nyssri PRESS. ntEg3 PORTLAND DAILY ~ WEDNESDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 21, 1900. {Xl??*,tVSSRI PRICE THREE CENTO. ESTABLISHED JUNE 23, 1862-YOL. 38. PORTLAND, MAINE, THE FALL OF COLENSO. under tbe oonatltntlon end lent of tb e the porno** of paying expense# already e.uniry. Incurred and MM a Senatorial canII- London, February 80, 5 88 p m.—New* ttr. -lopklns cf Illinois spoke Id ftvor 1** baa bean reoelyed that Uaneral Hart hat ARE NERVOUS. of be bill. Where did eon ge* tha •80.000 llr, Uopklna said Id pert: WELLCOME HEARD your ooenplad Colon to after a alight eogagt- he paid during tha aeealon of the legtela- ‘‘Under this bill, tbe question !e pre- luref" sented as to whether Ports Woo and the "I preeum# ha oheokad on hie own BOERS UNITING. Tbe following daapntoh baa bean re- Philippines nnder the treaty of peace the account but 1 don't knew." ceived at th* war offloa from Uonaral with bpaln becttn Sai lntegral?part!of " What did Mr. Wei loom e United Btatea r whether they can bo explanation Ballon make when be nade bla demand upon treated aa territorial and separate an] “Blow'o Fetrnary 90, rerenne you for •lh.OOOf" Farm. Toooday, Leaders Worried About dlulnot ouetoina and Internal General "Me eaid, ae wall aa I eon remember, «.10 p. in.—The fudlter brigade, yoetor- lawa Imposed tbera front wbat are levied, Senator Clark’s hie own eooount. oolleoieu end In tbe United btatea. that 1 had drawn upon day, took Hlaagwana MIL on the right paid I required no detailed statement from "This Issue la of paramount Import- of tb* and oommandlng Porto Rico Bill. him feeling oonhdent tha expeadltur* enamy'a petition ance to tbe people of tbla country. Tbe was made la a legitimate way.’ Colon to, th* reat of tb* force adranrlng peace treaty was e great triumph for Manager. 1 »«kad Continuing Mr. Clark ealdi toward* tb* Thlt morning American diplomacy and American Miohlord British to Tngela. nor in nor Welleome Positions No inter neither him Territory th* •tateeinanshlp. eelf-neprot<ng nor of Leaving th* enemy had withdrawn all troop* nor UaTldaon. nor Steele, any loan, no lover of bla country arooltlona these men In regard to any of the report* north of th* Tngela and had praotlcally for Its future on land und aea could tor n were of bribery because 1 was aura they araonatod Colenao. Today Uenoral Hart monrat think of tbe Philippines with Defend Their Own. Doubtful Re- their future possibilities, being turned ooeupled Colenao after a vary alight Enough Famous Disbar- over to tbe grasping ambition and avarice Hero of "saiwr™- a weak rear and reaiatance by guard of Kuropean nations wbo are today at- wo bold tb* lino of tb* Tugola, cn the publican Votes, tempting (o absorb tbe greater part of the to be ment Case. we*KSri-f.?MKs»s&“£ a aatured man aad liable Asiatic end oriental trade from good to Naat. Amerloo. Hret. aoath aid*, from Colenao Eaglo'a Intlaeuoed by those who saw him Theae Islands teoame oura; the "The aeoaaed to be In fall re- people lie did not hellers that ks woa seeking enemy approve the Prealdent'a course and his- or would take a brio*. Ho believed, treat and apparently only holding th* tory will vindicate It. I believe the con- Kotor hlmetlf was in- however, that Mr. of poaltlon they occupy aoroaa^tb* Colenao- stitution of the Untied btatea la brand that ha wanted pecuniary re- Are About to Raise and elaetlo to enable ns to timating Seige Lady- Ladyamltb railway where It I* eloa* to enough enough muneration for himself lie said, bow- To Turn Stale The control the Inhabitants of thorn Islands tha let- tb* of the with a weak rear Against Denial of aver, that he bad merely glanoed angle Tugola, and give them > larger liberty and n Made Allegations to lllokford. Thinks. Specific tei over and passed It Mr. smith, Buller guard. Hart'* adraneed guard I* oroaitag higher elvUIxstlon than they have hereto This latter remark aroused the Interest Measure. fora enjoyed without Impairing In the of at Coloaao. Our caaualtlea yeaterday Him. of Senator Hoar who aeked a number least tbe Integrity of oar domestto Insti- Against In the and today bora, I hope, been but few. questions, showing incredulity tutions or entailing upon our people ad- matter, but Mr. Clark Insisted that be PLCMER COMES BACK. ditional taxation. did not know Mr. Kotor and that he had “As to wbat our relatione are with tbs 18.