Atlas of Italian Irrigation systems Edited by Raffaella Zucaro Atlas of Italian Irrigation systems Edited by Raffaella Zucaro April 2014 “Not everything that counts can be counted and not everything than can be counted, counts” (Albert Einstein) ATLAS OF ITALiaN IRRIGATION SYSTEMS 2014. A traslated version of the “Atlante Nazionale dell’irrigazione” Roma, INEA 2011 Editor: Raffaella Zucaro Editorial staff: Antonella Pontrandolfi (Coordinator), Gian Marco Dodaro, Cristina Gallinoni, Ciro Luca Pacicco and Michele Vollaro. Technical team supporting editorial staff: Antonio Gerardo Pepe (Coordinator), Simona Capone and Fabrizio Mirra. Graphic Design and Layout: Fabio Lapiana Publishing Coordination: Benedetto Venuto Publishing Secretary: Roberta Capretti English Translation: Laura Maurano Introduction of the President of INEA The agricultural development of different areas in to support decision making. In fact, since the nineties Italy has been closely associated with access to water. INEA, on the base of precise guidelines received from Crop Irrigation systems have always been an asset in the European Commission and the Italian Ministry of terms of revenue and employment. These are the main Agriculture, has resumed its research on these issues reasons why in 1961, on the occasion of the 100th an- through specific surveys. The surveys, starting from niversary of the Italian Unification, the Italian Ministry portraying the need for general knowledge updating re- of Agriculture started up a specific survey entrusted lated to water use in agriculture (irrigated crops, ir- to INEA on Italian irrigation and the possible develop- rigation schemes, economic and managerial aspects ments of the sector in the different Italian regions, which etc.), delve into new research issues, such as public sec- led to the publication of the ‘Map of Irrigation in Italy’. tor’s policies and planning. Also their integration with Although, the present historical, socio-economic and environmental and energy policies, together with the agricultural scenario has deeply changed compared identification of the most suitable financial instruments to the sixties, particularly with relation to European for an effective management of water resources are fur- and national policies and to globalization of agricul- ther surveyed. Furthermore, a new approach has been tural markets, water still plays a pivotal role, and in- adopted which emphasizes the ‘territorial component’ deed the importance of irrigation management has ac- and thereby involves local governments and authori- quired a strategic value in the scenarios that are evolv- ties responsible for the management of irrigation water. ing at European and global levels. Thanks to the research work carried out over the In such a framework, the new ‘Atlas of Italian last decades, the Institute has now available reservoir Irrigation systems’ edited and revised by INEA in 2011 of information, studies and expertise, which constitute appears to be even more significant and provides a benchmark for researchers as well as for local, re- and important insights on the development of the sec- gional and national institutions. tor, its criticalities and potentials for years to come. The Atlas of Italian Irrigation systems of 2011 was Considering that irrigation represents one of the major conceived as an updated edition of the Atlas published national issues that has always been prioritized by the in 1965. It aims consequently to enhance the research Italian Government since the early years of the Italian conducted so far by re-launching diverse issues re- Unification, it is not accidental that the publication of lated to water resources, through a historical compari- the Atlas coincided with the 150th anniversary of the son embracing the fifty years following the first survey Italian Unification as it was also the case for the Atlas and through the dissemination of the results achieved. of 1965. Besides, it aims at providing food for thought and new This study also results from the awareness regard- insights on issues, which are considered to be strate- ing the strategic importance of having available sur- gic for the primary sector as a whole. In such ever- veys on water use in agriculture, which meet the com- changing environment that keeps on generating a re- plex and multifaceted nature of the sector and its inte- current demand for research, the National Institute of gration needs together with further studies aiming to Agricultural Economics, intends to continue to provide provide information and evaluative elements directed its contribution. Tiziano Zigiotto 5 Introduction of the General Director of Competitiveness for Rural Development of the Ministry of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies (MiPAAF) Enhancing the EU environmental performance and specific analyses and surveys related to the cost of wa- agricultural policy through a mandatory “greening” ter in agriculture. component of direct payments and prioritizing actions There are several knotty problems concerning, in that pursue both climate and energy goals are among particular, context definition and grouping of (ser- the major challenges Italian agriculture has to face over vice) pricing that have to be evaluated to reckon the the next few years, as indicated by the Communication current recovery percentage of costs for water ser- from the Commission to the European Parliament ‘The vices. MiPAAF (the Ministry of Agricultural, Food and CAP towards 2020’. Forestry Policies) through its representatives who are In this context, water resources will gain ever more within the Technical Committees of District Authorities, importance and irrigation will have to respond to ag- upholds the striking feature of the agricultural sector, ricultural sector needs by both implementing new effi- as the cost of services tallies with the payment of the cient practices as to water savings and by increasing, fixed rates (due contributions), which aim to cover only among other, environmental benefits. The identification management costs (licensing costs, irrigation and op- of measures that reward virtuous behaviours of farm- erational costs of agencies). Another feature of the irri- ers in water use will allow Italy to progress and demon- gation sector is related to the environmental costs gen- strate Italian capability to take up and respond to such erated by the implementation of good practice (of irri- challenge. gation). It should be considered that costs and benefits And, in fact, as already set in the Work Programme might be well balanced by implementing good practice 2005-20091, among the main priorities of the Common of irrigation, such as return to water bodies, replenish- Policy is a strong interaction between agriculture and ment of groundwater or protection of biodiversity and the Water Framework Directive 2000/60/CE and how wetlands, as well as preserving historical agricultural the strategies of a Common Policy may contribute to landscape in many areas of Italy. meet the directive’s objectives and related implement- Equally significant, productivity of the Italian irri- ing procedures. More specifically, a very topical issue is gation system is essential to provide ‘value added’ to the current implementation of the provisions of Art. 9 of the agricultural industry, and it is required by the same the Water Directive in compliance with Member States markets that are oriented to not only quality and safety, water pricing policies aiming at both saving water re- but also consumption of Italian agricultural and food sources and contributing to an appropriate cost recov- products. ery in water services that encumbers different employ- Operating, managing, and investing decisions, that ment sectors including agriculture. certainly are to be taken to enable sustainable manage- To this end, the Ministery is committed to coordinate ment of water resources shall, therefore, at the same and standardize the flux of information that from wa- time promote enterprises competitiveness and produc- ter management authorities (Reclamation Consortia tivity on the market as well. In this way, biases and lack and other Irrigation agencies) are to be transmitted of sector’s detailed knowledge shall prevent from un- to the Authorities of River Basin District for economic dermining agriculture ability to survive and develop. analysis as provided by the Directive. As regards these The complexity of this system, also from an economic aspects, INEA carried out both technical support and outlook, is such that in substance it reflects, on the analysis by implementing the National Information one hand, the complexity of present dynamic interac- System for water management, which also includes tions between agriculture and environment and, on the managing and collecting economic data and executing other, between irrigation management and markets, as 1. The Common Implementation Strategy is the common strategy which Member States of the European Union and the EU Commission have deve- loped to implement [the above mentioned] Directive aiming to facilitate a consistent implementation across European Member States. 7 shown by the statements reported in this study. It also (and distribution) of the Italian Irrigation systems help- highlights well sector features of irrigation manage- ing to individuate vulnerable spots that need to be im- ment in different areas. The study provides an in-depth proved and in parallel to disseminate and enhance the analysis of history, development and current structure
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