Medals and Awards Member Awards Companionship of The Textile Institute Membership Instituted in 1956 and limited to 50 living members. Council may grant the status of Companion Member of the Institute to any member who has attained the age of 40 and who has, in the opinion of the Council, substantially advanced the general interests of the textile industry. This award is made to an Institute member only. S Albini, The Lord Alliance, Prof Subhash Anand MBE CText FTI, Sir Harold G Aston, W Barnes, W Bohm, H M F Carrington, C Z Carroll-Porczynski, R R Catty, N Cerruti, C M Cha, C H Colton, C H Crabtree, A G Crowther, J D Cunning, A Dandolo, ME Davies, MJ Denton, R G Denyer, D H Dickinson, J Ewing, J G Evans, Margaret Fels, The Lord Fleck, A Frame, H J Gerber, Sir Ernest W Goodale, R W H Goodall, L R Goodman, S Goodman, H G Greg, J M H Grey, S B Hainsworth, Sir John C Hanbury-Williams, Sir Cyril E Harrison, The Lord Haskel, P E J Held, C Henniker-Heaton, F Heywood, E W Hirst, G G Hopkinson, J Hyman, D Jayavarthanavelu, E Y Johnston, G H Jolly, K Jowsey, The Lord Kearton, R J Kerr-Muir, S Kyong, F A Legler, G J Mauretti, K Mayer, N G McCulloch, D S McKelvey, J R McPhee, R Milliken, D B Moore, F B Moore, R Murray, C N Nathan, J A Nasmith, S F Peshall, R P Poddar, K G Ponting, The Viscount Rochdale, Helen Rowe CText FTI, R S Rubin, S P Sapra, J F Sebire, A Searll, A Serra, J H Shaw, C V Silver, R G Stoll, E G Smalley, Sir Alan Smith, J T Smith, P W Smith, F T Sobey, K N Sreenivasan, F M Stevenson, P Steverlynck, Sir E Raymond Streat, K Sung, G Thomson, E Thornton, T A Tolley, J Torra-Balari, G M Varley, J F Vickers, W R Wadsworth, Sir Walter Ward, Sir Robert J Webster, P B F Whitaker, C Wilson, J R Wilson, L G Wilson, W T Winterbottom, Z- D D Woo, D H Woolliscroft, The Lord Wright of Ashton-under Lyne. Deceased companions are indicated by the use of italic type. Honorary Fellowship First awarded in 1928 and the highest honour within the Institute’s gift for creativity and the advancement of knowledge achieved by an individual as a result of ingenuity and application over many years. It covers all occupational areas of the Institute’s work including science, technology, marketing and management. This award is made to an Institute member only. Air Vice Marshall G H Ambler, 1960, S Backer, 1973, N Balasubramanian, 2005, Heinz Bachmann, 2011, W L Balls, 1942, A Barella, 1997, A W Bayes, 1970, F Casablancas, 1941, D A Clibbens, 1949, C F Cross, 1928, F W Dry, 1971, HRH the Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, 1960, J Fan 2010, D Finlayson, 1964, P Grosberg, 1988, K Gutzwiller, 2008, C Haller, 2008, S C Harland, 1954, J W S Hearle, 1984, Prof L Hes, 2008, T Hindle, 1967, S M Ibrahim, 1995, J Kasparek, 1994, S Kawabata, 1996, F K Ko 2010, V K Kothari, 2007, R Kozlowski, 2008, H W Krause, 1990, I Krucinska, 2006, Prof R M Laing, 2008, H Locher, 1985, H Lowe, 1928, Dr T Matsuo 2012, H F Mark, 1985, H Mauersberger, 1979, A Melville, 1965, F B Mercer, 1987, J W Nasmith, 1931, G Natta, 1968, M Niwa 2010, W