GUJARAT WATER RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION LTD. GANDHINAGAR Executive Engineer ( C) Unit-1( G.W.M). Kherva ( Mehsana) ON LINE TENDER Notice No.2 of 2015-16 e-Tenders Notice Name of work :- Tender for Implementation of PINS along with MIS works under micro irrigation system at various G.W.R.D.C.Ltd. Running tubewells which is operated by farmers juth/co.op.society in Mehsana, Patan & Banaskantha Districts. invited by the Executive Engineer (C) Unit-1 (G.W.M.) Opp. Ganpat university campus Kherva-382711 Taluka & District Mehsana Ph.No.02762-286508, 286181 From those suppliers who are registered with the G.G.R.C. Vadodara for MIS Suppliers (i) Date of downloading of Tender Documents and Online submission from Dt.09-07-15 to 07-08-15@ 18.00. Hrs. (ii) Tender Opening on Date 21-.08-15 @ 12.00 Hrs. (iii) Date of submission to group no.BK-02, MH-02 & PT- 02 Ex.Engr (C) Unit-1 (G.W.M.) Kherva by RPAD/ Speed post / Hand Delivery only for EMD, tender fee and other documents from 10-08-15 & 11-08-15 up to 18.00Hrs. The details of the above work will be available on www.nprocure.com , www.gwrdc.gujarat.gov.in and www.statetenders.com Tender will be accepted only by on-line. Tender will not be accepted by R.P.A.D.Speed Post or by Ordinary Post. Executive Engineer (C ) Unit-1, (G.W.M) Kherva (Mehsana) к . кк () -1 (.. .) к , х к - , - 382711 .º -02762-286181/286508 -Ú Ú .2 2015-16 кк () -1, (.. .) х Ê к ....ÚÚ х Ê к -Ú . к :-ºк, અ .... к /Ú Ê Ê . Ê Ê અк ш ш к ... к. 1. Ú ÚÚ અ º к Ú х:9/7/2015 …7/8/2015 18.00 кк . 2. Ú х х:-21/8/2015 12.00кк. 3. Ú º к અ Ú -º.к.-02, .Ê- 02અ..-02 кк() -1, (.. ) х кÊ º/ ...Ú /Ú ÊÚ .10/8/2015 અ . 11/8/2015 18.00 кк . /к º www.g wrdc.gujarat.gov.in , www.nprocure.com અ www.stat etenders.com અ અ кÊ ºÚ ш. Ú - ш.к ...Ú./Ú º к кÊ к ш . કાયપાલકY ઇજનેર (સી) Gુનીટ-૧ (E ુ.જ. ય ) ખેરવા (મહLસાણા) GUJARAT WATER RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT CORPORATIOLTD. GANDHINAGAR ON-LINE TENDER NOTICE NO. 2 OF 2015-16 1. E- Tender for below mentioned EPC work are invited by The Executive Engineer ( C) Unit-1 (G.W.M) Opp. Ganpat university campus Kherva-382711 Taluka & District Mehsana Ph.No.02762-286508, 286181 from the Suppliers registered with Gujarat Green Revolution Co. Ltd. Baroda for the work on Tubewells of GWRDC Ltd. Including Design,Supply,Installation and Commissioning of PINS Along with MIS. The details of tender is available at this office and on https://gwrdc.gujarat.gov.in , www.statetenders.com and www.nprocure.com 2.00 (A) GENERAL DETAILS OF WORKS :- Group / Name of work Estimated E.M.D. Tender Time Package No cost Rs. Fee Rs. limit in Rs. Lacs NAME OF WORK : TENDER FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF PINS ALONG WITH MIS WORKS UNDER MICRO IRRIGATION SYSTEM @ VARIOUS G.W.R.D.C.LTD.’s TUBEWELLS IN FOLLOWING DISTRICTS BK-2 Banaskantha Di strict 1116.39 1116390 /- 18000/ - 7 Months MH-2 Mehsana District 984.15 98415 0/- 12000/ - 7 Months PT-2 Patan District 1246.50 1246500/ - 18000/ - 7 Months (B) SCHEDULE OF E-TENDERING : 1.0 Website Publication : From Dt 9/7/2015 @ 12.00 Hrs. (i) Dow nloading of Tender Documents : From Dt.9/7/2015 To 7/8/2015 Up to 18.00 Hrs. (ii) Pre Bid Conference : -----------NO---------- (iii) (a) Online submission of Tender :From Dt.9/7/2015 to 7/8/2015 Up to 18.00 Hrs (iii) Submission of EMD, tender fee : Dt. of Submission On Dt. 10/8/2015 & Dt11/8/2015 up to 18.00 hrs and other documents show n Group No :BK-02, MH-02, & PT-2. as per para 3.00 by R.P.A.D ., In office of the, Speed post or hand to hand. Executive Engineer ( C) (D.D..Of Tender fee E.M.D. Unit-1 (G.W.M) Opp. Ganpat university campus Shall be sealed in one envelope Kherva-382711 , and other documents in another envelope ) Taluka & District Mehsana Ph.No.02762-286508, 286181 (i v) online Cheking of Documents & Opening of P.Q.Bid : Dt. 13/8/2015 @12.00 Hrs in Office of Superintending Engineer Ground Water Management wing GANDHINAGAR-382008 , Block No 676/3And 4 Near Sector 7/ 8 Bus Stop Sector- 8, Gandhinagar Phone -079 232 41168 (v) online Opening of price bid : Dt. 21/8/2015 @ 12.00 Hrs in Office of Superintending Engineer Ground Water Management wing GANDHINAGAR-382008 , Block No 676/3And 4 Near Sector 7/ 8 Bus Stop Sector- 8, Gandhinagar Phone -079 232 41168 3.0 Details to be furnished along with application Interested Bidders can view these tender documents online But bidders who are interested in