f 1 USAID-FUNDED PAKISTAN READING PROJECT QUARTERLY PROGRESS REPORT: JULY 01 - SEPTEMBER 30, 2017 Sponsoring USAID Office: USAID/Pakistan Cooperative Agreement Number: AID-391-A-13-00005 Grantee: International Rescue Committee (IRC) Date of Submission: October 31, 2017 THIS REPORT IS MADE POSSIBLE BY THE SUPPORT OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE THROUGH THE UNITED STATES AGENCY FOR INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT (USAID) FUNDED PAKISTAN READING PROJECT. THE CONTENTS ARE THE SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE INTERNATIONAL RESCUE COMMITTEE (IRC) AND DO NOT NECESSARILY REFLECT THE VIEWS OF USAID OR THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT. 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS ACRONYMS ............................................................................................................................................. 4 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ............................................................................................................................ 6 SNAPSHOT OF THE PROGRAM ................................................................................................................ 8 PROGRAM ACTIVITIES ............................................................................................................................. 9 COMPONENT 1: IMPROVED CLASSROOM LEARNING ENVIRONMENT FOR READING ..................... 8 COMPONENT 2: IMPROVED POLICIES AND SYSTEMS FOR READING .......................................... 3492 COMPONENT 3: COMMUNITY BASED SUPPORT FOR READING .................................................... 517 GENDER ................................................................................................................................................. 48 COMMUNICATIONS AND REPORTING .................................................................................................. 49 MONITORING, EVALUATION AND LEARNING ....................................................................................... 54 ISSUES AND CHALLENGES ..................................................................................................................... 60 OPERATIONS HIGHLIGHTS .................................................................................................................... 61 PRP INTERNATIONAL VISITORS/CONSULTANTS VISITS ......................................................................... 62 KEY MEETINGS ...................................................................................................................................... 63 ANNEXES ............................................................................................................................................... 68 ANNEX 1: PERFORMANCE AGAINST PROPOSED INDICATORS ANNEX 2: SUCCESS STORIES ACRONYMS ADE Associate Degree in Education ASI Adam Smith International AAEO Assistant Agency Education Officer AEO Agency Education Officer AFAQ Association for Academic Quality AJK Azad Jammu & Kashmir AOR Agreement Office Representative B.Ed. (Hons) Bachelors of Education (Honors) BoC Bureau of Curriculum BECS Basic Education Community Schools BEAC Balochistan Examination and Assessment Commission CA&DD Capital Administration and Development Division CAII Creative Associates International Inc. CBCL Classroom Based Corner Library CU-CSR City University Consultancy Services and Research CMR Community Managed Reading C1 & C2 Component 1 & 2 CPD Continuous Professional Development CWG Communication Working Group CRP Complementary Reading Program CRC Curriculum Review Committee CA&DD Capital Administration & Development Division DCTE Directorate of Curriculum and Teacher Education DG Director General DCRD Directorate of Curriculum and Research Development DoE Directorate of Education DRLP Daily Reading Lesson Plan EGRA Early Grade Reading Assessment ETOs Education Training Officers EEF Elementary Education Foundation FDE Federal Directorate of Education FGD Focus Group Discussion E&SE Elementary and Secondary Education FE&PT Federal Education & Professional Training FATA Federally Administered Tribal Areas FJWU Fatima Jinnah Women University FDE Federal Directorate of Education FGD Focus Group Discussion HR Human Resources GB Gilgit Baltistan GGPS Government Girls Primary School HEC Higher Education Commission HoO Head of Office ICT Islamabad Capital Territory IRC International Rescue Committee IRM Institute of Rural Management IFO Islamabad Field Office ICP Islamabad Central Project ILF Islamabad Literature Festival KP Khyber Pakhtunkhwa IPEMC Inter-Provincial Education Ministers’ Conference IRC International Rescue Committee IRM Institute of Rural Management KEACE Kashmir Education Assessment Center KP Khyber Pakhtunkhwa MEL Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning M&E-IS Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Information