Oxenham, 2009, E J D Poole, 1974, R Postle, 2009, G F Raper, 1960, L Rebenfeld, 1992, P Schlack, 1963, R L Shishoo, 1999, J B Speakman, 1951, A Steiner, 1998, A Stell, 1946, M Straub, 1993, K Sung (posthumous award) 2010, X M Tao 2010, C F Topham, 1934, Prof Samuel Ugbolue CText FTI, 2011, A Varga, 1981, C S Whewell, 1979, J R Whinfield, 1955, C M Whittaker, 1946, H Zahn, 1981, H Zollinger, 1989. Honorary Life Membership First awarded in 1979 and the highest award granted for service to the Institute. It recognises outstanding, exceptional, and sustained service to the Institute in the furtherance of its Charter objectives and to the textile industry generally. Award to be made at the discretion of Council. S L Anderson, 1993, A J Booth 2010, D Brunnschweiler, 1995, P W Carlene, 1982, M G Catlow, 1994, C H Edwards, 1985, J W S Hearle, 1998, J F H Hinton, 1994, M N Holmes, 1994, H Locher, 1995, R G K MacEwen 2010, M Macleod, 1991, R Marks, 1997, J G Martindale, 1988, G McLeavy, 1990, J R McPhee, 1998, J A Nasmith, 1979, J F Sebire, 1986, P D Smith, 1996, D C Snowden, 1981, W S Sondhelm, 1989, J D Spencer, 1992, P P Townend, 1986, C S Whewell, 1987, P J P Wierks, 1991, L A Wiseman, 1987. The Institute Medal The oldest award of the Institute, inaugurated in 1921. An award which recognises distinguished service to the industry and to the Institute in general. This award is made to an Institute member only. A Abbot, 1932, T B Altham, 1988, S L Anderson, 1962, E R B Ankers, 1983, H Ashton, 1949, D Babbs, 1981, A R Baines, 1959, K Baird, 1994, J Balloul, 1987, A Barella, 1972, A F Barker, 1931, R A Barnhardt, 1988, F W Barwick, 1933, A W Bayes, 1949, C H Bayley, 1973, G A Bennett, 1966, H Binns, 1935, M Bona, 1989, A W Bonas, 1996, W T Boothman, 1931, J Boulton, 1962, F Bradbury, 1931, D Brunnschweiler, 1973, D R Buchanan 2010, F H Burkitt, 1982, G A Carnaby, 1997, M Chaikin, 1987, Dr S K Chaudhuri 2013, K K Chan, 1986, F Charnley, 1967, C H Crabtree, 1965, J Crompton, 1930, W Crossley, 1955, N Cryer, 1970, P W Cunliffe, 1955, J E Dalton, 1936, A Draper, 1951, W A Dutton, 1958, C H Edwards, 1973, J Emsley, 1937, W English, 1953, Escada A G, 1993, F W Eurich, 1937, D C Finlay-Maxwell, 1993, P W Foster, 1998, R R Franck, 1998, V D Freedland, 1967, W Frost, 1930, Dr K L Gandhi 2012, Sir G Garnett, 1939, H G Greg, 1950, H P Greg, 1931, Sir E W Goodale, 1954, D I Griggs, 1979, P Grosberg, 1972, G Haigh, 1946, D S Hamby, 1995, J B Hamilton, 1983, W L Hardacre, 1964, A D Harverd, 1986, J Hasegawa, 1991, Lord Simon Haskel 2010, J W S Hearle 2010, F R Hill, 1965, G T Holmes, 1981, E Honegger, 1981, W Howarth, 1954, A Humberston, 1966, J C H Hurd, 1968, K C Jackson, 1997, I K Jacobsen, 1999, E B Jones, 1971, R T S Kempton, 1986, K W L Kenchington, 1961, W Kershaw, 1932, H E Knobil, 1987, H W Krause, 1985, Dr Rohana Kuruppu CText FTI FCFI, 2011, P K H Lai, 1980, R S L Lai, 1985, Prof R M Laing Hon FTI CText FTI, 2015, Dr G A V Leaf, 2018, J K Lee, 1990, J H Lester, 1921, M Lipson, 1977, W W L Lishman, 1939, G Loasby, 1957, R K