RECENT WORK Left; detail: painted and fired stained glass. NewRAFTZealand Knox Chapel, Christchurch, 1992. LOMBOK POTTERY By Rena Jarosewitsch. 15 IN BRIEF iso Below; overview of en— CONTENTS ‘ Our largest international cral‘t show has 1 Jean McKinnon spent over 3 years on the tire installation. moved into selection tram slides in its 16th lndonesianisland oi Lombok as an adviser 4 BIG GREEN year. Craft NZ presents a preview at some oi tor the ceramic protect Funded by the NZ year she returned to curate The Dowse Art Museum examines ways the work which will be on show this year at government. Last an exhibition oi work tor the Dowse Art art can comment on environmental issues. the Fletcher Challenge Ceramics Award. As Curator Laurence Hall reports on how the well, In Brief looks at other cralt activity. Museum. show is shaping up. 21 ENAMELLIST SUPREME 3’ Foryears, Elizabeth (Biddy) Fraser-Davies : has been the country's only tull lime enamel- list. Sally Cantwell visited her 2:38; 94325;. _ ”Big Green" curator Laurence Hall sits on the banks oi Aotearoa/New Zealand's most polluted SUBSCRIBE NOW! CRAFT Nevv Zealand is now available on subscription. $28 for 4 issues waterway, the Waiwhetu stream in Lower Hutt, makes this the best value craft/visual art magazine available in New Zealand. Send cheque or credit card details to: CRAFT PUBLICATIONS, RD1, BRIGHTWATER, NELSON. 7 CHESS .\~ ("IfRAFTZ 0 (I In It ll Jotarker is one at our most respected potters. As well, he is a noted tim critic and has long been involved in the theatre as a .M SK Silver Cloisonne enamel on copper by Biddy ' t a“: >. .: . >,. Pure \E“ I", 1‘ 1"”): designer. Steve Dickinson spoke to him about Fraser-Davies. Rimu box turned by Doug Thomson. his most recent project - design at the set and "Kemberasan", traditional vessel from Lombolr. Alf ‘Graftg‘COIInéiIG costumes tor the musical "Chess". 32 REVIEWS all 23 EDUCATION t2”! TR; 513:." :v 1“} i. i '5} a Seven reviews discuss eleven shows From Designers' Institute DirectorDavid Smythe Auckland down to Dunedin: individual shows 3 visited tour shows ol design student work in by ceramist Helen Pollock, Silversmith Lynn 3 Auckland and Wellington. Peter Gibbs looked Kelly and Fibre artist Kristin Hollis; group i at Nelson‘s. Their reviews and other Polytech shows at the Academy in Wellington, : news occupies this new section in Cralt NZ. 1 Auckland Studio Potters and the Cratt Coun- W‘ei- -‘ MUSICAL cil in Auckland, Nelson potters and cratts- , Teiefito\ «'7’ ’85 a. ~ ~, r people, and BOLD in Wellington. ..__. , tI ~- onday-Salurday -4.3I ’6 John Parker - designer. Photo; Steve Dickinson. v arm. ' ' 'I2 PULLING THE PAST FORWARD Paul Downie is New Zealand’s only harp- t sichord maker, bringing sounds and tech- i niques From the past into a 20th century New Zealand context. Cathy Kenkel reports. designer Nisbel Jewellery Josephine "Parabolic Bowl", by Ian Fish. From BOLD, at the r-Hmmc Crafts Council Gallery in Wellington. (Awaken Photo; 38 BOOKS Smith. Capital 0n the Quay "Mariner's Lament", by Wi Taepa oi Whitireia Blair Three tibre books reviewed by Louisa Lamblon Quay, Wellington Polytech, now in the collection of the Porirua Library. by Simons, Toi Maihi and Nola Fournier. Telephone 04 47l2 814 101 PUTIKI DR 29 GALLERY NEWS 4O COMMENT PO Box 27064 Brooch JOHN SCOTT WANGANUI NZ PH 06 345 6921 What's happening at galleries in Otago, Doreen Blumhardt takes the Minister at PAINTINGS AND COMMISSIONS FAX083452263 ‘ Hawkes Bay and Hamilton. Education to task overthe national curriculum. ‘ L‘. LETTERS OBITUARY EDITORIAL THINGS ARE LOOKING UP f CRAFTNew Zealand Issue 39, Autumn I992. While life has not been easy for the Crafts Council in recent months, Publisher: 22 The Terrace, Box TWO-AND-A-HALF CHEERS respect, rather than copyright. MURIEL MOODY for its trading arms, the Crafts Crafts Council of New Zealand, things have never been so buoyant 498, Wellington. Ph 04 4727 CI 8, Fax 04 4727 003. FOR SYMPOSIUM I think Ann was saying that American and this magazine, Craft New Zealand. It seems By Doreen Blumhardt Council Gallery Editor: classes are better. They probably were, and both gallery and magazine In response to Ann Packer’s Comment Muriel Moody, first President of the New inevitable that with the approval of members Peter Gibbs. perhaps still are. Those teachers are recog- body CCNZ and more (Craft NZ 37), my first thoughtwas, ”No, no, Zealand Society of Potters died in Wellington will be restructured, distanced from the parent Editor: nised as professionals in a very competitive Assistant no. Never blow a teacher’s cool with a in December I 99I . free to work independently. Julie Warren. game. They live itand they have a big market walkout. The last thing the rest of