eighteen years old when May9N D Joe Jeanaett PfcB 6 When he arrived in this country he lost Duty GteHaghor a welterwalght who was June 26X D Jut MHMTC Phfla 6 no time in repudiating his agreement to July 13K Moote Harris PhHa 3 fight Langford In London He expressed- ia daB big anfploy induced him 6 fellows July 13D D Black BOL llitt willingness to tight Jeffries however to try his skill One night in a Los An- ¬ July 15W F Sandy FbpMAa CM 7 a 6 but the boilermaker wasnt ready to talk geles saloon Grlffen a colored July 21X D Joe Grt PWte Hank Not 2SL F Joe JaumeUA PfcHa 2 business Johnson went Into vaudeville htitvywelEht threw a handful of gold Dec 1 W Young Iattr Jatkttn Baits 13 with much eagerness and signed a con¬ piwes on the bar and said he could whip Dee 2N D Joe J n tu PMto 6 tract calling for 1500 a week In May 4t any man In town Gallagher who was MOC he mot Philadelphia Jack OBrien In present at the time hunted up Jeffries Jan 1SX D Tee JenMit K Y 3 Quakervllle the bout lasting six round Jan SK Bob Kww Toms Kaa 1 received nearly 8000 for his end and tho latter came back with him post- Baltimore 15 Johnson March 15W Joe JMBMU was hog fat haste tearing off Ms cost and spoiling- April WW Black Bill WtlfcMbWfc 7 of the entertainment He IS of wind and put up a slovenly ex- ¬ r a scrap then and there But Griffen April 2 V Sam Laatford Cb M short f June 15W Charlie Haifaey GtoHcaskr 1 hibition OBrien received the popular explained that he did not care to battle Sept 20N I Joe jMUMttc PWh 6 verdict on scientific points When the un3 r rough and tumble rules but wanted- seT 8W Jim Jeffonk La neuter Pa 6 bout ended W A Brady issued a chal- ¬ a glove contest In a regulation ring with Nor 2D Joe J wa U PortlMd Ie iS lenge at the ringside In behalf of Kauf ¬ a competent referee That suited Jeffries 1WT man whose defi had been ridiculed by Feb 19X Peter Fcttx BriMT 1 displayed his gold down to the ground and a match was MiftgirM 9 Jeffries but Johnson March W Bttt Lav in a broad grin and told Brady to Quickly arranged the men to meet the July iK PtartBUBOM P a 2 teeth next njlgfti in a local hall S i t 1W Sailor Dark BrMi tort B wait GT 3K Jim F w Su Fra ttet 11 More Easy Money Bets ttare made on the result of the ISOL A month later Johnson took on Tony encounter and Jeffries who had never July lies Tfcytor Beetud 5 worn the goV g before punching aK Ross a strong heavyweight for six was a Dee 6W Tomrar Bwrn SJ MST It bag fur several rounds In fact he took- w rounds in Plttsburg and stalled all the 4 a terrible lacing Heavy wallops on the May > N D la OBdM PW 6 way much to the dissatisfaction of the jaw fend in tho stomach did not make June 30X D Tony tOM PUUtag 6 spectators He got 6000 for this alleged waver soon be- ¬ Sept D Al Kavtecv S Fra- lam however and Griffin 9N e of his prowess indulged- gan to tire from his own efforts Jeffries clsw W- exhibition and suddenly assumed a famous crouch by JAMES J JEFFRIES Oet 16K Stanley Kauhdi Cola 12 in another golden smile Ketcholi Kant instinct as it were He used his right man and Langford were all hurling chal- ¬ Land as guard waded lenges black champion then and a and in with the and Fitzsimmons to fight twentyfive met Jeffries at Conoy leland for twenty at the l ft Jeffries then feinted and Griffin rounds Coney Island the Cornish- as the public was clamoring for action shot over at five rounds The champion had taken nod In two Billy Madden took Qua the right Ducking under it > re- ¬ negro made man to receive 60 per cent of the on some weight the a match with Ketcholi tie boilermaker drove the left squarely ceipts win or lose since Ms victory over Ruhlln to the Coast about that time and the middleweight champion the date Fltzsimmons and probably 21S fight into the pit of the negros stomach and Brady engaged Tommy Ryan of Syr-¬ sealed at the champion knocked all the out being fixed for October 16 nut Johnson knocked him out cold In the middle of acuse to instruct Jeffries in the mys or 220 while Sharkey was not a pound ol him in five rounds Fltzalmroons who made another match for September 9 the fourteenth round teriae of ring science and they went more than 188 For sixteen rounds had regained some of his fame by stop ¬ with Kaufman at Frisco the agreement Fought to a Draw down to Allerihurst N J to prepare for Sharkey carried the fight to Jeffries and ping Sharkey and Ruhlln in this alt > being that if both men were on their two weeks was now anxlo for ¬ That was Jeffries first ring victory the mill Ryan did not box with Jet¬ did the greater amount of work Then within feet at the end of the tenth round no de fries He fought him like a tiger day he began to slow up because of over another fight and JofTries readily accom- ¬ cision should be rendered Kaufman Galtagfeer urged become a ¬ and itlin tel day exertion and Jeffrlas with powerful body modated him Fltzaimoons trained bord- pugilist a in and out cutting the big fellows just as tall and perhaps a trifle heavier professing But Jims father faee to ribbons and making him look like- blows broke two of his ribs and othor er than ever before and was In the pink was an easy mark for JonnsotC Who clergyman opposed the jjhtn and it was a novlc But Jeffries wan patient vader wlsa subjeoted him to A fearful beating of condition when me stripped for auction easily outpointed him but Inflicted no not until three years had elapsed that fire and on day when he knocked Ryan At the end of the bout Referee Slier said He promptly carried the fight to the boil- serious damage tv foif fellow engaged la another scrap down with a terrific left on the chin the Jeffries was the winneran eminently ermaker and for half a dozen rounds he When Ketcholi and Johnson got Into Gallagher was matched to fight Danny latter said fair verdictbut Sharkeyg followers de-¬ handed out some tearful punishment Jot ¬ the ring at Colma to fight twenty rounds San just Jim youll do Thats the way I clared that the worst he was entitled to fries was cut over both eyes his mouth spectators was Neeiham in Francisco
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