DIRECTORY.] STAFFORDSHIRE. NEEDWOOD FOREST, 261 way, g north-west-by-west from Eccleshall, and 4 nl'>rth-east Durham University and J.P. for Staffs. The charities from Market Drayton, in Shropshire : it compri,es the amount to about £6o yearly. There i11 a Wesleyan chapel townships of MUCKLESTONE, ASTON, KNIGHTO~, 0AKLEY, near Aston. Oakley Hall, the seat of Lieut.-Colonel Sir and WINNINGTON, in Staffordshire, and the townships of George Chetwode hart. is a handsome mansion irt a park of Woore, Bearstone, Donington and Gravenhanger, in Shrop­ about 300 acres, on the bank of the Tern river, which here shire, and is in the North Western division of the county, divides the county from Shropshire. The Earl of Crewe, North Pirehill hundred and petty sessional division, Market who is lord of the manor, Sir G1lorge Cbetwode hart. the Drayton union and county court district, rural deanery of Hon. Mrs. Meynell-Ingram, and Hugb Kerr-Col,·ille esq. of Eccleshall, archdeaconry of Stoke-on-Trent and diocese of Bellaport Hall, Market Drayton, are the principal land­ Lichfield. The church of St. Mary, supposed to have been owners. The Ven. Archdeacon Thomas Bucknell Lloyd, of originally erected in the 13th century, and rebuilt, with the Edgmond Rectory, Newport, SiJ.lop, is the principal land­ exception of the tower, about 1790, in the debased Roman­ owner at Ast.on. The soil is various, some light, other esque style of that period, was again rebuilt in 1883 from heavy; subsoil, gravel, clay and marl. The chief crops are designs by Messrs. Lynam and Rickman, architects, of O:J.ts, barley and turnip~. The area i~ 4,180 acres; rateable Stoke-on-Trent, at a cost of about £4,000, and is a building value, £6,8o:l; the population in 1891 was 70':) in the civil of 11tone, consisting of a cbancd of three bays, nave of three parish and 6~ in the ecclesiastical. bays, north aisle to both nave and chancel, eastern or Chet­ wode chapel, south porch, organ chamber and vestry, and W1NNtNGTON township is I mile north. The Hon,. Mrs. an embattled western tower of the early 14th century, con­ Meyn?.ll-Ingram is lady of the manor of Winningtan and taining a clock and 5 bells: a chaneal arch, with stone the principal landowner. Here is a cheese manufactory. screen, and an arcade on north side, have been added: dur­ OAKLEY township is 1l miles south-west. L1eut.-Colonel ing the restoration many fragments of the old church were Sir Georg-e Chetwode bJ.rt. is lord of the manor of Oakley found embedded in the walls, including the base, shaft and and sole landuwner. KNIGHTON township is 1l miles north capital of one of the nave piers, the jambs, head and tracery and 1 mile south-west from Pipe Gate station on the North of some of the side windows, and the base, shaft, capital and Staffordshire rail way; Asro~ township is ~ miles north­ arch moulding of the chancel arch, all of which ha.>e been east. repaired and replaced : all the roofs were renewed in oak Sexton, JDseph AI:s';in. and the chancel re-fitted in English oak, the present oa.k benches being constructed out of the old pews : the reredos PoST & PARCEL OFFICE, Knighton.-Mrs. Maria Such, sub­ is of Hopton Wood stone with inlays of Derbyshire marble postmistress. Letters arrive from Market Drayton at and has a central cross of statuary marble: seYen stained 8.ro a.m.; dispatched at 5.25 p.m. week days only. windows have been erected by Lady Chetwode, one of which Postal order!" are issued here, but not paid. W uore is the is a memorial to Queen Margaret, who, from the tower of this nearest money order & telegraph office church, watched the battle of Blare Heath, 23 Sept. 14-59: WALL LETTER Hon:s, Mucklestone, cleared at 5.5o p.m. & in the church are monuments to Sir John Chetwode bart. d. Aston, cleared 4.30 p.m. week da.ys only April 22, 1733, and Mary (Raymond) his wife, d. 1702 ; Sir ScHOOLS:­ Philip 'fouchet Chetwode bart. d. N OY. 15, 1704, and A School Board of 5 members was formed June 29, 1875; Elizabeth (Venab~es) his wife, d. 1745; Sir John Chetwode Rowland Hill, Be.ustone, Market Drayton, clerk to the bart. d. May 25, 1779, and Dorothy (llretland) his wife, d. board; William Furnival, Knighton, school attendanca 1769; Sir John Chetwode bart. d. Dec. 17, 1845, and Lady officer; the Board meets at Knighton Boa.rd school on 1st Henrietta (Grey) his wife, d. July 12, 1826; Sir John New- tuesday in each m()nth at 5.30 