US 2015O125571 A1 (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2015/0125571 A1 PURKAYASTHA et al. (43) Pub. Date: May 7, 2015 (54) FERMENTED DAIRY PRODUCTS Related U.S. Application Data CONTAINING SWEETENER AND FLAVOR MODIFIER DERVED FROM STEVA AND (60) Provisional application No. 61/881,030, filed on Sep. METHODS OF PRODUCING SAME 23, 2013. (71) Applicant: PURECIRCLE USA INC., Oak Brook, Publication Classification IL (US) (51) Int. Cl. (72) Inventors: Siddhartha PURKAYASTHA, A23C 9/13 (2006.01) Lombard, IL (US): Avetik A23C 9/23 (2006.01) MARKOSYAN, Yerevan (AM); Marcia (52) U.S. Cl. PETIT, Chicago, IL (US); Kristina CPC ............... A23C 9/1307 (2013.01); A23C 9/123 CHKHAN, Kuala Lumpur (MY): (2013.01) Mariam ADAMYAN, Bandar Enstek (MY) (57) ABSTRACT Sweetener compositions including mainly highly purified (21) Appl. No.: 14/494,322 Steviol glycosides, and methods for making and using these compositions as a Sweetener to Sweeten fermented dairy (22) Filed: Sep. 23, 2014 products, are described. Patent Application Publication May 7, 2015 Sheet 1 of 4 US 2015/O125571 A1 Effect of sweeteners on yogurt sensory profile 3:38 s 8::it: 3. Ai:388 3:8:3: Patent Application Publication May 7, 2015 Sheet 2 of 4 US 2015/O125571 A1 Fig.2 Whitemass Evaluation Sugar Control Sweet intensity Creaminess Sourness 8% Sugar control before : incubation : Bitterness : : Bitter 8.8% Sugar control after incubation Aftertaste : Sweet Aftertaste Overaiking FG. 3 Whitemass Evaluation Alpha/SG-95 Sweet intensity Creaminess Sourness 200/300 ppm Alpha/SG 95 before incubation Bitterness Bitter Aftertaste 200/300 ppm Alpha/SG 95 after incubation : Sweet Aftertaste Overal Liking Patent Application Publication May 7, 2015 Sheet 3 of 4 US 2015/O125571 A1 . » : 3. &aaaaaaaa. Patent Application Publication May 7, 2015 Sheet 4 of 4 US 2015/O125571 A1 is * * * * . s : w : *ss sississississis. A ::::: : s *::::: :::::::: US 2015/O125571 A1 May 7, 2015 FERMENTED DARY PRODUCTS of carbohydrate residues at the C13 and C19 positions. The CONTAINING SWEETENER AND FLAVOR leaves of Stevia are able to accumulate up to 10-20% (on dry MODIFIER DERVED FROM STEVA AND weight basis) Steviol glycosides. The major glycosides found METHODS OF PRODUCING SAME in Stevia leaves are Rebaudioside A (2-10%), Stevioside (2-10%), and Rebaudioside C (1-2%). Other glycosides such BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION as Rebaudioside B, D, E, and F. M(RebX), Steviolbioside and 0001 1. Field of the Invention rubusoside are found at much lower levels (approx. 0-0.2%). 0002 The present invention relates generally to Sweetener 0006 Steviol glycosides differ from each other not only by compositions comprising mainly highly purified Steviol gly molecular structure, but also by their Sweetness intensity and cosides and methods for making and using them as a Sweet taste quality or properties as shown in the Table 1 (Reference: ener to Sweeten fermented dairy products. In particular, the PCT/US2012/030210). TABLE 1. Steviol Glycoside Molecules and their sweetening Sweetening power Steviol glycosides R1 (C-19) R2 (C-13) relative to sucrose Taste Quality Stevioside (G3) B-Glc B-Glc-B-Glc(2-1) 150-300 O Rebaudioside A (G4) B-Glc B-Glc-B-Glc(2-1)- 200-400 +2 B-Glc(3-1) Rebaudioside B (G3) H B-Glc-B-Glc(2-1)- 300-350 O B-Glc(3-1) Rebaudioside C (G4) B-Glc B-Glc-C-Rha (2-1)- SO-120 -1 B-Glc(3-1) Rebaudioside D (G5) B-Glc-B-Glc(2-1) B-Glc-B-Glc(2-1)- 200-300 +3 B-Glc(3-1) Rebaudioside E (G4) B-Glc-B-Glc(2-1) B-Glc-B-Glc(2-1) 2SO-300 +1 Rebaudioside F (G4) B-Glc B-Glc-B-Xyl(2-1)- Na Na B-Glc(3-1) Rubusoside(G2) B-Glc B-Glc 110 -2 Steviolmonoside(G1) H B-Glc Na Na Steviolbioside(G2) H B-Glc-B-Glc(2-1) 100-12S -3 DulcosideA (G3) B-Glc B-Glc-C-Rha (2-1) SO-120 -2 *G# means number of carbohydrate residue (mainly glucose) present invention relates to different Sweetener compositions 0007. However, even in a highly purified state, Steviol derived from Stevia extracts comprising non-caloric or low glycosides still possess undesirable taste attributes such as caloric natural high-potency Sweetener and glucosylated Ste bitterness, sweet aftertaste, licorice flavor, etc. One of the viol glycosides as a flavor modifier. The present invention main obstacles for the Successful commercialization of Stevia also relates to Sweetener compositions and method to incor sweeteners are these undesirable taste attributes. It was shown porate the Sweetener in dairy application that can improve the that these flavor notes become more prominent as the con taste of the reduced Sugar dairy products by imparting a more centration of steviol glycosides increases (Prakash I. DuBois Sugar-like taste or characteristic. In particular, the Sweetener G. E., Clos J. F., Wilkens K. L., Fosdick L. E. (2008) Devel compositions and methods provide a more Sugar-like tempo opment of Rebiana, a natural, non-caloric Sweetener. Food ral profile in dairy applications. Chem. Toxicol., 46, S75-S82.). 