bidding in these tenders can download tender documents as mentioned in Para 2 (A) and (B) above and Bidder who desire to submit their offer shall pay tender fee in form of Account Payee Demand Draft payable at Mehsana drawn on any Nationalized/scheduled Bank. Tender Documents are only available in Electronic Form. Bidders shall upload the tender documents after submitting the DD , details for tender fees and EMD details i.e. FDR or D.D. of nationalized or scheduled banks details online. The Demand Draft toward Tender Document fees can be submitted along with Earnest Money Deposit before the due date as specified in Para 2 B (iii) above. This should be as per details given online The intending bidders have to submit the following documents along with the EMD and Tender fee. The Bidder should submit all the forms electronically also. 1. G.G.R.C. Baroda Registration Certificate. 2. Current Solvency Certificate (20% value of Estimated Cost put to Tender ). 3. Partnership Deed. 4. Power of Attorney. 5. EMD Exemption or E.M.D. F.D.R. (The E.M.D. shall be valid for a period of not less than 180 days from the last date of receipt of tender in the first instance.) 6. D.D. of Tender Fee. 7. Latest Income Tax Return Certificate & PAN CARD. 8. Detail Information of annual financial turnover as per Annexure- A.(with supporting Certificates) 9. Detail Information of annual physical achivement as per Annexure-B. (with supporting Certificates) NOTE:-.The Price bid of those bidders shall be opened who will fulfilled minimum qualifying criteria as shown in sr. no.9 of section-1 Bidders who wish to participate in this tender will have to register on www.nwr.nprocure.com Further bidders who had registered before 2007 are required to register again on www.nwr.nprocure.com Further Bidders who wish to participate in online tenders will have to procure Digital Certificate as per Information Technology Act-2000 using which they can sign their electronic bids. Bidders can procure the same from the below mentioned address and they will assist them in procuring the same. Bidders who already have a valid Digital Certificate need not procure a new Digital Certificate. CEO (n) code solution-A division of GNFC Ltd., 301, GNFC Infotower, S.G.Road, Bodakdev, Ahmedabad : 380054 (Gujarat)Mobile-9426007087 Phone No. 079-26857316, 26857317, 26857318, Fax : 079-26857321 Contacting Officer : Further Details of the work and plans can be available from the Office of the Executive Engineer ( C) Unit-1 (G.W.M ) Opp. Ganpat university campus Kherva In case bidder need any clarification or training required for participating in online tender. They can contact the following office :- CEO (n) code solution-A division of GNFC Ltd., 301, GNFC Infotower, S.G.Road, Bodakdev, Ahmedabad : 380054 (Gujarat)Mobile-9426007087 Phone No. 079-26857316, 26857317, 26857318, Fax : 079-26857321. 4.0 DOWNLOAD OF TENDER DOCUMENT :- The tender document for these work are available only in Electronic format which Bidder can download after paying the necessary tender fees as explained in Para 3.0 above 5.0 PRE-BID CONFERENCE :- -----------No-------------- 5.1 SPECIAL CONDITION : CRITERIA FOR ALLOTMENT OF WORKS Aw ard of w ork shall be decided only for responsive lowest bidder. Maximum 1(One) No. of packages works shall be allotted to the lowest bidders even though he may be the lowest bidder in more than 1(One) No. of packages works.in such case the bedder’s shall not have any choice/selection of work for award but G.W.R.D.C.Limited shall decide to award such works which w ill be most advantages to G.W.R.D.C.Limited. For Remaining packages next lowest responsive bidders shall be considered to award the work subject to matching their tender amount with the first lowest responsive bidder or/at negotiated whichever is less. 6.0 SUBMISSION OF TENDER :- Tendered shall submit their offer in Electronic format on above mentioned website up to 18.00 Hrs. On Dt.7/8/2015 after Digitally Signing the same Offer which are not Digitally Signed will not be accepted No offer in physical form will be accepted and any such offer if received by the Executive Engineer will be out rightly rejected. Bidder will have to submit separate account payee DD drawn in favor of Executive Engineer ( C) Unit-1 (G.W.M.) Kherva for tender document fee and EMD in form of DD/FDR of nationalized or scheduled banks only.
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