p.m. winter months & 7 digate Ludford Chetwode bart. d. Sept. 8, 1873, and his p m. summer months 'Wives, Elizabeth Juliana (Ludford), d. June 17, 1859, and Brmrd, Aston, transferred to the Board & enlar!!'ed in 1883, Arabella Phyllis (Reade), d. June 26, 11173: in 1887 a mag- for 82 children; average attendance, 40; Miss Green, nificent oak screen was presented by the late Lord Crewe : mistress there are 260 sittings. The register dates from the year Board, Knighton (mixed), rebnilt in I 873, for 127 children; 1556. The living is a rectory, averag-e tithe rent-charge average attendance, 70; Henry Bagnall, master £740; net yearly value £491, including 18 acres of glebe, Natimal (mixed), Mueklestone, built in I8JI, for 77 chil- with residence, in the gift of the Earl of Crewe and held dren: average attendance, 25; Miss :Florence Clarke, since 1877 by the Rev. Edmund Henry Hinchliffe Th.A. of mistress Mucklestone. coMMERCIAL. Oakley. HinchliffeRev.EdmundHenry Th.A.,J.I'. *Austin George, farmer, Lanco barn Che.twode Lieut.-Col. Sir GeQrge but Rectory 11-Hooth Tho~. Wm. farmer, Aston cliffe Meadows J oseph, Oakley villa *Glover Daniel, farmer Downin~Thomas,farm bailiff to Lieut.- COMMERCIAL. c. *Jervis George, farmer Col. Sir George Chetwode hart Adams George, tailor,Little:\Ianchester *Meakin Thomas, farmer Meadows Joseph, estl.'te agent & agent Bourne John, farmer, Rectory farm Myott James, land agent, Brooklands to Lieut.-Col. Sir Geo. Chetw Jde bart Bourne John Eel ward, frmr.Arbour frm [postal address, Pipe Gate, Market North Staffordshire Hunt Agricultural Dain James, gamekeeper to the Duke Dmyton] Show (J. Meadows, sec) of Sutherland K.G *Ravenscroft Charles, farmer Towers Charles, head gardener to Duckers Emma (Mrs.), farmer *Sanclbach John, farmer, Lea head Lieut.-Col. Sir George Chetwode br =t Furnival Edwin Hy. frmr. Studley farm *3a.ndhach Samuel, farmer, Norton ho Harrison Herbert, farmer Simpson Jas. farmer, Willoughbridge Winningt:m. Harrison Thomas, farmer *'Yarner John, farmer Rood Samuel, farmer, Dage dale Bayley John, farmer Lawrence LeYi, farmer, Eccleshall Knighton. Dunn Saml.farmer, Willoughbridge ldg Road farm Fnrnival Fanny (:}Irs.) farmer, :'iapeley Madeley James, cowkeeper Hope Samuel farm Martin Caleb, farmer, ?liuckbstone Viggars Daniel, Merton lodge Harrison Samuel, farmer Wood farm Bourne Edward, farmer J~rvis James, shoe nu•. Napeley heath Parton Edward, carpenter Eardley Ada Mary(Mrs.), WhiteLionP.H Ma.dders William, farmer, Napeley ld1 Whiston 1\Iark, farmer Edwards Albert, grocer & baker Richards Thomas, blacksmith Furnival "\Vm. school attendance officer Simpson Thomas, farmer As ton. Hope James, farmer St.ubbs Benjamin, farmer [Name!! mnrked thus • po~tRJ address :Maer, Johnson Thomas, grocer Winnington Dairy Association (W. Hill, Newcastle-under-Lyme.] Lawton Ch·nles Henry, boot maker sec, ; William Peters, manager), Harding Mrs. 'Veymouth coLtage Murray Wm carpenter & wheelwright cheege manufacturers Myott James, Brooklands [postal ad- Richards Thomas, blacksmith Wood William, farmer dress, Pipe Gate, Market Dx-ayton] Thornhill Thomas, farmer 1 MUSDEN" GRANGE, consistmg of two farms, for- Okeover esq. of Okeover Hall. The soil is light; _subsoil, merly extra-parochial, was ama!g-amJ.ted in 1886 with the civil limeston2. The land is principally in pasture for dairy parish of Tiam, and stands on an eminence on the west bank purposes. The area is 561 acl'Bi! of land and 4 of water; of the river Manifold, adjoining the beautiful village of Ilam the population in 1891 was !Oig. and 11urrounded by scenery of very pieturesque description : Letters l't!Cei,·ed through Ashborne, which is the nearest it is n miles east-south-east from Leek, in Ashbourne union money order office & Fenny Bentley is the nearest tele- and eounty court district. The principal landowners are graph office the trustees of Ilam Free School and Haughton Charles The children of this parish attend th!3 school at liam Fearns John, S:.:hool farm I Weston George, farmer NEEDWOOD FOREST (or CHRISTCHURCH-ON-~EED- 1 disaffot'esting in xBot; it is in four parishes-the four war-lq woon) is a hamlet and was constituted a qu~si-ec.:!lesiastical of Needwood Forest-namely, Hanbury, Tutbury, Tatenhill parish by special Act of Parliament at the time of the and YoxaTI, on the ro!l.d from Lichfbld to Sudbury, about .
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