2 marrHKIW XTjxiORK HERALD, SUNDAY, ACRIL 10, 1870..T-BIPLB SHEET. amp i mmbm iw»m aa»mn».~~ DARP Atm tOPBIXB WAWTBfc BSHORTg. ^ »K SALE. ANP LOPOWH v . BOARDERS WAWTlg. »OA|BTO rOKTYCBrsMU ML J- FORTY 4* BTEWAR* COOKING EARLY FORT HStm, AT ft .WEST 8TKjT.-WCBl.r ThOftRD WANTBBUJBOM KAY 1, PO« FO» ptHMnB HOVBB, SMULEWOOD, for ante BTOVK,N NEW, BLOCK FROM CITY HALL..FRANC <M»nu h d xlu ftornUhod Koomi for gantiomeu; boot rofcwncoo ulta and on* child, a eight yeare old, la a privet# A minutes from Chambers street ferry via Northern NO. cheap. Inquire at 4G0 Wait forty-third street. Frankfort it reel, cornel' of William MO room*; a room 40 "uun*and**Park""a eaT-^Hand^lunel^Tmffi roqulrod. girl ADU fin* walks and wholesome and 1 50 to 41 week. Open Rooms, with Ant olaaa Board; arrangement# for the summer family. betweeu Hiiteenth end Forty-aerenth atreeta; the/ drives, views; Hallroad; for to yourself '86c. to 50c. par day; fl par If liiitiiert furD'®11 tbaur 0<ra room*" AdpKNTLRMAKtable i term* reasonable. UKO. MOORE, Proprietor.abundant balk-on sixth avenue, be. attatBha. riaeieed; whwm AIT WBSI TWBNTY-8ECOMD BTBBBT.-EOOWS TO Restauranttween Thirty-fourth and Thirty,tlftl, atraata; tha Good furolohod or alao hall Trmff n. Will of bualneaa and all Klifirai and furoitura (to CHATHAM A A WEST NINTH STREET..FINELY FCRNJBUKD xl.| lot, unfurnished; largo hours, madiron, j.-HAS laruf, ba pleoed In baaamentior complete 1 BLOCK SOUTH OF SQUABE.-1M with liberal for and with paatrloaa&d.gao, with or without Board. UoiimBedroom*, AID WIFE WI8BT FUBN1BBED ROOK Ridded,vlkairy rooms; all tbe conveniences; beautiful seensir. fine pramlaee). Apply to ANSON cloaa lM«ie and Kansas, at 85 and 50 cents iter day; 41 ±1/ Roomi, good table, gentlemao with* all modarn amenta. No hot end <1rKes. ho. Those excellent aooommodatlon for the Kaat Katate Brok«£, fed Sixth afoul*/ HUBBELL, 1 (Irani 48 New WHO ur gruuvinvu rumuiu|( vujjdiuci. mmvtm uuniuui wa>«u. knpnr muring. IT end ball Koota, aaeond Door, food Hoard, desiring and $1 So prr week, at the House, Bowery. old water. Ac., la or with few hosr-lea. season please call on or address J. &PKNCEE MOUSE, bos oki second avenue..pleasant rooks for private family h ferencee. I'M Post Madison. N. J. for balk-on sixth be. FURNISHED APARTMENTS, 1 WEST TWENTY-THIRD STREET.TO LET, A Thirteenth to Thirty-fourth etreet. weet. Location oillee, and avenue, SUIT OF KLEOANTLY ,j or Uui married or aingla gentlemen; terma $6 60. Addreaa, moderate 1'JiitMANKNT, box 1,318 RestauranttiaaanThirty-fourth Thlrty-iifth atraata; all fuinU with tahJe, at Worth Uouae, KM Fifth aveaue, I ond Floor, I rooms, nicely furnished unfurnished,SECI alaUog tarnaa, MARK*b HOTEL, NEWT BRXOHTON. 8TATEN turn and Bxturea. complete. to ba placad In baaamant of L prlrata with or wRhimt Board, In a private French family; no other 1'oatotUoa. Island..This favorite resort will open for tbe reception ANSON HE Raal J|rot and secund floors. mar.lvre; reference* 1 I A C BROADWAT..TO LET, WITH BOARD, A ST. US. ths pramlaaa. SHELL, Eatote Broker, gentlemen preferred; exchanged. of transient and permanent guests April During Md «uth aeeaue. 