the class NZ is that the administration will be Editorial Address: to supply. If they’re not topnotch, you don’t Muriel was best known for her ceramic What that means to. Craft needs is a rattled instructor.” Then I carefully sculpture using the human figure, singly or in handled from the Nelson editorial office. What it means to readers is RDI, Brightwater, Nelson. hear of them. No one here makes a living Ph 03 544 2670, Fax 03 544 27I6. read ”The Symposium Blues” again and groups to express ideas and make social that Craft NZ is now available on subscription, not just through CCNZ from quilting. A few studio artists and poly- Advertising sales: drew an answer from my own attendances - comment. Her honest, wit and rich sense of As well we will continue expanding the number of sales tech teachers, and a fortunate few women membership. Jan Cranston, ph 04 686 624. much happier experiences. humour set her and her work apart from any through our distributors Propaganda. supported economicallybyhusbandsin good outlets Julie Warren, ph/Iax 03 544 2716 a class, no matter in New Zealand. I have never attended jobs, also teach at retreats and symposium - other sculptor Trial distribution of magazine—only subscription forms through the how poor, from which I didn’t learn some- Layout concept: and they’ re terrific. Their lessons build through regular mailings of some national craft bodies has had a promising Lexicon Design Communications. thing, if only how not to go about organising the day, so that ifyou’re gone for partof ityou response. More aggressive marketing of our advertising has pushed Layout and art direction: a lesson plan. Money and time are limited. important. They’vediscovered miss something advertising sales to their highest level in the six issues since I became Peter Gibbs and Julie Warren. Fortunately, I always specified only work- things for themselves the hard way, and editor. As well, the magazine has this time incorporated the Crafts Printing: shops I really wanted, and was either given know where you are likely to have trouble. Council newsletter Craftnews as an insert, earning substantial cost GP Print Ltd, Wellington. them or not, with no more trouble than telling They inspire, by giving glimpses of endless savings for CCNZ. Although the magazine is still not paying its own way, Subscriptions: Sears and Roebuck that only the red dress possibilities. And so do a lot of the ”amateur” it's getting close and is obviously achievable. We‘ve never been in such a Crafts Council of New Zealand. should be sent. teachers who have to spend most of their time healthy situation financially Distribution: At Symposium I, Helen Kelley was a price- at unrelated iobs. Ifyou’re not happywith the the Propaganda, CPO Box 582, Auckland I. less lesson in how to teach (not what to teach) answers you're getting, try to ask the right In all the push for efficiency, the editorial content has remained and that it’s OK to flub your words and drop questions before you conclude that the class priority. We have continued to expand stories to include the widest ; the World Series of craft, design and visual art. Through the In Brief things once in a while. Dorothy Clarke taught is a waste. Even at Houston, possible range T Crafts Council of New Zealand. me how to make a box, and frantically of high-level competition, there is a refund Some aspects of Muriel’s life are not so section, we are trying to give an impression of the depth of craft activi— Executive: adding my absolute beginner’s notes to her policy for classes that receive multiple, well- well-known, but have played a significant ties in this country, not just at the highest exhibition level, but at President: John Scott, IOI Putiki Drive, handouts taught me how to write instructions illustrated complaints. If you are seriously part in the lives of a number of young artists. level too. You can submit news items for this section at any Wanganui, 06 345 0997(W), recreational 06 345 692I(H). VicePresidents: Dave not the — craft that even a klutz like me will understand the dissatisfied, talk to the organisers, Known only to her closest friends are her time. Such items should be short and must include a photograph Russell, I74 Balmoral Dr, Invercargill. next day. A third class taught me never to try grapevine. enormous generosity in assisting young is a visual medium after all. 03 2I 8 9685. David McLeod, Harrington and turn around and in helping them to get Point Rd, 2R.D., Dunedin 03 478 0635. to take a master workshop Regarding the pressure felt to excel in class people financially, pages we are trying to encourage writers to Through the Review IO Richardson and teach what I learned.
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