System MOU Memorandum of Understanding MBL Mobile Bus Library MT Master Trainer MRC Material Review Committee NACTE National Accreditation Council of Teacher Education NCC National Curriculum Council NGOs Non-Governmental Organizations NEAS National Education Assessment System NGO Non-Government Organization NOC No Objection Certificate PAC Provincial Advisory Committee PEC Procurement Evaluation Committee PSC Provincial Steering Committee PEAS Provincial Education Assessment System PIRs Performance Indicators Reference Sheets PITE Provincial Institute for Teacher Education PMP Performance Monitoring Plan PPP Public Private Partnership PRP USAID-funded Pakistan Reading Project PSC Provincial Steering Committee RIT Reading Instruction Time RFP Request for Proposal RFQ Request for Quotation RIS Reading Improvement Strategy RLM Reading Learning Material SMC School Management Committee STEDA Sindh Teacher Education Development Authority SoW Scope of Work SMT Senior Management Team SSA School Support Associate SSV School Support Visit SRP USAID Sindh Reading Program SBKU Sardar Bahadur Khan University SEF Sindh Education Foundation ToRs Terms of Reference TA Technical Assistant TAC Technical Advisory Committee TEP Teacher Education Project TCF The Citizens’ Foundation TIG Teacher Inquiry Group TTI Teacher Training Institute VMV Virtual Mentoring Video USAID United States Agency for International Development WL World Learning 5 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The USAID-funded Pakistan Reading Project (PRP) is supporting the provincial and regional departments of education in Pakistan to improve the quality of education with a focus on improving the reading skills of children at early grade level. PRP will achieve this goal through three objectives: teacher training, policy reform, and community support for reading in Pakistan. In the fourth quarter of fiscal year 2016-17, PRP implemented the approved quarter 4 activities as per revised life of project work plan submitted to USAID. PRP field activities continued in focused districts across Pakistan, and in parallel, PRP after receiving approval of quarterly work plan (July to September 2017) by the FATA Secretariat, held multiple meetings with relevant education department officials and other stakeholders to brief them on the objectives of PRP interventions and their positive impact on the students and teachers of the region. Moreover, PRP received modification approval letter from USAID of project activities till 2020. PRP’s component 1 successfully completed revision of year 1 TIG modules (1-10) in Urdu and Sindhi. The revised Urdu modules were reviewed and endorsed by provincial/regional MRCs. Similarly, the teachers in cohort 1 districts continued participating in quarterly TIG meetings and some teachers from cohort 2 districts started their first quarterly TIG meeting during the quarter. In addition, project also continued arranging quarterly review meetings with academic supervisors in cohort 1 and 2 districts. Project also continued collaboration with READ Foundation in AJK and GB through training teachers and head teachers. PRP’s scholarship program disbursed scholarship installments to 90 students enrolled in B.Ed. (Hons.) degree program. Under material development, the designing and layout of grade 2 Urdu & Sindhi lesson plans and workbook was completed in this quarter. PRP has initiated printing of grade 1 Reading Learning Material (RLM) package for FATA schools. The layout, design and illustrations of Pashto reading & learning material for grade 1 were also finalized by the project. Moreover, the second session of first group of writers’ capacity building workshop was held at Islamabad. Total 24 (20 M; 4 F) writers of thirteen local languages from different regions of Pakistan participated in this session. As a result, participants developed and finalized 13 big books and 13 decodable stories in 13 local languages. During the reporting quarter, component 2 key achievements entail approval of Pashto reading standards and revised scheme of studies by the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Steering Committee. Likewise, the Reading Improvement Strategies (RIS) framework for Balochistan, GB and KP were approved in respective provincial steering committee meetings. Another major achievement was the notification of Sindh Continuous Professional Development (CPD) strategic plan by School Education and Literacy Department. Thirteen consultative meetings were held to integrate reading standards/skills in language curriculum of Grades 1 - 5. The second meeting of National Reading Forum was also held in Islamabad. The meeting was chaired by the Federal Secretary, Ministry of Federal Education & Professional Training. Under Public Private Partnership (PPP), meetings were held with multiple potential private partners to identify support
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