1,1 TO Second Floor, nicely rertilehed, en avtte or BOARD.WITH FURNISHED ROOM, bae been refitted and FLACK, CORNBR OF~BROADWAY, AT very deetreble for a family or a party of XPERMANENT and location not about Thirty, winter this hotel thoroughly newly the Kocheater Hotel. Families and tingle imtltoun are A 91 GOUVER1WHJB STREET..WITH BOARD, TO A alngly; apartment# for gentleman wife; attached to the hotel ana four aores of beautifulfurnished; second hand safes, assorted or elnjtle gentlemen; also tingle Koorne. second street; references exohmueed; slate Unas, AO. billiard and and new with Kooute and Bret claaa Hoard at reduced prices. gentleman and wile two gentlemen, a Back Parlor, _____ pleasuregrounds, n One bawling saloon alzea, for eale cheap at No. 44 Corllaudt atraat, next . Saves..nine LCLINTON with of Front Parlor and uie of Tonne low. for throe days, 8. B. J., Herald office. I'tDits. ror terms »»" » « »nn.iwi .roir __ilahed privilege plana. Address, Vu.A. i o. door to Marohanta' Hotel PORNISH ED FRONT ROOK TO LKT. ON Grand or address DlOAMP Jt COLE, St. 1 COMPLETE SUIT OF ROOMS TO LET.WITH aeeond flour, with Board; table flrai claaei private BOARDING ELIGIBLY MEYER, Hotel, In a own bouae, A A WEST WASHINGTON PLACE.NICELY ArrNP.LT TXHIVATR HOUSE. SITUATED, Mark'* Hotel, Now Brighton, Statu I«land. for balk low-at jewelry JL Board, private family, occupying their table If hot and cold water and large cloacta; let entire Second __ ohowl'aska store SU Wmi street; drat clan accommodation* for x nlxhed Kootna to let, with Board; terma moderate;FORrno required; X between Fifth and Sixth avenues, will 0 416 Broadway. Twenty-third moving. Fourth atruet. near Broadway; prloe for two, $36location.per Floor, bandsosssly furnished, with or without Board. Apply ROCK HOTEL. tour to eii adult*, Highest refereueei exchanged. woelc; a'ao a Hall Bedroom adjoining. For further to or addroei M. 8., 60 Wwt Twenty-eighth street. Refer mountain air: views, aitdreaaS. P. ARNOLD, atatton Bible Houae. WASHINGTONhealthy location; PLAWFnOD.N.J.IJIgh,spiendld hand 'pier mirror, bert french I FROM BE HAD A A RIYINGTON 8TUERT.-A LADY HAS D, paetlculararenceegtvso and required. : labour rrom Llbertv .treat. Address J. WOOD, DOOR FIOTH AVENUE-MAY WIDOW drlroijTvc. for a circular. Secondplata, 83s7a ornamental frama. JL Room*, lurujghed or unfurnliUed, with good Board, for TT a pleasant turnlahed Room to let for a geniieraan and FAMILY OR PARTY DESIRING A WITH A PRIVATE No. 9 Eaet Twenty-elgbth etreet, john j. plonk, 94* or wife; Board for HOME, BOARD WANTED.IN Broadway. famHlre etiigl* geatleniau; parlie* breaking up lady only. excellent Accnuunudatlnne and Board, can procure for a of seven adults; would like whole of de*irou* oi malting lor the auiamcr will do A in PERMANENTfamily family FIXTURES OF A BAKERY AND ICE arrangements hoiuekeepW A Second or Third Floor, uoaeeaelen about Aprtl Su, seeeod or third lloor; location between Serentb and Thirty*, POM 9AI>B. rpHB CREAM »cH to calL No, 4 W est Twunty-elghtb street. 