—Col. given very little attention to the letter. Bulawayo, Monday, February Islands men boneally differ. I have given a bunt Mr. Campbell eiked Mr. Clark on Planter aont Major Bird with 800 ooloa- very oereful thought to tht subject and stock Roberts to of ex-S*nator Tower*1 Three Were I am the purchase Lord Pressing lala to attempt lb* capture of tb* Boor Speeches speaking for mytelf alone. entirely Mr. Clark’s In the Fergus County bunk In whloh el-er tbat those Islands and Puerto Woo Testimony- 18 on a near Crocodile state Senator Hohaon, obalrmen of the pounder kopje nnder tbe treaty hove become the|property a terri- Made Kepublleao caucus of the Montana legis- Bloemfontein. Pool*. Major Bird mot with auoh Yesterday. of tbe United btatea end not e part of It Complete. lature Is a partner. fic rill* and abell fir* that b* oonalderad and tbat Congress baa tbs power to Mr. Clark said he had uadaretood after make aneb of tbem aa It th* poaltloa too atrong and ordered a re disposition may bis eleetlon aa Senator that Senator Pow- deem la for tbe hast Interests of tbe peo- for ers was lnoeoeed at Hohaon fur voting tlromant. ple of tbla oonntry and tbe Inhabitants of him (Clark) and had told Hohaon that he Colonel th* Boa. B. F. Whit* waa the Islands.’1 a for hla e) to must find purchaser (Power ellgbtly wounded, Major Htraker waa Five Hoars Consumed in Their Ur. Uopklna then proceeded discuss stock of whloh be owned 4B0 share*. The Home Defense Excites the constitutional Involved, E. C. Another Clark Leader The For 18 were question Day Senator said ha had Inveatlgated the mat- Urgency *ererely wounded, prlyala* quoting liberally rrom the derl lone of ter, Hading the stoak to be dividend pay- wouadod and Captain Bamaon Franob Delivery. tbe bupreme court tbe speeches of Web- Stand. Mr. Powers that he Wonder. On ing and bad told Some and nln* men are miming. star, Uenton and Unlhonn. was offered at would take It provided It "If uiy contention," be oontlnued, "be after he TO KIMBERLEY. par. This oiler was mad* later TRAIN SERVICE true that these I "lands ere only property to aad Mr. Johnson, bad goae Korop* Town, February 19.—Repair* to of the United btatea and tbat the lnbabl- cashier of Clark Mroa.’ bank, had con- Capo bar* adeanoed to summated the trad* paying *t«,000 for tb* railway aafSciently the stook on his aoeount. Mr. Campbell, enable the derpatoh tonight of tb* .first Washington, February ISO.—Again UO.—Senator his *e- tbe enemy retired, rdlspntlng every were In the Washington, February here asked Mr. Clark to submit London,February 31—4.20 a. m.—The Are, train to Kimberley, laden with ooal. today there but three speeches be- his and took a eeoond Clark today oompletcd hi* testimony ocuot books showing expenditures held Inoh of the way np will House upon the Porto Hloan tariff bill. the In are leaving all the positions After that th*military requirements on since the beginning of campaign Boers to the eastward. fore the donate committee elections position on tbe kopje* aeoond food Fire hours wars consumed in their deliv- Mnntiinik. Mr. Faulkner objected. He and are oon- be the Ural oonalderatlon, but his testimony did not them on Brltleb territory It waa a to eee and privileges, •aid Mr Clark had made a showing oi by magnllloent spsotaole atnff and then tb* train for ery. Mr.Hopklns of Illinois spoke In sup- own. paatengere, attract as muoh attention ss that of the and that he for the defeneo of their tbe Boer thus at bay Their rear or and Mr. all his polltloul expendltores oentratlog army the laat of wblob, It la nntlolpated, will port the bill Newlands of Ne- not to hie and other witnesses who were heard during wee bound expose personal Bailer thtnhe they are about guard, 2,000 strong, fonght ns while tbe vada and Mr. Swanson of In No decision wne Sir Redvers start on Wednesday or Thuraday. Virginia were private expenditure#. the day. The other witnesses Frank Clark and this main body trekked further east and then opposition to It. The Speakers devoted reaobed at tbe time and Senator to raise the siege of Ladysmith; Corbett of recalled; K. C. Day, Mr. their Into astlon, while Unite, was temporarily exoueed to permit brought guns IN THE themselvea almost sioluslvely to the con- It tbs large news of the day. SENATE. Who was the Clark leader on the floor of Prank Cortett to be beard oouoeralng the rear guard retired. stitutional question Involved and ware out of bis vlelt tv that the force the Montana House, and John D. Well- Incidents growing Uen. Clementi reports Tbe action lasted through the day. Our listened to with attention. Tne Repub- on a train In oounxctlon Discussion of (he Philippine tgncallon Mr. Helena special dimin- the who was manager for on has been greatly Infantry fought splendidly,but enemy lican leaders are nervous over come, general wltn C.
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