G MacEwen, 1998, J P Mackenzie, 1994, W G Macmillan, 1964, G E Macpherson, 1989, H Marsden, 1958, J G Martindale, 1974, F R McConnel, 1930, J E McIntyre, 1993, G McLeavy, 1974, J T Millington, 1995 , W Moerdoko, 1995, G Moores, 1939, T Morley, 1936, W E Morton, 1952, M K Mukhopadhyay, 1979, A F B Nall, 1965, C Nanjundayya, 1969, F Nasmith, 1931, M Nava, 1976, H Nisbet, 1931, W Nutter, 1967, A Ormerod, 1999, J G Parikh, 1977, H L Parsons, 1968, A Pollard, 1966, E J D Poole, 1972, R Postle 2010, T A Pressley, 1979, G A T J Raes, 1982, M Rafi, 1983, L Rebenfeld, 1978, G Robinson, 1963, T F Robinson, 1930, The Viscount Rochdale, 1986, F Scholefield, 1951, P A Senn, 1985, F P Slater, 1938, J A Smith, 1992, H Sneyd, 1969, D C Snowden, 1976, W S Sondhelm, 1971, A M Sookne, 1985, M Sotton, 1992, H Spibey, 1960, K N Sreenivasan, 1985, J A Stryckman, 1989, P J Stucki, 1990, K Sung, 1983, Z Szaloki, 1985, Dr Surinder Tandon CText FTI, 2011, F A Testore, 1991, C G Tewksbury, 1993, H A Thomas, 1969, G H Thompson, 1946, Hilda Thornton, 1971, F C Toy, 1956, E R Trotman, 1975, M C Tubbs, 1992, D W F Turpie, 1991, N V Ullal, 1970, A R Urquhart, 1963, D P Veldsman, 1977, J J Vincent, 1968, W R Wadsworth, 1952, W H Webb, 1937, W Wegener, 1984, C S Whewell, 1954, E M H Wildt, 1950, C G Winson, 1970, L A Wiseman, 1978, J C Withers, 1946, F Wright, 1935. The Textile Institute Warner Memorial Medal Inaugurated in 1930 to perpetuate the memory of Sir Frank Warner. The medal is awarded in recognition of outstanding work in textile science and technology, the results of which have been published, and particularly for work published in the Journal of the Textile Institute. This award is made to an Institute member only. J Amirbayat, 1999, S L Anderson, 1964, M W Andrews, 1985, W T Astbury, 1935, A Barella, 1979, Research Staff of the British Cotton Industry Research Association, 1934, G A Carnaby, 1986, A B D Cassie, 1946, H Catling, 1969, M Chaikin, 1980, N H Chamberlain, 1955, Dr X Chen 2013, D A Clibbens, 1947, CSIRO, Wool Research Laboratories, Australia, 1974, G F Davidson, 1948, M J Denton, 1978, D A Derrett-Smith, 1947, Prof J Fan CText FTI, 2014, R G Fargher, 1952, G A R Foster, 1948, K Greenwood, 1977, P Grosberg, 1968, D Margaret Hannah, 1959, J W S Hearle, 1967, I Holme, 1995, F O Howitt, 1962, L Hunter, 1994, S Kawabata, 1987, W R Lang, 1966, J Lappage, 1993, G A V Leaf, 1981, E Lord, 1958, P R Lord, 1991, J G Martindale, 1951, J A Matthew, 1931, J R McPhee, 1971, R Meredith, 1954, W E Morton, 1957, D L Munden, 1984, M Niwa, 1992, W J Onions, 1973, J D Owen, 1975, W Oxenham, 1996, F T Pierce, 1946, D E A Plate, 1990, R Postle, 1983, J M Preston, 1956, S A Shorter, 1949, J Skelton, 1985, K Slater, 1997, S G Smith, 1963, J B Speakman,1931, D S Taylor, 1970, J J Thwaites, 1982, L H C Tippett, 1950, P P Townend, 1961, L R G Treloar, 1972, A J Turner, 1931, A R Urquhart, 1946, C S Whewell, 1960, K J Whiteley, 1988, H J Woods, 1938, G R Wray, 1976, H Yan, 1989, H Zahn, 1965.
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