7TII STREET, BETWEEN FIFTH AND SIXTH atreet, near Eighth aveaue, by addreeaing Fourteenthtilth streets, not far from Fifth avenue; price <#0 per week. 1 Saloon for aala. Apply at 131 Fulton atraat, Brooklyn. I nun*. -A Suit of Koqcm.; alao a large oae, suitableAVErfor box US Herald oBina. Address box Post ottos. FIRST CLASS CHOF ROUS5, LUNCH ROOM AND II CHARLTON STREET. NEAR MACDOUOAJi.r-A a gentleman and wife or gentlemen. Add rare F. II., _______PERMANENT, 2,(A* and A the wood and coal YARD with U. A Am War Butifttia beJBt very lucrative clearing, (j» rje will BUY 12 large pleasant front Room, with pantry, to let, etalion PEW VERY DESIRABLE NEWLY FURNISHED WANTED-BY A SINGLE MAN, A SINGLE ROOM, over and abo*% .rpeneea. JflOdO per annum at leaet; the v t w corner pi hrtj sou pmhu ouji, oniutirn, Board, on reasonable term*. A Rooma, with modern improreeaeata; beat refereooee; T with Board, between Fourteenth and Thirtieth itreoti looatlon le my desirable, down town, In the bean of with Stock on hand, two Cuti, Harness, now Boole*, Shed* A Q WEST ELEVENTH STREET.WITH BOARD, A terma table; no In May. lit Weat The need not to tWennleae they have and everything neoeaury for carrying on tb* builnea*; rent ON FIRST iO double and Room, third front. moderate; good moving and Fourth and Sixth arsons*. Address L. K., Herald parti** reply hualnew. month. I BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED ROOMS. eingle floor, Twenty-ninth atreet, near Sixth avenue. J. k. CHAPMAN. ten thmuand doll are at command or Mcuntv eaually good. ^ 2 or second lloor, to let, to gentlemen. In a private family A GENTLEMAN AND tFIPB, A A eoed city dwelling will be taken. Apply to J. PBRNTIOL, of two; home brown etoue; 325 We»l Thtrty-fonrth street. EAST TWENTY-NINTH STREET.A NICELY entire floor or single rooms, without and 164 Broadway. d»l 7 AA -FOB SALE, A FIRST CLASS BAK8KV: Reference* Kft WANTED-BYBedroom SlUloe lioom, with private Board,FURnlshrd old with a where 2d required. t)\J furnished hail Room, front, $.1 per week, and one An Board, may bn obtained for the eeaeon at the firat claaa In the country (on the sea preitrred) and within eaey IPX. |"U. bnalneu, good round, large Room, eultabla tor two gentlemen, without board; hooee W Eaat Twenty-aecond atreet; location ceuiral; of the Address, stating terms, whlob mustdistancebe SODA WATER FOUNTAIN, MATTHEWS' MAKE, barrel* floor are u*ed every week; on aocount of gotng to west THIRTY-NINTH STREET..A HANDSOMHLY exchanged. raterencea preferred. gentlemen 0. city.box 160 Hersld oilics. A I.teat style, glass lined, u»ed bnt two months, also very Europe. Inquire at M Ludlow street, near Grand. 2 fumuhed Floor. consisting of parlor, three badroom*, moderate, S. handsome silver washer, for sale at a rery low price. Apply private dining rooni and bath, can be had May L Also C SECOND FLOOR TO LET-WITH in the ehlrt store, 85 N asean street. season tor Room* a WEST TWELFTH STREET.-A VERY ENTIRE THE 28TH OF APRIL TO MAY I, BOARD ^fin .FOR SALE, AN OLD ESTABLISHED can now be made for the inarrangement*able with amall Room suitable for Board, at very reasonable to permanent <£9 Cake and Pie In one of situated house ou the ahor* at Long Branch.
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