0003 2. Description of the Related Art 0008. The glucosylated Steviol glycosides (GSG) can be made by attaching additional glucose units to Steviol glyco 0004. Nowadays sugar alternatives are receiving increas side molecules by selected enzyme(s). The GSG molecules ing attention due to awareness of many diseases in conjunc show improved Sweetness profile with significant improve tion with consumption of high-calorie foods and beverages. ment of non-sweet taste (U.S. Pat. Nos. 4,219,571, 7,838,044, Consumers are also looking for natural ingredients in their and 7,807.206). Depending on the degree of glucosylation food and beverages, thus non-caloric Sweeteners of natural (number of glucose units added), the Sweetness intensity can origin are becoming increasingly popular. The Sweet herb be significantly reduced and GSG can act as a flavor modifier Stevia Rebaudiana Bertoni produces a number of diterpene and enhances sweetness profile (Glucosylated Steviol Glyco glycosides which feature high intensity Sweetness and sen sides as flavor modifiers, US Patent application, PCT/ sory properties Superior to those of many other high potency US2011/033737, FEMA GRAS 26, FEMAH4728). SWeetenerS. 0009. If the taste profile of high-potency sweeteners 0005. The above-mentioned sweet glycosides, have a (HPS) could be modified to impart desired taste characteris common aglycon, Steviol, and differ by the number and type tics, it can contribute to taste characteristics in low calorie US 2015/O125571 A1 May 7, 2015 food products that are more desirable for consumers. This process is critical to achieve the desired taste and Sweetness invention combines different natural Sweeteners, especially profile. This innovation, in part, also pertains to the process to Stevia sweeteners in certain proportion to provide better and prepare fermented milk products sweetened with Stevia rounded sweetness profile with limited non-sweet taste pro Sweetener, where addition of Sweetener during the process is file. This invention also show that when blend of such sweet critical to achieve the consistent taste and Sweetness profile eners is combined with very small amount of GSG, which over the shelf life. acts as a flavor modifier, an unexpectedly rich and rounded Sweetness profile is achieved in food applications, particu SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION larly in fermented dairy products like yogurt. 0010 Yogurt is made from milk and bacterial culture 0014. The present invention is aimed to overcome the dis added with sugars, stabilizers, fruits and flavors. The com advantages of existing Stevia Sweeteners in fermented dairy mercial manufacturing process includes standardizing formulation. The present invention is directed to a taste and (modifying) the composition of and pasteurizing the milk; flavor profile improving composition. The invention fermenting at warm temperatures; cooling to develop struc describes blends of selected Steviol glycosides at a certain ture (white mass); stirring the white mass and adding fruit, ratios for producing a high purity food ingredient from the Sugar and other ingredients. Raw milk composition is stan extract of the Stevia Rebaudiana Bertoni plant and use thereof dardized to get total solid content around 16% with 1-5% fat in various fermented or cultured dairy products as a Sweetness and 11-14% solids-not-fat (SNF). The compositional goal is and flavor modifier. Non-limiting examples of fermented or achieved by removing milk fat and either by evaporating cultured dairy products include cheese, yogurt, yogurt drink, excess water or by adding milk Solid or concentrated milk. acidophilus milk, sour creme, buttermilk, lassi, kefir, kumis, After standardization, stabilizers are added and milk is pas vili, filmjolk, creme cheese, amasi, leben, calpis, Smetana, teurized, which involves heating the milk to a relatively high ayran, clabber, dadhia, and other similar cultured dairy prod temperature and holding it there for a set amount of time. The uctS. milk is then homogenized to break the fat globules to smaller 0015 The invention, in part, pertains to an ingredient com size and then cooled down to 43-46° C. before adding fer prising Steviol glycosides of Stevia Rebaudiana Bertoni mentation culture. The inoculated milk is held at warm tem plant. The Steviol glycosides are selected from the group perature for several hours to reach desired lactic acid level consisting of stevioside, Rebaudioside A, Rebaudioside B, with minimum acidity of 0.9% and pH about 4.4. The yogurt Rebaudioside C, Rebaudioside D, Rebaudioside E. Rebau is cooled to achieve the firmer texture. For flavored yogurt, dioside F, dulcoside A, Steviolbioside, rubusoside, as well as flavors, fruit prep or Sweeteners are added to prepared yogurt other steviol glycosides found in Stevia Rebaudiana Bertoni mixing thoroughly, then packaged and stored in refrigerated plant and mixtures thereof.
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