Vol. 6, No.1 January 1979 Amtrak's Crescent Begins February 1, _____ LWill Operate Daily To New Orleans The Southern Crescent will begin daily service between New York City and New Orleans via Atlanta on Thursday, February 1, the day Am­ trak takes over its operation from the Southern Railway. The Southern currently operates the train on a daily basis only between Washington and Atlanta. It provides service three days a week between At­ lanta, Birmingham and New Orleans. Amtrak and Southern agreed on the date and general terms of the takeover subject to approval of the Interstate Commerce Commission. The Southern Crescent is the last overnight train still operated by a pri­ The Southern Crescent crosses Wells Viaduct in the picturesque Georgia hills just south oj vate railroad and is one of the very Toccoa. few trains which was not discon­ possible advantage to attract new cus­ enues were computed on that basis. tinued or taken over by Amtrak when tomers. The Crescent runs over aI, 154- it began operating the nation's inter­ "Obviously a train that operates on mile route which includes intermedi­ city passenger rail system on May 1, a convenient daily schedule is a much ate stops at such cities as Charlottes­ 1971. more attractive travel option than one ville, Virginia; Greensboro and Char­ The Southern Railway's current that operates only three days a lotte, North Carolina; Greenville, schedule has Atlanta-bound trains week," he said. Boyd also noted that South Carolina; Atlanta; Birming­ leaving New Orleans on Monday, Amtrak managers, in planning for ham; and Meridian, Mississippi. Wednesday and Friday, and from At­ the train's takeover, always contem­ Crescent service actually starts in lanta to New Orleans on Sunday, plated a daily service. Costs and rev- (Please furn fo page 2) Tuesday and Thursday. The first Crescents operating under Amtrak will be those that depart on Corridor Work Completion Postponed February 1 northbound from New Orleans at 6:45 a .m . and southbound In a press conference held in Wash­ That would bring to a total of $2.5 from Washington at 7:20 p.m. ington on Monday, January 15, billion spent to improve the Corridor The Crescent leaving Washington Transportation Secretary Brock and set the completion date back to on Wednesday night, January 31, will Adams said the federal government 1983. be operated by Southern through to had erred two years ago when it made Adams pointed out that most of New Orleans even though it will ac­ the projections on costs and time the delay would be north of New tually travel for most of its journey needed to upgrade the Northeast Cor­ York and that significant service im­ on February 1. ridor to the Congressionally-mandat­ provements would be noticed first, Amtrak President Alan Boyd said ed speeds and specifications. perhaps even by the original target the decision to begin daily operations Adams said the project would take date of 1981, between Washington immediately was prompted by a de­ two years longer and cost $650 mil­ and New York. termination to give the Crescent every . lion more. (Please fum fo page 11) Employee Assistance Program Widened ___-----, I To Include Drugs, Family Problems Amtrak has revised and upgraded the company activated its first fort of Amtrak's continuing commit­ its Employee Assistance Program to alcohol abuse program. This fact ment to improve the counselors' skills provide confidential professional alone was a good reason for broaden­ so they can better serve employees. counseling to employees and their ing Amtrak's concept and awareness Amtrak's Employee Assistance families who are troubled by al­ of its responsibility to employees in Program is under the direction of coholism, drug dependency or related the health services it provides as a JoAnn Anderson, manager, EAP, personal or family problems. part of company benefits. who has her office in Washington. The new program replaces the In this vein, Amtrak and Conrail Assisting her are Ellen Cannon, former Program for Alcoholic participated in a Railroad Counselor Arlington, Virginia; Louis Butler, Recovery, or PAR, and, although Training Project in Philadelphia in New York; James Hill, Miami­ continuing to stress alcohol-related late November. The session was fund­ Jacksonville; James Herron, Beech troubles, has been expanded to in­ ed by the Federal Railroad Ad­ Grove; and Morris Henderson, Oak­ clude drug-oriented problems. ministration and conducted by the land. Full addresses and telephone A letter explaining the new pro­ University Research Corporation, numbers were listed in the back of the gram, plus a booklet detailing it, was who tailored the course specifically to booklet sent to employees. mailed to all employees in late the railroad industry. Amtrak's Employee Assistance December. Amtrak's five counselors and eight Program seeks to prevent the loss of The program has the full support from Conrail attended the training valuable employees. Early detection of labor organizations representing course which was designed to provide of an alcohol or drug problem and its Amtrak employees. them with an opportunity to improve prompt treatment can prevent a large Principal cause of employee prob­ their use of eight basic communica­ amount of human suffering. If an lems involves excessive use of al­ tion skills. This was done through employee feels he has a problem and cohol. The American Medical Asso­ videotape demonstrations, group dis­ needs help, he is encouraged to con­ ciation recognizes alcoholism as an cussions, exercises and individual role tact a counselor immediately. illness that affects people fr om all playing. Help is available. One need only walks of life. The training workshop was one ef- avail him or herself of it. One of the most common miscon­ ceptions is that the only person who is a true alcoholic is the "falling down Booze Bull ...oney! drunk" on skid row. Skid row inhabitants represent only Myth: Alcohol is a stimulant. time can get alcohol out of a person's about three per cent of America's 10 Fact: It's about as good a stimulant system, as the liver metabolizes the million alcoholics. The other 97 per as ether. Alcohol acts as a depressant alcohol. There's just no way to hurry cent are "ordinary" people holding on the central nervous system. the process. good jobs, maintaining their families Myth: Black coffee will sober up a and living from day to day. drunk. Myth: Mixing your drinks causes The number of Amtrak employees Fact: Yes, in about five hours. hangovers. has increased greatly since 1975 when Cold showers don't work either. Only Fact: The major cause of hang· overs is drinking too much. Period! CRESCENT ice until at least August of this year Myth: Drinking is a sexual stimulant. (Continued from previous page) pending a possible Amtrak takeover. Fact: Contrary to popular belief, In the meantime, Southern and New York with through coaches and the more you drink the less your Amtrak management negotiated an a sleeping car to Atlanta daily and a sexual capacity. Alcohol may through sleeping car to Los Angeles, agreement for the takeover. This pro­ stimulate interest in sex, but it in­ posal was approved by Amtrak's via New Orleans, three days a week. terferes with performance. The Southern Railway announced board of directors on December 13. its intention to discontinue service on Under the agreement, Southern will Myth: It is rude to refuse a drink. the Crescent route on March 6, 1978 . pay Amtrak $6,674,812 which is the Fact: Nonsense. What is really rude The Interstate Commerce Commis­ expected difference between costs in­ is trying to push a drink on someone sion denied the original request and curred and revenue earned by the who doesn 't want it, or shouldn't ordered the railroad to continue serv- train during fiscal 1979. have it in the first place. 2 East Lansing Station An Example______ -----, I Of State, Government, Amtrak Cooperation Amtrak's East Lansing, Michigan, Public Transportation section of designed as part of the promotion. station is a unique example of state, Michigan's Department of Transpor­ Each group using Amtrak will receive local government and Amtrak co­ tation sent out a mailing to schools in a poster and each rider will receive his operation for the ultimate benefit of the Lansing and Flint areas sug­ or her individual pin. rail passengers. gesting that Amtrak be used for Heavy snows and bad weather have The staiion was established as part school and other group trips between deterred travel so far this winter but of the startup of the Blue Water now and the end of the school term. official ;~ expect ridership to climb as a Limited. At that time, ten units of Special "Blue Water Track Team" result of the promotion once the local government-the cities of Lans­ posters and three-inch lapel pins were weather breaks. ing and East Lansing, Ingham county and the townships of Bath, Delhi, Delta, Lansing, Meridian, Windsor and Watertown-formed a non­ profit corporation-the Capitol Area Rail Council-to establish and main­ tain the station and further promote ridership. The council leases the building and property from Michigan State Uni­ versity and pays all operating costs except for the salaries of Amtrak's ticket agents. Additionally, the council has advertised Amtrak service in local news media and has mailed train and tour information to local schools. Both actions have resulted in addi­ tional revenue for Amtrak. The council has excellent liaison with the University which provides its East Lansing station's comfortable interior while waiting for their train . services at cost. I ncluded in this are personnel to maintain the building and parking lot, as well as for emergency snow removal when heavy snow accumulations overburden the regular contractor.
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